- "Wallow in despair and hopelessness! The plan to destroy the world you so love is finally coming to fruition! I shed no tears for you and your kind!"
- ―Sigma, Mega Man X8
Sigma (シグマ Shiguma) is the primary antagonist of the Mega Man X series. Once the commander of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma fell into insanity and turned Maverick himself, becoming the leader of all haywire Reploids in waging war on humanity. Although he has been destroyed countless times, Sigma's programming almost always survives and finds a new form, ready to menace the world once again.
He serves as the final boss in all mainline games in the series, except Mega Man X8 where he is the penultimate boss in Normal and Hard mode.
Although Sigma has taken many diverse forms throughout the series, his designs maintain several consistent traits. He possesses a bald human head with a gem in his forehead and a cleft chin. His eyes are light blue or white, possessing no irises or pupils, and with a scar torn over each eye (sometimes the scars are merely cosmetic, such as in Mega Man X8 where they are lines running down his entire face). His tall and bulky frame resembles a muscular human body, and his color scheme always includes green and/or purple.

Sigma as commander of the Maverick Hunters.
Sigma was once the honorable commander of the Maverick Hunters. He was an intelligent leader who easily held the respect of his subordinates. He had a tinge of arrogance, but was ultimately a noble warrior who dutifully protected the humans and his fellow Reploids. However, after being infected by the Maverick Virus, Sigma's flaws were amplified and his moral inhibitions were undone, starting him on the path to become the most infamous Maverick of all time.
Sigma gained an extreme pro-Reploid and anti-human prejudice. He believed that humans only held back the development and evolution of Reploids, and the world would be better off without them.[1] He exhibited traits of savior complex, genuinely believing his crimes were in the best interests of Reploids and that the ends would justify his violent means. His "protection through aggression" philosophy mutated into a Darwinism complex, believing that anything too weak to progress should be eliminated. He did not hesitate to cause global destruction and catastrophe for his goals. He would laugh maniacally and torment his opponents as much as possible. With his electronic brain adapting to the Sigma Virus, Sigma even gained disregard for his own body, acting self-destructively as he could reliably survive any defeat through the virus.
Amidst his madness, Sigma remained a cunning strategist, formulating a variety of plans to conquer the world. He was a masterful manipulator, on more than one occasion turning allies of X and Zero against them. His charisma made him the perfect leader for Maverick rebellions, disguising his insanity and swaying many Hunters to support his cause even without using the Sigma Virus. Still, even he had some reservations, as he noticeably was disgusted with Berkana and the lengths she was willing to go to satisfy her megalomania.

Sigma's condescending animus with X.
Over the course of the Maverick Wars, Sigma came to respect the rookie Maverick Hunter, X. He claimed that X's devotion to justice is part of what made him begin seeking to change the world in the first place, and he was utterly fascinated by X's powers and his inability to go Maverick.[2] He also held an obsession with Zero, due to him being the original holder of the Maverick Virus and formerly a close ally in the Maverick Hunters. Axl, on the other hand, he saw as little more than a tool in his schemes and an outdated prototype for the superior new generation Reploids.
As Sigma was continually destroyed and resurrected, his sanity began to degrade. The proud warrior fell into a cackling, remorseless psychopath by the Great Repliforce War, and after being resurrected by Gate he was borderline senile. He regained his composure to control Red Alert, and he finally gathered the foresight to pass his revolutionary ideas on to the new generation Reploids, apparently aware that he was coming to the end of the line.
In the remake Maverick Hunter X, Sigma has a more philosophical and level-headed presence. While he retained his distaste for humans and his desire to rule, his fascination with X's potential was much more emphasized, hinging his entire rebellion on the fact that X represents the future of Reploids. It was implied that he was incapable of experiencing true empathy, unlike X,[3] which is part of why he was obsessed with him. His descent into villainy is explored somewhat in the included OVA, The Day of Σ, which shows more of his stoic leadership as a Hunter and his calculating manipulation as a Maverick. He also acted as a manipulative mentor to Vile during Vile Mode, curious to see if he held the same potential as X. While transformed into Wolf Sigma he descends into manic ranting about chaos and destruction being the true nature of reploids.
As the former commander of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma is a capable military leader, described as possessing overwhelming combat power and strategic intelligence. His circuitry is the most advanced of its time, which allowed him to maintain a semblance of sanity even while mutating with the Maverick Virus. When he finally gave in and turned Maverick, Sigma remained a charismatic leader. If his wiles are not enough to sway one's mind, he is also able to infect them with the Sigma Virus to force them into madness and loyalty. Due to his affinity with said virus, Sigma's "spirit" can also survive seemingly any physical damage that would be lethal for other Reploids. It is undetectable by conventional scanners, and can only be sensed by Reploids.[4] Its intangibility also allows it to ignore physical assaults and energy attacks, except for those tuned with a Virus Buster or Dr. Doppler's vaccine. His Sigma Virus was only deleted by the Mother Elf.
When not in his viral form, Sigma always has the most physically-advanced and variable Reploid bodies available at the time. It is frequently stated that he was said to be the most powerful Reploid of all time.[5] He possesses incredible strength and speed, often able to move faster than the Maverick Hunters can follow, and is usually capable of teleportation. In his first body, during a conflict with the Maverick Zero, he was able to effortlessly break through Zero's defenses with a round kick, as well as easily toss him through the ceiling with a single arm. He is also fond of incorporating himself into a variety of battle bodies, each possessing widely different arsenals. He is a capable warrior regardless of whatever weapon he wields, whether it be a beam saber, beam claws, or a shield. In nearly every appearance, Sigma is capable of discharging enormous destructive blasts or waves of power capable of covering entire battle areas, and he is a skilled marksman. As the cause of death and suffering for countless innocent lives, Sigma is one of the most dangerous villains in the classic Mega Man universe.
