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"You're welcome."
―Trish Walker

AKA You're Welcome is the second episode of the third season of the television series Jessica Jones.


Tensions run high between Jessica and Trish as Trish hones her catlike skills and scours the city for a chance to be a hero.


As Trish Walker is getting on the elevator to leave Jessica Jones’ apartment, she drops her phone, but before it hits the ground, in what appears to be a natural reflex, she sticks her foot out and catches it. As she exits the building, everything from the street lights to the headlights on cars appear much brighter and vibrant to Walker. After realizing that Karl Malus’ procedure worked, she wants to tell Jones, but she knows Jones is still upset with her after she killed Jones' mother. Walker goes to the local park the following day and begins testing her new abilities on the surrounding jungle gym. She discovers that her reflexes, agility, and balance, among other things had increased.

Walker meets with her mother at a coffee shop. While Walker still remains unemployed, she does have a busy schedule and so she doesn't see much of her mother. She informs Walker that she's being offered a spot on a celebrity dance show, but Walker declines. Dorothy lists a number of other potential career choices, but Walker is pursing her own things.


After leaving the shop, Walker starts listening in on police calls. Just as Walker has loses hope of seeing any action, dispatch reports a robbery in progress. Walker springs into action as she races down the street to the scene of the crime. However, she gets there too late, arriving just as the police are putting handcuffs on the suspects. Just down the block from her, Walker spots Jones, and decides to call her just to see if she would answer, but she doesn't. She looks at the phone and ignores the call. Luckily for Walker, she happens to be on scene for a phone snatching. She chases the phone snatcher down, kicking him in the face, before taking the phone and returning it to the owner. Unfortunately, both the victim and the thief recognize her as Patsy. After being recognized, Walker realizes that she needed a disguise and heads down to the costume shop. She tries on a number of outfits, but she can't seem to decide which was right for her. She eventually settles on a hat, sunglasses, and a scarf.

Walker then works out at the gym, where she is again recognized, but as Trish Walker. The person tells her that the phone jacker is suing her for assault, forcing Walker to go to Jeri Hogarth for counsel. Hogarth agrees to represent Walker. However, Walker is living off her savings and can barely afford to hire Hogarth, who instructs her to take stock of her assets and decide what she can liquidate, or else a judge would decide for her. Hogarth then calls in their investigator, that being Malcolm Ducasse, who is tasked with finding leverage against the phone jacker.


The hope is that they'll find something to put him in jail. Walker then reveals to Ducasse that she's the one who killed Alisa Jones, which leaves Ducasse frustrated. As Walker prepares to leave, she notices someone with a stack of police reports. She trips the man up, causing him to lose control of the files as they fell all over the ground.

Walker takes the files back to her new apartment, where her investigation is interrupted as her mother stopped by unannounced. Out the files she was able to steal, Walker takes interest in one particular defendant, Reid Pearson, who got off on a technicality and begins following him. The suspect then leads his victim stumbling out the bar, forcing Walker to follow them. Pearson takes Birdie to an ally, where he tries to force himself on her, but Walker takes him down. She then checks on Birdie and makes her aware that she'd been drugged and that Reid intended to rape her. Walker then flees the scene, but not before making sure the police are called and telling Birdie to inform the police that she's the one who fought Pearson off. Walker goes to see Jones, but when she gets there, she sees Jones in the middle of a break up with Arocho, as he had found someone else and moved on. She then leaves to give Jones alone time.

She resumes her physical training at her apartment with her trainer, Adrian, who she proceeds to have sex with. Walker wakes the following morning to discover that Adrian is still there. On the TV, there was a new report of a woman, Madeline Brandt, who had been viciously attacked in her home by several thugs, who also stole a valuable sculpture from her. Brandt's half-brother, Andrew Brandt, had been arrested in connection to the crime. Adrian explains that it's people like Andrew Brandt that are the reason he boxes.


Ducasse arrives at Walker's apartment to get a check from her to pay off the cellphone thief. He wants $50,000, which was a lot less than Hogarth expected. Ducasse explains that was because he got the phone jacker to back down. Ducasse reveals that the thief is married and had a 12 year old kid, but the thief wasn't really the kid's father. So, Ducasse gave the man a choice, he could enlighten the kid on the truth or the thief could reconsider his settlement demands. Walker gave him the check, but before leaving, he advised her to get her life together because people will eventually begin asking questions and looking into her.

