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"I'm not sure you understand the severity of the situation. Everyone who's come in contact with these assholes turns up dead. Now, either you help us or I start clearing out a couple of jail cells."
―Strieber to Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage

Fish in the Jailhouse is the seventh episode of the first season of The Defenders.


Matt, Jessica and Luke embark on a desperate search. Colleen and Claire debate heroism. Elektra tries to recruit an all-important ally.


Years ago, Elektra sees Stick and tells him that Matt Murdock isn't ready for the war with the Chaste. Stick makes fun of her for falling in love with Murdock and chastises her that there is no place for love in a war. He tells her that Murdock is too weak for the war because he doesn't have it in him to kill people.


In present day, Jessica Jones wakes up at the precinct to the sight of Misty Knight, who interrogates her. Knight asks about the identity of Stick's dead body and another decapitated body. Jones asks where everyone is, and Knight responds that they are in other rooms. Jones explains to her there is a shadow organization that they have to stop. Not long after, Murdock wakes up on a couch at the precinct. Foggy Nelson walks in and tries to calm him down. Both are relieved that he wasn't wearing his Daredevil suit when the police found him. He then starts distressfully remembering what had went down the night before. Murdock tells Nelson that Elektra killed Stick, which Nelson thinks is crazy due to his belief that she was "dead." Knight walks in and tries to interrogate Murdock about being in a room with two dead bodies. In another room, Claire Temple monitors Luke Cage who is still out cold. Colleen Wing expresses to Temple her worries about Danny Rand, who was taken by the Hand. Cage finally wakes up and asks about what happened to Rand.

Meanwhile, Elektra wipes blood off her face, as two men carry away Alexandra Reid's body. Bakuto tells her that this is not how they do business; Elektra doesn't care. Madame Gao worries about how they would explain Reid's death to their allies; Elektra tells her it doesn't matter. She states that she doesn't care about the Hand, only the "substance."

The three vigilantes are gathered in a room and interrogated altogether by Knight. Cage tells them more about the Hand and how they took Rand. Captain Strieber threatens to arrest them for obstruction, but Murdock requests time alone with his "clients," to which Knight eventually allows. Karen Page pulls Murdock out of the way to express her concerns about how his alias could be compromised. Murdock says that he knows, but it won't happen. Wing still worries about Rand, and Temple reassures her of his safety, reiterating that he is the Iron Fist and will get out of it. In a separate room, Murdock, Jones, and Cage discuss their next move to save Rand. Nelson interrupts and talks with Murdock about how his second life can bring down Nelson as well. He reminds Murdock that he needs to keep them separate. He then gives him a bag containing his Daredevil suit. When Foggy leaves, the three heroes break out of the precinct.

Three hero sandwich

Meanwhile, Elektra makes her way down the elevator to the hole under Midland Circle, with Rand bounded on a gurney. Rand is amazed and frightened to see a such a strongly built cave. She then releases Rand from his restraints and tells him that they don't need to fight. She tries to convince him that they are the same, but Rand doesn't believe her and strikes.

Wing discreetly flips through files at the precinct amidst the chaos and uncovers the blueprints for Midland Circle. Page and Nelson argue about Nelson's decision to give Murdock the suit. Nelson says that he hopes that, after all of this, they can have Murdock back, and only Murdock. The Defenders take a subway as it is the fastest way to Midland. Jones takes a sleeping homeless man's beer, justifying it by stating that "it's been a long week." Upon arriving at Midland, they encounter Madame Gao, Bakuto, and Murakami. The three Defenders face off the three remaining Hand leaders, while many stories below, Rand and Elektra square off.

TD107 ElektravsIronFist02

Wing serendipitously arrives and enters the fight, saving Jones from being sliced by Bakuto. Realizing that they're losing, Bakuto uses the sparks from his sword to set steam on fire. Cage is forced to use his strength to close the pipe in order to extinguish the flame, while the Hand takes this opportunity to escape. Knight and Temple finally arrive, and Knight decides to help them, asking how long they need her to stall the NYPD who are about to arrive.

Below, Elektra knocks down the Iron Fist and tells him that he's going to fail just as he failed K'un-Lun, taunting him by saying that he should've heard their screams when she killed them. Rand uses his rage to punch her with the Iron Fist, sending her across the room. Elektra deflects another punch that sends Rand's fist into the enchanted wall, knocking out the power to New York City.

Captain Strieber shows up to Midland Circle and asks Knight what happened, to which she lies, stating that she doesn't know. Inside, Wing reveals the explosives in her bag, saying that they should use the blueprints of the building to target the strong points, sending the building down onto the Hand. Most of the team rejects this idea, but Daredevil reasons that they have no other option.

Rand wakes up in the rib cage of a dragon's skeleton.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:











Song title Artist Location(s)
Where Did You Sleep Last Night? (Instrumental) Nirvana


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Fish in the Jailhouse.

External Links[]

Season One The H Word ‱ Mean Right Hook ‱ Worst Behavior ‱ Royal Dragon ‱ Take Shelter ‱ Ashes, Ashes ‱ Fish in the Jailhouse ‱ The Defenders