- "Don't try and be a hero. You know that's not you."
- âEddy Costa to Jessica Jones[src]
Detective Eddy Costa is a New York City Police Department detective. In the wake of a traumatic encounter with Kilgrave, Costa put his trust into Jessica Jones as he investigated a series of murders. Once they eventually discovered that the killer was actually Jones' own mother, Alisa Jones, Costa would continue trusting her, even in the wake of Costa's partner, Ruth Sunday, being murdered. Following the death of Alisa by Jones' hands, Costa continued to work with Jones, as he then assisted her with tracking down Gregory Sallinger, who had attempted to murder Jones and was linked to several other murders in New York City. Despite struggling to maintain his family, and career due to all his work with her, Jones would repay Costa for all his loyalties, by helping catch Sallinger, as well as Trish Walker following her murder spree.
Police Detective[]
Kilgrave's Mind Control[]
- "There's a few of us here who remember what Kilgrave did in this precinct. I had nightmares of holding my own gun to my head. The feeling of my finger on the trigger."
"I recommend hypnosis."
"I didn't need that, because, uh, the dreams stopped the day you took that asshole out." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Eddy Costa was working in the 15th Precinct Police Station when Kilgrave took control of everybody in it. He was forced to place his pistol onto his head, with his finger on the trigger, while Kilgrave had spoken to Jessica Jones and Oscar Clemons. Costa sat this way until Kilgrave left, finally allowing him to put his pistol down. That encounter with Kilgrave gave Costa his ongoing nightmares, which then continued until the moment Costa learnt that Jones had murdered Kilgrave.[1]
Powered Killer[]
Murder of Robert Coleman[]

Costa and Ruth Sunday visit Jessica Jones
- "How shitty must you feel? Guy comes to you for help and winds up dead around the corner from you."
"I had nothing to do with it, or him." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Costa and his partner Ruth Sunday, had been assigned to investigate the death of Robert Coleman, since he had been killed due to falling scaffolding. As part of their investigation, Costa and Sunday arrived into the Alias Investigations Office, where they were met by Jessica Jones, with Costa awkwardly questioning if he should have knocked or just come in, due to it being both a business and a home. Costa had then recognised Jones from meeting her previously, although she had noted that she did not remember him.

Costa asks about Robert Coleman's death
Costa and Sunday explained that they came due to Coleman's death, as Jones noted that she had witnessed it, to which Sunday questioned why Jones had not stayed to give her statement to the New York City Police Department about what she saw, while Jones insisted there were other people who had seen more than her who had spoke to the police. As they explained who the victim was, Jones confessed that Coleman attempted to hire Alias Investigations, but she was simply overbooked, with Costa commenting that Coleman came to her for her help, and had died.

Costa asking Jessica Jones his questions
Seeing what Costa was hinting at, Jones insisted that she had nothing to do with Coleman's death, while Sunday questioned if Jones was aware that Coleman filed his police report, claiming someone was trying to kill him. In response, Jones turned Costa's words back on him, questioning if he felt guilty that Coleman had come to the police for help and ended up dead due to them also refusing to help him, which Costa had simply chuckled at. As Sunday noted that evidence suggested that a powered person caused the accident, Jones insisted that it had not been her.

Costa getting introduced to Oscar Arocho
Costa listened as Sunday reminded Jones that she was still on probation, following the assault on Pryce Cheng, with Jones insisting they should just read her her rights if they intended to arrest her, to which Costa had insisted that they were just there to talk. Jones told Costa and Sunday to follow her, while they went upstairs in her building, to the apartment of Oscar Arocho, who Jones requested that Arocho tell Costa and Sunday everything that he had witnessed during Coleman's death. Costa stood by as Arocho had then claimed to have only heard the incident.

Costa watches as Jessica Jones leaves
As Sunday questioned if he saw Jones there, Arocho denied it, much to Jones' annoyance, as she accused Arocho was lying, as she insisted that both Arocho, and his son, had looked her into the eyes at the scene and had witnessed everything there. While Arocho stepped back inside of his apartment, Jones had furiously stormed away, while Costa suggested that she could come back to the 15th Precinct Police Station and make an official statement. However, Jones refused, insisting that she would only come to the station once the accident became her real case.[2]
Arrest of Jessica Jones[]

Costa taking Jessica Jones into custody
- "Jessica Jones, you're under arrest for the murder of Nicholas Spanos."
"I don't even know who that is!"
"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Costa had then returned inside Jessica Jones' Apartment Building to investigate Nick Spanos' brutal murder, who had been discovered beaten to death, seemingly by somebody with superhuman strength. Having assumed that Jones was responsible for Spanos' death, Costa immediately drew his weapon, when he witnessed Jones arriving outside of the building and asking Malcolm Ducasse what happened.

Costa reading Jessica Jones her rights
As Jones followed Costa's orders and placed her hands onto her head and got on the ground, Jones reminded Ducasse that Inez Green was still in her car, and she wanted Ducasse to take her away to safety. As Jones was handcuffed, Costa then witnessed Trish Walker charge forward and demanding that they let her go, furiously pushing Ruth Sunday out of her way to try and get to Jones, only to be held down. As Costa explained to Jones that she was getting arrested for the death of Spanos, Jones had insisted she was not the killer, as she had no idea who Spanos was.[3]
Interrogation of Jessica Jones[]

Costa prepares to question Jessica Jones
- "Hey, listen, just in case you come up with anything else for us..."
"One show and tell doesn't make us partners."
"You want to go it alone, that's your call. But there's a lot of people on the force that wanna see you locked up." - âEddy Costa to Jessica Jones[src]
Costa and Ruth Sunday had rejoined Jessica Jones, as she sat inside the interrogation room, having been joined by her lawyer, Jeri Hogarth. Once they had sat down with them, Costa asked if Jones' room in the 15th Precinct Police Station was comfortable, to which Jones simply made a sarcastic comment. Sunday had noted that Hogarth had claimed that Jones wanted to make a statement about the incidents, as Costa handed back Jones' phone which she had requested.

Costa is shown a photograph of their killer
Jones then brought up a photograph of a woman, who she claimed was the killer of Robert Coleman and Nick Spanos, noting that she also had superhuman abilities which were stronger than hers. Costa questioned if Jones had a name for the killer yet, which Jones had denied, before then explaining that they had both been experimented on by IGH, which she claimed was off the grid and used genetic editing to heal injuries. While Jones noted that IGH's work had side effects, Costa confirmed they gave Jones her strength, as Jones was also experimented on there.

Costa asking Jessica Jones about the killer
However, Sunday also noted that Jones failed to tell them all of this when they had previously questioned her at Alias Investigations Office about Coleman's death, as Jones insisted that this was actually because their New York City Police Department would not be able to handle this killer if they went after her. Costa questioned if Jones would be able to bring down this killer, which Jones did not answer. Sunday then questioned if Jones had actual proof, to which Jones had simply offered to tell them everything she knew, as she started at the beginning of the story.

Costa and Ruth Sunday return to the room
Once Jones had finished explaining everything that she had learnt about the killer, IGH and her investigation in the string of the deaths, Costa and Sunday then went to write up their reports. Eventually, they had returned to the interrogation room, where Sunday explained that they had been unable to match their killer to anyone, to which Jones insisted that the killer was off the grid. As Costa insisted that he believed Jones, Sunday disagreed. Costa presented Jones with security images moments before Spanos' death, showing the killer leaping from a great height.