Walker takes Ducasse's advise and starts her own day time show Style by Trish. After closing out her new show, Walker continues her investigation into Andrew Brandt, who had walked free from hiring thugs to beat up his half-sister and stealing a sculpture. She then started typing a letter, which she intends to send to Jones at some point. What started as an apologetic letter with a softer tone, quickly became much more, harsher and direct. From there, Walker begins stalking Brandt. She starts by breaking into his apartment while he is gone. She begins looking through his place for the sculpture and finds a locked safe. While she can't get to the sculpture for the time being, she wants to at least be able to keep an eye on Brandt. So, she decided to move into the hotel next door to his apartment building. From her room, she has the perfect view of his home. At night, she waits for Brandt to return home, ignoring several of her mother's call and messages while doing so.


When Brandt arrives, she accidentally falls asleep and doesn't wake up until the following morning as Brandt is preparing to leave. Before doing so, he opens the safe and pulls out a gun and what Walker believes to be the sculpture, so she follows him. As it turned out, he hadn't grabbed the sculpture from the safe, but a bag filled with money. Still, Walker sticks with him for the rest of the day. She then follows him home and breaks into his apartment, tripping his alarm to gain his attention. She then attacks him, but doesn't fare well. He grabs his gun from the safe and just as he is about to fire, Jones comes crashing through the window.

In the aftermath of the attack, during which time Brandt gets away with the sculpture, Walker fills Jones in on how she'd been tracking Brandt for weeks and now she lost him because of Jones. Walker states that she's a hero now, and maybe it would be better if Jones stayed out the way. Before leaving, Jones tells Walker that her mother is looking for her and to call her, so that Jones can be paid.


The next morning, Walker returns to set for her show, where she is scolded by her mother for missing two shows in a row, but Dorothy is able to stop the show from being cancelled. Dorothy wonders what it was that caused Walker to disappear like that, though Walker doesn't reveal. She allows her mother to believe that it is man trouble. Walker then gets a call from Ducasse, who informs her that Jones is in the hospital after being stabbed by a masked assailant.

Jones lays in the hospital bed, pale and weak. Walker looks over her and asks how she is feeling. Jones has just gotten out of surgery, but wants the name of her attacker. More specifically, of the man Walker was after, as Jones suspects that her attack is directly connected to Brandt, Walker's suspect. It is then that Walker realizes Jones had only called her down to get the name of her attacker.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:










  • The costumes Trish Walker tries on include a black, red and yellow leather suit reminiscent of Ms. Marvel (alluding how Carol Danvers had the best friend role in the original Alias comic) and a yellow leotard with a blue sash, boots and mask, which is Walker's Hellcat Suit.
  • AKA You're Welcome is Krysten Ritter's directorial debut.


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to AKA You're Welcome.

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Season One AKA Ladies Night ‱ AKA Crush Syndrome ‱ AKA It's Called Whiskey ‱ AKA 99 Friends ‱ AKA The Sandwich Saved Me ‱ AKA You're a Winner! ‱ AKA Top Shelf Perverts ‱ AKA WWJD? ‱ AKA Sin Bin ‱ AKA 1,000 Cuts ‱ AKA I've Got the Blues ‱ AKA Take a Bloody Number ‱ AKA Smile
Season Two AKA Start at the Beginning ‱ AKA Freak Accident ‱ AKA Sole Survivor ‱ AKA God Help the Hobo ‱ AKA The Octopus ‱ AKA Facetime ‱ AKA I Want Your Cray Cray ‱ AKA Ain't We Got Fun ‱ AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed ‱ AKA Pork Chop ‱ AKA Three Lives and Counting ‱ AKA Pray for My Patsy ‱ AKA Playland
Season Three AKA The Perfect Burger ‱ AKA You're Welcome ‱ AKA I Have No Spleen ‱ AKA Customer Service is Standing By ‱ AKA I Wish ‱ AKA Sorry Face ‱ AKA The Double Half-Wappinger ‱ AKA Camera Friendly ‱ AKA I Did Something Today ‱ AKA Hero Pants ‱ AKA Hellcat ‱ AKA A Lotta Worms ‱ AKA Everything