Megami Tensei Wiki

Jubokko is a demon in the series.


Jubokko is a tree spirit that grows in areas where mass amounts of human blood were spilled on the ground, such as battlefields or execution sites. They sucked up so much of this blood that they turned into demons. These trees, having sucked up humans' blood to be born, will bleed when they're cut. They are sturdier than other trees and heal their wounds quickly. It's said that their branches, if obtained with permission, can be used as powerful healing and cleansing items. They may hide among bushes and trees and can organize themselves to make someone lose their way in a forest, through communication.

He is described in the "Yokai encyclopedia" of the cartoonist Mizuki Shigeru. Kyougoku Natsuhiko, Tada Katsumi and Murakami Kenji (a group of yokai researchers) suspect this is an invention of Mizuki Shigeru since they couldn't find traces of this vampiric plant in folklore records, legends and old literature. They could not find the actual source as Mizuki is secretive about his sources.



Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]

"An evil tree that thrives in death grounds, such as battlefields or execution sites. Those who pass by are caught by its branches, and their blood is sucked out for its nourishment."
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army devil chart

Jubokko begins appearing as a random encounter in Kasumidai and Dark Kasumidai.

Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]

"An evil tree that thrives in death grounds, such as battlefields or execution sites. Those who pass by are caught by its branches, and their blood is sucked out for its nourishment."
Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon details

Jubokko is a demon of the Frost Order and begins appearing from the Centipede Road onward.


Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[]

Jubokko Devil Summoner
Race Level HP MP St In Ma Vi Ag Lu
Wood 10 42 27 4 3 7 4 5 4
6 1 Insightful 28 22 28 21 15 11
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - Death - Fire
List of Skills
Venom Claw Magnetic Storm

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers[]

Jubokko DSSH
Race Level HP MP St In Ma En Ag Lu
Wood 10 95 54 5 5 3 6 4 4
3 239 Calm 30 17 48 17 29 12
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - Expel, Death - Fire
List of Skills
Bufu Mabufu

Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]

Order Level HP MP St Ma Vi Lu MAG Cost Investigation
Frost 28 390 288 11 17 9 10 - Cool Down
Confinable Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Yes - - Death Ice, Mind Fire
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Venomstrike Causes light phys damage + poison to a nearby enemy.
Mabufu Moderate Ice damage to all in radius. (Small radius)
Cocytus Light Ice dmg to target, Sluggish after. (Projectile, Tracking)

Order Level HP MP St Ma Vi Lu MAG Cost Investigation
Frost 28 390 288 11 17 9 10 - Cool Down
Confinable Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak
Yes - - Death Ice, Mind Fire
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Venomstrike 4 MP Causes light phys damage + poison to a nearby enemy. Innate
Cocytus 5 MP Light Ice dmg to target, Sluggish after. (Projectile, Tracking) Innate
Null Ice Combo Raidou and demon will null Ice attacks for the duration 29
Ice Resist Passive Reduces Ice damage taken by half. Cancels Weak vs. Ice. 30

Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]

Order Level HP St Ma Vi Lu Conversation Investigation
Frost 23 327 9 16 8 9 Patter Cool Down
Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak Frail
- - Death Ice, Mind - Fire, Elec
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Diarama 22 MAG Moderately restores HP. 1 Ally Innate
Mabufu 12 MAG Medium Ice dmg to an area. Stun: Med 24
Glacial Blast 34 MAG Heavy Piercing multi-hit Ice dmg. Stun: Med 25
Stamina Chakra Passive Boosts Vitality by 3 Max Loyalty