Costa allows Jessica Jones to be released
As a result, Sunday began to remove all Jones' cuffs from her arms and legs, although she had still insisted that if she had her way, she would keep Jones in custody, since she was convinced that Jones and the killer were working together, as she knew that powered people liked to team up, referring to other hero groups like the Avengers and the Defenders, which Jones scoffed about. Costa had noted that there was no further reason to keep Jones in their custody, as Hogarth thanked him and they then prepared to leave, with Hogarth swiftly leaving them first.

Costa recounts Kilgrave to Jessica Jones
Once Sunday had left the room, Costa had blocked Jones' path and then offered his card, asking her to call if she thought of anything more to tell them, although Jones insisted that they were not partners. However, Costa suggested that, while she could go alone, there were a lot of their officers who wanted to see her behind bars, to which Jones questioned why he could be trusted if he was among those officers who had been targeting her. In response, Costa noted that he was not the only person who remembered Kilgrave coming to the station and controlling them.

Costa allowing Jessica Jones to walk away
Costa described all of his trauma to Jones, noting that he suffered from nightmares of the memory of him being forced to hold his own gun up to his head, ready to pull the trigger if Kilgrave demanded this. In response, Jones simply recommended he try hypnosis to deal with the trauma that he was experiencing, to which Costa simply insisted that he did not need that, as his nightmares had stopped on the day that he learnt that Jones finally broke Kilgrave's neck, making his gratitude to her clear. Without another word spoken, Jones took Costa's card and walked out.[1]
Additional Victims[]

Costa answers the call from Jessica Jones
- "You got something?"
"Well, I know who didn't kill Luanne McClure."
"Is that supposed to be helpful?"
"She was a nurse, killed ten years ago. A guy named David Kawecki is locked up for it." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
While Costa was walking out of the 15th Precinct Police Station, he got the call from Jessica Jones, as he then questioned if she had any additional information for him about the case. However, Jones instead would only say that she knew who did not kill Luanne McClure, as Costa questioned how it was meant to be helpful. Jones explained that McClure was a nurse who had been murdered ten years earlier.

Costa learns about Luanne McClure's death
Jones had gone on to explain that McClure had seemingly been killed by David Kawecki, who was currently locked up in Birch Psychiatric Hospital, and was now serving a life sentence for the murder, but Jones instead suggested that McClure could actually be added onto the list of victims killed by the unknown, powered serial killer. As Costa questioned exactly how Jones knew about all this, she would only say that she was simply telling him the information that she could confirm, before then hanging up the call, which left Costa both highly confused and concerned.[1]
Jessica Jones' Lead[]

Costa and Ruth Sunday search for the killer
- "So, I'm sitting at my desk, going through some case files, when suddenly I get this text."
"Yeah, I sent it as soon as I could."
"But when I got to my car and drive all the way out there, it turns out the place is empty." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Costa was working on his case files, when he got a text message from Jessica Jones, sending him a picture of an address, with her message saying that the killer was there. Taking two other New York City Police Department cars with them, Costa and Ruth Sunday then drove to the address, as Costa ordered the other officers to go around the back of the residence to surround it. Costa and Sunday then drew their guns and entered through the front of the building, although they confirmed that the living was currently empty.

Costa and Ruth Sunday fail to find anything
While Sunday claimed that Jones was setting them up, Costa continued searching, as he and Sunday went down into the basement, where they found a large steel door. Once they got the door open, Costa and Sunday confirmed the building was empty, finding a hospital bed, with restraints for arms and legs, as well as a tunnel, which had seemingly been used by the residences to escape. Costa then returned to the Alias Investigations Office, finding Jones as she was leaving, with Costa noting he attempted to call her, only for Jones to simply hold up her broken phone.

Costa asking Jessica Jones about the lead
Costa explained to Jones that he had received the text message from her, only to find the lead had gone cold, with Jones claiming that she had found that building empty. Costa then noted that Jones had not stayed behind, to which she dismissively claimed that she had given him that lead to run with, while Costa had questioned how Jones got the address, to which Jones had simply reminding him that she was actually a private investigator. Costa then requested a chance to talk to her inside, only of Jones to insist that she simply had to go and could not talk to him.

Costa giving Jessica Jones a final warning
While Costa insisted that he would wait for her to be finished, she claimed that she would be working on the case throughout the night, as she had knocked on her neighbor's door. Frustrated, Costa then reminded Jones that he had stuck his neck out for her, and if she had continued to mess him around, he would leave her all on her own, with Jones promising to come into the 15th Precinct Police Station the following day, and make another statement, continuing to insist that she currently had her hands full at the moment, as Costa had accepted this and left her alone.[4]
Hunting Alisa Jones[]
Questioning of Jessica Jones[]

Costa investigating Alisa Jones' motivation
- "Trish is safe, your mother doesn't know she's in the hospital."
"Costa, it's Patsy... It'll leak." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Eventually, it was learnt that the killer was actually Alisa Jones, who was really the long-thought-to-be-deceased mother of Jessica Jones, who called Costa to alert him that her mother was in her apartment, resulting in the arrest of the killer.[5] However, Alisa was eventually able to escape from the Eastern Regional Detention Center, resulting in Costa and Ruth Sunday returning to their case to try and track her down before she killed again, seeking the assistance of Jones to do so, meeting Jones in her office.

Costa asking about Alisa Jones' location
Costa and Sunday were told by Jones that Alisa would not run, as there was nowhere for her to run to, with Costa questioning if she would return to her childhood home, which Jones claimed she hated, and that there were no other friends left. As he continued to search for any potential leads, Costa questioned if Alisa would go to any other family, with Jones noting that the only family that she had left was Karl Malus, as Sunday noted that she also had Jones. Costa noted that with Malus dead, there must be somewhere else she would go, with Jones denying knowing.

Costa requests that Ruth Sunday back off
Sunday accused Jones of stalling to protect Alisa, which Jones denied, insisting that she was trying to help them bring her mother back into custody before anybody else got hurt, as Costa watched Sunday insist that her mother should have been sent to the Raft. When Sunday claimed that whoever Alisa hurt next would be on Jones, Costa requested she give her space so he could speak to her. Jones insisted that she was not protecting her mother, with Sunday noting that she knew who she was, better than anybody else, which Jones had continued to deny.

Costa learns about another potential clue
However, Jones noted that Malus knew her mother better than anyone, while Costa and Sunday watched Jones go up to her desk and pull out Malus' journal, with Sunday accusing Jones of withholding evidence by not handing this over to the New York City Police Department. Costa questioned where Jones had gotten the journal, to which she claimed it was her family history catching up with her. Reading the journals, Jones deduced that her mother experienced destructive tendencies, as this would be fixated onto one object or a person for her murderous rages.

Costa learns of Alisa Jones' mental state
Having read this, Jones deduced that Trish Walker could be her mother's next target, as Costa questioned the motive, to which Jones explained that, in her mother's eyes, it was Walker's initial investigation that had ruined her life, and forced her to kill all those people to protect Malus, and that Walker would be responsible for Malus' death. While Jones denied that Walker had been responsible for Malus' death, she insisted that she had to protect Walker before her mother killed her, while both Costa and Sunday insisted that she should remain inside of her apartment.

Costa agreeing to go rescue Trish Walker
Although Sunday claimed that her mother may return to the apartment to speak with her daughter, Jones denied that she would, while Costa noted that Walker was safe in Riverbank Medical Center, since Alisa still did not know that she was in there, although Jones insisted that it would eventually leak to the media due to Dorothy Walker's involvement, as the people would want to know where the star of It's Patsy was. Agreeing with this, Costa took Malus' journal in custody, as he and Sunday left in order to protect Walker, with Jones insisting on joining them.[6]
Attack on Trish Walker[]

Costa and Ruth Sunday driving together
- "We're gonna need backup at Riverbank."
"I'm telling you, if she sees the cops, she will flatten anybody in her way!" - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Costa and Ruth Sunday drove towards Riverbank Medical Center, with Jessica Jones complaining that the others cars were not moving out of their way, despite Costa's sirens blasting at them. While Costa drove as fast as he could, Sunday had answered a call, informing her that Alisa Jones had just attacked the WNEX Station, in her attempt to murder Trish Walker. Costa questioned if anybody was killed, as Sunday noted that Ian was mildly injured during the attack, but would be able to survive his injuries.

