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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"And to think a romance that could change the world, all began at a party. An intergalactic blowout thrown by the party prince of Asgard himself that introduced Earth to the stars and Howard the Duck to Darcy Lewis."

The Party on Midgard was an intergalactic party hosted by Thor across Earth.


What If..

Odin give baby Loki back to Laufey

In an alternate universe, an infant Loki was found by Odin after he defeated Laufey. However, instead of turning Loki into an Asgardian and raising him as his own, Odin returned the infant to Laufey and inspired him to give Loki a second chance as his son. Afterwards, Odin would continue to raise his own son Thor as an only son.

Without Loki's mischief to humble Thor as brothers, Thor would grow up to become a more arrogant and hedonistic god, with Thor becoming a self-proclaimed "Party Prince". Over the years, Thor would befriend Loki, Surtur, Nebula, the Grandmaster, and many other people across the Nine Realms and go around the universe throwing many extreme parties, including one on the collapsing Meteor Alpha Star Icarus which they would help destroy after vacating the potential doomed denizens of it.

In 2010, Odin would decide to go into the Odinsleep to replenish his powers. After Odin went to sleep, Frigga decided to go spend some time with her sisters, and told Thor to stay on his best behavior, because Heimdall would keep his eyes on him. However, after Frigga left, Thor would tell Heimdall that they were going to Midgard to study. After Heimdall agreed to let them there, Thor would invite Sif, the Warriors Three, and whoever else Thor had befriended across the universe to have a huge party on Midgard.[1]


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Las Vegas (What If)

As Thor was taking the Bifrost to Earth, astrophysics Jane Foster and her intern Darcy Lewis would pick up on the energy headed their way, and traced it to Las Vegas, where they watched as the Rainbow Bridge made contact. Once the Bifrost Bridge had taken Thor and the warriors to Las Vegas, Nevada, Thor would declare to the citizens that they were having a party on their planet, with Thor's guests arriving to begin the celebration. Despite their initial worry, many people began to join in on the festivities.

Party Thor First Look

Thor dances with Jane Foster

During the party, Foster would approach Thor and question him on his presence, as Darcy began to talk to Howard the Duck as they went to bond as Foster left. While as Thor was trying answer her questions, Thor and Foster began to flirt, before they started to bond and party. With the party in full swing now, Thor and Jane would participate in a rave DJed by the Grandmaster and later get some tattoos of their respective fields of expertise on the other's arm, while Darcy and Howard would get married in a Las Vegas brothel from an Elvis Impersonator.

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Meanwhile, Nick Fury would drop by to investigate the ongoing party and the extraterrestrials motives, before accidently being knock out by Korg as he was attempting a cannonball. The hard hit caused Fury to enter a brief coma leading to Maria Hill to fill in his place. As the night continued, Thor would encounter Loki and some of his Frost Giant friends. After acting like they were feuding with the other, the brothers in arms would drop the act and begin to make the party, even bigger than it already was.

Jane meets Hill

Foster is greeted by S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the following day Foster would wake up in an apartment where Thor and some other guests had spent the night, when she heard a knock at the door. Opening the door, Foster would meet Maria Hill, who wanted to bring Foster in for questioning about her research leading to the party. Bringing Lewis with her, Foster would be escorted to the Helicarrier. Once there, Hill would question the two about their findings and revealed that they've learned that on of Thor's previous parties were responsible for the destruction of Alpha Star Icarus. Hill would reveal that Fury did have a "weapon" to bring out in case of a potential world-ending event, a specialized pager to Captain Marvel.[1]


"But Howard and Darcy's lives weren't the only ones changed by Thor's Midgard rager. The party may have ended but the guests never left, as the worlds of Earth and the Cosmos became forever intertwined, just like Howard and Darcy."
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Eventually, Jane Foster would learn from Thor the true nature of the Alpha Star Icarus party, and in order to stop Thor's party and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s potential destructive solution with Captain Marvel, would go to Frigga to intervene. Meanwhile, Thor would have a grudge match against Captain Marvel, which ended after Frigga warned him that she was coming to Midgard to see what he had done. Eventually, Thor would convince the Party-Goers to help Thor clean up the mess they made on the Planet. Eventually, when Frigga arrived, Thor and the others would make it look like they were there to study the planet, with Captain Marvel even help make the alibie look real.

Jane and Thor plan a date

Thor plans a date with Jane Foster

Despite the fact that Foster had told on him, Thor understood and offered to take Foster on a date the day after the party. However, Thor would have to deal with the Multiversal invading Ultron with the Guardians of the Multiverse, with him helping them take out the robot.[1]

Although the party was over, extraterrestrial life never left Earth, but lived alongside humans. This began a cosmic-terrestrial civilization, allowing many cosmic species to live with humans.[2]

Behind the Scenes[]

