For alternate versions of Muneeba Khan, see Muneeba Khan's Character Hub |
- "Listen to me. You are chosen for a greater purpose, okay? So, of course you must go now. But I will never let you go. You understand that, right?"
- âMuneeba Khan to Ms. Marvel[src]
Muneeba Khan (Urdu: Ù ÙÛŰšÛ ŰźŰ§Ù) is the mother of Aamir Khan and Kamala Khan.
Muneeba grew up with her mother, Sana Ali, who always told her stories of their family histroy. However, she was always so focused on her stories that she never made time for Muneeba, which led to a bad separation in the family.[2] These stories were eventually twisted to make it seem like Muneeba's grandmother, Aisha, was a horrible person. One of the stories happened during the Partition of India where Aisha left the family and Ali lost her father. Luckily, Ali followed the stars to her father.[3] Another set of stories were that Aisha had a secret affair and secret family, which brought shame on Muneeba.[4]
Moving to Jersey City[]
- "America was my mountain. Your father and I dreamed so much of coming here, and when we finally came it was so hard. He worked very long hours for very little money, and Aamir was barely out of diapers. My English was not so good. I'll tell you, I've never felt so alone in my whole life."
- âMuneeba Khan to Kamala Khan[src]
Muneeba fell in love with the famous singer, Bon Jovi and even ran away to go see him.[2] While listening to an album titled Slippery When Wet, Muneeba met Yusuf Khan and fell in love with him, later getting married.[4] They dreamed of coming to the United States of America and eventually did so. However, Yusuf had to work long hours with low pay and their very young baby boy, Aamir Khan, was hard to deal with. Luckily, they got through it even with Muneeba's lack of English. They got help from friends that Muneeba had met: Ruby and Humaira.[1]
Having a Family[]
Overprotecting of Kamala[]

Khan argues with the driving instructor
Kamala Khan walked downstairs on the day of her driver's test. Muneeba reminded her to always look in her mirrors, but Yusuf Khan told her she just needed to look like she was looking in her mirror, which Muneeba disagreed with. Muneeba then arrived following Kamala's driver test and saw that she crashed into the instructor's car. Muneeba told the instructor that he tricked her, not believing Kamala would make a mistake.

Muneeba gives Kamala Khan junk
Later, Muneeba told Kamala to turn off the television before taking a box away from Kamala, saying it was junk since her mother gave it to them. She then told Aamir Khan to bring it to the attic as she was going to go with Kamala to get supplies for Aamir's wedding. When they got home, Muneeba packed up food for Bruno Carrelli before sitting down as Kamala wanted to talk to them.

Muneeba refuses to let Kamala Khan go to New Jersey AvengerCon
Kamala asked if she could go to New Jersey AvengerCon. Muneeba grew worried for Kamala's safety and forbid her from going. Kamala angrily marched up to her room. Aamir then talked to Muneeba and convinced her to let Kamala go. Muneeba excitedly showed Kamala a Hulk suit that she made for her, telling Kamala that Yusuf would go with her as a Hulk couple. Yusuf then walked in wearing his own Hulk cosplay. Kamala said it was humiliating and wanted to go as Captain Marvel. An angry Muneeba then said she could not go anymore.

Khan upset with her daughter
Aamir left to go to the city and Kamala was up in her room, so Yusuf and Muneeba played around, with Muneeba laughing. Late at night, Muneeba checked on Kamala only to see that she was gone. Muneeba disappointingly waited in Kamala's room until she sneaked back in around eleven o'clock. Muneeba stated her disappointment in Kamala.[5]
Eid Celebration[]

Muneeba has a heart to heart with Kamala Khan
Muneeba returned home from getting presents for the wedding when Kamala Khan came down to help. Kamala apologized and Muneeba just told her that she needed her safe and that was all that mattered. Kamala then said she knew it was not a good time. Muneeba stopped her, thinking she was going to ask for an AvengersCon two. However, Kamala said there was a party she wanted to go to. Nakia Bahadir and Bruno Carrelli were going to be there. Muneeba said that she could.