Costa discusses how to save Trish Walker
Costa insisted they needed more backup at Riverbank, although Jones claimed if her mother saw the New York City Police Department coming for her, she would escape and kill anybody who attempted to get in her way, and that only she could stop her mother. However, as Sunday noted that Walker was an open target needed protection, Jones argued that Walker needed her help, since she would be the only person who would be able to talk her mother down, and prevent anybody from being killed during their standoff, but Sunday insisted that SWAT be called in.

Costa watches as Jessica Jones runs away
However, the car had turned the corner and found itself stuck in some even heavier traffic, with Costa attempting to reassure Jones that they would still be able to get into Riverbank, before her mother would be able to locate Walker. Frustrated about their situation, Jones then responded by attempting to unlock the door, although Costa noted that the doors would stay locked until they got into Riverbank. In response, Jones had proceeded to kick the door off the car and run down the streets towards the hospital, while Costa and Sunday could only call out after her.

Costa attempting to arrest Alisa Jones
As Costa and Sunday arrived at Riverbank, they found Jones protecting Walker from her mother, as they burst into the room with guns drawn and aimed at Alisa, and immediately demanded that Alisa get down onto the floor and surrender. However, Jones requested that they back off, since she insisted that her mother would surrender if they remained calm, only for Alisa to run towards the window in an attempt to escape, resulting in Sunday shooting her in the leg. Costa ordered Jones to stand back, while Sunday approached Alisa and had attempted to arrest her.

Costa sees as Ruth Sunday is held hostage
However, while Jones had desperately tried to convince them to back off and leave her mother alone, Costa witnessed Alisa disarming Sunday, before grabbing her into a headlock, while Costa kept his gun aimed at Alisa. Despite her dangerous situation, Sunday ordered Costa to take the shot and to kill Alisa, while Jones continued to attempt to convince her mother to allow Sunday to go free, while Alisa insisted that the New York City Police Department would kill her if she surrendered to them, which Jones denied, while Costa still kept his gun aimed at Alisa's head.

Costa witnesses Ruth Sunday's demise
Costa was unable to risk shooting at Alisa, fearing that he would shoot his partner by mistake, only for this inaction to result in Alisa leaping out of the window, and dragging Sunday down with her, as they were unable to get her back to safety before they disappeared out the window. Costa and Jones ran up to the window, only to look down at Sunday's bloody corpse on the ground several floors below, and Alisa's footprints, as she had already been able to escape. Jones attempted to comfort a horrified Costa, who demanded that she not move, as he left to get backup.[6]
Protecting Trish Walker[]

Costa offering comfort to Dorothy Walker
- "It's over. Just get out of the way, let us do our job."
"If they find her, they'll shoot to kill, won't they?"
"You're damn right they will. She took out one of our own. You don't need to see it, you shouldn't have to, just give us a statement and go home." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Having moved Trish Walker to his protective custody with officers stood guard outside her room, Costa went to speak to Jessica Jones in private, who was being confronted about putting Walker in danger by Dorothy Walker. Interrupting, Costa then requested to speak to Jones alone, to which Dorothy questioned what other disaster she had caused, while Costa had remained calm and acknowledged the trauma that Dorothy had just gone through, suggesting that she go away and rest.

Costa telling Jessica Jones to follow him
Once Dorothy had departed to get herself some rest, having also called Jones a menace as she walked away, Jones insisted that she had to see her sister, as Costa allowed her to get past the security officers. On the way, Costa insisted that he needed Jones to go back to the 15th Precinct Police Station and give her statements about what happened, although Jones questioned what he was talking about, as the situation was not over. However, Costa insisted the New York City Police Department would take it from here and did not require her aid, which Jones refused.

Costa tells Jessica Jones to go back home
Refusing to budge over these decisions, Costa noted that Jones could either go back to the 15th Precinct with a police escort, or he would use valuable manpower to force her to comply, noting that she should make this easier out of respect for Ruth Sunday's death. However, Jones had noted that Alisa Jones was currently wounded, but that it would not slow her down, questioning if Costa knew about how she had survived the car accident that killed Brian and Phillip Jones, as well as how she survived those surgeries IGH put her through, due to her sheer determination.

Costa comments on Ruth Sunday's demise
Jones had then insisted that she was the only one who could stop her, only for a frustrated Costa to comment that she had failed to stop her mother before she killed Sunday. Costa acknowledged that, although they had not agreed on everything, Sunday had been a good cop, who would still be alive if Costa had not listened to Jones' advice, as he once again insisted that this was over, and that she needed to get out of their way and let them do their job. Jones asked Costa if the police would kill her mother, which Costa confirmed, since she had killed Sunday.

Costa giving Jessica Jones a police escort
Costa had gone on to suggest to Jones that she did not need to witness her mother's death at the hands of the NYPD, as she should not have to, suggesting that she instead just give the NYPD her statement, and then simply return into her apartment. Costa explained that he had arranged a security detail to stay with Jones until the situation with her mother had been resolved, fearing that Alisa may return to her daughter. While Jones had insisted that she needed to see her sister first, Costa told her not to be a hero, suggesting that it was not who she was, before leaving.[6]
Chase of Alisa Jones[]

Costa asking Jessica Jones to surrender
- "You're one of the good ones, I do believe that, but you have to prove it. Your mother's done. Do you understand what I'm saying? It doesn't matter what she does next. She crossed a line she can't come back from. But you haven't, not yet."
- âEddy Costa to Jessica Jones[src]
Despite Costa's orders for her to not get involved any further, Jessica Jones had soon reunited with Alisa Jones, which had resulted in them disappearing without a trace. Upon hearing that an RV had been stolen by two super powered women, Costa was able to call the mobile phone of the boy whose family owned the RV, which was left inside of the RV. When his call got ignored, Costa then sent a text message to identify himself to Jones, who he knew would be seeing it.

Costa giving SWAT the permission to go in
Jones answered Costa's call, in which he acknowledged that as she was helping her mother to escape, this would make her an accomplice to her crimes once the NYPD caught up with them. Costa told Jones that he did not want to see her get hurt, as he believed that she was a good person, but that he needed her to prove this with her actions. Costa noted that, although her mother would have to go to the Raft and face justice, Jones could get out of it without being sent to prison. However, Jones hung up, leaving SWAT listening, with the location of Westchester from the trace.[7]
Speaking to Trish Walker[]

Costa greeting Trish Walker in the hospital
- "She ran from the police. She's hiding Alisa."
"She's being forced!"
"We only get one mother, that's a powerful bond, no matter how batshit crazy they might be. I think you know that." - âEddy Costa and Trish Walker[src]
Seeking to learn any information that could help him to locate Jessica Jones, Costa returned into Riverbank Medical Center to see Trish Walker. However, before he could say anything to her, Costa had immediately been threatened by Dorothy Walker, who had warned him not to tell her daughter that Jones needed her help, while Costa simply noted that he was glad to see Walker alive, although Walker had simply made it clear that wanted to help to find Jones and bring her back safely.

