Felix Nash is the main antagonist of the 1990 film, Ernest Goes to Jail, the fourth installment of the Ernest film series. He is the evil doppelganger of the titular protagonist, Ernest P. Worrell, and a death row inmate seeking to take over Ernest's life, free to commit whatever crime he wants while Ernest takes the electric chair for him.
Like Ernest, he too was portrayed by the late Jim Varney.
What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]
- He was introduced abandoning one of his minions, Rubin, to be arrested by the police despite his pleas for help, only arranging for him to be acquitted just for his own self-benefit.
- When Eddie owed him money, Felix made a very explicit threat of genital torture as he had Lyle move heavy weights near Eddie's crotch and crushed it underneath the weight, reducing Eddie to tears as he fearfully promised to bring the money by the end of the day.
- He forced Ernest, an innocent man, to take his place in execution by threatening to kill all of his loved ones.
- Having developed a lust for Ernest's girlfriend, Charlotte, he attempted to force a kiss on her before outright trying to rape her.
- He tied Charlotte and the security guards in Howard County Bank and Trust to a bomb so that he can rob the place, taunting them on how he arranged for their close friend Ernest to die in his place in the electric chair.
- He threatened the police officers to hand Charlotte over to be his hostage, holding her at gunpoint.
- Unlike most of the characters in the Ernest series, barring a few slapstick scenes that only occur whenever Felix interacts with the very comedic and outlandish Ernest, Felix is taken dead seriously that sticks out from the rest of the series, with all the jokes dying the moment he decides to plot something.
- While Trantor does worse, Felix is a single man compared to Trantor who is a magical troll.
- He and Trantor are the only villains in the Ernest series to be Pure Evil.
External Links[]
- Felix Nash on the Villain Wiki
Pure Evils | ||
See Also |