Deity Vishnu - Amon-Ra - Odin - Hachiman - Prometheus - Inti
Megami Anat - Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Brigid - Eruzuli - Scathach - Nakisawame
Enigma Kama - Yarilo - Neko Shogun - Kanbari
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Kartikeya - Seiten Taisei - Triglav - Ogun
Lady Kali - Cybele - Black Maria - Sedna - Hariti - Sekhmet - Kikuri-Hime
Kishin Marici - Bishamonten - Thor - Take-Mikazuchi - Zhong Kui - Tyr - Nagasunehiko - Otogo-Douji
Vile Pales - Tao Tie - Kanaloa - Chemosh - Pachachamac
Reaper Mot - Guedhe - Chernobog - Thanatos - Ixtab
Genma Heimdal - Hanuman - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn -Maui - Jambavan - Ictinike - Khonsu
Yoma Ganesha - Peri - Xiuhtecuhtli - Tengu - Maruts - Shaytan - Agathion
Fairy Oberon - Titania - Spriggan - Lorelei - Domovoi - Jack Lantern - Jack Frost - Kijimunaa - Pixie
Night Hypnos - Succubus - Incubus - Hinoenma - Sandman - Kikimora - Nacht Kobold
Tyrant Chi You - Nergal - Rahu - Loki - Balor
Herald Metatron - Sraosha - Sandalphon - Azrael - Lailah - Victor
Divine Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Abraxas - Botis - Barbatos - Purson - Bifrons - Nisroc - Melchom - Stolas
Dragon Zhu Yin - Ananta - Illuyankas - Patrimpas - Quetzalcoatl
Snake Ouroboros - Yamata no Orochi - Yurlungur - Cuelebre - Naga - Vouivre - Yato no Kami
Drake Vasuki - Mushussu - Python - Basilisk - Uwabami - Asp - Toubyou
Avian Garuda - Yatagarasu - Vidofnir - Phoenix - Hamsa
Flight Roc - Da Peng - Holawaka - Caladrius - Tuofei - Yamachichi - Ba
Raptor Kau - Anzu - Zhen - Stymphalides - Itsumade - Mo Shobow - Bi Fang
Avatar Barong - Ukano Mitama - Chimera - Anubis - Kamapua'a
Holy Sleipnir - Pabilsag - Airavata - Yatsufusa - Apis - Kaichi - Shisa
Beast Cerberus - Ammut - Dawon - Shoujou - Nekomata - Katakirauwa - Hairy Jack - Kabuso
UMA Hare of Inaba - Aerophant - Mamedanuki - Oliver-kun
Wilder Taowu - Catoblepas - Porewit - Nue - Suiko -Afanc - Waira
Jirae Gogmagog - Titan - Oumitsunu - Kwanca - Dwarf - Ribhu - Koropokkuru - Knocker
Brute Yaksha - Berserk - Purski - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Tokepi -Yamawaro- Bogle
Femme Rangda - Dakini - Amazon - Yuki Jyorou - Todomeki - Leanan Sidhe - Yomotsu-Shikome
Jaki Grendel - Girimehkala - Gashadokuro - Ocelot - Asinaga - Tenaga - Ogre
Tree Haoma - Kukunochi - Daphne - Oshira-sama
Wood Es - Zaccoum - Alraune - Mandrake - Jubokko
Element Salamander - Undine - Sylph - Gnome
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Evil Spirits
Haunt Vetala - Kudlak - Dzolob - Enku - Ghoul - Obariyon - Gaki
Undead Patriot - Zombie Cop - Agony - Rastaman - Waxwork - Scare Claw
Spirit Macabre - Legion - Inferno - Torso - Quicksilver - Poltergeist
Foul Doppelgänger - Tattooed Man - Killer Chopper - Hooligan - Slime
Vermin Mothman - Myrmecolion - Okiku-Mushi - Yowie - Ubu
Hero Rama - Guan Di Sheng Gong- Fariedone - Yoshitsune - Jeanne d'Arc
Enemy/Bosses only
Spirit Pisaca
Femme Fuguruma - Strix
Haunt Yakou - Strigoii - Kumbhanda - Tendou
Onryō Platoon Soldier - Inui - Kashiyama - Julia - Speedy - Mikiya