Costa gets a warning from Dorothy Walker
Seeing how frustrated Dorothy was by this comment that her daughter had made, Costa asked if she would leave them to speak in private, which she agreed to, before warning Costa to not get her daughter involved with Jones. Once they were alone, Walker questioned if the car accident she saw on the news had involved Jones, as he confirmed that the New York City Police Department believed that they hit the roadblock nearer Westchester, as Costa had asked if Jones knew anybody in Westchester. However, Walker questioned why this was Costa's only question.

Costa and Trish Walker discuss Alisa Jones
Walker argued that it was Alisa Jones who was calling the shots in this situation, although Costa confirmed that Jones was actually aiding and abetting her mother's escape from New York City. However, Walker had denied that Jones would help Alisa, noting that she had attempted to murder her, as Costa explained that Jones ran from the police and had been hiding Alisa, while Walker tried to insist that she must be getting forced into doing it. Despite this, Costa had reminded Walker that Alisa was the only mother Jones had, and this was a powerful bond.

Costa asks where Jessica Jones would go
Costa noted that Walker should understand this as well, given her tense yet caring relationship with her mother, and them attempting to build a form of relationship. As Walker insisted that Jones would not just leave her behind, Costa suggested that Jones might believe that Walker would be better off without her, reminding Walker what she did to herself, due to her desire to compete with Jones. Costa asked Walker to think, noting she knew Jones better than anybody else, if there was anywhere Jones would go to in Westchester, only for Walker to claim she had no idea.

Costa giving Trish Walker his personal card
Frustrated, Costa handed Walker his card, telling her to give him a call if she thought of anything about where Jones and her mother would go to, which could be helpful for their investigation. As Costa went to leave, he had then told Walker that he would attempt to bring Jones in safely once they found her and her mother. However, Walker asked what Costa meant by claiming that he would only try, as he turned around to look at Walker, only to then walk out without another word, leaving Walker to reconsider how she could aid Jones without risking her being shot by the police.[7]
Playland Showdown[]

Costa discovering that Alisa Jones is dead
- "You did the only thing you could, Jones. There was no other way. You did the right thing."
- âEddy Costa to Jessica Jones[src]
Eventually, Costa had been able to track down Jessica and Alisa Jones into a Playland in Rye, New York, where Costa led his SWAT teams inside, as they were ready to take down Alisa if she attempted to flee from them yet again. However, as he approached the ferris wheel, Costa had found Jones sitting besides her mother's bloodied corpse, who he saw had been shot in the head. Since he understood that Jones had executed her mother to stop her rampage, Costa ordered SWAT to put down all of their weapons.

