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Ganondorf, also known as the Evil King, King of the Gerudo, or Demon King, is a powerful Gerudo warlock and is none other than Ganon, the main antagonist of The Legend of Zelda series,[30] as a human rather than the ferocious boar-like beast. While he technically debuted in the original The Legend of Zelda as his actual monster form, Ganondorf himself made his first appearance in Ocarina of Time, but was first mentioned in A Link to the Past, and has since been present or referred to in some games, though he was absent from the mainline titles starting in Twilight Princess until Tears of the Kingdom. Regardless of his forms, as Ganondorf is indeed Ganon himself as an alter-ego using the aspects of his Triforce of Power, he is the arch-nemesis of Link and Princess Zelda, and the Final Boss in the games which he appears in.


TPHD Ganondorf Artwork
Ganondorf, King of the Gerudo, from Twilight Princess HD

A Link to the Past is the first game in the series revealing that Ganon actually has a human form and wasn't always the giant pig-like demon, with his full name being Ganondorf Dragmire. Ganondorf is also the leader of a group of thieves called Gerudos. With the help of his followers, as Ganon, he became the first to enter the Sacred Realm in ages. He claimed the Triforce, turning the Sacred Realm into the Dark World and himself into a vastly powerful being.[31] However, he was trapped within the Sacred Realm by the combined efforts of the Knights of Hyrule and the Sages.[32] In A Link to the Past, during the final battle, Ganon reveals that the dark wizard Agahnim is another alter-ego of himself, though this villain never appears again in later games, as Link destroyed him completely in the second battle inside Ganon's Tower.

In Ocarina of Time, the first incarnation of Ganondorf was born a powerful Gerudo sorcerer,[33] one of the human races of Hyrule. The Gerudo twin witches Koume and Kotake were his surrogate mothers.[34][35] The Gerudo are a race of all-female warriors and thieves, to whom only one male is born every century. Because of this, the male is by birthright the King of the Gerudo. Nabooru mentions that she is not following Ganondorf because he stole from women and children and even murdered people.[36] Ganondorf uses his position to betray the King of Hyrule, as well as his cunning, manipulative skills, and mystical powers to gain entrance to the Sacred Realm, the abode of the Triforce. However, he does not obtain the full Triforce; he is left with only the Triforce of Power, which he uses to great effect in his conquest of Hyrule.

In The Wind Waker, Ganondorf's character is given greater depth and a clearer motive for his villainy. He states that his desire to conquer Hyrule stems from the arduous life he and his people were subjected to living in the harsh Gerudo Desert, a wasteland plagued by sandstorms and an unstable climate, which he compares unfavorably to the verdant landscape of Hyrule Field and the amenable life lived by the Hylians.[37]

He is reborn in Four Swords Adventures, where, although he is still a Gerudo, he is not the king. He begins his transformation into the King of Darkness by violating the Gerudo taboo on the Pyramid and seeking out the Trident.[38][39][40]

In Tears of the Kingdom, an incarnation of Ganondorf was present during one of Hyrule’s foundings. It remains unclear which iteration of Hyrule the founding depicts, it is possible that the founding he appears in may have been preceded by a destroyed Hyrule.[41]



Ganondorf is an extremely powerful Gerudo warlock who opposes Link and Princess Zelda within the series; as such, he is a villain of pure evil and a cruel, ruthless warlord whose goal is to usurp the Kingdom of Hyrule. Ganondorf's only ambition in life is to obtain the Triforce and dominate the world using the abilities imbued by them. He has many characteristics of a megalomaniac. Despite his undeniable lust for power, Ganon is also a mastermind; he is an adept tactician and a master of manipulation and deceit. It is not unusual for Ganondorf to manipulate the events of a story behind the scenes (as he did in A Link to the Past, Four Swords Adventures, and Twilight Princess), only to be revealed as the orchestrator in a plot twist. Owing to his mastermind nature, he is also capable of engaging in pragmatism, such being evident during his first attempt at conquest in Hyrule having him decide on subterfuge upon noticing the Secret Stones largely due to realizing that brute force alone won't be enough to overcome the Hyrule royal family.

Ganondorf usually presents himself with the façade of a cynical yet calm and civil man, although he is known to quickly become enraged, ensuing in a murderous rampage. Ganondorf has no sense of morality. In his conquest of the Sacred Realm, once he reached the Temple of Light, he single-handedly killed all of his followers who had aided him in his expedition with no remorse, so that he could claim the Triforce uncontested. He is also culturally inclined, playing a pipe organ with great skill, as seen in Ocarina of Time where he plays his own theme throughout Link's attack in his castle. Ganondorf also possesses an arrogant sense of entitlement; he believes himself to be the only one worthy of ruling the kingdom of Hyrule. His pride is also shown when fighting enemies: despite being more than capable of defeating most enemies in combat, Ganondorf instead relies on his minions to defeat them. Apparently, he chooses to only fight opponents he deems worthy, such as Link.

He resents defiance from anybody, but seems to grudgingly respect Link's willingness to stand up to him in Ocarina of Time,[42] as well as Link's tenacity to brave the Forsaken Fortress and reach him in The Wind Waker, respectively.[43]

Ganondorf was also implied to hold mental instability in two instances. The first was shortly after King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule wished for Hyrule and Ganondorf to be flooded completely where he proceeded to engage in hysterical laughter as the land was being flooded permanently during the Adult Timeline, and the other time was when he proceeded to engage in similar hysterical laughter when witnessing Zelda try to scramble to aid Queen Sonia shortly after he mortally wounded the latter just before becoming the Demon King.


Even before gaining the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf was arguably one of the most powerful men in the entire land of Hyrule, largely due to his political position as the King of the Gerudo.

Ganondorf was also an immensely powerful sorcerer with vast mystical resources. Additionally, Ganondorf has proven himself to be a skilled swordsman, as seen in the final battles between him and Link in The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. He is also very physically strong, explained by his extremely tall height and bulky body. In Tears of the Kingdom, in memories #9 "Sonia is Caught by Treachery", Sonia was killed by Ganondorf by a single punch in her back.

Once Ganondorf gained the Triforce of Power, both his physical and mystical abilities were augmented by the essence of the Goddess Din to god-like proportions - his power unrivaled by any mortal, for he ceased to be mortal in that moment. Becoming a monstrously powerful demon king, Ganondorf became utterly unstoppable, conquering Hyrule with ease. He also implies that the Triforce of Power was sufficient enough to allow him to weaken any seals placed on him over time.[44] As seen in the events of Twilight Princess, the Triforce of Power also grants Ganondorf near-invulnerability; using its power, he is capable of enduring mortal wounds (such as having his chest pierced by a sword during his attempted execution), and only the likes of the most powerful sacred weapons (such as the Master Sword) appear to be able to kill him. He was also capable of superhuman strength after gaining the Triforce of Power, with his blows being capable of demolishing portions of the floor that weren't directly connected to the floor below, as well as breaking chains restraining him with minimum effort. Likewise, he was also capable of destroying even disembodied spirits with his bare hands, such as his murder of the Sage of Water after his failed execution. Even without access to his full capabilities in The Wind Waker, Ganondorf was able to cast a curse to keep the Great Sea in an endless stormy night. As seen in Twilight Princess, the Triforce of Power grants Ganondorf many more powers such as size manipulation and terrain alteration: while Ganondorf is not personally shown using many of these powers, he temporarily gifts the Usurper King Zant with some of them.[45] Ganondorf also has an unnaturally long lifespan, having lived through ages of Hyrulean chronology.

Ganondorf's dark magic, and possibly his position as the Demon King, grant him the power to create his armies of monsters and beasts.

His power, with or without the Triforce, appears to grow over time. The sages in Arbiter's Grounds, when discussing his evil power, mention it being pure malice and hatred.[46] As the Calamity Ganon, his very essence is known as Malice, possibly meaning that his demonic magic and power is fueled as much by his own hatred as the Triforce, and his capacity for hatred is the only true limit on how powerful he can grow.[47]

The reincarnated Ganondorf, during the events of Four Swords Adventures, was largely similar to the original, although it is implied that he was weaker than the original, to the extent that he lacked the ability to cover Hyrule in darkness by the time he had been defeated and sealed in the Four Sword.[48]

In Tears of the Kingdom, Ganondorf is depicted at his most formidable, even compared to his previous appearances in the whole The Legend of Zelda series. Long before the events of the game, his power has increased beyond limits after he gained one of the Secret Stones, as demonstrated when he summoned his hordes of demons to take over Hyrule. With his minions, Ganondorf successfully subjugated the free peoples one after the other, until King Rauru and all the Sages finally faced him beneath Hyrule Castle. Even so, their combined strength was no match for the Demon King, and only Rauru's sacrifice ultimately saved his peers and Hyrule from complete destruction. Even prior to acquiring the Secret Stones, however, it's implied that he possessed powerful enough magic to create realistic phantoms, as evidenced by his usage of a doppelganger of Zelda in an feint to gain Sonia's Secret Stone.

When Ganondorf finally broke free from the seal 10,000 years later, his power was so great that he effortlessly shattered the Master Sword and nearly killed Link himself. Although still weakened by his millennial imprisonment, the Demon King proved to be a nuisance for Hyrule as he triggered several cataclyms that affected every major region of the kingdom. He was also omniscient, as demonstrated when he summoned a puppet with the appearance of Zelda to trick Link and the inhabitants of the kingdom. This nasty surprise also indirectly caused the death of Queen Sonia, and proved decisive in allowing Ganondorf to gain a virtually unlimited power.

Quote1 Too Weak! Quote2
— Ganondorf's one of the two comments when blocking arrows or perfect dodging Link's melee attack.
Quote1 Too Obvious! Quote2
— Ganondorf's other one of the two comments when evading or blocking arrows.

Last but not least, it is no secret that Ganondorf is an accomplished swordsman. But in Tears of the Kingdom, he proves to be even more redoubtable when using a spear, a club and even a bow. Summoning his weapons from the gloom and constantly switching from one to another, his surprisingly swift attacks deal massive damage, with gloom-based projectiles literally taking away Link's maximum health permanently from of the sheer evil fueling his weapons, and he also has many attacks Link can perform, such as a perfect dodge, and is even capable of blocking arrows shots (by swiping his arm on impact if the arrows are fired towards his head twice in a row, when Link isn't airborne) - these feats unseen in the whole series.


