- "My son, tell him I love him and I'm proud. And my wife, tell her I love her and I'm so sorry that I wasn't... I'm sorry. Tell them, tell them, please tell them."
- âAlex Tilden to Gabriella Rosetti[src]
Alexander "Alex" Tilden was a truck driver who had been possessed by Magoth. He was mortally wounded during a car accident but was kept alive by the demon until he was removed from his body.
Alex Tilden lived his life as a man of faith, carrying around a prayer and a family Christmas photo they had taken together in his wallet. He drove a truck for a living, occasionally sleeping with a prostitute while on the road, without his wife's knowledge.[1]

Tilden stops at the gas station
Alex Tilden was driving his truck, when he stopped at a Roxxon Gas Station. He bought a drink and several other items when he noticed someone was in his truck. As he walked over to it, he found the man and demanded to know why he was there. The man turned around, and he discovered the bloodied mess on the other side of the man's face. Tilden was then attacked and marked for possession.[4]
Exorcism of Alex Tilden[]

Tilden falls onto the road
Tilden eventually found himself on the side of the road, in pain from the attack. He was found by Kevin, who stopped to help him, unaware that Magoth was possessing him. While fighting for controlled, Tilden managed to ask Kevin to be driven to the hospital. Kevin agreed to help him, bringing the man into his car. Tilden suddenly started screaming as he was fully possessed by Magoth, while Kevin assured him that the hospital was not far away. However, Tilden lost the fight for control as Magoth took over, causing a car accident. Tilden managed to hold back Magoth long enough to ask for a priest to read him his last rites, although Magoth resumed control before his request could be fulfilled.

Magoth is exorcised from Tilden's body
Daimon Helstrom and Gabriella Rosetti were called to help exorcise the demon, and after a long conversation, Rosetti began giving Tilden strength by praying for him. Since Tilden had been a man of faith, the prayer began working, although the two briefly became distracted when Magoth set a fire. Tilden continued fighting while Rosetti showed a picture of his family and continued praying. Tilden managed to break through, and asked Rosetti to tell his son that he was proud of him and to apologize to his wife on his behalf, and to tell them both that he loved them. He started saying that he didn't want to die, when the Magoth resumed control. Helstrom exorcised Tilden, causing him to die after a brief moment of freedom. Rosetti then delivered a final prayer for Tilden after he passed, later expressing her condolences to his family along with Father Sean Okamoto.[1]
Alex Tilden was a trucker who stopped at gas stations for food. He was defensive of his property, as evidenced by him immediately assuming bad faith when he found Basar in his truck.
- Roxxon Gas Station: Alex Tilden visited the Roxxon Gas Station while driving his truck. He stopped a the station and bought several items before returning to his truck and being possessed.
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