Zōma P Gargantua - Gargantua - Gargantua Q - Gargantua X - Gargantua 8 - Ou-Magatsuhi - Yaso-Magatsuhi - Enoch - David - Leviathan - Skoll
Fiend Sid
Jaki Shiki-Ouji
Foul Orgone Ghost
Tyrant Demiurge
Koki Inaruna
Deity Vishnu - Baal - Odin - Osiris - Lugh - Mahamayuri
Megami Izanami - Anat - Norn - Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Tlazolteotl - Scathach - Fortuna
Enigma Kangiten - Kinmamon - Futotama - Billiken
Entity Alilat - Hachiman - Albion - Ometeotl - Black Maria
Zealot Dionysus - Attis - Aramisaki - Ogun
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Zaou Gongen - Yama - Kartikeya - Seiten Taisei - Tonatiuh
Lady Xi Wangmu - Kali - Cybele - Diana - Hariti - Kushinada - Dzelarhons - Pele
Kishin Marici - Bishamonten - Thor - Futsunushi - Zhong Kui - Tyr - Kotoshironushi - Hitokotonushi
Vile Mada - Pales - Saturnus - Tezcatlipoca - Kanaloa - Pachacamac - Mishaguji
Reaper Mot - Cernunnos - Guedhe - DB Busters - Chernobog - Persephone
Genma Heimdall - Hanuman - Tlaloc - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn -Nata Taishi - Ba Da Wang - Bes
Yoma Valkyrie - Peri - Roitschaggata - Rolwoy - Shiwanna - Maruts - Apsaras - Vodyanik
Fairy Oberon - Titania - Troll - Setanta - Vivian - Leprechaun - Silky - Pyro Jack - Jack Frost - Goblin - Penanggal - Pixie
Night Nyx - Kaiwan - Succubus - Incubus - Black Frost - Wild Hunt - Sand Man - Kikimora - Mokoi
Tyrant Mitra - Nergal - Surt - Loki - Tzitzimitl - Balor - Moloch
Herald Lucifrost - Metatron - Sraosha - Sandalphon - Armaiti - Azrael - Israfel - Melchizedek
Divine Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Murmur - Paimon - Botis - Halphas - Bifrons - Forneus - Nisroc - Shax - Seere
Dragon Vritra - Gucumatz - Illuyankas - Seiryu - Makara
Snake Ouroboros - Orochi - Hoyau Kamui - Mizuchi - Vouivre - Nozuchi - Yato no Kami
Drake Ym - Fafnir - Mushussu - Python - Tuna Roa - Bai Suzhen - Zhu Tun She
Avian Garuda - Suzaku - Yatagarasu - Thunderbird - Phoenix
Flight Da Peng - Rukh - Tangata Manu - Tuofei - Gu Huo Niao - Harpy
Raptor Hresvelgr - Anzu - Camazotz - Gurr - Moh Shuvuu - Onmoraki
Avatar Barong - Kaiming Shou - Anubis - Genbu - Kamapua'a
Holy Sleipnir - Qing Niuguai - Byakko - Airavata - Buraq - Shiisaa - Heqet
Beast Cerberus - Ammut - Orthrus - Kaso - Dormarth - Nekomata - Katakirauwa - Cunhur - Gally Trot
UMA Hare of Inaba - Chupacabra - Kuda - Oliver Zero - Oliver
Wilder Fenrir - Catoblepas - Cabracan - Pellaidh - Jersey Devil -Jueyuan - Chagrin - Hellhound
Jirae Muspell - Gogmagog - Tlaltecuhtli - Duergar - Tenong Cut - Puts - Koropokkuru - Knocker
Brute Yaksa - Shiki-Ouji - Berserker - Nyalmot - Ikusa - Galley Beggar - Dokkaebi - Bilwis - Azumi
Femme Rangda - Volvo - Amazon - Jahi - La Llorona - Leanan Sidhe - Acheri
Jaki Grendel - Girimehkala - Rakshasa - Gashadokuro - Lham Dearg - Wendigo - Ippon-Datara - Gremlin
Element Salamander - Undine - Sylph - Gnome
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Ara Mitama
Evil Spirits
Haunt Vetala - Kudlak - Greyman - Yaka - Churel - Obariyon - Preta
Spirit Wicker Man - Dybbuk - Garrote - Quicksilver - Poltergeist
Undead Cosmo Zombie - Headless Rider - Padlock - Drag Queen - Facebind
