Megami Tensei Wiki

Inaruna is the final boss of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner.


(*Note: This is a legend from Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner and has no historical parallels.)
There was a once an incident, or catastrophe/destruction, written in the history of the city of Hirasaka City is a lie initiated by the Yamato dynasty long time ago, during the war against Yamato and the country of Qin, which had a shamanistic matriarchy.

During the war in Hirasaka's field, the Qin country was commanded by the Hata family (who may be the ancestors of the Kuzunoha family) where magic existed. But as well as magic, they also have the ability to use daemons and create daemons of their own. Every generation of the Hata Family could do this.

The Great King of Yamato, Jimmu-Tennoh, under the guidance of the sacred bird Yatagarasu, sought to unify the land. The people of Qin refused to become a part of Yamato, and Jimmu-Tennoh declared war on the tiny country. Inaruna was unable to protect her country from the invading Yamato army, and Jimmu-Tennoh drove the daemons and ogres from the land, along with arresting Inaruna. For daring to stand against Jimmu-Tennoh, she was executed. As she laid dying, she burned her anger onto the world: The sorrow she felt for the people she could not protect, the anger she felt for the people of Yamato for destroying her country, and her own self-loathing.

With this occurring, her spirit did not move on, rampaging across the land of Yamato, destroying people, buildings, animals, mountains, anything that stood in her path. Only the combined forces of Yamato's most powerful were able to seal her away. A city was built atop her seal, and the guardians were appointed to watch over it.

Thousands of years pass, with each passing day Inaruna's hatred of the world grows. The purpose of the guardians fade from memory. It is said she will end the city if reborn.



Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[]

Sid Davis is trying to use ancient magic to revive her, as she is foretold to end the world. To this end, he murdered Kyouji Kuzunoha and the protagonist. Throughout the game, there is an ancient civilization book written by Dr. Azuma that is often quoted. This book was most likely discovered by Sid. In it, it says the history of Inaruna and how to re-summon her.

Sid Davis finds this book, and begins his plot to resurrect her by destroying the seals which hold Inaruna back, but he also needs a vessel for her spirit to be channeled into. He finds one in the form of the last descendant of the Qin royal family: Kumiko Hatano - and the protagonist and Rei are tasked with defeating her and saving Hirasaka City.

After Inaruna is defeated, she thanks the protagonist for freeing her from the unsealed hatred that consumed her and returning her sanity. Afterwards, she leaves Kumiko's body.


Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner[]

Inaruna First Form Sprite
Race Level HP MP St In Ma Vi Ag Lu
Koki 80 2500 999 25 25 25 25 15 15
3-5 210 144 210 144 63 83
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - Expel, Death, Magical, Mind, Bind, Nerve - -
List of Skills
Absolute Zero Thunder Break Cold-Hearted Mistress
Fiore Splendido

Princess inaruna2
Race Level HP MP St In Ma Vi Ag Lu
Koki 100 5000 999 33 33 33 33 22 22
All 266 185 266 185 82 107
Reflects Absorbs Void Resists Weak
- - Expel, Death, Magical, Mind, Bind, Nerve - -
List of Skills
Megidolaon Dekaja Dekunda
Spite Shout Crying Scream Genocide Fist



  • The country of Qin may be an allusion to a community of Chinese Immigrants from China who settled in Japan during the Kofun period. The royal family of the Qin was the Ying Clan (秦), read as Hata in Japanese. In fact the Hata clan of Japan claimed descent from Qin Shi Huang, whose real name was Ying Zheng.
  • If the Hata are indeed the ancestors of the Kuzunoha, it would explain why Tao Tie, one of the Si-Xiong (Four Fiends) of ancient Chinese lore, would be in their possession. Under this assumption, it can be speculated that each of the 4 families of the Kuzunoha would be in possession of one of the Si Xiong.
    • It would also explain why Kyouji Kuzunoha would be in possession of the Seven Star Sword, which Cao Cao used in his attempted assassination of Dong Zhuo at the end of the Han Dynasty.
  • She was originally going to be Princess Takiyasha, the legendary daughter of Taira no Masakado: while the explicit details were changed, Inaruna's character was still influenced by the tales surrounding Takiyasha.[1]


  1. 真・女神転生 デビルサマナー 公式ガイドブック・ファイナル (in Japanese). Aspect. February 1996. ISBN 4-8936-6472-7.

Playable Protagonist - Kyouji Kuzunoha - Rei Reiho
Non-Playable Redman - Kumiko Hatano - Charon - Mary Kisaragi - Dr. Victor - Hideo Momochi - "T-Shirt" Isono - Professor Azuma - Madame Ginko - Mitsuba Sanpei - Chen Jianmin - Colonel Cooper Smith - Mayor Fujiwara - Dr. Thrill - DB Busters

