A dakini is a tantric deity described as an embodiment of enlightened energy that resembles a female. In each of her various guises, she serves as each of the Three Roots. She may be a human guru, a yidam or she may be a protector.
In Japanese Buddhism, dakini are recognized as fox spirits and are also recognized as a goddess called Dakiniten, who is associated with Inari and Daikoku-ten.
"Origin: India. A man-eating yaksini whom Buddha converted. She was adopted into esoteric Buddhism as Dakiniten. She is also connected to the belief in the fox god as the icon of worship Inari Okami. She carries a Cintamani and a sword and rides through the sky on a white fox."
—Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]
"Divine beings found in Tibetan and Buddist doctrines. There name means "she who traverses the sky." It is said they serve the Indian mother goddess Kali and carries the souls of the dead to the sky."
—Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne compendium
Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]
Dakini can only be obtained through fusion. She appears as an enemy variant within Ichigaya's Kagurazaka Zhu Que Caverns gold level, Nakano's Stone Site gold instance, and as an invading mob on Shinagawa field during the weekends when invasion is active.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey[]
"Hindu deities of passion and relations. They are Kali's attendants. They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night. Their name means "sky dancer.""
"Hindu deities of passion and relations. They are Kali's attendants. They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night. Their name means "sky dancer.""
—Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse compendium
Dakini can teach Nanashi the Agidyne, Titanomachia and Dark Sword skills through her Demon Whisper. She benefits from learning Physical, Fire and ailment skills. Just like before, Dakini will still evolve into Kali at level 70.
Shin Megami Tensei V[]
"Hindu deities of passion and relations. They are Kali's attendants. They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night. Their name means "sky dancer.""
"Hindu deities of passion and relations. They are Kali's attendants. They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night. Their name means "sky dancer.""
—Soul Hackers 2 demon info
Dakini is a demon of the Femme race and can be found within the Soul Matrix, in Arrow and Milady's Sector 4F.
Persona 3 Reload[]
"Hindu deities of passion and relations. They are Kali's attendants. They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night. Their name means "sky dancer.""
"Hindu deities of passion and relations. They are Kali's attendants. They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night. Their name means "sky dancer.""
Dakini can be used to pass the High Counter skill on to Seth if the protagonist does not possess a High Counter card during the StrengthConfidant with Caroline and Justine. By leveling up Dakini so that she learns High Counter, she can be fused with Pazuzu (produced by fusing the Lachesis and Neko Shogun from earlier requests) to pass the skill on to Horus, which is one of the ingredients for Seth's advanced fusion.
The Shadow of Hanae Oda will take the form of Dakini during "A Mother's Aggression," a request required to finish the Tower ArcanaConfidant. She can be found in the 11th area of the Path of Adyeshach in Mementos. Shadow Oda will start the battle only using Lullaby and One-shot Kill, but will begin using the other skills as her HP is depleted. She will follow up critical hits on the party with Mudoon. When her HP nears critical, Shadow Oda will begin boosting her attacks by using Charge.
Dakini is now immune to Gun skills and can no longer learn Giant Slice by leveling up, learning Myriad Slashes instead. When itemized with an Electric Chair, Dakini now yields the Tempest Slash Skill Card. During a fusion alarm, Dakini will yield the Myriad Slashes Skill Card instead.
Dakini will act as support to Kali while fighting her at the airport. If the initial Dakini is defeated, then more will be summoned periodically. Dakini primarily focuses on buffing Kali, but may occasionally try to cast Blood Curse onto the party.
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]
"Hindu deities of passion and relations. Their name means "sky dancer" and are Kali's attendants. They eat human flesh and gather at graveyards and crematories each night."