Rumor Purple Mirror - Red Cape - Reiko Kashima - Turbo-Granny - Kamiotoko
Tree Haoma - Kukunochi - Mayahuel - Narcissus - Oshira-sama
Wood Erlkonig - Alraune - Skogsra - Shan Xiao - Jubokko
Foul Shadow - Urban Terror - Douman - Mad Gasser - Night Stalker - Slime
Hero Huang Di - Rama - Saladin - Siegfried - Jeanne d'Arc
General Masakado - Longinus - Yoshitsune - Hagen - Lanling Wang
Ranger Frost Five - Milky Frost - Strawberry Frost - Lemon Frost - Melon Frost - B. Hawaii Frost
* Italic - Demon has alternate for the 3DS release.
Pyro Ukobach - Pyro Jack - Orthrus - Oshichi - Sati - Gdon - Throne - Cerberus - Muspell - Belial
Frost Azumi - Jack Frost - Raiho - Jubokko - Oukuninushi - Raja Naga - Tarrasque - Ouyamatsumi - Arahabaki - Orochi
Volt Agathion - Raiju - Tsuchigumo - Oboroguruma - Nue - Parvati - Mishaguji - Oumitsunu - Thor
Wind Poltergeist - Moh Shuvuu - Anzu - Feng Huang - Ichimokuren - Kurama - Hitokotonusi - Power - Sandalphon
Fury Obariyon - Turdak - Oni - Lamia - Chernobog - Yoshitsune - Ikusa - Triglav - Rakshasa - Shouten - Siegfried - Susano-o
Pagan Alp - Mokoi - Lilim - Okiku-Mushi - Ghoul - Alice - Utai-gaikotsu - Nebiros - Gashadokuro - Incubus - Lilith - Beelzebub
Skill Legion - Ippon-Datara - Leanan Sidhe - Nekomata - Thoth - Nagasunehiko - Abihiko - Scathach - Kudan - Futsunushi
Undead Zombie - Zombie Lady - Zombie Officer - Zombie Guard
Pyro Onmoraki - Enku - Ukobach - Pyro Jack - Orthrus - Oshichi - Sati - Gdon - Throne - Cerberus - Muspell - Vritra - Kagutsuchi - Mada - Belial - Asura - Lucifer
Frost Preta - Chou-keshin - Jack Frost - Azumi - Pabilsag - Jubokko - Alraune - Black Ooze - Oukuninushi - Raiho - Raja Naga - Seiryuu - Tarrasque - Ouyamatsumi - Basilisk - Arahabaki - Orochi - Arioch
Volt Koropokkur - Agathion - Makami - Raiju - Tsuchigumo - Nandi - Oboroguruma - Nue - Parvati - Mishaguji - Oumitsunu - Cybele - Thor - Barong - Kohryuu - Astaroth - Vishnu
Wind Poltergeist - Angel - Moh Shuvuu - Archangel - Anzu - Power - Feng Huang - Dominion - Baek Yong - Ichimokuren - Kurama Tengu - Hitokotonusi - Decarabia - Sandalphon - Ophanim - Camael - Metatron
Fury Slime - Obariyon - Turdak - Nezha - Oni - Lamia - Gozuki - Mezuki - Yoshitsune - Chernobog - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Cu Chulainn - Triglav - Rakshasa - Atavaka - Shouten - Siegfried - Fenrir - Susano-o - Mahakala - Shiva - Masakado
Pagan Inugami - Sandman - Alp - Mokoi - Lilim - Okiku-Mushi - Ghoul - Utai-gaikotsu - Jorougumo - Nebiros - Gashadokuro - Incubus - Arachne - Black Frost - Rangda - Mara - Lilith - Mot - Beelzebub
Skill Pixie - Tam Lin - Selket - Blob - Leanan Sidhe - Ippon-Datara - Legion - Nekomata - Thoth - Oberon - Titania - Nagasunehiko - Abihiko - High Pixie - Amatsu Mikaboshi - Scathach - Kudan - Taotie - Futsunushi - Belphegor
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Sylph - Undine
Spirit Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Fiend Binbou-gami - Alice - White Rider - Red Rider - Yakubyou-gami - Black Rider - Pale Rider
Evil Zombie - Lady Zombie - Yomi-Kugutsu - Zombie Officer - Nesting Doll - Hiruko - Zombie Guard - Nesting Skull - Red Cape