Takashi - Sid Davis - Atsushi Nakagome - Tenzan Tendou - Seichii Yamashiro - Inaruna
Asahi Azuma's House - Casa Inui - Hikawa Shrine
Seaside Park Hospital - Public Library - Museum
Mount Kasagi Mount Kasagi - Kitayama University - Chuang Kasagi
Yarai Amusement Park - Yaraiginza - Kuzunoha Detective Agency - Toa TV Station - Radio Tower - Chinatown
Hibari Hills Kumiko's House - Tenzan Tendou's Mansion
Chuo Police Station - New City Hall - Evil Forest - Inaruna's Tomb
Other Fake Astral Plane - Avīci Hell - Sewer - Alien Dimension - River Styx
Soundtracks Sound File - Special Box Premium Music CD
Terminology Personality - Loyalty - Mystic Change - Alien Dimension - Dolly Kadmon
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items
Deity Vishnu - Amon-Ra - Odin - Hachiman - Prometheus - Inti
Megami Anat - Lakshmi - Pallas Athena - Brigid - Eruzuli - Scathach - Nakisawame
Enigma Kama - Yarilo - Neko Shogun - Kanbari
Fury Shiva - Susano-o - Kartikeya - Seiten Taisei - Triglav - Ogun
Lady Kali - Cybele - Black Maria - Sedna - Hariti - Sekhmet - Kikuri-Hime
Kishin Marici - Bishamonten - Thor - Take-Mikazuchi - Zhong Kui - Tyr - Nagasunehiko - Otogo-Douji
Vile Pales - Tao Tie - Kanaloa - Chemosh - Pachachamac
Reaper Mot - Guedhe - Chernobog - Thanatos - Ixtab
Genma Heimdal - Hanuman - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn -Maui - Jambavan - Ictinike - Khonsu
Yoma Ganesha - Peri - Xiuhtecuhtli - Tengu - Maruts - Shaytan - Agathion
Fairy Oberon - Titania - Spriggan - Lorelei - Domovoi - Jack Lantern - Jack Frost - Kijimunaa - Pixie
Night Hypnos - Succubus - Incubus - Hinoenma - Sandman - Kikimora - Nacht Kobold
Tyrant Chi You - Nergal - Rahu - Loki - Balor
Herald Metatron - Sraosha - Sandalphon - Azrael - Lailah - Victor
Divine Cherub - Throne - Dominion - Virtue - Power - Principality - Archangel - Angel
Fallen Abraxas - Botis - Barbatos - Purson - Bifrons - Nisroc - Melchom - Stolas
Dragon Zhu Yin - Ananta - Illuyankas - Patrimpas - Quetzalcoatl
Snake Ouroboros - Yamata no Orochi - Yurlungur - Cuelebre - Naga - Vouivre - Yato no Kami
Drake Vasuki - Mushussu - Python - Basilisk - Uwabami - Asp - Toubyou
Avian Garuda - Yatagarasu - Vidofnir - Phoenix - Hamsa
Flight Roc - Da Peng - Holawaka - Caladrius - Tuofei - Yamachichi - Ba
Raptor Kau - Anzu - Zhen - Stymphalides - Itsumade - Mo Shobow - Bi Fang
Avatar Barong - Ukano Mitama - Chimera - Anubis - Kamapua'a
Holy Sleipnir - Pabilsag - Airavata - Yatsufusa - Apis - Kaichi - Shisa
Beast Cerberus - Ammut - Dawon - Shoujou - Nekomata - Katakirauwa - Hairy Jack - Kabuso
UMA Hare of Inaba - Aerophant - Mamedanuki - Oliver-kun
Wilder Taowu - Catoblepas - Porewit - Nue - Suiko -Afanc - Waira
Jirae Gogmagog - Titan - Oumitsunu - Kwanca - Dwarf - Ribhu - Koropokkuru - Knocker
Brute Yaksha - Berserk - Purski - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Tokepi -Yamawaro- Bogle
Femme Rangda - Dakini - Amazon - Yuki Jyorou - Todomeki - Leanan Sidhe - Yomotsu-Shikome
Jaki Grendel - Girimehkala - Gashadokuro - Ocelot - Asinaga - Tenaga - Ogre
Tree Haoma - Kukunochi - Daphne - Oshira-sama
Wood Es - Zaccoum - Alraune - Mandrake - Jubokko
Element Salamander - Undine - Sylph - Gnome
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Evil Spirits
Haunt Vetala - Kudlak - Dzolob - Enku - Ghoul - Obariyon - Gaki
Undead Patriot - Zombie Cop - Agony - Rastaman - Waxwork - Scare Claw
Spirit Macabre - Legion - Inferno - Torso - Quicksilver - Poltergeist
Foul Doppelgänger - Tattooed Man - Killer Chopper - Hooligan - Slime
Vermin Mothman - Myrmecolion - Okiku-Mushi - Yowie - Ubu
Hero Rama - Guan Di Sheng Gong- Fariedone - Yoshitsune - Jeanne d'Arc
Enemy/Bosses only
Spirit Pisaca
Femme Fuguruma - Strix
Haunt Yakou - Strigoii - Kumbhanda - Tendou
Onryō Platoon Soldier - Inui - Kashiyama - Julia - Speedy - Mikiya
Zōma P Gargantua - Gargantua - Gargantua Q - Gargantua X - Gargantua 8 - Ou-Magatsuhi - Yaso-Magatsuhi - Enoch - David - Leviathan - Skoll
Fiend Sid
Jaki Shiki-Ouji
Foul Orgone Ghost
Tyrant Demiurge
Koki Inaruna