Costa attempts to reassure Jessica Jones
Although the leader of SWAT refused to lower his gun, Costa insisted, as he noted the situation and that they were safe from Alisa, so SWAT then lowered their weapons. Costa then stepped towards the ferris wheel, and quietly took away the gun that had killed Alisa, handing it back to a SWAT agent. Seeing that Jones was shaking, since she was still covered in her mother's blood, Costa spoke calmly with her, and reassured her that she had done the only thing that she could by killing Alisa, as he attempted to assure her that it was actually the right decision for her to make.[7]
Local Serial Killer[]
Partnership with Jessica Jones[]
- "I wanted to restate the terms of our agreement. I throw you a case or two, and you don't break the law. That was the deal."
"Our deal was to not let you catch me breaking the law." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Several months following the conflict with Alisa Jones, Costa had continued to drop cases to assist Jessica Jones' investigation work. Once night, Costa had met with Jones in a bar, where she claimed to be avoiding her work, while Costa ordered another round of drinks for them. Taking a seat, Costa then noted that he had seen that Jones had rescued Cassie Yasdan, after Mitch Yasdan took her to Mexico, although Jones remained depressed about the entire situation.
As Costa told Jones that he had spoken to Mrs. Yasdan, who had told him that Jones saved her daughter, Jones got him to admit that Mrs. Yasdan also insulted her while discussing the situation, although Jones made it clear that she disliked Mrs. Yasdan. Costa noted that he did not force Jones to take this case, as he had just mentioned it in passing, although Jones claimed that Mrs. Yasdan had not been worth helping, to which Costa noted that even assholes needed saving too, just from bigger assholes, as Jones claimed that this was a sliding scale.
Costa suggested that Jones could finish her investigation work, and leave these cases to the New York City Police Department, noting they were committed to the law and were subject to oversight, unlike her, as Jones questioned if Costa had come there to tell her to stop. Costa told Jones that he wanted to restate all the terms of the agreement, in which Costa would provide Jones with his cases, if she agreed to not break the law while working them, although Jones insisted that the agreement only involved her not being caught breaking any laws.
Costa noted it was hard to ignore Jones' actions, as a video of her assaulting Mr. Yasdan got eight thousand views on YouTube, and that while it was entertaining, it was still considered assault and would therefore be evidence of Jones committing a crime. Although Jones stated that the assault happened in Mexico, and was therefore out of Costa's jurisdiction, Costa recommended that Jones watch the line. Costa noted that Russell Costa knew they were meeting there, and he had promised to come home sober, as he left his drink for Jones.[8]
Attack on Jessica Jones[]
- "You'll do what you'll do, but you're not used to being the victim."
"My name on your case file, does not make me a victim."
"Those stables in your belly do, and that guy is still out there until one of us finds him." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Costa made a trip into Metro-General Hospital, when he learned that Jessica Jones had been stabbed into the gut in an attempted murder, just outside of the Alias Investigations Office. While Costa waited by her bedside for her to wake up, he saw her suddenly stirring from a nightmare about the assault, as he got up to greet her, only for a panicked Jones to kick Costa in the chest, knocking him over his chair, as he had cursed at her for inadvertently assaulting him, while Jones had sighed.
As Costa got to his feet, Jones noted that she had told the hospital that she did not want visitors, to which Costa jokingly noted that he had not brought her any flowers, and explained he was there to take her statement about the attack, questioning if she knew who her attacker was. Jones questioned what Costa knew, as he asked if she would also share any information she had with the New York City Police Department, only for Jones to question if the knife had led the NYPD anywhere, which Costa denied, much to Jones' frustration.
Costa explained that he had Gillian pull up the Alias Investigations' client list for potential suspects, as he noted that it would save time if Jones told him which clients would want her dead, to which Jones hinted that it could be a lot, as she often angered her clients. Costa told Jones that he respected her, or at least he respected her better qualities, but insisted that they not waste each other's time by playing games. Costa acknowledged that while he knew Jones would be hard to work with, she had to accept that she was the victim in this case.
Annoyed, Jones told Costa that, just because her name was on his case file, she was not the victim, to which he pointed out that the stitches in her stomach would make her into the victim, which Jones scoffed at. Seeing that Jones was not agreeable and was not willing to talk about what happened, Costa noted that her attempted killer would still be walking around in New York City until one of them found and captured him. With that, Costa advised Jones to not make herself into an easier target, by going outside while in recovery, before he left.[9]
Arresting Andrew Brandt[]
- "Who's the masked hero?"
"What? You think we all know each other?"
"You did good."
"It wasn't me."
"Well, I'm glad you have somebody. There really is strength in numbers. Take care." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Costa was informed by the 15th Precinct Police Station that they had received an anonymous call, regarding information about Andrew Brandt, who they had been trying to arrest for months, who was found trapped by a car inside his hideout, with hard evidence against him which they could use. Brandt had claimed to Costa that Jessica Jones and a masked woman were involved, so Costa returned to Alias Investigations Office to speak with Jones, and explained the situation.
Having explained that Brandt identified Jones while giving his statement to the NYPD, Costa questioned if Brant was the attacker who tried to kill her, to which Jones explained that her attacker was still out there, which Costa expressed regret over. Costa questioned Jones about who the masked woman was, to which Jones questioned if he thought all masked heroes were friends. Accepting this, Costa complimented Jones work, noting that he was glad that she had somebody supporting her, telling Jones to take care, advising Jones to lock her door.[9]
Gregory Sallinger Discovery[]
- "You single handedly found a serial killer. Not bad for a day's work."
"I'm come down when you're ready for my official statement. Til then, I'll be drunk." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Eventually, Costa was contacted by Jessica Jones, who had informed him that she had identified her attempted killer as Gregory Sallinger, who had been responsible for a string of unsolved murders all throughout New York City. Costa was invited into Long Island City Rail Terminal, where Jones had found the hidden corpses of dozens of Sallinger's victims, as Costa oversaw the recovery of the bodies, before stepping away to speak with Jones about the horrific discovery she had made.
Struggling with his words, in the wake of such a grisly discovery, Costa was handed Sallinger's address, while Jones claimed that she followed Sallinger there and witnessed him dumping human remains inside a container. Costa questioned how Jones had first learned of Sallinger, to which Jones would only say that she had been working her case, while Costa questioned who the clients were, and if there was a specific bit of evidence linked to Sallinger, which Jones did not answer, insisting that this was all privileged information.
With Costa insisting that her answers were not good enough for the New York City Police Department, Jones questioned if finding the serial killer was not good enough for him, to which Costa insisted that his job would be building a case against Sallinger, as they needed to walk a jury through a chain of evidence, in order to prove beyond any doubt that Sallinger was guilty. However, Jones noted that all the evidence that she had, was inside the tank, where they had found the corpses of all of Sallinger's victims, frustrated by the system Costa was working with.
Costa promised Jones that he would search Sallinger's apartment as soon as they were given a warrant. Jones advised Costa that they should check the bureau, where she suggested that he found find evidence, which Costa accepted without further questions. Looking back at the recovery of body parts, Costa told Jones that she had single-handedly found a serial killer, which he called a good day's work, as Jones promised to come to the 15th Precinct Police Station to make a statement, but would be drunk that night, as she left Costa behind.[10]
Assisting Jessica Jones[]
- "We've got an APB out, his phone is being tracked, his neighbours are being canvassed, the feds are gonna get involved as well."
"Costa, I need to know what you've got."
"You agreed to let us carry the ball on this." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Once he had gotten his warrant, Costa went to Gregory Sallinger's Apartment to investigate it and search for the evidence he needed, as Costa looked behind the bureau, but had only found some landscape photographs, and no hard evidence that they could use against Sallinger. However, while Costa had been around the back of the building, he had then found Jessica Jones attempting to break inside by leaping up the fire escape, as Costa greeted her and had insisted that they were still handling the situation.
Costa accused Jones of having control issues, due to her arrival there despite the fact that they were already investigating the scene, as Jones insisted that she could not allow Sallinger to get away. In response, Costa reassured Jones that they had an APB out on Sallinger, his phone was being tracked, his neighbors were being interviewed and the FBI were involved in the investigation, although Jones insisted that she needed to know what information the New York City Police Department had on Sallinger, as Costa noted that Jones had agreed to step back.
Jones claimed that she had changed her mind about it, as she asked if Costa could tell her what evidence he had, to which Costa insisted that they had nothing yet, and questioned what Jones believed he should have found right behind Sallinger's bureau, as he explained that they had only found bleak landscape pictures, which did not classify as usable evidence. Jones insisted that Sallinger must have cleaned out the bureau, as Costa questioned what had been there, to which Jones explained that it had contained photos of eight of Sallinger's victims.
Costa attempted to correct Jones, noting that they found seven victims at the Long Island City Rail Terminal, and that the police had already identified them. Costa and Jones were then joined by another officer, who informed him that the media had arrived outside the building and were looking for a statement, as Costa cursed the internet for leaking the information. Jones told Costa she had copies of all Sallinger's photos, and she would trade them for all of the victims' names, although Costa claimed that the photos would not be usable evidence.
With Costa dismissing Jones' offers to assist with his investigation, she reminded him that if there were eight victims, but only seven corpses, there was the chance that she would be able to identify which photo was not among the victims, as she would be able to locate the eighth victim to get answers, if he was still alive. Knowing that they could never legally agree to this, Costa warned Jones to back off. However, as Costa walked away, he dropped the list of the victim's names, allowing Jones to pick this up, to continue her investigation.[10]
Arrest of Gregory Sallinger[]
- "We work our entire careers hoping for a clear-cut piece of shit like Sallinger, so when we look at the ledger, we know we got at least one right."
"It's not gonna stick."
"Those bodies are clean. No DNA, no prints." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Eventually, Costa was informed that Jessica Jones had managed to find and capture Gregory Sallinger, who she brought to the 15th Precinct Police Station, where Costa hoped they would have enough evidence to charge him for the murders of all the victims that they had already found, but it was soon deduced that they did not have enough physical evidence against Sallinger, and therefore would not to be able to hold him in custody any longer, much to Costa's considerable frustration.
Frustrated, Costa spoke to Jones, who was waiting in the interrogation room, telling her that he had waited for his entire career to catch a scumbag like Sallinger, as Jones deduced that the evidence was not going to stick. Costa confirmed that the bodies found at Long Island City Rail Terminal had been clean, with no DNA that tied back to Sallinger, while there was no physical evidence found at Sallinger's Apartment, as Costa admitted that the only provable charge that they currently had against Sallinger was trespassing into the restaurant.
Jones tried to argue that she was their witness against Sallinger, as Costa questioned if she had watched him the entire time that she followed him to the train yard, as Jones admitted that she did not, and therefore was not the best witness. Costa then told Jones that Sallinger was accusing Jones of harassment, and that he hid in the restaurant to get away from her only to be assaulted, which Jones denied, while Costa admitted that he always believed her story. Costa questioned Jones about everything that had happened in the kitchen where she found Sallinger.
Jones insisted to Costa that she had done everything right to get Sallinger arrested, as she called him and got the New York City Police Department to bring him. However, Costa noted that it was clearly not just Jones and Sallinger who were in of the restaurant, although Jones insisted that Sallinger was the killer. Costa told Jones that any juries would simply see Sallinger as the stand-up guy, who volunteered with the Willie Dance Community Center, with no priors, while Jones was the super-powered person who had a criminal record.
Costa told Jones that Blake Tower had passed on the case due to the lack of physical evidence, as Costa suggested that Jones needed to find another witness against Sallinger, or they would be forced to allow him to go free. Frustrated by this, Jones questioned how long Costa would be able to keep Sallinger in custody, to which he explained that they could only keep him in there overnight. Jones insisted that Costa not let Sallinger out a second earlier, before leaving the station, in an attempt to find another witness.[10]
Search for Evidence[]
Finding the First Victim[]
- "It has everything to do with you, the super vigilante who found the body, who everybody is calling my super gal pal. It's costing me clout, and I need clout to get jurisdiction over the goddamn body!"
- âEddy Costa to Jessica Jones[src]
Costa received a phone call from Jessica Jones, as she informed him that she had traveled up into Wappinger Falls, and had uncovered Nathan Silva's corpse, hidden under inside of his family's backyard. Jones explained that Silva was Gregory Sallinger's first victim, and would likely have his DNA on it, since he would have been less careful there as he had only been young when he killed Silva, while Costa insisted that they could find the DNA once they had taken possession of the body.[11]
The following morning, Costa attempted to call Jones multiple times, until Gillian answered and handed it over to Jones, much to Costa's annoyance. Costa explained that a hair was found in Silva's hand, which likely belonged to Sallinger, but the New York City Police Department still had not taken possession of the body, due to the female vigilante making it into the New York Bulletin, which caused a big reaction in their department, as Captain Strieber wanted to question the vigilante, and was pushing officers to find her.
While Jones noted that this situation with the vigilante had nothing to do with the body transfer, Costa noted that it had have everything to do with Jones, as it was costing Costa support in the 15th Precinct Police Station, as they knew of his relationship with Jones, and her relationship with the vigilante. Costa explained that he needed the department on side if he wanted to get Silva's body from the Wappinger Falls Police Department, as Costa began losing his temper at Jones, until he apologized to her for losing his temper about this situation.
Costa told Jones that he was dealing with his personal issues, as well as these issues, as Jones questioned if he gained a terminal disease that he was having to deal with, which Costa denied. Costa demanded that Jones convince the vigilante to come to the 15th Precinct Police Station for questioning, or suggested she stop. Jones questioned if Costa was still watching Sallinger, as he confirmed that he had people watching Sallinger's Apartment, while Jones promised to do what she could do for the vigilante, as Costa thanked her.[12]
Adoption Interrupted[]
- "Look, Russell and I are in the middle of some family shit."
"I'm sorry, divorce sucks."
"Nobody's getting divorced!"
"Good, we have less than eight hours to find him." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Taking a work break, Costa and Russell Costa went into the adoption agency to learn more about adopting their child, to be shown a video feed of her. However, shortly after they arrived there, Costa got his phone call from Jessica Jones and went to answer it, only for Russell to request that he leave it and focus onto their child. The Costas were then shown footage of their adopted daughter, who was currently staying in an orphanage in Burundi, as the Costas then held hands, and greeted their future daughter.
While they greeted their daughter, Costa got another call from Jones, as he hung up the call and listened to the advice from the adoption agent, who commented that the cultural change from Burundi to New York City would be difficult for her to adjust to. Although he tried to listen, Costa got a text message from Jones, telling him that Gregory Sallinger was going to kill again, while Russell asked Costa to put his phone away, until Costa finally apologized and then admitted that he had to answer the call, before he then got up and left the room.