Sigma was created by Dr. Cain as his magnum opus, considered the most advanced Reploid of his time.[6][7] He was put in charge of the Maverick Hunters after their formation, making Sigma the first Reploid to lead worldwide peacekeeping efforts. He specifically commanded the 17th Elite Unit, leading them for at least four months with no defects (or two years according to the Japanese version of The Journal of Dr. Cain).[8]
Sigma fighting Zero.
One day, the Maverick Hunters received reports of an overwhelmingly powerful "Red Maverick" that had destroyed an entire unit of Hunters. Sigma and his unit tracked the Maverick down to an abandoned laboratory; Sigma chose to confront it alone, so as to not endanger his colleagues. It is here that Sigma encountered Zero, the last product of Dr. Wily. Zero, having suffered a programming flaw from his creation, was an uncontrollable berserker. Sigma was caught off-guard by Zero's strength and suffered heavy damage. Fortunately, Sigma was saved when a 'W' appeared on Zero's forehead, causing him great pain and allowing Sigma to knock him out by punching his head. In the process, however, the Maverick Virus lingering in the laboratory was transferred to Sigma, infecting him.[9]
Following the battle, Sigma ordered the rest of his unit to retrieve Zero's body and contact Dr. Cain for study, limping away. He was later repaired and reassumed control of the Maverick Hunters as usual. However, the Maverick Virus festered in his mind - while Sigma's highly-advanced circuitry kept him sane for a while, his thoughts became more Maverick over time. The Maverick Virus gradually fused with his mind, mutating into an even more dangerous virus called the Sigma Virus which he held complete control over. Without moral inhibitions, Sigma considered the role of Reploids in the world; for example, he noticed the rookie X and his dedication to justice, and began wondering how Reploids could change the world.[2] Eventually, Sigma came to the conclusion that humanity was merely holding Reploids back from achieving their true potential, and secretly began organizing an anti-human rebellion.
Mega Man X[]

For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X. |
- "Excellent job, X! I see why Zero counted on you. You are almost as good a Hunter as I was. But, the time of your destruction has arrived! You shall regret ever having defied me!"
- —Sigma
On June 4, 21XX, Sigma finally puts his plans into motion and leads a mass revolt, declaring war on the humans and all Reploids who support them.[10][11] Many Maverick Hunters follow Sigma out of loyalty - others, such as Storm Eagle, by force. This leaves Zero, who by this time has reformed and become a powerful Maverick Hunter, in charge of the organization. X agrees to join Zero in the fight, and X and Zero battle through Sigma's Maverick regime together. It is X who finally confronts Sigma alone in his fortress.
When met with X, Sigma first sends his pet, Velguarder, to test his power. Once it is destroyed, Sigma personally confronts him wielding his beam saber. After his body is destroyed, Sigma's leftover head attaches itself to a giant canine machine called "Wolf Sigma".[12] According to the Rockman X Saikyou Daizokan, Wolf Sigma is an incomplete Reploid unto itself, which Sigma then assumes control over.[13]
After Wolf Sigma's defeat, Sigma laments X's decision for siding with humanity, believing that Reploids would have prospered without humanity holding them back.[1] He then perishes in an explosion along with the rest of his fortress. Although his physical body is scrapped, Sigma's "soul" (the Sigma Virus) survives. After the end credits roll, Sigma's face appears on a blue monitor and warns X that he will return.[14][15]
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X[]
Sigma's role in the remake Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is relatively unchanged. He is vocal about his desire to unleash X's full potential, believing him to be the future of all Reploids rather than an obstacle.[16] His final battle also has some differences: his head willingly detaches from his body to enter Wolf Sigma, he has no lines during his death nor in the credits, and he falls into the tower below during his death animation. Besides the main game, Sigma also featured heavily in the OVA The Day of Σ.
In Vile Mode, Sigma has already started his rebellion and intends to use Vile as a tool to force X to evolve. Rather than follow Sigma's plans, Vile eliminates the commander's lieutenants, and challenges Sigma. Intrigued by Vile's claim to be the true key to Reploid evolution, Sigma invites Vile to try and reach him with the same methods. However, Vile is unable to get the chance to fight Sigma as he was defeated by X and Zero. Sigma finds Vile's broken body afterwards, and questions him in regards to what his motives were; if he would stand as an enemy or kneel and serve. When Vile admits that he isn't sure himself, an unimpressed Sigma orders his men to extract Vile before departing.
Mega Man X2[]

Neo Sigma in Mega Man X2
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X2. |
- See also: Sigma Virus
- "Fine. If you will not follow me, then I'll watch you die once again!"
- —Sigma
Just as he promised, Sigma secretly returns and reassumes leadership of his Maverick forces thanks to the intervention of the fanatical X-Hunters. He gains a new body with the help of Serges specifically, becoming "Neo Sigma". He also oversees the "Unification" plot, which focuses on capturing and re-assembling the remains of Zero, whom he plans to reprogram as a loyal killing machine.
