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This is a list of all evil Power Rangers throughout the Power Rangers universe.
A common villainous tactic seen throughout the history of the Power Rangers franchise is the creation of a team of evil Power Rangers. Some are doppelgangers or clones and some are good Rangers turned evil. The Mutant Rangers, Psycho Rangers, and A-Squad Rangers are the only evil Rangers that are copies of their rival teams. This list includes these groups.
Main Evil Power Rangers
Note: The following Power Rangers were originally evil by choice.
Note: The following Evil Power Rangers stole the powers or transformation devices of the original Rangers to transform.
Debatable Evil Power Rangers
Evil Ranger Clones
Evil Rangers Turned Good
Note: The following Power Rangers were originally evil by choice.
Note: The following Power Rangers were brainwashed or otherwise forced to become evil against their will.

Note: The following Rangers pretended to be evil or acted as villains for ulterior motives that were good.
Ranger Body/Mind Switched
Evil Alternate Reality Rangers
Ranger Imitations
Evil Ranger Teams
List of Known Evil Power Rangers
The evil Power Rangers, listed in chronological/production order.
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Season 1
- Tommy Oliver (Mighty Morphin' Green Ranger) (turned good)
TV STORY-Green with Evil
- Evil Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
- Twin Man (Evil Red Ranger)
- Zack Putty Patroller (Evil Black Ranger)
- Billy Putty Patroller (Evil Blue Ranger)
- Trini Putty Patroller (Evil Yellow Ranger)
- Kimberly Putty Patroller (Evil Pink Ranger)
- Mutant Rangers (Putty Patrollers)
TV STORY-Mighty Morphin' Mutants
- Commander Crayfish
- Crayfish took the place of the Putty Patroller that would have become the Red Mutant Ranger but was sent back to Finster's clay pot by Goldar for clumsiness along with the Red Badge of Darkness.
- Green Mutant Ranger
- Blue Mutant Ranger
- Yellow Mutant Ranger
- Black Mutant Ranger
- Pink Mutant Ranger
- Commander Crayfish
Season 2
- Primator
- Dark Rangers (turned good)
TV STORY-Green No More
- Justin (Red Dark Ranger)
- Bobby (Blue Dark Ranger)
- Zane (Black Dark Ranger)
- Tina (Yellow Dark Ranger)
- Kristen (Pink Dark Ranger)
- Tom Oliver (turned good)
TV STORY-Return of the Green Ranger
- Billy Cranston (turned out to be a clone)
TV STORY-Blue Ranger Gone Bad
Season 3
- Blue Globbor
- Katherine Hillard (became evil before becoming a Ranger)
Power Rangers Zeo
- Tommy Oliver (Red Zeo Ranger V)(brainwashed into becoming evil, later recovered)
TV STORY-King for a Day
Power Rangers Turbo
- Kimberly Ann Hart & Jason Lee Scott (not Rangers at the time but still turned evil when sacrificed to Maligore in Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie)
- Turbo Shadow Rangers (sans Red Ranger) (created by intercepting and draining the morphing energies of the Turbo Rangers' Turbo Morphers)
TV STORY-Shadow Rangers (episode)
- Blue Senturion (brainwashed into evil but later recovered)
- Crash & the Creeps
Power Rangers In Space
- Ashley Hammond (Yellow Space Ranger) (was forced to switch bodies with Astronema)
TV STORY-Invasion of the Body Switcher
- Psycho Rangers
- Psycho Red
- Psycho Blue
- Psycho Black
- Psycho Yellow
- Psycho Pink
- Psycho Silver (turned out to be a fake)
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
- Kai Chen (Blue Galaxy Ranger) (while under the control of Deviot)
- Damon Henderson (Green Galaxy Ranger) (while under the control of Deviot)
- Psycho Rangers
TV STORY-To the Tenth Power
TV STORY-The Power of Pink
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
- Cyborg Rangers
- Red Cyborg Ranger
- Blue Cyborg Ranger
- Yellow Cyborg Ranger
- Green Cyborg Ranger
- Pink Cyborg Ranger
- Ryan Mitchell (Lightspeed Titanium Ranger) (started off evil but turned good)
Power Rangers Time Force
- Eric Myers (Quantum Time Force Ranger) (not strictly evil and technically an anti-hero, but he challenged Wesley Collins to a battle)
- Jen Scotts (turned evil, then back to good)
- Evil Power Rangers Time Force
- Evil Red Time Force Ranger
- Evil Blue Time Force Ranger
- Evil Green Time Force Ranger
- Evil Yellow Time Force Ranger
- Evil Pink Time Force Ranger
- Miracon
Power Rangers Wild Force
- Zen-Aku (technically not an evil Ranger, but was merged with Merrick Baliton)
- Wild Force Shadow Rangers (created by Onikage)
- Red Lion Wild Force Shadow Ranger
- Yellow Eagle Wild Force Shadow Ranger
- Blue Shark Wild Force Shadow Ranger
- Black Bison Wild Force Shadow Ranger
- White Tiger Wild Force Shadow Ranger
- Lunar Wolf Wild Force Shadow Ranger
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
- Ninja Storm Thunder Rangers (turned good)
- Hunter Bradley (Crimson Ninja Storm Thunder Ranger)
- Blake Bradley (Navy Ninja Storm Thunder Ranger)
- Tori Hanson (turned out to be a clone made by Copybot)
TV STORY-Beauty and the Beach
- Evil Ninja Rangers (minus Tori's counterpart)
TV STORY-The Wild Wipeout
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
- Trent Fernandez (White Dino Thunder Ranger) (started off evil upon bonding with the White Dino Gem before finally being turned good)
- White Dino Ranger clone (created from the evil encoding in the White Dino Gem by Copyotter before his death and was later destroyed by the original when the Morphing Grid became unbalanced)
- Tommy's previous Power Ranger forms (not strictly evil, but they each challenged him to a battle as a test)
- Red Zeo Ranger V
- Mighty Morphin' White Ranger
- Mighty Morphin' Green Ranger
- Ninja Storm Wind Rangers (turned evil by Lothor, then back to good)
TV STORY-Thunder Storm
- Shane Clarke (Red Ninja Storm Wind Ranger)
- Tori Hanson (Blue Ninja Storm Wind Ranger)
- Dustin Brooks (Yellow Ninja Storm Wind Ranger)
Power Rangers S.P.D.