Frustrated by this, Russell followed Costa and questioned if this was what their lives were going to be, which Costa denied, as he promised that it would be different once their daughter arrived, as he would be less focused on the New York City Police Department. Once alone, Costa advised Jones to stay away from Sallinger, to which she explained that Sallinger sent her a video, boasting that he would murder someone by seven pm that day, although Costa insisted that Sallinger was inside of his Apartment and was watching television.
However, Jones insisted that Sallinger had gotten past security and was stalking his next victim, as Costa requested all the videos be sent to him, to which Jones admitted that it had been deleted by InstaYap. Costa told Jones that he and his husband were in the middle of personal stuff, to which Jones assumed they were getting divorced, which Costa denied, while Jones then told Costa to come to Sallinger's Apartment with them, as it would be better for them if they turned up together, as Costa had finally but reluctantly agreed to come.[12]
Search for Gregory Sallinger[]
- "As far as he's aware, he's in the clear, why would he risk it?"
"He might have heard about my trip into his home-town, and that body I dug up."
"Might have?"
"I might have rubbed it in his face, literally." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Having left the highly frustrated Russell Costa back at the adoption agency to learn about their daughter alone, Costa went to meet Jessica Jones, as he pulled his car up in front of her, and then insisted that she walk away, insisting that the New York City Police Department had been watching Gregory Sallinger that entire day. Despite this, Jones walked towards Sallinger's Apartment, while Costa had claimed that he had just been watching his television, which she denied.
Costa insisted that Jones would play into Sallinger's hands if she did this without being certain, while Jones continued to insist that he would not be upstairs. Costa noted a member of the paparazzi photographing Jones, as he claimed that she was becoming too high profile to be involved like all this, which Jones begrudgingly agreed with. Once they got up to Sallinger's Apartment, Costa warned that she could get them both sued, only for Joby to answer Sallinger's door, proving that Jones was correct and Sallinger had gotten away, as Costa cursed him.
Costa and Jones burst inside of the apartment, as Joby attempted to stop them, while Costa questioned what Joby was doing there, to which he claimed to have answered a job advert to watch television there. Jones asked exactly when Sallinger had left the apartment, to which Joby claimed that it had been in the morning, as Jones theorized that he had left via a fire escape. Joby explained to Costa that Sallinger paid him two hundred dollars to stay in the apartment and watch television, as Costa had alerted the other officers to the situation.
Costa told Joby to go and wait outside for questions about how Sallinger had hired him, as Jones noted that Sallinger would be going out to commit another murder. Costa questioned why he would risk this, since he believed he was in the clear for the other murders, to which Jones noted that Sallinger might have heard about her trip to Wappinger Falls and the discovery of Nathan Silva. When Costa questioned what she meant, Jones confessed that she already revealed all the information to Sallinger herself, while she had been tormenting him.
Costa suggested that the situation could be Sallinger's final attempt to get revenge on Jones for her tormenting him, which Jones agreed with. Costa went out to put a All-points bulletin on Sallinger, and he would attempt to trace his phone, while Jones suggested that whatever phone Sallinger was using was a burner. Costa told Jones to leave the apartment, to which she decided to stay and wait for another InstaYap video, before telling Costa that she would force Sallinger to talk, and advised Costa to leave, before she trashed the apartment.[12]
Searching for the Victim[]
- "What is it with you and the shit-storms, Jones!? Every brunette within the city is pouring into the station. My Captain is pissed, he pulled by BOLO."
"So, nobody's looking for Sallinger?"
"We got a call earlier, he was seen shouting at his cell phone at a florist in Tribeca." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Once Costa saw that Jessica Jones had just gone on WJBP-TV to make a public statement, in which she had announced, on Thembi Wallace's programme, that Gregory Sallinger was currently stalking out a brunette woman who he had intended to murder that evening, Costa then witnessed dozens of brunette women coming inside the 15th Precinct Police Station, believing that they could become Sallinger's target. Costa called Jones, accusing her of causing another shitshow.
Costa told Jones about the results of her interview with Wallace and her statements against Sallinger's potential plans, noting that Captain Strieber was furious, and had pulled his All-points bulletin on Sallinger. Costa told Jones that somebody had reported to them, seeing Sallinger in distress near Floratech, which Jones began to research. Costa told Jones that he would process all the women who Jones terrified, while Jones noted that one of these may have actually become Sallinger's intended victim, as Costa told her to be careful.
Costa was later called to the GT Agrochemical Office, where Jones identified Mona Lee as the woman who was being followed in Sallinger's videos. However, upon searching their offices, Costa informed Jones that Sallinger had not been there, as Jones questioned if Sallinger had just been messing with her, as Costa suggested that this would be the best case scenario. When Jones insisted that Sallinger was not done, Costa noted that Sallinger got back to his Apartment an hour earlier, much to Jones' surprise.
When Jones insisted that the New York City Police Department had to arrest Sallinger for the threats, Costa admitted that all they could prove he had done, was sneak past their security to get coffee. While Jones insisted that Sallinger had done something, Costa suggested that all he had done was mess them around. Costa told Jones that Nathan Silva's body had been delivered back to the laboratories from Wappinger Falls, and they would be looking at it soon, as Jones insisted that he had to find evidence on the body that could convict Sallinger.
Costa told Jones that he was beginning to worry about her, as he questioned if Jones had anything in her life, asides Alias Investigations and her determination to stop Sallinger, to which she jokingly said that she had a great bartender. Costa told her that it took more, since he and Russell Costa were adopting their daughter. Costa told Jones that he would let her know once the arrest warrant for Sallinger came in, but advised her to keep her head down, which Jones promised that she intended to do, as sh walked away from him.[12]
Attack on Gregory Sallinger[]
- "Jones, it was personal. An attack on Mrs. Walker is an attack on you."
"I know."
"Do you know someone hit him back? Just got out of surgery. Sallinger nearly died." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Despite his dismissal of the threats that had been made, Costa was later told that Dorothy Walker had been murdered in that evening, and the suspected killer was Gregory Sallinger, as Walker had been tied down and brutally tortured before having her throat slit. While Dorothy's body was taken away, Costa called up Jessica Jones, as he expressed his sympathies to her, explaining that it had been Malcolm Ducasse who had called this in, and that Trish Walker had found her dead mother.
When Costa asked how Walker was doing in the wake of her mother's murder, Jones told him that she was not okay, as Costa then requested that Walker come into the 15th Precinct Police Station, fearing that she could soon become another target of Sallinger. However, Jones promised that Walker was safe, while Costa noted that Sallinger had been careful, and had left no evidence in the Apartment. Costa told Jones that this attack had clearly been personal, and was meant to target Jones personally, which Jones accepted.
Costa told Jones that somebody had attacked Sallinger on the same night, as he had been beaten near to death in his Apartment, and had just gotten out of surgery at Metro-General Hospital. As Jones expressed no sympathy for this, Costa noted that Sallinger was accusing the masked vigilante of attacking him. Costa insisted the evidence from Nathan Silva's body would convict Sallinger, unless that vigilante did anything that could interfere, as he noted that Sallinger was under a police guard until the vigilante was found.
With Costa commenting on how Sallinger claimed to be in fear for his life in the wake of the assault, Jones insisted that, if she was to bring in the vigilante, she still would need to be guarantees, which included immunity for the crimes committed, although Costa claimed that this would be difficult. Having been shown a WJBP-TV news report, Costa advised Jones to put it on, since Jeri Hogarth was giving her news conference, and holding up a copy of the New York Bulletin and showing images of the vigilante, and offering a reward for her capture.[13]
Evidence Lost[]
- "How long could it take? Forty minutes?"
"It's three in the morning, and I have a husband to get home to."
"Me, too. But there are a lot of people waiting on answers. Come on. It's personal." - âEddy Costa and Irene Bickell[src]
In order got obtain all of the evidence that they needed proceeded as soon as possible, Costa personally went to the NYPD Crime Laboratory, and requested that Irene Bickell process the hairs which were found on Nathan Silva's body, in the hope that they could use this evidence to confirm that it had belonged to Gregory Sallinger and finally convict him of those murders. Costa requested that Bickell finish up, despite Russell Costa waiting for him and Bickell's husband waiting for her, as Bickell had agreed to help Costa.
Costa stood close by, as Bickell carefully removed the hairs sent from Wappinger Falls and examined them closely, as Bickell complained that Costa was breathing too close, which Costa had denied. However, while they were working, Bickell complained about a terrible smell, which she initially blamed on Costa's breath, only for Costa to look around and realize that was terrible smell was due to sewage coming up from the pipes. Despite Costa wanting to finish the work, a security guard then insisted that they had to leave the building.
While Costa attempted to argue that it was only feces that they had to deal with for a short while, Bickell insisted that there were other toxic materials in the pipes, as she was forced to cover the evidence and leave, while Costa reluctantly relented. However, once Costa and Bickell returned, they discovered, to their horror, that a gust of wind had blown Sallinger's hairs into the puddles of sewage, meaning they lost all evidence against Sallinger. As a result, Captain Strieber placed Costa on leave, blaming him for this.[13]
Ending the Case[]
Suspended from the NYPD[]
- "I've been placed on leave, effective tomorrow."
"That's bullshit."
"Bodies were piling up, a serial killer kept slipping through the cracks. The department needed a fall guy."
"So the one guy that's actually doing something, they take off the case." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Having been placed onto leave following the recent loss of key evidence, Costa went to the Alias Investigations Office, informing Jessica Jones that it was him when he knocked onto the door. Costa had then told Jones that he had news that he did not want to tell her over the phone, so she had allowed him to come in and told him to tell her the truth. Costa then informed her that the hair on Nathan Silva's body had been lost, due to the NYPD Crime Laboratory incident with a fan.
Jones questioned what their next move would be, as Costa just insisted there was not one, explaining that he had been placed on leave by Captain Strieber, to which Jones called this bullshit. However, Costa noted that this was a result of all the bodies piling up, as well as Gregory Sallinger slipping through their fingers, so as a result the New York City Police Department needed to blame someone for these disasters, which turned out to be Costa. Jones complained that the department had just fired the only man actually doing something to stop Sallinger.
However, Costa explained to Jones that the press were accusing the NYPD of colluding with powered vigilantes, which was also something Costa could easily be blamed for. Despite Jones then promising to tell the press that she acted alone during the investigation into Sallinger, Costa insisted that this was not the truth, acknowledging that he had taken her side more often than he really should have, due to their friendship, to which Jones noted that she did not have many friends, while Costa noted that the masked vigilante was her friend.
Costa told Jones that he was glad the masked vigilante maimed Sallinger, and that he was glad that she was still out on their streets of New York City and doing the work that the NYPD were unable to do, noting that she had attempted to do what he was unable to do, by killing Sallinger. Costa acknowledged he might actually be in need of the break to be with Russell Costa and their daughter, before advising Jones not to fight in his corner, noting that his firing was his own fault, before he walked away, telling Jones to take care before he left.[13]
Return to Service[]
- "Hello, Jones. Haven't seen you on the news lately."
"How'd you like to get back on the job?"
"The last thing I need is you mixing it up with brass."
"Gregory Sallinger just confessed to the murder of Dorothy Walker on tape." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Costa continued with his suspension from the New York City Police Department, taking the opportunity to spend more time with Russell Costa and their newly adopted daughter. While out with a walk with his daughter, Costa got a call from Jessica Jones, as he noted that he had not seen her on the news lately, only for Jones to question if Costa wanted to return to work at the NYPD, to which Costa had insisted that he did not need Jones causing any more trouble for him.
In response, Jones explained that Gregory Sallinger confessed to Dorothy Walker's murder on tape, much to Costa's shock. Jones went on to explain to Costa that this had been a single-party permission recording of Sallinger's confession for the murder, which was admissible by New York City law, and that Sallinger could also be charged with kidnapping and attempted murder. As Costa then questioned who Sallinger had attempted to kill, Jones explained that it was her, so Costa had promised to put out an APB on Sallinger to bring him into custody.
However, Jones told Costa that he would not need to, since Sallinger could instead be picked up at the Alias Investigations Office. Costa questioned if he should ask Jones how she was able to get Sallinger confessing to Walker's murder on that tape, as well as surviving the attempted murder, which Jones did not answer, while Costa told her not to worry, as he did not want to know the details. Jones suggested that some evidence was missed at Walker's Apartment, as Costa agreed to investigate the apartment before then hanging up the call.
Following Jones' advice, Costa led the NYPD into the Alias Investigations Office, where they found Sallinger tied up on the floor, with the recording of him confessing to killing Walker played on a loop. Stepping inside, Costa looked at Jones' laptop, where the video of Sallinger tormenting Jones was playing, before he told her his motives for murdering Walker. Costa had his officers take Sallinger into custody, knowing they finally had enough evidence to convict him, with Costa reminding them to read Sallinger his rights, while he was taken away.[14]
Assassination of Gregory Sallinger[]
- "I know..."
"Then do something." - âJessica Jones and Eddy Costa[src]
Having finally taken Gregory Sallinger in custody, Costa went to the New York State Supreme Court Building to oversea his trial, hoping to see him be sent to prison for the rest of his life. While going up the stairs to the court room, Costa had seen Jessica Jones also arriving there. However, before they could talk, a scream was suddenly heard coming fom upstairs, as Costa and Jones had immediately rushed back upstairs, only to find Sallinger's corpse, as he had been brutally murdered inside of the court house elevator.[14]
As the police took control of the situation by locking the building down and sending in their SWAT teams to try to capture Sallinger's killer, Costa coordinated with the officers to ensure everyone else was safe. Costa found Jones speaking with Jeri Hogarth, as he informed Hogarth that Officer Sanchez was ready to take her statement. Once Hogarth walked away, Costa and Jones looked at each other, with Jones acknowledging that the masked vigilante was responsible for Sallinger's death, as Costa told her to do something about it.[15]
Arrest of Trish Walker[]
- "Please acknowledge that you understand the list of charges against you, for the record. Two counts of murder in the first degree. One count of murder in the second degree. Multiple counts of aggravated assault, kidnapping, breaking and entering, trespassing. And one count of attempted murder."
- âEddy Costa to Trish Walker[src]
Following a prolonged search, during which the masked vigilante was named as Trish Walker, who had then taken Jeri Hogarth as her hostage, before trying to flea New York City before she could be arrested, finally Walker had been found and captured by Jessica Jones, who handed her over to their New York City Police Department. Costa then took charge of Walker's questioning, as they had then sat down together inside of the 15th Precinct Police Station's interrogation room.
Costa informed Walker that due process did not appear to apply to enhanced people, and so the FBI would take charge of the investigation and she would likely be sent to the Raft. Costa told Walker to acknowledge the charges made against her, which included the murders of Carl Nussbaumer, Jace Montero, as well as Gregory Sallinger, as well as charges of assault, trespassing and attempted murder against Jones. As Costa questioned if Walker understood this, she called herself the bad guy, bowing her head in complete shame.[15]
Partnership with Erik Gelden[]