When A Link to the Past was released, Ganon's human form, Ganondorf, was introduced, although only in name, as Ocarina of Time fully reveals him afterwards.[49][50] In the Western manual of A Link to the Past for the Super NES, Ganondorf was referred to by the full name "Ganondorf Dragmire".[51] Similarly, Ganon was also referred to in the manual by an alias, "Mandrag Ganon", which means "Ganon of the Enchanted Thieves".[51] These names do not appear in A Link to the Past itself, in its re-releases/remakes, or in any other games, though the name "Ganondorf Dragmire" is used in Ganondorf's character profile on the official Zelda website.[52] According to the Hyrule Historia, the name "Ganondorf" refers to his human form, while the name "Ganon" is both a nickname and the name given to him when he transforms into a boar-like beast.[30][53][54] There have been several cases in The Legend of Zelda series in which characters, such as the King of Red Lions[55] or Zant, refer to Ganondorf as "Ganon".[56] In Breath of the Wild, Ganon is known as Calamity Ganon.[57]

Mainline appearances[]

A Link to the Past[]

A Link to the Past gives an altered version of the events of Ocarina of Time. When Ganondorf discovered the lost knowledge of how to enter the Sacred Realm where the Triforce lay,[58] he killed his minions in order to be the only one able to claim the Triforce.[59] When he laid his hands upon it, the Sacred Realm changed into the Dark World and he was transformed into a boar-like demon, Ganon.[31][60]

In the game itself, Ganondorf is only mentioned by the Maiden of the Swamp Palace.

Ocarina of Time[]

Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time

Several years prior to Ocarina of Time, the Hyrulean Civil War ended with the unification of the various races of Hyrule under the Royal Familly. This included the Gerudo, with Ganondorf as their king, swearing fealty to the King of Hyrule. This brought the Gerudo Desert under Hyrule's control.[61][62] In truth, Ganondorf only did this so he could move freely throughout the country.[62]

During the events of Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf is striving to conquer the lands of Hyrule and obtain the Triforce.[63] In order to access the Triforce within the Sacred Realm, Ganondorf sought the three Spiritual Stones from the Kokiri, Gorons, and Zoras. When they refused to hand them over, he placed a death curse upon the Great Deku Tree and Lord Jabu-Jabu, and blocked off Dodongo's Cavern with a gigantic boulder.[64] At the same time, he pledged false allegiance to the King of Hyrule to gain his trust.[65]

Princess Zelda, however, senses the pure evil within Ganondorf and asks for Link's aid to prevent Ganondorf from obtaining the Triforce.[66][65] Ganondorf eventually betrays the King and assaults Hyrule Castle while Link gathers the three Spiritual Stones.[67] The young hero returns in time to see Zelda and Impa flee while being pursued by Ganondorf on his Horse. When Ganondorf demands Link tell him in which direction the two had fled, Link refuses and is attacked by the King of the Gerudo, who proclaims he will soon rule the world.[68] When Link, shortly thereafter, opens the entrance to the Sacred Realm, Ganondorf sneakily follows him and seizes the opportunity to obtain the Triforce, with partial success.[69][70] As he touched the Triforce, however, it split into three pieces, leaving Ganondorf with only the Triforce of Power.[71][72]

During the seven years Link was in suspended animation, Ganondorf conquered the Kingdom of Hyrule, transforming the feudal-style Hyrule Castle into Ganon's Castle, a tiered near-cylindrical skyscraper resting on a floating island that hovered above a large lake of lava. He had the Castle Town completely decimated, left in ruins, and populated by the ReDead, causing many Hylians to flee to Kakariko Village.[73]

As Hyrule's new king, Ganondorf gained even more knowledge regarding the Triforce. Because his heart was not in balance, he was only bestowed one third of the element: the Triforce of Power. With all of the luxury and power of the subdued kingdom at his disposal, the Sorcerer Evil King is able to wait patiently for the moment when the two remaining Triforce keepers, Link and Zelda, Courage and Wisdom, respectively, would reveal themselves. Eventually, he finds them in the Temple of Time, where he kidnaps Princess Zelda, who had evaded his pursuit for seven years,[74] and challenges Link to come save her.[75][76] The three Triforce possessors meet again in Ganon's Castle, where the final battle ensues. When Link reaches the top of the Tower, he finds Zelda confined in a pink crystalline enclosure floating above it. Ganondorf taunts the young hero and engages him in battle, where Link is able to defeat the mighty tyrant with the aid of the Light Arrows and the Master Sword.[77] Wounded to the extent of being forced to vomit up blood and using the last of his strength, Ganondorf, in a fit of rage, tries to make his entire castle collapse to kill Link and Princess Zelda, but the two manage to escape safely.[78] However, the exhausted Ganondorf still lives, and uses the full essence of the Triforce of Power to transform into a bestial monstrosity called Ganon - his true form. Despite his massive size, strength, and clever tactics, Link ultimately manages to defeat him using the Master Sword and assistance from the power of the Seven Sages, nearly killing him once again.[79] Ganondorf is then sealed into the void of the Evil Realm where he cannot harm Hyrule any longer or lay his hands on the remaining pieces of the Triforce.[80] As he is sealed in the Sacred Realm, Ganondorf angrily claims that when he breaks the seal, he will destroy Link, Zelda, and the Sages' descendants,[81] knowing that he will have the opportunity as long as he possesses the Triforce of Power.[82]

The Wind Waker[]

TWW Ganondorf Model

Long before the events in The Wind Waker but well after Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf managed to escape from his seal and wreak havoc in Hyrule once more. Climbing from the Earth in his beast form Ganon, he attacked the Kingdom of Hyrule and easily took control of it.[83] No hero appeared this time as the gods were forced to flood Hyrule in order to stop Ganon.[84][85][86] He was referenced in legends dating millenia later as the emperor of the dark realm.[55]

However, Ganon breaks free again, rising up from his ocean prison, and subsequently begins to rebuild his army.[87][88][89][90] Still wanting to obtain the Triforce, he sends one of his minions, the Helmaroc King, on a search for "young girls with pointy ears" hoping to find Princess Zelda, the bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom.[91] He sends two more of his minions, Jalhalla and Molgera, to kill the Sages of Earth and Wind (Laruto and Fado, respectively) so the Master Sword doesn't have the power to repel evil. Among the girls kidnapped is Link's sister, Aryll, and thus Link sets off on his adventure to rescue her. Link finds Ganondorf's hideout, the Forsaken Fortress, where Ganondorf had Link thrown far away into the ocean after being caught by the Helmaroc King.[92] Later, it is revealed that Ganondorf has limited magic strength, for his powers were sealed away by the gods with the aid of the Master Sword, which by that time had already been weakened by the deaths of the Sages of Earth and Wind. However, without this knowledge, Link himself takes the Master Sword, and thus removes the only barrier restraining Ganondorf's power.[93][94]

Soon afterwards atop the Forsaken Fortress, Ganondorf reveals that the Master Sword is dull; as its power to banish evil is forever gone, having planned for that outcome.[95][96][97][98] Then, Link and the pirate captain, Tetra narrowly escape safely with the help of the Sky Spirit Valoo and the Rito before Ganondorf can seize Tetra, whom he discovers is actually Princess Zelda and the keeper of the Triforce of Wisdom.[99] After this, Zelda is hidden inside the underwater castle in Hyrule and Link begins his quest to reawaken the Master Sword, whose power had vanished since Ganondorf had murdered the Sages in charge of keeping the power within the sacred blade.[100] Once Link finally achieves his goals of finding the Triforce of Courage and restoring the Master Sword to its former glory to become the Hero of the Winds, Ganondorf locates their haven and consequently captures Zelda, whom he takes to his underwater Tower.[101][102] Link finds Zelda unharmed, lying in a bed, sleeping, with Ganondorf watching over her and her dreams.[103] However, before Link has any chance to approach, Ganondorf unleashes a bewitched, giant puppet of his beast form, which Link defeats.[104] Ganondorf finally reappears to challenge Link, and with Zelda in his arm, he rises to the rooftop of the Tower.

Soon after Link reaches the top of the tower, as Ganondorf speaks to him about his reasons for desperately searching for the Triforce pieces, revealing a little of his origins from the harsh Gerudo Desert and his desire to take over the green landscapes of Hyrule. When he declares that he already has in his possession the Triforce of Wisdom, as Ganondorf suddenly quickly rushes against Link and delivers swift, hard punches to the face that leave Link half-conscious and knocking the Master Sword out of reach. After assuring Link that he won't kill him and just needs the Triforce of Courage, Ganondorf, using his Triforce of Power, summons the two missing Triforce pieces from Link and Zelda and reforms the full Triforce.[105] Nevertheless, right before Ganondorf is able to touch the Triforce and make his wish come true of conquering Hyrule, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule, the last King of Hyrule, appears to touch the Triforce first and makes the wish of permanently washing away the ancient land of Hyrule.[106][107] The Triforce disappears and water starts pouring through the protective barrier into the land of Hyrule as Ganondorf laughs scornfully. Link wakes up at that point and Zelda approaches him holding the Master Sword for Link to engage Ganondorf in one last battle. Ultimately with Zelda's aid, Ganondorf is defeated when Link deals the final blow by plunging the Master Sword straight into Ganondorf's forehead, turning him into stone[108] and killing him.[109] Immediately before his death, however, Ganondorf, with slight satisfaction, referenced the brutal winds that had long plagued the Gerudo.[110] His body remains atop the Tower under the Great Sea with the Master Sword in his forehead, as for the ocean finally drowns Hyrule under the Great Sea. With his death, Ganondorf was freed of his obsessive desire for the Triforce.[111]

Four Swords Adventures[]

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Although Ganondorf himself does not make physically appear in Four Swords Adventures (his alternate form Ganon notwithstanding), he played a major role in the conflict for the game and was frequently mentioned.

Hundreds of years later, Ganon is reincarnated following his death in Twilight Princess. In this game, Ganondorf is referred to as a desert nomad, recently expelled from the Gerudo Tribe for breaking their taboo and exploring the Desert Pyramid as part of his plan to usurp the powers of others and coat Hyrule in darkness.[38] He steals the Trident from the Pyramid and the Dark Mirror (which he uses to summon Shadow Link and his kin) from the forest. He uses him to trick Link into releasing Vaati from the Four Sword to serve as a distraction. Ganondorf then utilized the power of the Trident to hunt down and defeat the knights of Hyrule and transform them into demons, turning the Royal Jewels into gateways to the Dark World. Ganon also absorbs the power of the imprisoned Shrine Maidens.

At the end of the game, Ganon appears as the final boss in a twist ending, fought in the Dark World underneath the Tower of Winds, where he is defeated after Link fires a Light Arrow into Zelda's ball of light that pierces him. He is then sealed away in the Four Sword as its new prisoner.

