Pure Evil Wiki

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Pure Evil Wiki
Pure Evil Wiki
           Star Wars logo Pure Evils

Disney Canon
Darth Momin | Darth Sidious

Galactic Republic
Chancellor Palpatine | Captain/Admiral Tarkin | Pong Krell | Lieutenant Orson Krennic

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Darth Sidious | General Grievous | Wat Tambor | Dr. Nuvo Vindi | Keeper Agruss | Riff Tamson

Galactic Empire
Emperor Palpatine | Grand Moff Tarkin | Director Orson Krennic | Moff Gideon

First Order/Sith Eternal
Emperor Palpatine

Legends Canon
Dr. Cornelius Evazan | Sel-Makor | Countess Rajine | Emperor Palpatine | Cronal | King Terak | Ysanne Isard | Darth Krayt | Exar Kun | Vitiate | Onimi | Kul Teska | Denzone Qua | Karness Muur | Zalem | IG-88

Other Continuities
Izuma | Stormtrooper Commander (Star Wars Visions)

Unpublished works

Knights of the Old Republic Movie Saga: Vitiate

Other: Emperor Palpatine (What if Order 66 Failed?)