Icon-akibarangerThis article is about a vehicle/robo in Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger and Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Season 2.Icon-akibaranger2

The Machine Itashar (マシンイタッシャー Mashin Itasshā) is the Akibarangers' red Z-Cune Aoi-decorated Itashar Toyota Prius.[1]

It can transform into the Itashar Robo (イタッシャーロボ Itasshā Robo), achieved through "Unofficial Transformation" by playing a Z-Cune Aoi CD on the car stereo at full blast.. Since it transforms from a normal car, its' size is nowhere near that of the official Super Sentai robos. To control the robot, a large portion of "Delusion Power" is needed. When not in use, Itashar is parked in the Tenant Building that houses the Himitsu Kichi Sentai Cafe.

Itashar Robo dodges an opponent's attack by performing wotagei and is outfitted with itself with the Ita Launchers (痛ランチャー Ita Ranchā) and the Ita Machine Guns (痛マシンガン Ita Mashin Gan). Once in the real world, Itashar Robo can convert parts of Akihabara into weapons using Delusion Power, such as a Signage Rifle, which can perform the Kanban Bang (カンバンバン Kanban Ban, lit. Signboard Bang) attack, and dual Tsundere Sword (ツンデレソード Tsundere Sōdo).



  • Machine Itashar is named after Itasha (痛車), a subculture of decorating cars with images of fictional characters from anime, manga, or video games.


Icon-akibaranger Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger & Akibaranger Season Tsuu Icon-akibaranger2
Nobuo Akagi - Mitsuki Aoyagi - Luna Iwashimizu - Yumeria Moegi
Temporary Akibaranger - Masako Yamada - Takuma Tsuzuki
Imaginary Legends
Deka Red - Bouken Red - Red Hawk - Go-On Red - Shinken Red - Gosei Red - RyuRanger/China Red - Kibaranger/Akiba White - TyrannoRanger/Red Powerful Ranger - DragonRanger/Green Powerful Ranger - Hurricangers - Jetmen - Zyurangers - Dekarangers - Boukengers - Dairangers - Yellow 4 - Time Fire - AbareKiller
Season 1:

MMZ-01 Moe Moe Z-Cune - Deka Wappa - Bouken Scooper - Jet Winger - Ludicrous Cannon - Go-On Flag - Shinken Brush - Gosei Microphone

Season Tsuu: Dairen Bomber - Zyuren Buckler - Hurricanger Ball - Ludicrous Bazooka - MMZ-02 Munyu Munyu Zubaan - Ludicrous Cannon Bazooka
Hiroyo Hakase - Kozukozu Mita - Sayaka Honiden - Aoi Ichikawa - Tazuko - Seiji Takaiwa - Kazuo Niibori - Yoshinori Okamoto
Mecha and Robos
Machine Itasha - Itasha Boy
Main Villains
Saburo Hatte - ©Na - Delu-Knight - Droans
Blatantly Evil Marketing Firm B
Doctor Z
Chief Clerks
Shibuyaseitakaawadachisohidenagaaburamushi - Shibuyakozorinahigenagaaburamushi - Kabukichomesugurohyomoncho - Monzennakachohashibiroko - Shimokitazawahoya - Yoyogisujibokehashirigumo - Tsukishimaalpaca - Asakusaalpaca - Drill Cyclops - Kameari Alpaca
Neo Dimensional Brain Reconstructive Underground True Empire of Baros lol
Tsu Shogun - Oneeders
Chief Clerk Blu-Ray - Chief Editor HVD - Smapho Monger - Kunimasmaphogany - Yuru-Chara Dimension - Hadezukin - Mutoumushite - Coelacanth Canth
Other Villains
Prism Ace
Imaginary Sentai Villains
Phantom Spy Vanculia - Long - Yaiba of Darkness