Aside from the reincarnated Ganon, the original Ganon's hatred and malice transcending time and space was responsible for the creation of the various Shadow Links via the Dark Mirror, with the intention of getting Link to break the seal on Vaati.[112]

Twilight Princess[]


Ganondorf as he appears in Twilight Princess

Prior to the events of Twilight Princess, Ganondorf's true intentions were exposed, and he was captured, put on trial, and sentenced to execution by the Sages.[113] While they managed to severely wound him by impaling him with the Sword of the Six Sages, the Triforce of Power activated at that moment and thus they could not kill him.[114] Using the power granted by his Triforce piece, he manages to free himself from his chains, and kills the Sage of Water as well. Knowing no better solution, the Sages open the gate to the Twilight Realm and send Ganondorf through it. There, he promptly revitalized himself using the lingering anguish and hatred from among the Twili that managed to bleed through the Twilight Realm's dimensional fabric.[115] He influences Zant, who had been denied the throne of the Twilight Realm, to seize control and access Hyrule again. Ganondorf grants Zant a fraction of his power in return for the opportunity to escape the Twilight Realm.[116][117]

After Link defeats Zant, Ganondorf and the young hero meet atop Hyrule Castle, where he is found sitting on Princess Zelda's throne as Zelda's body lies in a niche in the same room. During the final battle, Ganondorf possesses Zelda by turning into Twilight. Using Zelda as a puppet, he attacks Link relentlessly, until Link forces his spirit out of Zelda's body. Ganondorf then takes his bestial form, Ganon, becoming an immensely powerful boar. Taking advantage of Ganon's blind rage, Link outwits him, and defeats Ganon by striking the wound left by the Sages with the Master Sword.

Ganondorf then takes on the form of an immense veil of fire in the shape of his disembodied head. Midna valiantly resolves to fight Ganondorf using the Twilight magic housed within the Fused Shadow, teleporting Link and Zelda to the safety of Hyrule Field. Midna, transforming into an enormous Twilit arachnoid, attacks Ganondorf, with the ensuing battle destroying the castle. However, Midna was no match for Ganondorf, and was promptly defeated by the Gerudo King. Ganondorf emerges from the ruins of Hyrule Castle on horseback, triumphantly holding aloft the Fused Shadow fragment that Midna wore, and after crushing it in his hand, he charges towards Link and Zelda.

Zelda entreats the Light Spirits of the realm to lend her their power in the form of the Arrows of Light.[118] Mounting Epona, Link and Zelda pursue, assailing Ganondorf with a hail of arrows. Ganondorf is momentarily staggered, falling from his steed, but he recovers surprisingly quickly and confines himself and Link in a makeshift arena where the two engage in a sword duel.

After besting him in a sword to sword struggle, Link plunges the Master Sword into Ganondorf's open wound. He does not die immediately, but only when the Triforce of Power fades completely from his hand, does he finally succumb. Ganondorf sees a vision of Zant's neck breaking, then Ganondorf's eyes gloss over and he dies. Immediately before his death, however, Ganondorf, implies that future battles between his reincarnation and their descendants will occur and warns them that the history of light and shadow will be "written in blood."[119]

Phantom Hourglass[]

Ganon is not encountered or fought in Phantom Hourglass due to his defeat in Hyrule (now beneath the Great Sea) at the end of The Wind Waker, but Link's duel with an "evil king" is mentioned in the intro.[120] The intro also had Ganondorf appearing twice, first while abducting Zelda, and lastly while dueling Link (in this version, unlike in The Wind Waker, he fights Link unarmed).

Pre-Breath of the Wild[]

At the founding of Hyrule's Breath of the Wild iteration, which possibly may have followed after the destruction of a previous Hyrule,[41] an incarnation of Ganondorf was born into the Gerudo tribe as leader. He was also considered a hero among his people. He attempted to conquer Hyrule by sheer force via a Molduga stampede, but his plans were thwarted by the Secret Stones in possession of the Royal Family. Upon witnessing their incredible power, the Gerudo changed his strategy and understood that he would have to fool his enemies. He went to Hyrule Castle with a Gerudo delegation to pledge allegiance to King Rauru, a necessary humiliation in an attempt to gain his trust and become closer to the Royal Family. During the meeting, Ganondorf humbly expressed his regrets about all the peace offers that had been rejected or ignored by his people, and complimented Rauru's union with the Queen while subtly alluding to the Zonai's near-extinction. The King praised Ganondorf for his change of heart before letting him go at the end of the audience. While the King of Hyrule effectively secured peace in the ongoing war between the Gerudo and the Hylians, Ganondorf had other plans. Unbeknownst to the Royal Family, he realized that Queen Sonia was also in possession of a Secret Stone, and concocted a plan to steal it from her. He also noticed a third individual, Zelda (actually their future descendant who was time-displaced due to the actions of his future self) among them and took her into account. Zelda also suspected, partly due to Ganondorf's name sounding uncomfortably similar to the Calamity Ganon event in her future, that he held dark ambitions in his heart and tried to warn Rauru, though Rauru assured her he was aware and intended to keep eye on him.

Quote1 Haaah... I can feel my strength surging! Quote2
— Ganondorf about to become the Demon King.
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Ganondorf becomes the Demon King and uses the Secret Stone to unleash the darkness in Hyrule.

It wasn't long before the King of the Gerudo put his plan into effect, creating a doppelgänger of Zelda to lure Sonia to a secluded area, wishing to discuss a private matter. When the fake Zelda made her intentions clear and attempted to assassinate the Queen, Sonia reveals she had anticipated Ganondorf would try such a plan, and countered with the real Zelda, who used her Recall ability return the thrown knife to the fake. Despite this, Ganondorf appeared suddenly, capitalized on the distraction and mortally wounded Sonia. Claiming Sonia's Secret Stone for his own, Ganondorf dramatically enhanced his own powers, transforming into the wicked Demon King in the process, summoning monsters in the form of Bokoblins, Aerocudas, Boss Bokoblins, Blue Hinoxes, Lizalfos, Moblins, Gibdos, Blue-Maned Lynels, White-Maned Lynels, and Silver Lynels from a fountain of Gloom. Rauru arrives in horror, and is taunted by the Demon King, who claimed Rauru "took for granted the godlike power" he had in his hands, goading the Zonai King to attack. Clearly outmatched by the raw power of the Demon King, Rauru heeded Zelda's advice to retreat, and the two teleported to safety with the dying Queen in Zelda's arms. Ganondorf laughed, since Hyrule was now at his mercy and summoned more and more monsters, while riding his horse, commanding them to destroy the kingdom to make a new one.[121] By the time Rauru met with the leaders of Gerudo, Rito, Zora, and Goron tribes, his army overwhelmed the kingdom, with the last village in Gerudo Desert having fallen to his minions.[122]

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King Rauru sacrifices himself in a desperate attempt to stop Ganondorf.

The surviving sages led by King Rauru, the founder King of Hyrule, cornered him, but he proved too powerful to be defeated easily. Rauru was ultimately forced to sacrifice himself by using his Zonai Arm to pin Ganondorf in place, with Zelda aiding at a critical moment by deflecting weapons towards Ganondorf earlier in a similar manner to the earlier encounter with her doppelgänger, distracting the Demon King long enough for Rauru to close in on him. Having impaled the Demon King with his magic arm, he proceeded to absorb Ganondorf's powers and forcefully bound the Evil to himself. King Rauru used his last breath to promise Ganondorf that one day, a young swordsman would come to finish what he had started. Ganondorf sarcastically retaliated that he looked forward to meeting him, before falling into a millennial sleep, which put an end to what would become known as the Imprisoning War. He would remain in this tomb for countless ages, his threat progressively forgotten by the future generations.

Breath of the Wild[]

Main article: Calamity Ganon
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Ganon's spirit is forcefully sealed within Hyrule Castle by Princess Zelda.

While Ganondorf does not physically appear, he is an overeaching antagonist in Breath of the Wild and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity through an avatar of his malice called Calamity Ganon, which acted in his stand in turning the Guardians on the Hyrulians and using that technology to create the Blight Ganons and its physical form. After Calamity Ganon was sealed away again, Zelda admitted that the seal was ultimately temporary,[123] with it being confirmed later that Calamity Ganon's actions for the past century also weaken the seal on Hyrule Castle to the extent of rapidly decomposing King Rauru's body, making the return of the real Ganondorf himself inevitable.[124]

Tears of the Kingdom[]

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SS Timeshift Orb Model
This section uses the past tense incorrectly.

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Capture d’écran 2023-05-22 à 18.50

A thousands of years-sleep reduced Ganondorf to an emaciated mummy.

At the start of Tears of the Kingdom, Link and Zelda are investigating a strange phenomena known as "Gloom", which was seeping from the bowels below Hyrule Castle & causing people to fall ill along with their weapons being decayed. Intent on investigating the rumors, the two discovered long-forgotten ruins deep below the castle. Upon reaching the end of the ruins, Link and Zelda discover a petrified body being the source of the Gloom: and a strange, glowing hand holding it down, subdued. The hand's energy is eventually spent, and the petrified figure opens his eyes, and Zelda is immediately attacked by an enormous blast of Gloom that Link intercepts. The Gloom retaliates, entering his body, depleting the majority of his health, badly scarring his right arm, and decaying the Master Sword. The Gloom attacks, and Link defends with the Master Sword, shattering it instantly. The broken tip flies off and manages to cut the petrified Ganondorf's cheek, but it visibly takes less than a few seconds for the cut to be healed, with Ganondorf mockingly referring to the Master Sword as "fragile".[125]The mysterious being then taunted the "Sword that Seals the Darkness" for being unable to do more, while also referring to Link and Zelda by name, expressing familiarity with them. He also briefly alludes to how King Rauru had placed faith in Link while expressing mocking disappointment at Link's prowess against him. Assuring both that they would be unable to contend with his power, the man initiates an event known as the Upheaval which causes Hyrule Castle to rise from the ground and into the sky. There, in his lair known as the Gloom's Origin, the Gerudo awaited the arrival of Link. During this time, he operated via proxy with both Gloom as well as various Phantom Ganons, one of which posed as Zelda to cover for her disappearance. He then telepathically contacted Link as well as the four sages, Tulin, Yunobo, Sidon, and Riju, at Hyrule Castle after his unit of Phantom Ganons were defeated and unveiled his true identity as Ganondorf and briefly supplied them a vision showing a taste of what he ultimately had in store for Hyrule.[126] As he was still recovering his powers, however, he disengaged them after this. When the Hero of Hyrule finally faced the mummy once more, Ganondorf briefly exposed his views of what Hyrule would look like under his dark rule. Using the ancestral power of the Secret Stone he stole from Queen Sonia long ago, he finally regained his original appearance.

Demon King Ganondorf[]

The Menace Unleashed[]
Capture d’écran 2023-05-22 à 18.52

Ganondorf, the Menace Unleashed, after having regained his powers.

The Demon King stood in front of Link. He proceeded to unsheathe his Gloom Sword whilst announcing that Link had witnessed his revival and the birth of his new kingdom, and the two would then begin to battle in the Gloom's Origin. During the fight, Ganondorf would proceed to taunt Link, alternating between a sword, club, spear, and bow. Despite his enormous physique, the Demon King displayed surprising agility, being able to quickly move backwards and forwards, and in some cases, even perfect dodge the hero's attacks. with well-executed backflips and side hops. However, he was still holding back his true power and after having sustained a substantial amount of damage, Ganondorf used the power of the Secret Stone to reveal his ultimate self before truly beginning to fight the Hero of the Wilds, although not before reveling in the challenge Link was supplying him even before going all out.