Costa introduces himself to Erik Gelden
- "Erik Gelden? We have a mutual friend. She wanted us to meet. I'm Detective Costa. Jessica thought we could help each other."
"She did, did she? Red sweater, on his phone."
"What'd he do?"
"I don't know, but it's bad." - âEddy Costa to Erik Gelden[src]
Following the advice from Jessica Jones, Costa went to meet up with Erik Gelden at a bar, having been told that he had the power to be able to sense if somebody was guilty of some crime. Taking a seat next to him, Costa greeted Gelden, before explaining to him that they had one mutual friend in Jones, who had wanted them both to meet each other. Costa had then introduced himself, telling Gelden that Jones believed that they could help each other in the near future, which Gelden had simply chuckled at.
Accepting this arrangement, Gelden told Costa to look for a man behind them, wearing a red sweater, using his phone, as Costa questioned what the man had done, which Gelden just could not answer, but he reassured Costa that he could already sense that what the man did was bad. Gelden got up and paid for all his drinks, before shaking hands with Costa, who told him that it was good to meet him, before Gelden walked out of the bar, as Costa went to speak to the man in the red sweater, accepting Gelden's tip that he was secretly guilty of something bad.[15]
- "You want to go it alone, that's your call. But there's a lot of people on the force that wanna see you locked up."
"And you're the only white hat in a sea of black hats."
"Not the only one." - âEddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]
Eddy Costa is a wise and honorable man, as Jessica Jones considered the only white hat in a sea of black hats. After being brainwashed by Kilgrave, he suffered from nightmares of losing his free will, until Jones killed him. Afterward, Costa believed that Jones was a good person, and believed that he owed a debt since she had ridden the world of Kilgrave. Despite this, Costa was still lawful, as he and the police went on a hunt for Alisa Jones due to her killing his partner Ruth Sunday. Losing Sunday had a great effect on him, as he refused to listen to Jones on the police going to kill her mother, stating that she killed one of their own.
- "Maybe leave the heroics to trained professionals who are committed to the rule of law and subject to oversight."
- âEddy Costa to Jessica Jones[src]
- Master Investigator: Costa is a great detective who was one of the only ones to trust Jessica Jones. He looked into both the murders of Nick Spanos and murders caused by Gregory Sallinger. However, his efforts were not entirely appreciated by his peers as he was taken off the job as a "fall guy" because he was an easy target to blame. Jones later set him up with Erik Gelden who had powers to sense the bad in people.
- Expert Interrogator: As a detective, Costa is also a very good interrogator and attempted to do so against Gregory Sallinger. However, Sallinger had no actual evidemnce against him.
- Marksman: As a detective, Costa knew how to wield guns and always had one on him, which he took out on multiple occassions in case he had to shoot.

