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Simpsons Wiki
Only a picture of this character is shown in The Simpsons Uncensored Family Album. No other information is available. Please do not invent information such as an age. People who invent information about this character may be blocked.

Pépé Bouvier is Marge Simpson's paternal grandfather.


Photograph in merchant marine uniform

He was the only son of Françoise and Antoine, the late father of Clancy Bouvier, Chester Bouvier, Charlene Bouvier, JoJo Bouvier, and Herman Bouvier, the late paternal grandfather of Patty, Selma, Marge Bouvier, and Arthur, the posthumous maternal great-grandfather of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson on their late maternal grandfather's side, the posthumous adoptive maternal great-grandfather of Ling, the late father-in-law of Jacqueline Bouvier (the Simpson siblings' maternal grandmother and Homer's mother-in-law), and also the posthumous grandfather-in-law of Homer Simpson on his late father-in-law's side.