Master of the Secret Stone[]
Capture d’écran 2023-05-22 à 18.56

Ganondorf, the Master of the Secret Stone, at the peak of his power.

In his true form, Ganondorf had become extremely powerful and appeared as much more of a threat to Link. Despite his bestial appearance, he fully retained his intelligence. To display the extent of his new power, he extended his vitality far beyond what was thought to be possible, and he summoned four Phantoms, outnumbering Link, stacking him against overwhelming odds. He then proceeded in engaging the wielder of the Master Sword. As his Phantoms were advancing towards Link as well, they were soon all engaged in battle by Link's companions, leaving Ganondorf on his own. This time, the Demon King was not going to underestimate the Hylian, as he easily countered Link's attacks, making the duel much more difficult for the latter. Once his health has been reduced by half, Ganondorf sucked the essence of his four Phantoms and unleashed a powerful shockwave that knocked out the five sages. He then summoned his sword and faced Link with a smile, daring him to attack via a beckoning gesture. His attacks in this phase are as fast and unpredictable as ever (even going as far as dodging Link's flurry rush, requiring it to be performed twice, and that shooting an arrow to his head no longer stuns him), as demonstrated by his mastery of the bow.

Ganondorf holding the Secret Stone, intending to shallow it.

Ganondorf holding the Secret Stone, intending to swallow it.

Demon Dragon[]

Main article: Demon Dragon

After a grueling battle, Ganondorf was ultimately bested by Link. Furious that a mortal like Link would beat him, he declared defiantly that his rule has yet to come and that the wouldn't be able to stand in his way. Resorting to drastic measures to defeat Link and subject Hyrule to an endless night, he ripped Sonia's Secret Stone from his forehead and committed the forbidden act of draconification, fully acknowledging this will mean sacrificing everything, including his mind and body. He then laughed as a stream of Gloom engulfed the whole area. Unleashing his full potential, Ganondorf grabbed Link in his maw before leaving the pit and ascending to the surface.

The power granted to him by the Secret Stone transformed him into the Demon Dragon. He emerged from beneath Hyrule Castle and started swarming high above it. With Link still stuck in his maw, it seemed that the Demon Dragon was about to prevail. But Zelda, in the form of the Light Dragon, then rushed at the Demon Dragon, with Link taking the opportunity to escape his jaws. Link and the Light Dragon then had a climactic aerial battle above Hyrule against the Demon Dragon, with the latter ultimately being vanquished, destroying the Demon King and freeing the world from his biggest threat.

In other media[]

A Link to the Past (Ishinomori)[]

Upon Link's arrival to the Dark World, a man transfigured into a tree tells of Ganon's history. Ganondorf is depicted in this tale as a burly, unkempt man transforming into a piglike beast. This is the first time Ganondorf had been depicted in any form.

A Link to the Past (Cagiva)[]

In the A Link to the Past manga by Ataru Cagiva, Ganondorf is depicted in the prologue wishing upon the Triforce. He is depicted as a figure veiled entirely by shadow.

Ocarina of Time (Himekawa)[]

Ganondorf's role was overall the same as in the game. However, his first appearance had him eavesdropping on Link and Zelda in the Hyrule Castle Courtyard, as well as, while he apologized for his eavesdropping, it implied that he may have sent the Gerudo after Zelda while the latter was disguised in Hyrule Castle Town. Ganondorf later appeared after Link got the Zora's Sapphire, where he attempted to corner Zelda and Impa at the burning castle while stating that Zelda "will experience eternal sleep with her father" in it, which implied that he had, by that point, murdered her father. He also ended up stealing Link's Fairy Ocarina, under the mistaken impression that it was the Ocarina of Time. Ganondorf did not realize that mistake until seven years had passed, upon which he crushed the ocarina in his hand. Ganondorf was also responsible for corrupting Volvagia during the intervening seven years, ultimately forcing Link, Volvagia's former owner and friend, to slay it to save the Gorons, an action that ultimately haunted Link afterwards.

Ganondorf also had Sheik serve him. When Ingo failed to ensure that Epona was supplied to him, Ganondorf initially intended to have him executed for his failure, although he relented after Koume and Kotake instead suggested that they brainwash him. Ganondorf eventually imprisoned Zelda inside a Crystal, and took her to his castle. During the inevitable fight with Link, Ganondorf used a sword with magical powers to overpower him, and sought to finish him off with his ultimate spell. Link was able to use the Spin Attack to deflect the spell back at Ganondorf, which stunned him long enough for Link to cut him down. A wounded Ganondorf then attempted to bring the castle down on Link and Zelda. When that failed, Ganondorf turned into Ganon. Ganon was able to knock the Master Sword out of Link's hand, but Zelda was able to throw it back to the hero. Link promptly cut off Ganon's Tail while declaring that he is Ganon's opponent with determination, brought him down to his knees with a vertical slash, and thrust his sword into the beast's face. Invoking the power of the Sages, Zelda was able to seal Ganondorf away.

Twilight Princess (Himekawa)[]

In the Twilight Princess manga by Akira Himekawa, Ganondorf largely has the same role, although the events of his Execution are expanded slightly; Princess Zelda glimpses of a recording of it. The Execution is also considerably more brutal than in the game; Ganondorf's banishment into the Twilight Realm tears the flesh from his bones. The manga also includes Ganondorf's planned speech towards Link and Zelda about him reincarnating just as they will, as well as him deliberately getting rid of his Triforce of Power to deny Link the chance to make peace with him. The manga also implies that he was aware of the events of the Adult Timeline despite never actually getting a chance to enact its events.

Spinoff appearances[]

Hyrule Warriors[]

File:HW Ganondorf Render
Ganondorf from
Hyrule Warriors

Ganondorf appears as a playable Warrior in Hyrule Warriors, as well as the final Giant Boss of the main story in Legend Mode and in certain Adventure Mode battles as Ganon.

Ganondorf resembles his Twilight Princess design with traits that resemble Demise. He has longer hair (resembling Demise's flaming mane), wears two golden gauntlets, and has a more vivid color palette on his armor. Ganondorf fights in a very destructive and brutal style that revolves around mixing quick and powerful attacks with dark magic. He wields dual Great Swords in battle as his primary Weapon. Additionally, Ganondorf has access to another Weapon in the form of the Trident, using a fast, hard-hitting style with quick one-handed strikes and charging attacks. Occasionally, when racking up a massive kill count, Ganondorf will allude to his Gerudo heritage while boasting.

Ganondorf occasionally drops his Gauntlet as a silver Material when defeated, and rarely his Jewel as a gold Material.

Legend Mode[]

File:HW Ganon Render
Ganon from
Hyrule Warriors

Prior to the game's events, Ganondorf was split into four pieces and sealed away long ago within different eras and dimensions; the Water Temple of Ocarina of Time, the Palace of Twilight of Twilight Princess, the Sealed Grounds of Skyward Sword, and one guarded by the Master Sword in the Temple of the Sacred Sword. Although without a body, his influence manages to corrupt Cia, a sorceress tasked with maintaining the balance of the Triforce, into a crazed witch with a strong desire for Link. His influence persuades her into opening the Gate of Souls, with which she uses to summon monsters and wages a war over Hyrule. After stealing the two Triforce pieces from Link and Sheik, thereby reuniting all three Triforce pieces, she uses the gate to retrieve three of Ganondorf's dark fragments. Although his body is still yet to be complete, Ganondorf grows impatient and manifests his body's form in an attempt to steal Cia's stolen Triforce pieces. She subdues him however after returning the two pieces back to Link and Zelda. He appears again in the Temple of Souls, commanding Rogue Forces as he attempts to take the Triforce pieces from their owners. He is defeated by Link before he can capture Zelda.

Ganondorf does not return until Cia is defeated, when the seal in the Master Sword's chamber finally breaks as a result of the sword being removed, thus freeing his last fragment and reviving him again. For three Scenarios, Ganondorf becomes playable as he creates and leads an army to take the Triforce pieces. He summons Zant and Ghirahim to lead under his command, threatening to return them to their imprisonment unless they serve him, and takes over the monster stronghold in Gerudo Desert. He invades the Valley of Seers, where he manages to defeat Lana and take the Triforce of Power that had been bestowed to her by Cia. He then takes Link's and Zelda's Triforce pieces in Hyrule Field, and takes over the castle. After the Hyrulean Forces defeat the stronghold at the desert, they return to Ganon's Tower to defeat Ganondorf. During this time, he was engaging in an unspeakable ritual to unlock his full power, and due to the advance of the Hyrulean forces, has two Argoroks delay their progress. He ultimately managed to awaken his full strength, which according to him was such that neither the Hero nor even the Goddess could surpass him, and proceeded to personally enter the fray afterwards. However, his power was drained after the Hyrulean Forces managed to capture Hyrule Castle while he was out fighting. He is defeated by Link, but uses the Triforce to transform into Ganon. He is however again defeated with the Light Arrows that Zelda bestows to Link, which returns the Triforce pieces to Link, Zelda and Lana. They use the Triforce pieces to imprison Ganon's spirit again.

Crossover appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. series[]

Super Smash Bros. Melee[]

In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Ganondorf is an unlockable fighter. He can be unlocked either from completing the Triforce Gathering event match or by playing 600 matches. After any of those have been achieved, he will have to be fought in Final Destination. If beaten, he will be unlocked for use in the game. With the exception of his taunt and victory animations, his moves and animations are almost identical to those of Captain Falcon, save for a difference in speed, power, and effect. Ganondorf is slow-moving but overall the most powerful character in the game. However, his lack of speed can be compensated with "L-Canceling" which allows Ganondorf to be played with both power and relative speed, making him a mid-tier. In his game's artwork, Ganondorf wields a sword, although it only appears in the actual game in one of his victory animations. Ganondorf's design, with the sword included, is based on the SpaceWorld 2000 GameCube Tech Demo.