After Agile's defeat, he cries out for Sigma to avenge him. X then completes the Maverick rematches, prompting Sigma's disembodied voice to challenge him. Sigma finally reveals himself in the Central Computer Stage, alongside Zero. If X successfully collected all of Zero's parts from the X-Hunters, it will be a Fake Zero whom the real Zero easily defeats for him. If not, X will be forced to fight his friend and incapacitate him, bringing him back to his senses. Afterwards, Sigma announces that he "knows Zero's secret", and that he's destined to serve him. He then flees to the depths of the Central Computer, and Zero opens the way for X to follow him for the final battle.
Neo Sigma battles X with arm-mounted claws and electricity attacks similar to Electric Spark, which he claims in the Japanese version were upgrades. After this first body is destroyed, he assumes his true form, that of the Sigma Virus; this marks the first time Sigma's viral form is seen, as the final boss of the game.[17] X defeats the Sigma Virus, causing him to apparently disappear as the Central Computer explodes. Before he disappears, he taunts X that he will return again and cryptically refers to Zero as "the last of the Doctor's creations."
While Neo Sigma is depicted wearing a cape in official art and the opening of the PSX/Saturn version of Mega Man X3, he is never seen wearing it in his in-game sprites.
Mega Man Xtreme[]
- "Bwah ha ha ha. Your efforts are futile... I will never be defeated! As long as Mavericks exist... As long as evil exists in the minds of humans... I'll come back again and again! X, ZERO... I'll pursue you to the end of the world! Bwah ha ha ha! Farewell! FOR NOW!! Bwah ha ha!"
- —Sigma
Targeting the Mother Computer of the Maverick Hunter base, Sigma manipulates a young hacker named Techno and coerces the Shadow Hunters into working for him. His new servants hack the Mother Computer, wreaking havoc and forcing X to enter cyberspace to root them out.
Upon the defeat of Techno and the Shadow Hunters, Sigma reveals himself and faces X within cyberspace. Noticeably more confident than previous times, Sigma taunts X after he is beaten the first time and even calls his defeat at the end of Normal Mode merely a retreat. It is only when he is defeated on Hard Mode that he seems to succumb. However, he implies that he will return as long as not only Mavericks exist, but also as long as humanity retains evil minds.
Mega Man X3[]

Sigma in Mega Man X3
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X3. |
- "We meet again X... It was easy to corrupt that fool, Doppler. And I would have succeeded if you hadn't interfered. But we are always destined to meet, aren't we X? Let the eternal struggle begin!!"
- —Sigma
Sigma resumes his threat when he infects the Reploid scientist Dr. Doppler with the Sigma Virus, who had developed a revolutionary anti-virus to repel the Maverick Virus. He uses Doppler to stage a revolt in Dopple Town, converting the utopian city's reformed Mavericks into his new army.[18] In the disc version, a cutscene plays showing Dr. Doppler building Sigma a formidable new body with the latest in Reploid technology.
Once Dr. Doppler is defeated by X, he feels remorse for his Maverick actions and reveals Sigma's lair under Dr. Doppler's Laboratory. Sigma is hunted by X and battles him with a shield and flamethrower, but is defeated. Sigma then emerges in a heavily-armored form, "Kaiser Sigma" (カイザーシグマ Kaizā Shiguma), to fight him again.[19]
Upon this body's destruction, the Sigma Virus itself appears as a wire-frame head and threatens to possess X's body to replace his own. After chasing X through the flaming base, Sigma finally corners him. If Zero did not end up wounded during the game, Zero appears with Doppler's anti-virus on his saber to erase the Sigma Virus for the time being. If Zero did end up wounded, Doppler appears with the anti-virus on his own body and self-destructs to apparently erase the Sigma Virus.
Mega Man Xtreme 2[]
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X2. |
- "But this time, I have to thank you for doing that. Actually, Berkana went too far. Although, she did help me by keeping me entertained for a while. Hee hee hee."
- —Sigma
In Mega Man Xtreme 2, Sigma appears in Extreme Mode after the defeat of Berkana or Gareth (depending on if the player is X or Zero), where it's revealed he had planted the seeds leading to the Erasure incident. In a rare instance, he is pleased that X defeated Berkana, claiming that her greed went much too far.
Sigma's first form is the same as his Neo Sigma body from Mega Man X2, but his second form is "Sigma Beast" (シグマビースト Shiguma Bīsuto), a large Ride Armor.[20] The color of his second form is initially orange, but later alternates between blue and red, which can only be damaged by X while he is blue, and by Zero when red. His weak point is the large lion-like face in his chest.
Mega Man X4[]

Sigma in Mega Man X4
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X4. |
- "Repliforce are the fools this time! Now, all that's left is to destroy Earth with the very weapon they made!"
- —Sigma
Sigma was thought to be suppressed forever after receiving the anti-virus created by Doppler, but he still manages to return. Assuming a Grim Reaper-like appearance, Sigma meets with General, the leader of the benevolent militia Repliforce. He provokes feelings of doubt and paranoia of the Maverick Hunters within General, revealing that Sigma's latest plan is to conspire against Repliforce and turn it into a rogue enemy of the world.[21]
In the game's inciting incident, Sigma orders Magma Dragoon to bomb the airborne metropolis Sky Lagoon, killing thousands and causing a rift to form between Repliforce and Maverick Hunters. This rift quickly becomes an all-out war as Repliforce refuses to cooperate and even stages a coup d'état to make a new land for Reploids. During the Great Repliforce War, Sigma allows Magma Dragoon to finally get his chance at a fight with X and Zero, and also has Cyber Peacock and Split Mushroom fight them to test their capabilities. He also sends a sleeper agent, Double, into the Maverick Hunters' ranks, meant to strike when the time is right to destroy the 17th Unit and damage X's trust.[22]
With in-fighting between the Maverick Hunters and Repliforce threatening to destroy them both, Sigma increases his influence over General's paranoia. General, formerly an outspoken advocate of Reploid independence, loses all faith in peace and prepares a satellite attack on the humans, which is Sigma's real intention.[23] Fortunately, X or Zero storm the Final Weapon and stop General before he can turn the weapon's sights on Earth - however, the weapon begins to prepare for attack anyways, revealing that someone else is controlling it.
