- "Are we supposed to knock or just come in? I never know with doors like this. Is it a business or a home?"
"Both." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Alias Investigations Office is the office of Alias Investigations and the private residence of Jessica Jones located in New York City, New York.
An Unsatisfied Client[]
Upon finding enough evidence that the wife of a client was cheating Jessica Jones had a meeting with him in her office. Hearing that his wife was cheating on him with his own brother angered him to the point that he began to blame Jones. Jones eventually had to throw him through the window of her front door. Jones repaired the damage by taping cardboard to the door.[2]
Tracking Spheeris[]
A day later, while on the toilet of her office, Jones called contacted Gregory Spheeris' secretary Magda Simms under the guise of Karen Accord, one of Simms' old friends. During the phone call Simms revealed a potential location for Jones to serve Spheeris. After finishing the phone call Jones noticed that there was no toilet paper, which frustrated her. Jones later tried to get some rest but found herself unable to sleep. She took her camera and some other equipment and left her office. She came back later that night, after spying on Luke Cage and went to bed.[2]
Creamy Peanut Butter[]

Ducasse in Jessica Jones' apartment
- "God damn it, Malcolm. You scared the shit out of me."
"What are you doing in my apartment?"
"This is my apartment." - âJessica Jones and Malcolm Ducasse[src]
That morning Malcolm Ducasse mistakenly entered Jones her apartment instead of his own, went into the refrigerator, and, with a knife, began eating her peanut butter, noting that it was creamy, not crunchy, as he usually had.
While Ducasse was in the kitchen Jones got awakened by Ruben and Robyn, the upstairs neighbors. When Ducasse made noise in the kitchen this scared the shit out of Jones, who slowly approached the kitchen. Within the kitchen Jones reminded Ducasse that this is her apartment, and not his, after which she escorted him to the door.[2]
Hope Shlottman's Case[]
The moment Jones opened the front door she was confronted by a couple, Bob and Barbara Shlottman who were looking for their apparently missing daughter, Hope. While Barbara proceeded to explain how Hope was disappeared and that someone at the Police Station recommended her Bob focused on repairing the broken door. Jones eventually accepted the case and the Shlottmans left the apartment.
While sitting on the couch Jones started to gather information about Hope. When she found a photo of her and a friend she decided to do some field research and left the office to visit Hope Shlottman's Apartment.[2]
A Closed Case[]
With her case against Kilgrave closed, Jessica Jones returned to her destroyed office. She found Malcolm Ducasse cleaning up in the kitchen and sat down at her desk and received twelve voice mail messages, three of which she deleted. However, before she could delete the rest, Ducasse took the phone from her and answered it, taking on a new case load for Alias Investigations.[3]
John Raymond Case[]
As Jones returned to her apartment, she was met by Michelle Raymond and daughter Lexi Raymond. She begged Jones to do an investigation on the disappearance of her husband John Raymond. Though she shied away from the case, believing it was another case of a cheating spouse, Jones expressed hope that Michelle found him. Entering her apartment, she received a suspicious voice mail from an anonymous caller, warning her not to accept the Raymond case; despite reaching the phone and demanding to know whom it was, the caller ended the message.[4][5][6][7]