# Trophy First Game / Move Description How to unlock
64 SSBM Ganondorf Trophy Model
Ocarina of Time
Said to be the sole man born to the Gerudo tribe in a hundred years, Ganondorf aspired to conquer the world. He plundered a piece of the sacred Triforce from the Temple of Time when Link pulled the Master Sword from its pedestal. With the Triforce of Power in Ganondorf's possession, Hyrule was plunged into darkness until Link and Zelda defeated the fiend. Complete Classic Mode as Ganondorf
65 SSBM Ganondorf (Smash) Trophy Model
Ganondorf [Smash]
B: Warlock Punch
Smash B: Gerudo Dragon
Since he's slow and can't jump very high, Ganondorf relies mainly on his immense physical strength to overwhelm his enemies. His great weight also makes him a difficult foe to send offscreen. Ganondorf's Warlock Punch is slow but absurdly powerful, and when he strikes with his Gerudo Dragon, enemies rise skyward enveloped in dark flames. Complete Adventure Mode as Ganondorf
66 SSBM Ganondorf (Smash) Trophy Purple Model
Ganondorf [Smash]
Up & B: Dark Dive
Down & B: Wizard's Foot
Ganondorf's slow speed works against him in single combat, but in melees, his crazy power lets him earn his keep with innumerable KOs. Ganondorf can't strike quickly, but each blow he lands adds up. Ganondorf is at his quickest when he uses the Wizard's Foot, and his Dark Dive blasts foes in a burst of dark energy. Complete All-Star Mode as Ganondorf

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[]

SSBB Ganondorf Model
Render of Ganondorf from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ganondorf is unlocked by playing through Classic Mode as Link or Zelda on Hard difficulty, playing 200 matches in Brawl mode, or playing through The Subspace Emissary until he joins the party.[127] His moveset appears largely unchanged. However, many of his animations were changed from the ones he used to share with Captain Falcon. His appearance is based on his Twilight Princess incarnation, like Link and Zelda. He does not use his sword to battle, but draws it out in one of his taunts. His moveset still features some of the dark purple magic he is seen using in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Ganondorf's Final Smash is Beast Ganon, in which he transforms into Ganon and charges forward. Ganondorf's movement speed was lowered from Super Smash Bros. Melee, and though most of his attacks can KO at low percentages, he is considered to be a low-tier character and is currently ranked as the worst character in the game.[128]

The Subspace Emissary also marks the first time Ganondorf teams up with Link and Zelda to fight a common enemy. Ganondorf has been resurrected by Master Hand (though with only his warlock powers and no Triforce of Power) and serves as one of the secondary antagonists alongside Bowser commanding the Subspace Army whose goal is to bring the world into Subspace for their leader, Master Hand. However, Ganondorf's true intention is to betray Master Hand and seize his power for himself. He leads a team of several villains such as Ridley, Rayquaza, Porky Minch, Petey Piranha, and Wario, in addition to Bowser, who acts as his second in command, he is also given command over the Subspace army and its commanders: Galleom and Duon. After commanding the R.O.B Squad to set off Subspace Bombs, Ganondorf orders them to betray the Ancient Minister, their former master who in return joins the heroes in his true form, R.O.B. Soon after Ganondorf and Bowser emerge from Subspace in a Massive Subspace Gunship, and engage in battle with the heroes, however, they fail and abandon the exploding ship and head back to Subspace.

Afterwards the two travel to Master Hand; however, Ganondorf betrays Bowser and turns him into a trophy with a Dark Cannon. Master Hand himself is seen to be controlled by Tabuu, the embodiment of Subspace. Ganondorf, surprised at this revelation and enraged that he had been manipulated the entire time, leaps to attack the dark being only to be turned into a trophy himself due to his lack of the Triforce of Power. However in the process he frees Master Hand from his chains and the latter attacks Tabuu only to knock him unconscious, the heroes then arrive to confront Tabuu only for him to turn them all into trophies as well. When Bowser is revived by King Dedede he furiously attacks Ganondorf's trophy in an act of vengeance. Link and Zelda come across the trophy and revive him, forming a temporary alliance as all characters prepare for the final battle against Tabuu. After the fighters are returned to normal all of them, including Ganondorf battle Tabuu, eventually defeating him and returning the world from Subspace.

# Trophy Significant Games Description How to unlock
186 SSBB Ganondorf Trophy Model
Ocarina of Time

Twilight Princess
A man who wants to use the power of the Triforce to conquer the world. In Twilight Princess, he gives strength to the Twilight KingTriforce piece, Zant, and tries to change the land into a world of darkness. He possesses Zelda, transforms into a magical beast, and attacks Link. In the end, however, Link deals him a finishing blow and defeats him. Clear Classic Mode as Ganondorf
187 SSBB Beast Ganon Trophy Model
Beast Ganon
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Ganondorf's Final Smash. When he grabs a Smash Ball, he transforms into a repulsive, evil beast. He'll vanish momentarily from the screen, then rampage from one side to the other in a straight, headlong rush. When he begins the move, any character before his eyes will flinch, so try to start the move near other characters Clear All-Star Mode as Ganondorf

Sticker Artwork from Effect in The Subspace Emissary Usable by
SSBB Ganondorf Sticker Icon
Ocarina of Time [Darkness] - Attack +29 This sticker is only usable by Ganondorf
SSBB Ganondorf Sticker Icon 2
The Wind Waker [Darkness] - Attack +33 This sticker is only usable by Ganondorf

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U[]

File:SSB4 Ganondorf
Ganondorf artwork from Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U

Ganondorf returns as an unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. His moveset only has minor changes from his Super Smash Bros. Brawl incarnation. Like all characters in the game, he can be modified with custom moves. His design from Twilight Princess is retained, but he now has the glowing chest wound he received from the Sword of Six Sages.

Ganondorf's Final Smash is Dark Beast Ganon. For a brief time, Ganondorf will transform into Ganon and lunge forward, trying to ram his opponents off the stage.

# Trophy Appears in Description How to unlock
3DS Logo WiiU
SSBfN3DS Ganondorf Trophy Model SSBfWU Ganondorf Trophy Model Ocarina of Time

Twilight Princess
The King of Evil that awaits Link at the end of most of his adventures. Ganondorf possesses the Triforce of Power. In Smash Bros., he makes up for his low speed with devastating power. The strength of his blows can knock back most opponents. Get close with a dash attack, and pummel your foes! Clear Classic Mode as Ganondorf
SSBfN3DS Ganondorf (Alt.) Trophy Model SSBfWU Ganondorf (Alt.) Trophy Model Ocarina of Time

Twilight Princess
Being the powerhouse that he is, the King of Evil is a great choice for free-for-alls. His Warlock Punch delivers a thunderous, dark-energy-fueled blow from his left hand. Unfortunately, left-handed dark-energy-fueled blows take some time to charge. You can turn to face someone as they cowardly try to hit you from behind. Clear All-Star Mode as Ganondorf

Ganondorf (Alt.)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

File:SSBU Ganondorf Render
Render of Ganondorf from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Ganondorf returns as a playable fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. His design is now based on his appearance in Ocarina of Time although his hair was still remained like Melee. Also, he now has new smash attacks, all of which involve him using his sword from SpaceWorld 2000 GameCube Tech Demo. Additionally, his Final Smash, Dark Beast Ganon, uses his design from Ocarina of Time, and Ganon is a boss in Classic Mode and World of Light. Calamity Ganon from Breath of the Wild also apears as a Primary Spirit. Ganondorf can fully perform his Warlock punch which flinching to damage.

File:SSBU Ganon Render
Render of Ganon from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Unlike in prior appearances, it is implied that Ganon in the World of Light storyline was a separate entity from Ganondorf, as not only is defeating and recruiting Ganondorf necessary to accessing Ganon's castle ruins and fighting Ganon, but the player can optionally fight Ganon as Ganondorf.

Ganondorf briefly appears in Kazuya Mishima's debut trailer, where he appears in the beginning yelling and clearly struggling to get free as someone is carrying him over to a cliffside that has a molten lava flow below. He is ultimately unable to break himself free before being thrown down there and presumably killed, with the mysterious figure being revealed to be Kazuya. He also briefly appears in the gameplay where he is taken down by Kazuya.

Like all other fighters, Ganondorf has his own Fighter Spirit. Additionally, there is a Primary Spirit of Ganondorf depicting him with his Twilight Princess appearance.

My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess[]

MNPTP Ganondorf Sprite

The fortieth puzzle in the Picross series and the thirty-eighth puzzle in the Mega Picross series depict Ganondorf.

Cadence of Hyrule[]

Ganondorf appears as a child who practices the organ in Gerudo Village. Having witnessed Octavo bewitch his caretaker and chief of Gerudo Village, Barriara,[129][130] into a deep sleep, he became inspired to learn the power that music contains.[131] Though Octavo bewitched Barriara to hinder Ganondorf, this ultimately sets him on his path to becoming Ganon as the Fates foretold. After Cadence, Link, Yves, and Princess Zelda stop Octavo in Hyrule Castle, they break his Golden Lute.[132] Out of desperation, Octavo decides to travel to the Future World to face Ganon himself. Once the heroes arrive in the Future World, they find that Ganon defeated Octavo in battle.[133][134] In the Future World, a Fate explains that Ganondorf found Octavo's Golden Lute and eventually repaired it. The influence of the Triforce of Power within the Lute corrupted Ganondorf and transformed him into Ganon.[135]

In Story Mode — Octavo, Octavo manages to defeat Ganondorf before he can gain power.[136] However, with Link and Princess Zelda bewitched into a deep sleep and without Cadence appearing to stop him, Octavo himself is corrupted and becomes The NecroDancer. When traveling to the Future World to defeat Ganon himself, Octavo is surprised to find his future self in place of Ganon and vows to stop The NecroDancer,[137][138] ultimately resigning himself to his destined fate.[139][140]

Ganon's Swords[]

See also: Sword of the Six Sages
Ganon's Sword TWW

Not counting the golden swords wielded by Ganon in Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf is seen wielding a pair of Swords again in The Wind Waker during the final battle, which is what he uses as his offensive strategy. They are engraved with the names "Kotake" and "Koume.", his surrogate mothers from Ocarina of Time.[141] Later on, in Twilight Princess, Ganondorf wields the Sword of the Six Sages, a weapon that the Sages tried to use against him in an attempt to kill him. The Sword of the Six Sages serves as Ganondorf's weapon in the final battle against Link. In Tears of the Kingdom, the Demon King Ganondorf wields an ornate katana with a dark blade, the Gloom Sword, a weapon he uses in his final battle against Link.

Non-canon appearances of a sword-wielding Ganondorf include one of Ganondorf's victory poses and Smash Attacks in the Super Smash Bros. series and the SpaceWorld 2000 demo, which included a Sword fight between Link and Ganondorf. This Sword was much bulkier than the swords he uses in the main series, and had a rounded tip. Ganondorf also uses a Sword in his battle with Link in the Ocarina of Time manga. This sword is capable of having Ganondorf's evil magic channeled through it. He also wields two Great Swords in Hyrule Warriors, the Swords of Despair. They can be upgraded to the Swords of Darkness and Swords of Demise.


