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The Zeo Megazord is the main Megazord of the Zeo Rangers in Power Rangers Zeo.
Zeo Megazord battle helmet 5
Usually in Warrior Mode with the Zeo V Battle Helmet, the Zeo Megazord can don helmets from the other four Zeo Zords as well. It was armed with the Zeo Megazord Saber, which could charge up for an energy slash. The Zeo Megazord presumably remains in storage in the Zeo Zord holding bay.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 3-9, 12, 13, 16-18, 20, 21, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 39, 46-49
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Zeo Zords[]
The Zeo Zords are the first set of Zords used by the Power Rangers Zeo. Billy Cranston and Alpha 5 worked on these new Zords, which were based on creatures and structures from ancient Earth mythology. It was mentioned that they were created from old Zords; likely the remains of the Dino Megazord/Thunder Megazord, White Tigerzord, Dragonzord, Tor the Shuttlezord, and Titanus (as they lost access to the Ninja Megazord and Shogun Megazord). They were never destroyed and are likely still laying dormant in the Zeo Zord hangar on Earth.
Zeo Zord I[]
See also: MoaLoader
Piloted by Katherine, it was based on the Moai. It had a powerful cannon on top and five missile launchers on each side. It was usually pulled into battle by Zeo Zord III. Formed the right lower leg of the Zeo Megazord; the top-mounted cannon formed the Zeo I Battle Helmet.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 3-9, 12, 13, 16-18, 21, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 39, 47, 49
Zeo Zord II[]
See also: DoguRander
Piloted by Tanya, it was based on the Dogu (a kind of Japanese figurine). It had two top-mounted blasters and a pair of swiveling cannons, one on each side. It was usually pulled into battle by Zeo Zord IV. Formed the left lower leg of the Zeo Megazord; the top-mounted blaster apparatus formed the Zeo II Battle Helmet.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 3-9, 12, 13, 16-18, 21, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 39, 47, 49
Zeo Zord III[]
See also: DashLeon
Piloted by Rocky, it was based on the Sphinx. It had sharp teeth and two laser guns on its forehead. Formed the arms and upper torso of the Zeo Megazord; its mane formed the Zeo III Battle Helmet.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 3-9, 12, 13, 16-18, 21, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 39, 47, 49
Zeo Zord IV[]
See also: GranTaurus
Piloted by Adam, it was based on Taurus the Bull. It launched lightning bolts from the tips of its horns and could crush opponents with its' hooves. Formed hips and upper legs of the Zeo Megazord; its head formed the Zeo IV Battle Helmet.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 3-9, 12, 13, 16-18, 21, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 39, 47, 49
Zeo Zord V[]
See also: SkyPhoenix
Piloted by Tommy, it was based on the Phoenix. It could fly, fire lasers, and carried the Defender Wheel vehicle aboard (launching it as needed). Formed the head and back of the Zeo Megazord; the lower tail feathers formed the Zeo V Battle Helmet - the Zeo Megazord's default helmet.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 3-9, 12, 13, 16-18, 21, 22, 24, 26-28, 30-32, 39, 47, 49
Additional Formations[]
The Zeo Megazord enters different modes depending on which helmet it wears. The helmets give these powers:
Zeo Megazord with Zeo I Battle Helmet[]
Zeo Megazord battle helmet 1
Zeo I Battle Helmet: Cannon Mode - A large cannon on its head fires powerful blasts of energy. Also capable of spinning and creating a pink cyclone to hit monsters with.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 4, 7, 17, 26, 47
Zeo Megazord with Zeo II Battle Helmet[]
Zeo Megazord battle helmet 2
Zeo II Battle Helmet: Rocket Mode - This helmet had a pair of side-mounted laser cannons that shot fast, powerful shots. It could also be used as rocket boosters in space. The helmet also allowed the Megazord to perform a powered kick attack.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 4, 8, 17, 18, 21, 47
Zeo Megazord with Zeo III Battle Helmet[]
Zeo Megazord battle helmet 3
Zeo III Battle Helmet: Pyramid Mode - This helmet gave the Megazord telekinesis. It could use a blue beam to lift up and slam Machine Monsters into the ground repeatedly. Also capable of firing a blue laser.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 4, 6, 13, 47
Zeo Megazord with Zeo IV Battle Helmet[]
Zeo Megazord battle helmet 4
Zeo IV Battle Helmet: Gravity Mode - This helmet possessed a pair of long horns that were used to batter the enemy into submission. It is also capable of neutralizing gravity fields around the Megazord. Also fires green lightning bolts.
Appearances: Zeo Episodes 4, 8, 13, 16, 20, 47
Behind the Scenes[]
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Legendary Ranger Devices[]

Zeo Megazord Dino Charger
The Zeo Megazord represents the Zeo Rangers for the Zeo Dino Charger, released as part of Dino Charger Power Pack Series 3 with each charger depicting four pictures. In Zeo's case, it featured Zeo Ranger V Red, the Gold Zeo Ranger, the Zeo Megazord, and the Zeo title. This Charger was paired with the Operation Overdrive Dino Charger.
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Power Rangers Zeo
- Episode 3: The Shooting Star (first appearance)
- Episode 4: Target Rangers
- Episode 5: For Cryin' Out Loud
- Episode 6: Rangers in the Outfield
- Episode 7: Every Dog Has His Day
- Episode 8: The Puppet Blaster
- Episode 9: Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers
- Episode 12: Instrument of Destruction
- Episode 13: Mean Screen
- Episode 16: There's No Business Like Snow Business, Part II
- Episode 17: There's No Business Like Snow Business, Part III
- Episode 18: Inner Spirit
- Episode 20: Found and Lost
- Episode 21: Brother, Can You Spare an Arrowhead?
- Episode 22: Trust in Me (Zeo Zord V only)
- Episode 24: Bulk Fiction
- Episode 25: Song Sung Yellow (mentioned only)
- Episode 26: Game of Honor
- Episode 27: The Power of Gold
- Episode 28: A Small Problem
- Episode 30: Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise
- Episode 31: Rock-A-Bye Power Rangers
- Episode 32: Do I Know You?
- Episode 34: A Golden Homecoming (mentioned only)
- Episode 39: The Ranger Who Came in from the Gold
- Episode 46: Another Song and Dance
- Episode 47: Rangers of Two Worlds, Part I
- Episode 48: Rangers of Two Worlds, Part II
- Episode 49: Hawaii Zeo (final appearance)
Power Rangers Turbo
- Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (indirect mention)
See Also[]
- Choriki Gattai Ohranger Robo - Super Sentai counterpart in Ohranger. See comparison page.