The "Forerunner Steve Rogers" Universe is an alternate reality where an anomaly started to merge the 21st and 17th centuries, due to Captain America accidentally hitting the Time Stone during the Battle of Wakanda.
To be added
In chronological order:
- What If...? | Episode 2.05: What If... Captain Carter Fought the HYDRA Stomper?
- What If...? | Episode 2.08: What If... The Avengers Assembled in 1602?
- What If...? | Episode 2.09: What If... Strange Supreme Intervened?
- What If...? â An Immersive Story (depiction)
- This universe is inspired by the Marvel 1602 limited series[1] which was designated as Earth-311 in the Marvel Encyclopedia #Fantastic Four.
Behind the Scenes[]
- While the original Marvel 1602 limited series this universe is based on was written by Neil Gaiman, Gaiman himself was never consulted in the making of the What If...? episode that introduces it.[2]