Khan talks about Partition
At dinner, Yusuf Khan told Tyesha Hillman the story of how Sana Ali got out of Pakistan. Tired of the stories and history, Muneeba left the room to go to the kitchen. Suddenly, Kamala passed out. Everyone surrounded her as she woke up. Muneeba poured water on Kamala's head as well as wondering if she either had too much to eat or too little.

Khan greets Bruno Carrelli
Later, Muneeba did Kamala's makeup for Eid Mubarak. Kamala asked Muneeba about Aisha, saying she heard it from Ali. Muneeba stopped and told her that Aisha brought shame upon the family. Kamala said that Muneeba always told her to follow her stories. Muneeba ordered her not to follow that one. At the celebration, Muneeba complimented Carrelli's outfit as he tried to fit in. They were celebrating until night fall when suddenly, Hameed fell from the top of the mosque. Everyone watched in horror as a superhero known as Night Light saved Hameed. However, she slipped, causing Hameed to fall, but only broke his leg, rather than the death that would have been bestowed upon him.[4]
Aamir's Wedding[]

Khan with her family
While preparing for Aamir Khan's wedding, Muneeba talked to her friend, thanking her for coming. Her friend apologized for Sana Ali's absence, saying that it must be hard to celebrate without her mother. However, she claimed it was probably for the best as mother and daughter struggles were eternal. She then told Kamala Khan not to give Muneeba any trouble. Kamala said she would not.

Khan at the party
Muneeba went to the counter where Aamir said the prank was to hide one pair of his shoes, not all. Muneeba laughed along with everyone else. Muneeba and Abdullah then talked to Kamala about the new Night Light. Muneba talked about how much trouble she was causing, saying her mother should be ashamed of themselves. She then told Kamala that Bruno Carrelli could not get out of his shift, but left a box for her.

Muneeba confronts Kamala Khan
Later, Muneeba found Kamala cleaning a wound on her leg. Kamala claimed she fell off her bike. Muneeba helped her clean it. Kamala then asked if Muneeba ever felt like she wanted something very bad but could not get it. Muneeba recalled how she came to United States of America and how hard it was. She then hugged Kamala.

Khan and company dance
At the wedding, Muneeba watched as her son read his vows. The family then danced on the stage in celebration. Suddenly, the fire alarm went off. Everyone evacuated quickly, thinking there was a fire. Everyone waited outside worriedly as they realized there was no fire. People then claimed that they saw Kamala pull the alarm. Yusuf and Muneeba waited at home, scared for Kamala. When she finally returned, they forced her to say what happened, but she refused to talk.[1]
Accepting her Daughter[]
Making Up with Mother[]

Khan on a plane
Due to Kamala Khan's stunt at the wedding, Muneeba grounded Kamala. However, Sana Ali called and insisted Muneeba and Kamala to come out to Karachi, Pakistan. Muneeba reluctantky agreed. On the plane, Muneeba reminded Kamala that she was indeed still grounded. They then got off the plane and reunited with Ali, Owais, and Zainab.

Khan makes up with her mother
The next morning, the cousins said it was time to eat. Kamala said that she did not think she could eat. Muneeba told Kamala to get up and stop being weird as they were there to visit. Later, it was just Ali and Muneeba alone. Muneeba was mad at how messy the place was. Ali went to help Muneeba, but Muneeba forced her to sit down, worried about her health. They then sat down and talked. Muneeba finally confronted her mother about their past, saying she did not need the stories, she needed a mother. This caused her to realize how she was treating Kamala. When Kamala came home late, instead of getting mad, Muneeba asked if she had fun. They then sat and had toffee, laughing at how hard the candy was. Through their chat, Muneeba learned to trust and understand Kamala.[2]

Khan and Sana Ali
Later, Kamala did not come home from being in the city. Muneeba grew worried and started panicking. Owais helped her, saying she could track Kamala's iPhone. Muneeba thanked him and found a location. Her and Ali then arrived at the location to see Kamala using hard light to defeat enemies. Muneeba realized that she was the Night Light from New Jersey. Despite all of the things she said about Night Light, she turned out to be very supportive of Kamala and proud of her for doing things right. As Kamala left, Muneeba saw her broken necklace on the ground, which made the shape of a lightning bolt.[3]
A Suit for Kamala[]

