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- "Ah ha ha ha! A whole city to destroy and not a Power Ranger in sight. Ah ha ha ha ha! Oh, this is going to reflect well on me! Now, I think I'll start with...that one!"
- ―The Mirror Maniac's first words upon returning to Earth and blasting a building in Angel Grove with some kind of ray.[src]
- "Ah ha ha ha ha! It's...showtime!"
- ―The Mirror Maniac upon being enlarged.[src]
- "What?! Impossible! You should be cinders by now! Time to put a finish to you!"
- ―The Mirror Maniac after the Thunder Megazord was completely unfazed by his energy blasts and his final words before his destruction.[src]
Mirror broken
Mirror Maniac was a mirror monster who served as the main antagonist of the episode "Beauty and the Beast".

After Goldar kidnaps Kimberly to be Lord Zedd's wife, Mirror Maniac is created by Lord Zedd from the small mirror that Tommy gave as a gift to Kimberly, which she had dropped upon being ambushed.
Mirror Maniac is assigned to destroy the other Power Rangers. He first appears in a street and is excited to impress Zedd before making a building shake and going to the park to cause more chaos.
The Power Rangers regroup at Angel Grove Park, where they have since been joined by Jason, who had been with his uncle at Bass Lake. They confront the monster but he summons Putties to aid him and Zedd uses a Growth Bomb to enlarge him after they are defeated, smashing the mirror on his front in the process.
Despite that, Mirror Maniac is unfazed, and the Rangers summon the Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord. The monster fires an energy sphere but the Megazord is unaffected. Enraged, he charges at it but is overpowered by two slashes from the Thunder Saber and then finished off with its triple energy slash. After his destruction, the mirror reforms in Angel Grove Park.
Mirror Maniac was cunning and brave enough to fight the Thunder Megazord with his bare hands. He was fun loving and spent a lot of time laughing with joy, although he was quick to anger which led him to his demise.
Powers and Abilities
- Mirror Wave: Mirror Maniac was able to gesture his arms and fire blue energy waves out of his mirror face. He did this to a building but what this actually did is completely unclear.
- Mirror Energy Blast: Mirror Maniac's signature attack where he charged up the mirror on his face with rainbow-white energy and transferred it into his hands, forming an energy sphere which he would then throw forth. This attack caused large explosions but had no effect on the Thunder Megazord.
- Z-Putty Summoning: Mirror Maniac was able to summon Zedd's special brand of Putties to aid him in battle.
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- Fists: Mirror Maniac had no weapons of his own but had large balled fists to try and bash his enemies with.
Behind the Scenes
- Just like many other characters, Mirror Maniac was voiced by the late Tom Wyner.
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See Also
- Mirror Make-Up Artist - Super Sentai counterpart in Dairanger. See comparison page.