In the end, Sigma is revealed as the true mastermind. In Zero's story, Sigma reveals a portion of Zero's past involving their first encounter. He then battles X or Zero himself, armed with a new body and a scythe with a beam blade. Once this body is destroyed, he attacks again with a collection of several bodies, including Gunner Sigma (シグマガンナー Shiguma Gannā) and Earth Sigma (アースシグマ Āsu Siguma).[24] After this ultimate defeat, Sigma reveals that the Final Weapon is still ready to strike the Earth - fortunately, General sacrifices himself to stop it from firing. Despite this apparent defeat at the Hunters' hands, Sigma still succeeded in part by destroying Repliforce, and by causing X and Zero to begin doubting their own morality.[25]
Mega Man X5[]

Psycho Sigma in Mega Man X5
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X5 and Sigma Head. |
- "You'd almost fully evolved to your true self... It's a shame you didn't quite make it, Zero. You had so much potential. Oh well, farewell! Well...it's only you now, X... I will let you live this time. But I won't be so kind next time, and there WILL be a next time! See you soon! You... The strongest Reploid! Bwah ha ha!"
- —Sigma
It is some time before Sigma resurfaces again. During his absence, Sigma traces Zero's origins to Dr. Wily and learns of a way to restore him to his original, destructive nature. It is also indicated that Sigma met Dr. Wily in person somehow, though the details are left a mystery.[26] The first part of Sigma's new plot involves hiring the mercenary Dynamo to sabotage the space colony Eurasia with a virus and prepare it to crash into the Earth.
Once Dynamo is in position, Sigma reveals himself to the Maverick Hunters and occupies a giant statue while infecting new Mavericks in the city. He is confronted by one of the Hunters, X or Zero, and injures them, while the other follows to destroy his Sigma Head form.
However, upon Sigma's explosion, the Sigma Virus begins spreading all over the Earth faster than ever. The entire world is thrown into a panic, but to make matters worse, Dynamo sends the Eurasia colony on a collision course with the Earth too. This combination overwhelms the Maverick Hunters, and regardless of their efforts, large pieces of the colony still hit the planet, causing massive damage and revealing a new virus called the Colony Virus. This virus mixes with the Sigma Virus, synthesizing the Zero Virus and summoning a cyberspace area called Zero Space where Sigma hides.
This was Sigma's ultimate goal: to flush Zero's body with a powerful virus to restore him to his original programming, as intended by Wily. Despite the creation of the Zero Virus and the ensuing battle between X and Zero, Sigma ultimately fails in this endeavor, as both X and Zero still manage to defeat him in both of his new bodies, Psycho Sigma (サイコシグマ Saiko Shiguma) and the gargantuan Final Sigma W (ファイナルシグマW Fainaru Shiguma W).[27]
In the aftermath of the battle, the remains of Sigma's head lying nearby suddenly become active and fire an energy laser directly at X and Zero, hitting both of them in the chests. As Zero's body falls from X's grasp, he manages to fire one last blast from his Z-Buster that finishes Sigma. As hypothesized by Alia earlier in the game, Sigma is severely weakened and unable to resurrect himself anymore due to the stress of spreading his Sigma Virus around the globe.[28]
Mega Man X6[]

Sigma in Mega Man X6
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X6. |
- —Sigma
Three weeks pass as the human population moves underground to survive the devastation left by Sigma's last attack. Meanwhile, a renegade Reploid scientist, Gate, plans to use a newfound power known as the Nightmare to rule a world of only the most advanced Reploids. However, as a failsafe he also uncovers Sigma's remains and rebuilds him, keeping him in his Secret Lab as a last resort weapon. Due to the stress of spreading the Sigma Virus, Sigma's programming is still damaged beyond what Gate can repair, and he is reduced to a half-conscious and barely-functioning wreck of his former self. He knows little more than his rage toward X and Zero and speaks in a garbled voice, barely able to form sentences. Additionally, Gate's work on Sigma's new body is unfinished by the time he appears.
Upon Gate's defeat at the hands of the Maverick Hunters, he reluctantly releases Sigma to attack them. However, Sigma refuses to cooperate and needlessly kills Gate before challenging the Hunters to face him deeper within the Secret Lab. They pursue him and he attacks using his incomplete body, but is defeated. After this first form, Sigma emerges as a gigantic unfinished body with a skeletal appearance named Hell Sigma (ヘルシグマ Heru Shiguma), and is again destroyed.
Mega Man X7[]

Head shot of Sigma's first form.
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X7. |
- "That's right, folks! I'll do it again, and AGAIN! I will make X AND Zero MINE! Now, come and get me! Give me a good fight, like you always do!"
- —Sigma
After hearing of Red Alert's success in recovering the Virus Program Σ-02 from Cedar and Aluce, Sigma decided to get in contact with the vigilante syndicate for his next plan.[29] Sigma met with Red, this time under the alias of "The Professor", and informed him of his plan to use the mysterious Reploid Axl to copy the DNA programs of X and Zero for immense power boosts. Before putting this plan into motion, he proved his worth to Red by using the DNA Axl took from other Reploids to give power boosts to Red and his colleagues first. Many of the Reploids whom Axl was made to target to make DNA powerups were mostly innocent, irking Axl. This ended up helping him realize something was going on, and it prompted him to seek asylum with the Maverick Hunters.