Muneeba gifts a suit to Kamala Khan
Arriving back in the United States of America, Muneeba could not contain her excitement and told the family of Kamala Khan's secret. When Kamala went to tell the family her secret, they tried to act shocked, but gave away Muneeba's slip up. In Kamala's room, Muneeba gave her a box. In the box was a new suit for Kamala which would protect her. Muneeba took inspiration from the bolt on the broken necklace. Kamala was thankful and rested her head on Muneeba's shoulder.[6]
Battle at Coles Academic High School[]

Khan fears for her daughter
Later, Muneeba had Aamir Khan protect Kamala as she went to help Kamran. Later, Yusuf Khan showed Muneeba a video that Rasheed sent him, which said there was a fight at Coles Academic High School. Muneeba and Yusuf arrived along with many people from the city as they wanted the fight to go viral so that United States Department of Damage Control backed off of the school so they could stop the conflict.

Khan watches her daughter as a hero
Muneeba then watched as Aamir, Bruno Carrelli, Nakia Bahadir, and Zoe Zimmer were arrested. They waited some more until an unstable Kamran walked out. Kamala Khan closely followed as Damage Control shot, causing Muneeba to yell. Luckily, Kamala was able to block the bullets with her hard light. As Kamala tried to stop the shooting, Kamran lost control and caused waves of hard light to go flying. Kamala contained him and helped him escape to calm down. When she revealed herself, Damage Control moved in. However, all of the bystanders got in between them and Kamala, allowing her to escape.[6]
Letting Kamala Go[]
Attack on Her Home[]

Khan sees Carol Danvers
- "Let me preface this by saying Iâm not really sure. But I did not break my closet door, okay? I was in space."
"Oh, so it broke itself?" - âKamala Khan and Muneeba Khan[src]
In 2026, Muneeba was at the Khan Residence where Kamala Khan was in her room, listening to abnoxiously loud music. Muneeba called up to her, asking if she was doing her homework. Kamala replied saying she was. Later, Muneeba, Yusuf and Aamir Khan were sitting in the living room when none other than Captain Marvel walked down the stairs. The Khans looked at her and she said hi before walking out without another word, leaving the Khans confused.

Muneeba and Yusuf Khan talk to Kamala Khan
The Khans ran up to Kamala's room only to see her gone and her closet door destroyed. When Kamala returned, the family confronted her and Kamala denied having broke the closet. Kamala tried to explain that she was in space, which Muneeba did not believe. Yusuf then said that maybe Captain Marvel broke it. Muneeba explained that Captain Marvel was in their house and now Kamala barged in with no apology. The family was worried that Danvers was pressuring Kamala, but Kamala was just excited that Danvers was there.

Khan gets scared at Goose
Suddenly, Kamala disappeared again, only to reappear with a cat in her arms. Kamala started panicking, making Muneeba panic as Kamala explained that the cat ate a man with her tentacles, confusing Muneeba. Suddenly, the cat spat out two Kree guards, showing her tentacles. Muneeba jumped back as Kamala told them to please run. The Kree then attacked. Unsure of what to do, Muneeba picked up a roll of paper towels and threw it as Captain Marvel swapped with Kamala.

Khan gets angry at the Kree
Muneeba then picked up a lamp and threw it at the Kree. She then saw Yusuf being knocked down, so she planted her body over him as the Kree guard struck them. Just before making contact, the guard was stopped by Captain Marvel. Muneeba then gave him an angry look. Yusuf and Muneeba then took this opportunity to crawl over to the dinner table. Muneeba made her way over to the stairs as she saw Kamala, Captain Marvel and Monica Rambeau continuously switch places with each other.