Costa threatening to shoot at Alisa Jones
- Glock 19: Costa pulled his service gun to arrest Jessica Jones for the murder of Nick Spanos once he realized she returned to the scene. Costa did not give her a chance to leave, and Jones surrendered in shock for the scene. Costa, his partner Ruth Sunday and the officers under his command also took their weapons to follow a lead on their wanted killer to the Malus Residence; and then both detectives took them to the hospital in order to stop Alisa Jones, with Sunday even shooting at her leg, but she was unable to prevent her from escaping, dying in the attempt. Once Costa was reinstated into the NYPD, during their investigation of Gregory Sallinger, he and a group of officers had entered into the Alias Investigations Office with their guns ready to arrest Sallinger, finding him tied up on the floor, and with his a recording of his confession playing in a loop.
This section requires expansion |
- Police Car: To be added
- 15th Precinct Police Station: Costa worked in the 15th precinct when Kilgrave arrived and forced everyone to hold their guns on each other. He interrogated Jessica Jones in the precinct along with Ruth Sunday. He continued working at the station and gave Jones information about his investigation into Alisa Jones and Gregory Sallinger. He was in the station when Jessica Jones announced publicly that Sallinger would be killing a brunette woman, causing countless brunette women to go to the station. When Trish Walker was arrested, Costa sat with her in the precinct and read Walker the list of crimes she was being charged with.
- NYPD Crime Laboratory: Costa had Nathan Silva's hair analyzed at the NYPD's crime laboratory, and stayed with Doctor Irene Bickell, hoping to get the sample analyzed quickly. However, Jessica Jones caused sewage to poor into the lab, forcing Costa to leave so that Jones could contaminate the sample.
Behind the Scenes[]
- Korey Fackler was a stunt double for John Ventimiglia in the role of Eddy Costa.
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jessica Jones: 2.05: AKA The Octopus
- â Jessica Jones: 2.02: AKA Freak Accident
- â Jessica Jones: 2.04: AKA God Help the Hobo
- â Jessica Jones: 2.08: AKA Ain't We Got Fun
- â Jessica Jones: 2.09: AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed
- â 6.0 6.1 6.2 Jessica Jones: 2.12: AKA Pray for My Patsy
- â 7.0 7.1 7.2 Jessica Jones: 2.13: AKA Playland
- â Jessica Jones: 3.01: AKA The Perfect Burger
- â 9.0 9.1 Jessica Jones: 3.03: AKA I Have No Spleen
- â 10.0 10.1 10.2 Jessica Jones: 3.06: AKA Sorry Face
- â Jessica Jones: 3.07: AKA The Double Half-Wappinger
- â 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Jessica Jones: 3.08: AKA Camera Friendly
- â 13.0 13.1 13.2 Jessica Jones: 3.09: AKA I Did Something Today
- â 14.0 14.1 Jessica Jones: 3.12: AKA A Lotta Worms
- â 15.0 15.1 15.2 Jessica Jones: 3.13: AKA Everything