- Schuyler "Sky" Tate (Blue B-Squad Ranger) (forced to switch bodies with Wootox and stay good until Commander Anubis Cruger and R.I.C. detected the switch, then turned back)
TV STORY-Recognition
- Sydney "Syd" Drew (Pink B-Squad Ranger) (turned evil and back to good)
- S.P.D. A-Squad Rangers (turned evil, the only team to date to do so of their own free will without brainwashing or otherwise)
- Charlie (A-Squad Red Ranger)
- A-Squad Blue Ranger
- A-Squad Green Ranger
- A-Squad Yellow Ranger
- A-Squad Pink Ranger
Power Rangers Mystic Force
- Vida Rocca (good turned evil, then back to good)
TV STORY-Stranger Within
- Leanbow (Koragg) (turned good)
- Evil Power Rangers Mystic Force
TV STORY-Light Source
- Nick Russell (as Koragg)
TV STORY-Heir Apparent
Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
- Evil Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
- Sentinel Knight (Brainwashed by the Fearcats)
Power Rangers Jungle Fury
- Spirit Rangers (turned good)
- Camille (reformed)
- Jarrod (reformed)
Power Rangers RPM
- Dillon (RPM Ranger Operator Series Black) (turned evil, then back to good)
TV STORY-Brother's Keeper
Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai
- Kevin (Blue Samurai Ranger) (turned evil by Madimot's powers, then back to good)
TV STORY-I've Got a Spell on Blue
- Mike (Green Samurai Ranger) (traded bodies with Switchbeast, then turned back)
TV STORY-Trading Places
Power Rangers Super Megaforce
- Jake Holling (Super Megaforce Green) (Desolar enter the suit which made him attack his friends)
TV STORY-United as One
- Robo Knight (turned evil by Vrak, then back to good)
TV STORY-Vrak is Back
Power Rangers Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge
- Chase Randall (Dino Charge Black Ranger) (put under a spell by Spellbinder until the spell was broken)
TV STORY-Breaking Black
- Koda (Dino Charge Blue Ranger) (zapped by a stinger from Stingrage which made him attack his friends)
TV STORY-Let Sleeping Zords Lie
- Copy Dino Charge Rangers (minus Red Ranger) (Vivix turned into Rangers by Duplicon)
TV STORY-Double Ranger, Double Danger
- Tyler Navarro (Dino Charge Red Ranger) (went feral as a human T-Rex when his T-Rex Super Charger was corrupted by Heckyl's computer virus, but the Dino Charge Aqua Ranger tried to calm him down by revealing his true identity and the influence reverted him back to good)
TV STORY-Roar of the Red Ranger
- Doomwing (temporarily became the Dino Charge Silver Ranger due to the presence of his good twin Zenowing's soul trapped within him; he was later rendered unable to morph because of their separation and eventually the Silver Energem was retrieved by Zenowing who destroyed him)
TV STORY-Silver Secret
TV STORY-Wings of Danger
- Professor Strickler (when Nightmare used the Switch-Eraser device to switch his body with Zenowing's until the Rangers destroyed it and everybody was brought back to their rightful bodies)
TV STORY-Freaky Fightday
- Tyler Navarro, Riley Griffin, Shelby Watkins, and Chase Randall (turned into evil elves by Heximas with lumps of coal, turned back to good with memories of being Rangers)
TV STORY-Here Comes Heximas
Power Rangers Ninja Steel
- Levi Weston (Gold Ninja Steel Ranger) (put under a spell by Spyclops)
TV STORY-Tough Love
Power Rangers Beast Morphers
- Blaze (avatar) (Cybervillian Blaze)
- Roxy (avatar) (Cybervillian Roxy)
- Robo-Blaze
- Robo-Roxy
- Devon Daniels (turned evil by the Red Fury cells)
- Nate Silva (controlled by Controlatron)
Power Rangers Dino Fury
- Tarrick (Void Knight) (reformed)
- Ollie Akana (magical influence) (dispelled)
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
- Ollie Akana (energy toxification) (purged)
Mighty Morphin Meower Rangers
- Tommmmy rang the doorbell of the base and said that he was there to destroy it. (turned good)
See also
Tommy Oliver -
Karone -
Tommy Oliver/World of the Coinless -
Trent Fernandez-Mercer -
Ollie Akana -
Rita Repulsa/2017 movie -
Tarrick -
Ryan Mitchell
All items (126)
- Eagle Shadow Ranger
- Evil Grid Battleforce Blue Ranger
- Evil Grid Battleforce Rangers
- Evil Grid Battleforce Red Ranger
- Evil Grid Battleforce Yellow Ranger
- Saber-One
- Sabertooth Sentries
- Selena Repulsa
- Shadow Blue Turbo Ranger
- Shadow Green Turbo Ranger
- Shadow Pink Turbo Ranger
- Shadow Yellow Turbo Ranger
- Shark Shadow Ranger
- Shredder
- Spa'ark
- Squatt/2016 comic
- Stanford Winner
- Switchbeast