Khan is attacked
Muneeba yelled out to Yusuf as she saw a Kree throw him and the couch across the room. In response to this, Muneeba took a vase and slammed it onto the Kree's head, to no avail as the Kree charged after her, grabbing Muneeba and holding her as she yelled for him to let her go. The Kree then charged up his staff to kill her when Rambeau punched the second guard, into this one in order to save Muneeba. Now on the ground, Muneeba saw Kamala and asked if she was okay. Kamala confirmed this.[7]
Kamala Recruited[]

Khan annoyed with Kamala Khan
- "Iâm very happy for you. Yeah. Whereâs our daughter?"
- âMuneeba Khan to Monica Rambeau[src]
Muneeba and the Khan family started cleaning up their destroyed home. Muneeba grabbed a pillow and brushed it off while staring disappointingly at Kamala Khan. She then threw it on the couch only for it to be eaten by Goose. Muneeba, Yusuf and Aamir Khan then confronted Kamala only to be interrupted by a doorbell, annoying Muneeba.

Khan listens to Monica Rambeau
Yusuf answered and met Nick Fury and Monica Rambeau, who wanted to talk to Kamala. Muneeba then sat down as she listened to Rambeau explain what she believed was happening and that since Kamala was the hero of Jersey City, they had intel on her. Suddenly, Kamala tried to use her powers, only to swap with Captain Marvel, leaving Kamala's whereabouts unknown. Rambeau started explaining to situation to Danvers only for Muneeba to interrupt, angrily demanding to now where Kamala was.

Muneeba demands to know about Kamala Khan
Upon hearing Kamala would be wherever Danvers was, Captain Marvel walked out of the house and started flying without explanation. Suddenly, they heard Kamala's screams from above as Danvers had switched with Kamala, leaving her falling from the air. As Muneeba and the Khans looked up, very scared, Fury told Rambeau to fly and save her. Rambeau did so and the group on the ground watched as the two switched with Danvers at the last second. Danvers then flew off again.[7]
Worrying about Kamala[]

Muneeba calling Kamala Khan
- "Kamala, you listen to me. If anything happens to you, Ù ÛÚș Ű§ŰłÛ Ù Ű§Ű± ÚۧÙÙÚș گۧÛ[8] You tell her that. I love you, beta."
- âMuneeba Khan to Kamala Khan[src]
In order to help, Nick Fury had the Khans come with him onto the S.A.B.E.R. Space Elevator to go to the S.A.B.E.R. Space Station. Fury then called Captain Marvel and gave the phone to Muneeba, who started yelling at Kamala Khan, refusing to let her on a space adventure because Fury had told her how dangerous they are. Kamala got embarrassed when Muneeba called him "Nicholas" instead of Fury.

Kamala Khan talks about the other bangle
They then arrived on the station and went to Fury's office. Monica Rambeau then told Muneeba that they needed Kamala to stay with them for their mission, angering Muneeba, who demanded they let Kamala go. Kamala then explained that the enemy had Sana Ali's other bangle and they needed to stop her. Upon hearing there was another bangle and the enemy would use it to hurt Kamala, Muneeba got even more worried.

Khan worries about Goose
Rambeau and Fury promised that Kamala would come back home safe. Muneeba then told Kamala that if anything happened to her, Muneeba would kill them for letting it happen. She then told Kamala she loved her before hanging up. Muneeba then looked over at Goose, who started coughing up pots and pans she ate. Muneeba remarked to Fury that Goose was acting very weird and looked pudgy. Muneeba continued, saying she believed Fury was overfeeding her.[7]
Escaping the Space Station[]

- "Ammi, the universe isnât safe. And if the universe isnât safe, that means you guys arenât safe."
- âKamala Khan to Muneeba Khan[src]
Later, more surges in the Universal Neural Teleportation Network caused the S.A.B.E.R. Space Station to become very unstable. In the main room, Muneeba watched as a fire started at the main pillar. Muneeba followed Nick Fury to get a fire extinguisher, only to see many Flerken eggs in the closet. These eggs then hatched into baby Flerken. Additionally, Goose had been hiding items from Muneeba's living room in the closet.

Muneeba sees Kamala Khan
Fury then got the idea to use the Flerken to eat the personnel to transport them off of the station. Then once to safety, they could spit them out. Muneeba then helped to get this done until she saw Ms. Marvel return with Captain Marvel and Monica Rambeau. Muneeba then got excited and rushed over to Kamala, hugging her. She then gathered up more Flerken and put them into a S.A.B.E.R. Escape Pods before going to the space port bay.