This forced Sigma to find a way to bring Axl back into Red Alert's service. He secretly infected the eight Red Alert generals, blackmailing Red into following his orders and challenging the Maverick Hunters for custody of Axl. Once all eight of Red Alert's generals were defeated by the Hunters, Red leaked them the location of the Crimson Palace, which they then infiltrated. The Hunters fought Red, but he let himself be destroyed in his base's self-destruction protocol out of grief and shame for his actions, and in order to keep himself from being further manipulated by Sigma.
Afterward, the Hunters continued on to confront Sigma, who was excited to see his old rivals again. After they defeated both of his forms, Sigma reappeared once more (appearing similar to his first form in Mega Man X6) and punched Axl through a wall before vowing to X and Zero that he would again return in a new body. Red, who had presumably died, suddenly reappeared, and Sigma attempted to possess him and regain his strength. However, Red revealed himself to actually be Axl copying Red's form, who then proceeded to blast Sigma out of a window.
Unusually for most games in the X series, Sigma is never identified by name.
Mega Man X8[]

Sigma in Mega Man X8
For more details, see Sigma/Mega Man X8. |
- See also: Copy Sigma
- "Your dedication to what you refer to as "justice" is what first got me thinking... I realized the imperfection of this world, and decided I must change it."
- —Sigma
Sigma reappears for presumably the last time during the Jakob Project. A new generation of Reploids goes into production, each containing advanced Copy Chips that give them complete immunity to Maverick compromises such as the Sigma Virus. X witnesses this first-hand when an elevator car full of Reploids crashes at the Jakob Orbital Elevator, and he finds the car is full of Reploids who copied Sigma's durable frame to survive the impact. Lumine assures X it is a safe process, but X is still bothered by it.
Soon after the new generation Reploids begin their riot, Alia discovers that their Copy Chips also bear Sigma's program - not just his body's DNA, but his actual program data. This confirms Sigma's involvement in the uprising. It appears the new generation Reploids are well aware of Sigma's influence and entirely willing to work for him; their relationship is like that of a father and his children.
After the Maverick Hunters defeat the eight major new generation Reploids, Sigma personally contacts Hunter Base. He announces that he and his kind are fleeing to space to leave the old world behind, daring the Hunters to pursue him via Jakob. Once the Hunters arrive in Gateway, they confront what appears to be Sigma himself - however, defeating it reveals it was just a Copy Sigma.
Alia locates a Sigma Palace on the surface of the Moon, and the Hunters head there. Once one of them reaches the throne room (the other having been separated by Vile's attack), Sigma welcomes them in an incomplete body; this body is stronger than any of his previous forms, though it has a weak point in the chest.[30] He tells X his unique mind is what first inspired his ambitions, thanks Zero for giving him the Maverick Virus, and calls Axl a worthless prototype. Sigma then strikes, and is able to immobilize the Hunter present as he gloats in victory. However, the other Hunter arrives just in time to save their partner, and the two work together to defeat Sigma. The Maverick explodes, reduced to a pile of rubble.[31]
Suddenly, Lumine appears and congratulates the Hunters for defeating Sigma. He explains that he and the new generation Reploids took advantage of Sigma's ambition to reach outer space, now planning to dispose of older Reploids such as X, Zero, Axl, and even Sigma as well, for they are not needed in the new world. The Hunters fight and defeat Lumine, but during his final moments he makes a startling claim: Sigma was destroyed for good and would never return.
Sigma had expressed an uncharacteristic disbelief after X, Zero, and Axl defeated him on the Moon, crying out in anguish rather than promising to return as usual. This shows he may have been aware it was his final demise; this also explains his insistence on creating a new world for his "children" Mavericks, paving a road for the future knowing that his time was up. It is also speculated that Sigma could no longer regenerate because he was on the Moon with a lack of available bodies to possess, and the vastness of space may have weakened his lingering consciousness to deletion. However, having passed on his data to new generation Reploids who can turn Maverick without remorse, Sigma's dreams of Reploid evolution and supremacy were still primed to carry on into the future.
Post-Mega Man X series[]
Although Sigma himself never returned in person, his extremist ideas and the Sigma Virus continued to plague the world with Mavericks, until the creation of the Mother Elf from Zero's body. X utilized the Mother Elf to fully neutralize the Sigma Virus, bringing a permanent end to the Maverick Wars that Sigma started. Unfortunately, this series of events would later lead to the far more destructive Elf Wars, due to Dr. Weil's radical agenda to punish the Reploids for the chaos of the Maverick Wars.
Other game appearances[]

- Sigma makes a cameo on the monitors in the Mega Man X: Command Mission opening cutscene, as part of scenes from the Mega Man X7 ending.
- Psycho Sigma is a boss in Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2's X Challenge mode, being fought in stage 6-3 alongside Zero Nightmare.
- In Rockman Xover, Sigma, Dr. Wily, and other villains from other Mega Man series, join forces to wreak havoc. His Mega Man X form is the boss of World 2 and his Mega Man X8 form is the boss of World 7, and he also appeared in several Battle Memories.
- Sigma's body from Mega Man X4 is one of Chuck Greene's costumes in the Dead Rising 3 DLC mode "Super Ultra Dead Rising 3' Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus α". He attacks with his scythe and laser eye, and has a special attack called "Sigma Crusher".