  • In Tears of the Kingdom, the traditional gemstone adorning Ganondorf's forehead is replaced by a Secret Stone, which became the source of his unlimited power.
  • After Twilight Princess came out in 2006, Ganondorf would not appear again in a Zelda mainline game until 17 years later, with Tears of the Kingdom.
  • In The Wind Waker, according to the original Japanese text, the Master Sword was only sealing Ganon's minions and not actually his magic, as can be observed in-game.[93][142]
  • The shape of Ganondorf's ears have varied throughout the series. His initial appearance in Ocarina of Time depicts him with rounded ears. After the time gap in which he was able to obtain the Triforce of Power, his ears become more pointed, similar to those of Hylians (This detail was removed in the 3DS remake). Ganondorf retains his pointed ears in The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.
  • In Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf plays his own theme on a pipe organ. In Twilight Princess, a similar effect occurs when Link progresses through Hyrule Castle, as the background music shifts from the Hyrule Castle theme to Ganondorf's theme. This makes Ganondorf one of a handful of characters to generate their own theme music; the others being Midna, Ghirahim and Yuga, all of whom hum their themes.
  • Early artwork for Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages shows a design for Ganondorf, implying he was originally planned to appear in the games. According to the notes for the artwork, the image was meant to depict Ganondorf's phantom.
  • Ganondorf is extremely tall in height. According to the Hyrule Historia, he is a whopping 230 cm tall (7'6¾'') in Ocarina of Time.[143] On the other hand, his 1/4 scale model from First 4 Figures, who used in game data to faithfully recreate his appearance in Twilight Princess, stands at 23 inches tall, which indicates that he stands at 7'8" in that game.[144]
  • Fierce Deity Link in Majora's Mask appears to be the same height as Ganondorf.
  • Prior to the battle with Dark Beast Ganon in Breath of the Wild, Zelda states that Ganon has given up on reincarnation to fight in his "pure, enraged form." However, the dialogue in the Japanese version appears to contradict this, as Zelda says that the form was born from his obsessive refusal to give up on revival.
    • In order for both passages to be consistent, it can be assumed that Ganon has an obsessive refusal to give up on revival, but has given up on reincarnating into a more sane, sapient form, and instead continues to revive himself in the form of a "purely enraged being".
  • Originally, Ganondorf when defeated in Twilight Princess gave a speech where he indicated Zelda and Link, and any who bore the marks of the Triforce of Wisdom and Courage, respectively, are inevitably going to enter conflict with anyone with Ganondorf's bloodline due to it being pre-ordained by the Gods.[145] This was largely excised in the final version with Ganondorf instead merely assuring them that their conflict won't end then and there as "the history of light and shadow will be written in blood", although Hyrule Historia nonetheless made clear that a reincarnation of Ganondorf did indeed reappear. Demise's curse at the end of Skyward Sword resembled this cut speech.
  • In an interview made during the time Ocarina of Time was undergoing development, script director Toru Osawa indicated that Ganondorf had some redeemable traits despite being pure evil, similar to the character Raoh from the anime and manga Fist of the North Star.[146]
  • The Iron Knuckle enemies seen in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, including the one with Nabooru as such in the former, share Ganondorf's voice, though they are supposed to be Gerudos inside the armor. Ironically, Ganondorf himself is a Gerudo - a male, as the king of their race.
  • Ganondorf's English voice actor in Tears of the Kingdom, Matthew Mercer, previously portrayed the character in the fan film There Will Be Brawl.
  • There are only two games so far where Ganondorf does not transform into his true form Ganon, those being The Wind Waker and Tears of the Kingdom. In the latter game, he instead transforms into a different form called the Demon Dragon.
  • In Tears of the Kingdom, the secret stone of Ganondorf is etched with "闇(暗)" which means "Darkness" in Chinese after he transforms into the Demon King.
  • Aside from his Demon King form's obvious resemblance to Demise, it also bears a slight resemblance to an Oni, a Japanese mythological creature that's often used as a villain in various Japanese stories including Momotarou. In particular, the similarity extends to Ganondorf's horns in this form, and to a lesser extent his hairstyle. The similarity is further reinforced with his usage of the Gloom Club, which was modeled after a Kanabō, a spiked club weapon often used by Oni.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
United KingdomEnglishBRGanondorf (SSBU)[147]
JapanJapanese闇の化身 (Yami no Keshin) (OoT)
ガノンドロフ様 (Ganondorofu-sama) (OoT)
魔王 (Maō) (OoT)
ゲルドの盗賊王 (Gerudo no Tōzoku-ō) (OoT)
魔王ガノンドロフ (Maō Ganondorofu) (OoT)
ゲルドの王 (Gerudo no Ō) (OoT)
大魔王 ガノンドロフ (Dai Maō Ganondorofu) (OoT)
ゲルド族の首領 (Gerudo Zoku no Shuryō) (OoT)
魔盗賊ガノンドロフ (Ma Tōzoku Ganondorofu) (OoT)[148]
ガノンドロフ (Ganondorofu) (OoT | FSA | SSBU | CoH)[149]
黒き砂漠の民 (Kuroki Sabaku no Min) (OoT)
ガノンドロフ (Ganondorofu) (OoT | FSA | SSBU | CoH)[150]
闇の王 (Yami no Ō) (FSA)
ガノンドロフ (Ganondorofu) (OoT | FSA | SSBU | CoH)[151]
ガノンドロフ (Ganondorofu) (OoT | FSA | SSBU | CoH)[152]
Incarnation of Darkness
Revered Ganondorofu
Demon King
Gerudo King of Thieves
Demon King Ganondorofu
Gerudo King
Great Demon King Ganondorofu
Chief of the Gerudo
Demon Thief Ganondorofu
People of the Black Desert
King of Darkness
ChinaChineseSI盖侬多夫 (Gàinóngduōfū) (OoT | SSBU | CoH)[153]
Taiwan, Hong Kong, MacaoChineseTR加儂多夫 (Jiānóngduōfū) (OoT | SSBU | CoH)[154]
大魔王 加儂多夫 (Dà Mówáng: Jiānóngduōfū) (OoT)
Great Demon King: Jiānóngduōfū
NetherlandsDutchGanondorf (SSBU)[155]
CanadaFrenchCAGanondorf (HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[156]
FranceFrenchEUGanondorf (HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[157]
GermanyGermanGroßemeister des Bösen: Ganondorf (OoT)
Ganondorf (OoT | HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[158][159]
Ganondorf (OoT | HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[160][161]
Ganondorf (OoT | HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[162][163]
Ganondorf (OoT | HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[164][165]
Grandmaster of Evil: Ganondorf
ItalyItalianGanondorf (HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[166]
South KoreaKorean대마왕 가논돌프 (Daemawang: Ganondolpeu) (OoT)
가논돌프 (Ganondolpeu) (OoT | SSBU | CoH)[167]
가논돌프 (Ganondolpeu) (OoT | SSBU | CoH)[168]
가논돌프 (Ganondolpeu) (OoT | SSBU | CoH)[169]
Great Evil King: Ganondorf
RussiaRussianГанондорф (Ganondorf) (SSBU)[170]
SpainSpanishEUGanondorf (HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[171]
Latin AmericaSpanishLAGanondorf (HWDE | SSBU | CoH)[172]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 90
  2. "Ganondorf had become the Evil King, and the Sacred Realm became a world of evil." — Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  3. "The desert...that is where Ganondorf the Evil King was born. If we go there, we might find something..." — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  4. "Ancient Creators of Hyrule! Now, open the sealed door, and send the Evil Incarnation of Darkness into the void of the Evil Realm!" — Rauru (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  5. "Unnngh...are you the boy from the forest...? I-I-I've finally met you... I-I-I have something to t-t-tell you... Ganondorf, the Gerudo King of Thieves, betrayed our king... Zelda's attendant, Impa, sensed danger and escaped from the castle with our princess... I tried to stop Ganondorf's men from chasing them...but... The princess was...waiting for a boy from the forest...that's you... She wanted to give something to the boy... If you received it from the princess, hurry...to the Temple of Time...." — Soldier (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  6. 6.0 6.1 "But, remember... Though you opened the Door of Time in the name of peace... Ganondorf, the Gerudo King of Thieves, used it to enter this forbidden Sacred Realm! He obtained the Triforce from the Temple of Light, and with its power, he became the King of Evil... His evil power radiated from the temples of Hyrule, and in seven short years, it transformed Hyrule into a world of monsters." — Rauru (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  7. "The Great Evil King Ganondorf...beaten by this kid?!" — Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  8. "There are some people in Kakariko spreading rumors that I cheated Talon out of the ranch, but... Don't be ridiculous! That guy Talon was weak! I, the hardworking Ingo, poured so much energy into this place! I don't want any strangers like you saying anything bad about me! Listen. The great Ganondorf recognized my obvious talents and gave the ranch to me! I will raise a fine horse and win recognition from the great Ganondorf! Say, young man, do you want to ride one of my fine horses?" — Ingo (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  9. "Great King of Evil
    " — Game Screen (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  10. "Link, the hero! Finally, all of us, the six Sages, have been awakened! The time for the final showdown with the King of Evil has come! Before that, though, you should meet the one who is waiting for you... The one who is waiting for you at the Temple of Time..." — Rauru (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  11. 11.0 11.1 "First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Nabooru of the Gerudo. I'm a lone-wolf thief. But don't get me wrong! Though we're both thieves, I'm completely different from Ganondorf. With his followers, he stole from women and children, and he even killed people! A kid like you may not know this, but the Gerudo race consists only of women. Only one man is born every hundred years... Even though our laws say that lone male Gerudo must become King of the Gerudo, I'll never bow to such an evil man! By the way, what is your name, kid? Link?! What kind of name is that? Well...anyway..." — Nabooru (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  12. "I've seen your fine work. To get past the guards here, you must have good thieving skills. I used to think that all men, except for the great Ganondorf, were useless...but now that I've seen you, I don't think so anymore! The exalted Nabooru, our leader, put me in charge of this fortress. Nabooru is the second-in-command to the great Ganondorf, King of the Gerudo Thieves. Her headquarters are in the Spirit Temple, which is at the end of the desert. Say, you must want to become one of us, eh? All right then! You're in from now on! Take this. With it, you will have free access to all areas of the fortress!" — Gerudo Warrior (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  13. "Ocarina of Time
    Ganondorf, King of Thieves, enters Sacred Realm.
    The Triforce splits.
    Ganondorf transforms into Ganon, the Demon King.
    " (Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 10 (OoT))
  14. "Now...listen carefully... A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse upon me..." — Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time)
    "Now...listen carefully... A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse upon me..." — Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  15. "... ... ... Evil spirit... Spirit of magic? Trident? This indentation is in the shape of a weapon. Do you think the person who took this trident was... Ganondorf?!? The King of Darkness is not Vaati? Does this mean this wicked man is somewhere in Hyrule plotting even now? Link! The situation is even more desperate than I believed! We must hurry!" — Red Maiden (Four Swords Adventures)
  16. 16.0 16.1 Hyrule Warriors: Prima Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 219 (TP)
  17. "Dark Lord
    " — Game Screen (Twilight Princess HD)
  18. "It was then, in the thrall of hatred and despair, that I turned my eyes to the heavens...and found a god." — Zant (Twilight Princess HD)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Creating a Champion, Dark Horse Books, pg. 401
  20. "Demon King Ganondorf" — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  21. "I'll grab that power you cheated me out of for MYSELF, off at the Southwestern Abandoned Mine! Then the Magnificent One and I will guide this world to its miserable end. And there's nothing you can do to stop us!" — Master Kohga (Tears of the Kingdom)
  22. "Master of the Secret Stone
    Demon King Ganondorf
    " — Game Screen (Tears of the Kingdom)
  23. "And we're going to use them to restore an unstoppable weapon for the man himself...the Magnificent One!" — Master Kohga (Tears of the Kingdom)
  24. "The Menace Unleashed
    Demon King Ganondorf