Muneeba lets Kamala Khan go
Once there, Muneeba had a heart to heart with Kamala before she left. Muneeba told her that she will let her go as she knows she needs to help, but she would never actually let her go. Fury then pointed out how Kamala should not bring the other bangle. Muneeba agreed and offered to take it, but Kamala explained she needed it to help her just in case. Muneeba then watched Kamala leave before getting into an escape pod with Fury.

Khan on the S.A.B.E.R. Escape Pods
They took off only to start hurtling towards Earth uncontrollably, scaring the Khans. To make matters worse, the Flerken started coughing up the personnel, just making the pod heavier as Muneeba stated obvious things that were happening, annoying Fury. The pod then flew towards New York City and crash landed in a park. The group got out and looked up at the Sun to see it being eclipsed by the Accuser Warship.

Muneeba watches Kamala Khan land
Later, Kamala returned and Muneeba rushed over, hugging her. However, she saw that Kamala was crying, which made Muneeba very worried as Yusuf Khan consoled her. Kamala then explained that they had lost Rambeau. Fury asked where Danvers was and Kamala replied that she was fulfillung a promise to reignite Hala's sun, which is the reason this conflict started in the first place.[7]
Moving Danvers In[]

Khan at the Rambeau Residence
- "This says "Kitchen," but there are all these hot sauce packets... And then thereâs this very bizarre-looking tray which I will say is a very good quality, though."
"You can keep it." - âMuneeba Khan and Carol Danvers[src]
Muneeba and the Khans agreed to help move Carol Danvers into the Rambeau Residence in Louisiana. Muneeba carried a box, labeled kitchen, remarking at how there were only hot sauce packets. She saw a golden plate with a drawing of Danvers and Prince Yan on it. Muneeba remarked at the outstanding quality of it, prompting Danvers to tell her to keep it. However, Muneeba hesitated, saying she did not want it.[7]
- "That is not you. I wish you would just focus on your story."
- âMuneeba Khan to Kamala Khan[src]
Muneeba is initially presented as a strict and overly traditionalist mother who strongly disapproves Kamala's interest in superheroes and frequently warns her about her overall lack of attention in daily life, insisting Kamala should stop fantasizing and be a normal muslim traditionalist like herself. This overly protective attitude causes tension between Kamala and Muneeba, with Kamala going as far as describing her mother as "Darth Vader."
Over time it is shown that Muneeba's overprotective nature is the result of her strangled relationship with her own mother Sana, whom she frequently argued with over Sana's supernatural beliefs and fantastical stories about their family being magical which Muneeba would always dismiss as nothing but fantasizing.
During Muneeeba and Kamala's visit to Karachi, she and Sana would continue to passive-aggressively argue over their strained relationship, until the two sat down and had a heart-to-heart conversation over their complicated history. Following that conversation, and after learning that Sana's stories about their magical lineage were proven correct when Muneeba witnessed Kamala's superpowers, Muneeba learned to accept her family and repair her relationships with both her daughter and mother.
Upon returning from their visit, Muneeba proved to be the most supportive of Kamala's superhero identity of the Khan family, even to the point that she made a proper superhero costume for Kamala to use, adding personalized touches inspired by the multiple gifts that Kamala had gathered since obtaining her powers.
- Bilingualism: Khan is fluent in her native Urdu, as well as English.
- Khan Residence: To be added
Enemies[] |
In chronological order:
Ms. Marvel | Episode 1.01: Generation Why
Ms. Marvel | Episode 1.02: Crushed
Ms. Marvel | Episode 1.03: Destined
Ms. Marvel | Episode 1.04: Seeing Red
Ms. Marvel | Episode 1.05: Time and Again
Ms. Marvel | Episode 1.06: No Normal
The Marvels
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.03: Destined
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.04: Seeing Red
- â 3.0 3.1 Ms. Marvel: 1.05: Time and Again
- â 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.02: Crushed
- â Ms. Marvel: 1.01: Generation Why
- â 6.0 6.1 Ms. Marvel: 1.06: No Normal
- â 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 The Marvels
- â Translates from Urdu to: "I will kill her"