- Sigma's Mega Man X4 body appears in Project ✕ Zone 2 as an enemy unit,
- Sigma appears as a Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with his art from Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. He is an Attack-type Primary Spirit in the "Ace" class. In Adventure Mode, Sigma guards the way to unlocking Mega Man. The playable character representing him is Ganondorf, and the theme music is "X vs. Zero" from Mega Man X5, alluding to how Sigma largely instigated X and Zero's fight in that game.
- Sigma appeared as a Unit Card and in the illustrations of several Action Cards in TEPPEN.
- Sigma appeared in Street Fighter × All Capcom.
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- Sigma appeared as an event character in the Japanese version of Zombie Cafe.
- Neo Sigma appeared as an event character in Dragon Poker.
- Sigma appeared as an event character in Elemental Story.
- Sigma appeared as an event character in Tower of Saviors.
- In the Rockman X DiVE event from the Taiwanese version of Shironeko Project, a Sigma Virus left the Rockman X DiVE cyberworld and entered the Shironeko world, mutating into Sikuma (romanized as SIGUMA and SIKUMA in the game). He is the final boss from the event story, and the event's co-op boss, being fought in a form similar to the Sigma Head from Mega Man X5.
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Mega Man X DiVE[]
Sigma is present in various forms in Mega Man X DiVE, both as playable Hunter Programs and as bosses. In the game's story, Sigma often appears as a vessel of the Sigma Virus, but near the end of of the game he also appears in his pre-Maverick form as an ally to the Player.
Hunter Programs[]
- Sigma's first form from Mega Man X is an S rank Hunter Program. His Active Skills are Blade Dash and Head Beams.
- Sigma (X4 2nd form), based on his reaper-like appearance in Mega Man X4, is a DiVE Festival-exclusive Hunter Program. His Active Skills are Scythe Throw and Laser Eye.
- Sigma in a formal devil-like outfit, known as Halloween Sigma, is a seasonal Hunter Program. His Active Skills are Penta Bat Shot and Hellfire Dust. Despite his appearance, this form has the personality and memories of his time as a Maverick Hunter, and is very generous, hiding several treats during Halloween for others to find.
- Sigma in a banchō (Japanese delinquent commander) outfit, known as Gangsta Boy Sigma, is a Festival-exclusive Hunter Program. Similar to his Halloween version, Gangsta Boy Sigma has a personality similar to the time before he fought Zero, always protecting his surbodinates and keeping the mood positive. However, he does not like negligence to training, believing that a Hunter should always aim to the top, setting himself as an example of the top his surbodinates should aim to achieve.[32] His Active Skills are Duel Invitation and Lethal Combo.
- Sigma's first form from Mega Man X appeared as a boss in the Story stages 19-6 and 20-5. He fights with his usual attack pattern, but also additional attacks including his 5 Bullet Shot and Electromagnetic Wave from Mega Man X2, and his Rapid-Fire Flame Shot from Mega Man X3.
- Wolf Sigma, Sigma (X4 1st form), Sigma (X4 3rd form), Final Sigma W, Sigma Virus, Hell Sigma, and Sigma (X3 1st form), all appeared as the bosses of Raid Boss and Guild Boss events.
- Sigma Virus also appeared in the story stage 20-4, and Sigma's final forms from Mega Man X4 to X6appeared in other event stages as a manifestation of the Sigma Virus that was inside Droitclair, Angepitoyeir, and Eratoeir.
- Wolf Sigma's data was mixed with the data from a Magnamalo in the Monster Hunter Rise collab event "Mission Code: R・I・S・E", appearing as a boss called Magnamalo Sigma.
- The third Halloween event stage had a modified version of Sigma (X4 1st form) named Flame Demon Sigma.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite[]
Sigma appears as one of the main antagonists of the story mode in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, forming a villainous alliance with Marvel Comics' Ultron. He was later added to the game as a playable DLC character.
Other media[]
Mega Man (Ruby-Spears)[]

Sigma in the Mega Man cartoon show.
Sigma is referred to in the episode Mega X of the Ruby-Spears Mega Man animated series, where X, Vile and Spark Mandrill go back in time. Vile and Spark Mandrill's goal was to obtain lightanium, a material worth a fortune in the future, in order to fund Sigma's rebellion. His profile, shown by X, shows him in his first body and mistakenly spells his name as Cigma. The only line Sigma has is when Vile contacts him near the end of the episode — a short praise: "Well done, Vile."
Mega Man (Archie Comics)[]
Sigma is the main antagonist from the Mega Man X era and the Worlds Unite crossover.
Rockman X (manga)[]
In the Rockman X manga, Sigma started his rebellion against humans by killing a Maverick Hunter, Kyle, who protested against him. Sigma then convinced various Hunters to join him by declaring that Reploids are superior to humans and they should no longer obey them. When Spark Mandrill surrendered to X and was about to leak Sigma's plans, Sigma used a giant hologram of himself (via a flying mechanism) to kill Mandrill and taunt X. Before the fight with Armored Armadillo, it was shown that Sigma scarred Armadillo's left eye because he didn't follow his orders to attack X in the forest. Once the eight Mavericks were all destroyed, Sigma challenged X to face him in his space fortress. Sigma was defeated by X in the ensuing battle, but Sigma then used his giant Wolf Sigma body to overpower him. This forced X to crash the entire fortress to defeat Wolf Sigma.
In Rockman X2, Sigma was shown to have survived the crash, staying in hiding while working on a more powerful body. He and the X-Hunters initiated a plan to corrupt good Reploids and force them to go Maverick. Still, after the defeat of eight Mavericks and the X-Hunters, Sigma was defeated by X and Zero working together.