    " — Game Screen (Tears of the Kingdom)
  25. Hyrule Warriors: Prima Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 177
  26. "The Demon King
    " — Game Screen (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  27. 27.0 27.1 "The name of this king of thieves is Ganondorf Dragmire, but he is known by his alias, Mandrag Ganon, which means Ganon of the Enchanted Thieves." (A Link to the Past manual, pg. 5)
  28. "Fortunately, this sacred chamber is not yet known to Ganon. It is my wish that you wait here in hiding until we return." — Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker HD)
  29. "Already he has descended and been reborn in this world... As long as my master, Ganon, survives, he will resurrect me without cease!" — Zant (Twilight Princess HD)
  30. 30.0 30.1 "Though "Ganon" is also a nickname for Ganondorf, here it refers to the beastlike form adopted by the thief following his transformation. The Demon King resembles a giant boar." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 90)
  31. 31.0 31.1 "Ganon's wish was to conquer the world. That wish changed the Golden Land to the Dark World." — Essence of the Triforce (A Link to the Past)
  32. "The Seven Sages of that era sealed the realm in a ferocious battle known as the Imprisoning War. The clan of knights tasked with guarding the sages was nearly wiped out in the process." (Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 24)
  33. "Chronologically, Ocarina of Time is when Ganondorf first appears, as he was not yet born during the events of Four Swords, The Minish Cap and Skyward Sword." (The Legend of Zelda: Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 20)
  34. "Twinrova Koume: Ganondorf's surrogate mother. Sorceress of Flame. She seems vulnerable to low temperature." — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  35. "Twinrova Kotake: Ganondorf's surrogate mother. Sorceress of Ice. She seems vulnerable to high temperature." — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  36. "With his followers, he stole from women and children, and he even killed people! A kid like you may not know this, but the Gerudo race consists only of women. Only one man is born every hundred years... Even though our laws say that lone male Gerudo must become King of the Gerudo, I'll never bow to such an evil man!" — Nabooru (Ocarina of Time)
  37. "My country lay within a vast desert. When the sun rose into the sky, a burning wind punished my lands, searing the world. And when the moon climbed into the dark of night, a frigid gale pierced our homes. No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing... Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin. I coveted that wind, I suppose." — Ganon (The Wind Waker)
  38. 38.0 38.1 "The pyramid is sacred to our people. To have a criminal such as him enter... His presence stains its holy ground." — Gerudo (Four Swords Adventures)
  39. "Once every 100 years, a special child is born unto my people. That child is destined to be the mighty guardian of the Gerudo and the desert. But this child, its heart grew twisted with every passing year. The child became a man who hungered for power at any price." — Gerudo elder (Four Swords Adventures)
  40. "Ganon...This beast was once of the Gerudo...Once human. He was called Ganondorf! King of Darkness, ancient demon reborn. The wielder of the trident!!" — Princess Zelda (Four Swords Adventures)
  41. 41.0 41.1 "あくまで可能性として話すとすれば、ハイラル建国の話があってもその前に一度滅んだ歴史がある可能性もあります。[If I'm just talking about this as a possibility, even if there is a story about the founding of Hyrule, there is a possibility that there is a history where Hyrule was destroyed once before that.]" — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, An interview with the developer of "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" that can still be talked about. A marvelous sequel completed through "play priority", Famitsu.
  42. "So, you think you can protect them from me... You've got guts, kid." — Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
  43. "It's been a while, boy. You have done well to sneak into my fortress and wriggle your way all the way up here. I suppose the least I can do is commend you for your reckless courage." — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  44. "YOU... CURSE YOU...ZELDA! CURSE YOU...SAGES!! CURSE YOU...LINK! Someday... When this seal is broken.... That is when I will exterminate your descendants!! As long as the Triforce of Power is in my hand...." — Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
  45. "I shall house my power in you... If there is anything you desire, then I shall desire it, too." — Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
  46. "His abiding hatred and lust for power turned to purest malice..." — Sage (Twilight Princess)
  47. "The demon king was born into this kingdom, but his transformation into Malice created the horror you see now." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
  48. "[Ganon] was heard to lament, "The power I have attained from the people of Hyrule is not yet enough." From Ganon's words, we can surmise that he did not have the power he needed to cover Hyrule in darkness." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 121)
  49. "The person who rediscovered the Golden Land was Ganondorf the evil thief." — Maiden (A Link to the Past)
  50. "You are the only one who can destroy Ganondorf, the thief-no, Ganon, the evil King Of Darkness!" — Maiden (A Link to the Past)
  51. 51.0 51.1 "The name of this king of thieves is Ganondorf Dragmire, but he is known by his alias, Mandrag Ganon, which means Ganon of the Enchanted Thieves." (A Link to the Past manual, pg. 5-6)
  52. "Once known as the King of Thieves, Ganondorf Dragmire used the power of the Triforce to become the beast, Ganon." — Nintendo, Online Guide - The Legend of Zelda: The official home of the Nintendo game series, The Legend of Zelda series for Nintendo systems, published 2017, retrieved April 21, 2017.
  53. "A design sketch depicting Ganondorf’s phantom. Ganondorf never appears in the Oracle series, however. Only his beast form, Ganon, is seen." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 169)
  54. "Ganon: No trace remains of the human known as Ganondorf." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 121)
  55. 55.0 55.1 "I suppose you [Link] saw him... The shadow that commands that monstrous bird ... His name is...Ganon... He... who obtained the power of the gods, attempted to cover the land in darkness and was ultimately sealed away by the very power he hoped to command. He is the very same Ganon... The emperor of the dark realm the ancient legends speak of..." — King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker)
  56. "Midna... Foolish Twilight Princess... The curse on you cannot be broken... It was placed on you by the magic of my god! The power you held as leader of the Twili will never return! Already he has descended and been reborn in this world... As long as my master, Ganon, survives, he will resurrect me without cease!" — Zant (Twilight Princess)
  57. "I assume you caught sight of that atrocity enshrouding the castle. That...is Calamity Ganon. One hundred years ago, that vile entity brought the kingdom of Hyrule to ruin. It appeared suddenly and destroyed everything in its path. So many innocent lives were lost in its wake. For a century, the very symbol of our kingdom, Hyrule Castle, has managed to contain that evil. But just barely. There it festers, building its strength for the moment it will unleash its blight upon the land once again. It would appear that moment is fast approaching..." — Old Man (Breath of the Wild)
  58. "...The Triforce will grant the wishes of whoever touches it, as long as that person lives... That is why it was hidden in the Golden Land. Only a select few knew of its location, but at some point that knowledge was lost... The person who rediscovered the Golden Land was Ganondorf the evil thief." — Maiden (A Link to the Past)
  59. "In a long running battle, the leader of the thieves fought his way past his followers in a lust for the Golden Power. After vanquishing his own followers, the leader stood triumphant over the Triforce and grasped it with his blood-stained hands." (A Link to the Past manual, pg. 5)
  60. "Indeed, the King of Evil Ganon, the one who has threatened Hyrule so, was born at this time." (A Link to the Past manual, Japanese version, pg. 7)
  61. Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 84
  62. 62.0 62.1 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 20
  63. "They say that Ganondorf is not satisfied with ruling only the Gerudo and aims to conquer all of Hyrule!" — Gossip Stone (Ocarina of Time)
  64. "All this trouble must have been caused by that Gerudo thief, Ganondorf! He said, "Give me the Spiritual Stone! Only then will I open the cave for you!" — Darunia (Ocarina of Time)
  65. 65.0 65.1 "That is Ganondorf, the leader of the Gerudos. They hail from the desert far to the west. Though he swears allegiance to my father, I am sure he is not sincere." — Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
  66. "We must not let Ganondorf get the Triforce! I will protect the Ocarina of Time with all my power! He shall not have it!" — Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
  67. "On that day seven years ago, Ganondorf suddenly attacked... and Hyrule Castle surrendered after a short time." — Impa (Ocarina of Time)
  68. "You must have seen the white horse gallop past just now... Which way did it go?! Answer me!! […] Pathetic little fool! Do you realize who you are dealing with?! I am Ganondorf! And soon, I will rule the world!" — Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
  69. "As I thought, you held the keys to the Door of Time! You have led me to the gates of the Sacred Realm...Yes, I owe it all to you, kid!" — Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
  70. "What Ganondorf is after must be nothing less than the Triforce of the Sacred Realm. He must have come to Hyrule to obtain it!" — Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
  71. "He obtained the Triforce from the Temple of Light, and with its power, he became the King of Evil..." — Rauru (Ocarina of Time)
  72. "The Triforce separated into three parts. Only the Triforce of Power remained in Ganondorf's hand." — Impa (Ocarina of Time)
  73. "Since Ganondorf came, people in the Castle Town have gone, places have been ruined, and monsters are wandering everywhere." — Malon (Ocarina of Time)
  74. "Princess Zelda...you foolish traitor! I commend you for avoiding my pursuit for seven long years." — Ganon (Ocarina of Time)
  75. "If you want to rescue Zelda, come to my castle!" — Ganon (Ocarina of Time)
  76. "We have to save Princess Zelda from her imprisonment in Ganon's Castle!" — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  77. "These toys are too much for you! I command you to return them to me!" — Ganon (Ocarina of Time)
  78. "Link, listen to me! This tower will collapse soon! With his last breath, Ganondorf is trying to crush us in the ruins of the tower! We need to hurry and escape!" — Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
  79. "Use the Master Sword! Destroy Ganon with the sacred sword!" — Princess Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
  80. "Ancient Creators of Hyrule! Now, open the sealed door and send the Evil Incarnation of Darkness into the void of the Evil Realm!!" — Rauru (Ocarina of Time)
  81. "Someday...When this seal is broken....That is when I will exterminate your descendants!!" — Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
  82. "As long as the Triforce of Power is still in my hand..." — Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
  83. "Once, long ago, this land of Hyrule was turned into a world of shadows by Ganon, who sought to obtain the power of the gods for his own evil ends." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  84. "My power alone could not stop the fiend, and our only choice was to leave the fate of the kingdom in the hands of the gods..." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  85. "When the gods heard our pleas, they chose to seal away not only Ganon, but Hyrule itself..." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  86. "Our fair kingdom was soon buried beneath the waves, forgotten at the bottom of the ocean." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  87. "The events which we have long feared seem to have been set into motion. Yes. It seems Ganon has returned. There can be no other explanation." — Jabun (The Wind Waker)
  88. "After his defeat at the hands of the Hero of Time, Ganondorf was sealed away...but not for all time. He was revived, and he returned to Hyrule in a red wrath." — Laruto (The Wind Waker)
  89. "I knew there was a reason the monsters had begun to congregate in the regions around my wood. Now I understand it. He has returned... Ganon has returned..." — Great Deku Tree (The Wind Waker)