In Rockman X3, Sigma took control of Dr. Doppler to start another Maverick uprising, using him to infect Reploids with "Worms" and create a super powerful body by analyzing X. After Doppler's defeat, Sigma had a fierce battle against X, but was eventually defeated using the Z-Saber. He then revealed a more powerful body, Kaiser Sigma, and completely destroyed X with it. To Sigma's surprise, X regenerated and with golden armor, using this new power to destroy Sigma with a punch. Sigma also appeared disguised as an angel when a worm infected X, telling him he couldn't enter paradise due to his "sins" in an attempt to cast doubt, although X eventually saw through the illusion and shot Sigma.
Sigma only had a cameo appearance in the Rockman X4 manga, being mentioned by Double in the last chapter where the traitor made clear Sigma was the true instigator of the Great Repliforce War.
Irregular Hunter Rockman X[]
Sigma appears as the leader of the Maverick Hunters. When Storm Eagle challenges X to a fight, Sigma appears and stops Storm Eagle without destroying him, giving him a lecture and the Storm Tornado to X. However, when Zero starts acting strangely, Sigma tells Armored Armadillo that Zero became a Maverick and orders him to destroy Zero. Later, Vile escapes from his cell and takes four Hunters to work for him. After the defeat of the four Hunters, Sigma orders X to go after Zero and destroy him, but Zero reveals Sigma's involvement in the events, and they are attacked by Vile, Storm Eagle, Armored Armadillo, and Boomer Kuwanger. After the defeat of the latter three, Vile escapes and Sigma decides to destroy the base of the Maverick Hunters. After talking with A-1, X and Zero go after Sigma, who started attacking the city with several Mechaniloids. Sigma appears to face the two Hunters, but after being hit by two charge shots at the same time, He calls Vile and shows that they took A-1 as hostage, taking advantage over X. Unable to see X taking so many hits, A-1 releases himself and runs to Sigma, self-destructing near him. Sigma is stunned by the explosion, and X, angry and sad for A-1, fires a large charge shot, and Zero also fires one at the same time, but Vile saves Sigma and they escape. While leaving, Sigma tells them that he will surely conquer the world.
Rockman X The Novel: Irregulars Report[]
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Sigma was created by Dr. Cain as his masterpiece. However, upon investigating the ruins where he fought against a Maverick Zero, he discovered the truth about X and the Reploids and was filled with hatred for being simply a copy of X, which led to his plan to rebel against humanity and test X's abilities.
See also[]

Early designs that served as the basis for Sigma, and later the X-Hunters.
- Sigma was designed by merging three early villain designs created by Inafune during the early development of the first Mega Man X game. The same designs were later used as the basis for the X-Hunters in Mega Man X2.[33]
- Sigma's face has a close similarity to both M. Bison and Sagat, two major villains of the Street Fighter series. He also resembles Braiking Boss, the villain of Casshern. Due to this, some fans believe that Sigma was based on one of them.[34] The resemblance to M. Bison is even referenced in Project X Zone 2.
- During a 2008 Q&A session, when asked if Sagat served as inspiration for Sigma, Keiji Inafune stated that Sigma (and Zero) represent the idea that nothing is absolute.[35]
- Sigma (Σ) is the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet and is used in mathematics to denote series, finite, or infinite sums of variables. The Σ symbol is often seen on Mavericks from Sigma's army. Interestingly, the sigma (Σ) letter was originated from the Phoenician letter sheen (W), which is similar to the English letter "W".
- Commentary by Keiji Inafune on concept art for Sigma made it clear that Sigma's connection to Dr. Wily was intended from the start.[36]
- The penultimate cutscene of Zero's story in Mega Man X4 reveals Sigma's pre-Maverick design, which lacked his facial scars and the spikes on his wrists and knees featured on his original design. This design would be maintained for his pre-Maverick appearance in Maverick Hunter X, with redesigned wrist guards. The single-frame flashback of this battle from Mega Man X5, however, discards the redesign, instead using the standard Maverick Sigma design without facial scars.
- There are multiple interpretations of the way Sigma received his trademark eye scars:
- In Mega Man X4, the Maverick Zero inflicted damage on Sigma's face resembling his future scars.
- Given that Sigma's subsequent bodies always feature facial scars even after prior bodies being destroyed, this implies that Sigma adopted their appearance for cosmetic reasons.
- In Mega Man Maverick Hunter X's OVA, The Day of Σ, X scarred Sigma's face with his bare hand during their first confrontation. Later as Wolf Sigma, Sigma's damaged face ironically resembles the wounds he received from Maverick Zero in Mega Man X4.
- In the Rockman X manga, Sigma scarred himself as a mark of going Maverick, using the heat of his fingertip guns after shooting Kyle.
- In Rockman X The Novel: Irregulars Report, Sigma's scars were also implied to be self-inflicted. While communicating with Zero, Sigma is seen putting his right hand near his eyes, with his fingers having traces of Reploid blood on them.
- In Mega Man X4, the Maverick Zero inflicted damage on Sigma's face resembling his future scars.
- Mega Man X and Mega Man X3 are the only games to have official artwork for Sigma's final boss forms in their respective games.
- If Sigma's name is entered as the player's name in Mega Man 9, the game erroneously says that it is "inappropriate language", and changes it to "Si**a".
- Sigma was set to appear in the cancelled game Rockman Online.
- Sigma was set to appear as a playable character in the cancelled game Capcom Super League Online.
- Although Sigma is never seen in the Mega Man Zero series, the Sigma Virus is mentioned in Mega Man Zero 2 and Mega Man Zero 3, and in the first game his symbol is visible (though difficult to spot in the background) in the left of the chamber where Zero was resting. Sigma also makes a cameo in the Rockman Zero manga.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Sigma: Why, X?! Why have you done this to us?! Without the humans, my Reploid brothers could have ushered in a new age.....
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Sigma: Your dedication to what you refer to as "justice" is what first got me thinking... I realized the imperfection of this world and decided I must change it. - Mega Man X8.
- ↑ Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Capcom (2006)
The Day of Σ Scene 2 Hunter Base
Sigma: As far as [Mega Man X's] judgement and abilities on the battlefield is concerned, he has shown tremendous promise. However, he tends to hesitate when the situation calls for decisive action. // Dr. Cain: He worries too much. Course, that is his greatest feature. And the source of his potential. Sigma, you don't have that problem at all. - ↑ Zero: ...I'm okay. Just a bit of a bruised ego. Anyway, where is Sigma?! X: He took off. Alia is looking for him now, but she can't pick up any readings. Zero: He is a virus... ... he can't be seen or analyzed correctly like other data. You have to feel his evil energy. That's the only way to find him.
- ↑ Rockman X game manual (JP). Capcom. 1993.
- ↑ Compendium of Rockman X page 15
- ↑ Rockman X Chouhyakka page 46
- ↑ "The Journal of Dr. Cain", Mega Man X instruction manual, 1993. Page 10.
- ↑ Story summary from Rockman Zero Collection official site. (Translation in The Mega Man Network)
- ↑ "The Journal of Dr. Cain", Mega Man X instruction manual, 1993. Page 10.
- ↑ It was originally listed in the Japanese version as July 4th. It was changed to June 4th overseas, most likely because the date fell on the real world American holiday Independence Day.
- ↑ R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works, page 125.
- ↑ "A yet incomplete extra large wolf type repliroid. Sigma's head takes over the functions of the brain, but because of its excessive size, the feet and arms require more development time to be completed. Once the super-powered repliroid is completed, Sigma will be unstoppable in his plan for world domination!" - Rockman X Saikyou Daikozan
- ↑ 「おまえがたおしたものは、わたし じしんではない。バラバラになったキカイは、わたしの ぶんしんのようなもの。わたしはふたたび、じったいとなってよみがえる・・・ エックスよ、また あえるひをたのしみに しているぞ。ハハハハハ・・・」 Translation: "What you've destroyed, is not my true self. The scattered machine, is something like my avatar. I will become substantial once again... X, I am looking forward to seeing again. Ha ha ha ha ha ..." --Rockman X game, 1993 (Japan)
- ↑ Sigma: Magnificent, X! And to think you've been classified as a "B-class" hunter! Ha ha ha ha!
X: Sigma! Your Maverick plans stop RIGHT HERE!
Sigma: Mwah ha ha! Hah ha ha ha ha ha! - ↑ Mega Man Homepage - Mega Man X2: Bosses. Retrieved on 2007-8-6.
- ↑ Mega Man Homepage - Mega Man X3: Characters. Retrieved on 2007-8-6.
- ↑ Mega Man X3 ending.
- ↑ Compendium of Rockman X page 137
- ↑ Sigma: Hee hee hee. My plan to keep Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters at each others' throats worked perfectly! --Mega Man X4 1997 (US)
- ↑ Mega Man X4
(Something beeps from within Double, and he presses on a panel on his chest. A mysterious voice is then heard.) // Mysterious Voice (Sigma): It's me! Those hunters must not be allowed in here! Terminate them!! // Double: Roger... (turns back to the Hunters) - ↑ General: ...We're going to build a nation for the Reploids. That's our ultimate goal. We'll fight anyone who tries to interfere with our independence. --Mega Man X4 1997 (US)
- ↑ Mega Man X Legacy Collection
- ↑ Mega Man Homepage - Mega Man X4: Characters. Retrieved on 2007-8-6.
- ↑ Sigma: "Heheheh, don’t get too worked up…I’m close…hey, Zero…so I met this old man…and that old man told me that you were the world’s strongest…who is that old man?" - Final Sigma W with Zero, Mega Man X5
- ↑ Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 Hunter Medals and X Challenge
- ↑ Alia: "Since Sigma scattered a large amount of the Virus, he doesn't have any energy left to reproduce himself..." - After defeating Dark Necrobat, Mega Man X5
- ↑ Rockman X7 Original Soundtrack booklet
- ↑ Rockman X8 Hisshou Kouryakuhou - pp. 117-119
- ↑ Sigma Palace, Mega Man X8. (Normal or Hard Mode).
- ↑ Rockman X DiVE official Twitter
- ↑ Mega Man X Official Complete Works, UDON Entertainment Corp. 2009. pg.93. Retrieved on April 8, 2011.
- ↑ The Reploid Research Lavatory: A Day For Sigma
- ↑ "Some people think he might have been inspired by Sagat from Street Fighter because of his look, but that's not actually the case. Sigma and Zero basically represent the idea that nothing is absolute. Sigma was a powerful leader of the Maverick Hunters but after Zero passed the virus to him, his allegiance changed. Circumstances can change anything, and nothing is absolute." --Keiji Inafune, 2008. Capcom-unity - Inafune-san Answers Your Questions!
- ↑ "The connection with Wily had always been part of the plan." - Sigma concept art, Keiji Inafune, Mega Man X Complete Works