  90. "He is the very same Ganon... The emperor of the dark realm the ancient legends speak of..." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  91. "Ganon will be searching frantically for this child in an attempt to get the power of the gods that she possesses. He will not rest until he has found her." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  92. "My name is Ganondorf... And I am the master of Forsaken Fortress." — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  93. 93.0 93.1 "Foolish child. While that sword is indeed the blade of evil's bane, at the same time, it has long played another role... You see, it is also a sort of key... a most wretched little key that has kept the seal on me and my magic intact!" — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker HD)
  94. "By withdrawing the blade, you have broken that seal..." — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker HD)
  95. "You cannot defeat me with a blade that does not sparkle with the power to repel evil! What you hold is useless." — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  96. "Its power is gone, and its edges are dull!" — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  97. "And yet...unfortunately, due to Ganondorf's evil designs, the Master Sword you hold has lost this power." — King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker)
  98. "You cannot defeat Ganon until the power to repel evil has been returned to the Master Sword." — King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker)
  99. "My Triforce of Power is resonating! Ha! At long last, I have found you... Princess Zelda!" — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  100. "You must protect Zelda. She cannot be permitted to fall into the hands of Ganon." — Jabun (The Wind Waker)
  101. "So, despite our efforts, the princess has fallen into Ganon's hands..." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  102. "Beyond the bridge on the far side of the castle stands Ganon's Tower. I am certain Zelda is being held there." — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  103. "I can see this girl's dreams... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans as far as the eye can see." — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  104. "This is a gigantic marionette created by Ganon himself. It transforms into three different shapes, but all are vulnerable to rays of light." — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  105. "When power, wisdom, and courage come together, the gods would have no choice but to come down..." — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  106. "Gods of the Triforce! Hear that which I desire! Hope! I desire hope for these children! Give them a future! Wash away this ancient land of Hyrule! Let a ray of hope shine on the future of the world!!!" — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  107. "Ganondorf! May you drown with Hyrule!!!" — King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule (The Wind Waker)
  108. "It is none other than the Master Sword...The blade of evil's bane. It is the only sword that can banish Ganon from the world above!" — King of Red Lions (The Wind Waker)
  109. "There was no blood, and he turned to stone, and died." —Nate Bihldorff (Nintendo World Report - The Treehouse Interview)
  110. "Ughnn… Heh heh… The wind… It is blowing…" — Ganondorf's last words (The Wind Waker)
  111. "In defeat, he was freed from his unceasing, demonic desire to obtain the Triforce, which had clung to him like a curse." (Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 21)
  112. Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 119
  113. "His name is...Ganondorf. He was the leader of a band of thieves who invaded Hyrule in the hopes of establishing dominion over the Sacred Realm. He was known as a demon thief, an evil-magic wielder renowned for his ruthlessness... But he was blind... In all of his fury and might, he was blind to any danger, and thus was he exposed, subdued, and brought to justice." — Sage (Twilight Princess)
  114. "Yet...By some divine prank, he, too, had been blessed with the chosen power of the gods." — Sage (Twilight Princess)
  115. "Your people have long amused me, Midna. To defy the gods with such petty magic, only to be cast aside... How very pathetic. Pathetic as they were, though, they served me well. Their anguish was my nourishment. Their hatred bled across the void and awakened me. I drew deep of it and grew strong again." — Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
  116. "I shall house my power in you...If there is anything you desire, then I shall desire it, too." — Ganon (Twilight Princess)
  117. "My god had only one wish...To merge shadow and light...and make darkness!" — Zant (Twilight Princess)
  118. "Spirits of the light! Wielders of the great power that shines far and wide upon the lands of our world...In my hour of need, grant me the light to banish evil!" — Princess Zelda (Twilight Princess)
  119. "Do not think this ends here... The history of light and shadow will be written in blood!" — Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
  120. "Just then, a huge, ominous king appeared! He carried Princess Zelda away...The evil king sought the sacred power passed down to Hyrulean princesses. He schemed to take the power and use it himself. The boy chased after him, determined to save the princess... The boy crossed seas and climbed mountains. The journey was perilous. He slayed evil monsters and used their power to become a true hero. After long and hard adventuring, he defeated the evil king. And beautiful Princess Zelda was rescued at last." — Niko (Phantom Hourglass)
  121. "Rise. Rise my servants. Sweep over Hyrule with the power I have granted you. Eliminate this kingdom and her allies. LEAVE NO SURVIVORS!" — Ganondorf (Tears of the Kingdom)
  122. "King Rauru, we had just received word that the last free village in the Gerudo Desert has fallen. At this rate, the Demon King's Army will overwhelm us." — [[Sage of Water]] (Tears of the Kingdom)
  123. "Although Ganon is gone for now, there is still so much more for us to do." — Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
  124. https://nintendoeverything.com/zelda-tears-of-the-kingdom-devs-explain-raurus-seal-shrines-lightroots/
  125. "Rauru placed his faith in you... and that was all you could do?" — [[Ganondorf to Link.]] (Tears of the Kingdom)
  126. "My power will sweep across this land. You need but to wait the inevitable." — [[Ganondorf to his foes at Hyrule Castle.]] (Tears of the Kingdom)
  127. "The demon thief Ganondorf has returned! He’s the largest and bulkiest of all human-type characters. His movement, his attack capability everything feels weighted. Ganondorf’s attacks land with heavy thunks, which gives him a very unique feel."Ganondorf, Super Smash Bros. DOJO!!.
  128. Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tier List, SmashWiki.
  129. "Wait, did I doze off?! What am I doing sleeping outside?! Thanks for waking me up, stranger. I'm Barriara, the leader of this village. Here, this should help you take care of that mischief in the ruins." — Barriara (Cadence of Hyrule)
  130. "Unfortunately, I cannot travel to the ruins with you. I must watch over our prince until he's a little more...mature." — Barriara (Cadence of Hyrule)
  131. "Clearly, there's a power in music I wasn't aware of. I need to improve..." — Ganondorf (Cadence of Hyrule)
  132. "Where did that portal come from? What have you done?! You fools! Without my Golden Lute, how will we defeat Ganon? We have only one final hope..." — Octavo (Cadence of Hyrule)
  133. "Ughhh... I couldn't...defeat him...alone...." — Octavo (Cadence of Hyrule)
  134. "Ha ha ha! So kind of you to bring the remaining pieces of the Triforce to me! You may have defeated that weakling Octavo's toy instruments... But now you will witness the POWER that has brought Hyrule to its knees!" — Ganon (Cadence of Hyrule)
  135. "Ganondorf rules Hyrule now. He found a Golden Lute that had been snapped in two! He managed to repair it, but over time...it corrupted him. He slowly transformed as its Power drove him mad. Now a slave to its dark melodies...he is the beast of Hyrule." — Fate (Cadence of Hyrule)
  136. "Oh, how quaint. It's my past self! Don't worry, dear Octavo. Your troubles are over. I've silenced the fortune-tellers, broken the bonds of fate, and defeated Ganondorf before he could take power! And now I will rule over Hyrule at last!" — The NecroDancer (Cadence of Hyrule)
  137. "What? You're not Ganon! Who are you?" — Octavo (Cadence of Hyrule)
  138. "Rule over Hyrule? That was never what I wanted! I just wanted to prepare for the inevitable... You've become a monster, like the one I wanted to stop! I'll put an end to you!" — Octavo (Cadence of Hyrule)
  139. "Now it is time to atone for what I have done." — Octavo (Cadence of Hyrule)
  140. "(gasp)" — Octavo (Cadence of Hyrule)
    "Ah! I see that you're back. Are you still dying to know what fate has in store for you?" — Fate (Cadence of Hyrule)
    "No! No. I will leave that for those who are much wiser than I." — Octavo (Cadence of Hyrule)
  141. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 21
  142. "その剣は、魔を撃退する退魔の剣 であると同時に、 我が魔族を封じていた、いまいましい封印 そのものなのだよ!" — Ganondorf (The Wind Waker, Japanese version) (Translation by jacensolo06)
  143. Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 148
  144. Ganondorf's First 4 Figures Exclusive Figure
  145. https://tcrf.net/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Twilight_Princess/Unused_Text#Ganondorf
    何度でも、流血の時代が訪れる (Translation: When the chosen ones appear... They are always born into this world in perfect balance. That is the fate decreed by your gods, the only path for those who bear their crests. When this world brings forth another marked as you are... Know too, that it shall also be visited by one of my blood.)
  146. http://www.angelfire.com/games5/makzelda/interviews/kiootcomments.html
  147. "GANONDORF"Fighters | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Official Site | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  148. Encyclopedia (Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd.) pg. 6
  149. "ガノンドロフ"ファイター | 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL | 任天堂, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  150. "ガノンドロフ"ファイター | 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL | 任天堂, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  151. "ガノンドロフ"ファイター | 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL | 任天堂, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  152. "ガノンドロフ"ファイター | 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL | 任天堂, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  153. "盖侬多夫"斗士 | 任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版 | 任天堂, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  154. "加儂多夫"鬥士 | 任天堂明星大亂鬥 特別版 | 任天堂, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  155. "GANONDORF"Vechters | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Officiële website | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  156. "GANONDORF"Combattants | Site officiel de Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  157. "GANONDORF"Combattants | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Site officiel | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  158. "Ganondorf" — View Warriors (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  159. "GANONDORF"Kämpfer | Offizielle Seite zu Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  160. "Ganondorf" — View Warriors (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  161. "GANONDORF"Kämpfer | Offizielle Seite zu Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  162. "Ganondorf" — View Warriors (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  163. "GANONDORF"Kämpfer | Offizielle Seite zu Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  164. "Ganondorf" — View Warriors (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  165. "GANONDORF"Kämpfer | Offizielle Seite zu Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  166. "GANONDORF"Personaggi | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Sito ufficiale | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  167. "가논돌프"파이터 | 슈퍼 스매시브라더스 얼티밋 | 닌텐도, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  168. "가논돌프"파이터 | 슈퍼 스매시브라더스 얼티밋 | 닌텐도, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  169. "가논돌프"파이터 | 슈퍼 스매시브라더스 얼티밋 | 닌텐도, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  170. "ГАНОНДОРФ"Бойцы | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate — Официальный сайт | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  171. "GANONDORF"Luchadores | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Sitio web oficial | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
  172. "GANONDORF"Combatientes | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Sitio web oficial | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo, smashbros.com, published 2018, retrieved May 22, 2021.
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