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"Oh, Brother!" is the eleventh episode of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3.


It's apparently been raining for two weeks in the Mushroom Kingdom, and Princess Toadstool and the Mario Bros. have been forced to spend that period in Toad's House. Luigi grows annoyed with the record album that Mario is listening to and throws it in the fireplace. This angers Mario as a result, and both he and Luigi bicker until finally Luigi decides to leave, despite the downpour outside. Toadstool makes Mario go after him.

Unbeknownst to either of them, the two-week downpour is actually being caused by Kooky von Koopa's Power Shower; the runoff from the rain it causes makes the Coins in the Pipe Maze wash down into the basement of Bowser's Castle. Unfortunately for him, at this moment the Power Shower springs a leak, and King Koopa orders him to kidnap one of the Mario Bros.

Mario catches up to Luigi, and they begin bickering again. Their argument is cut short when Mario gets nabbed by the Plumber Pole (another one of Kooky's inventions) and dragged into King Koopa's basement. He initially refuses to fix the Power Shower's leak, so Kooky turns him into his slave by way of a brainwashing helmet he calls the Lame Brainer.

Up above, Luigi takes it upon himself to rescue "that bilge-brained brother of his", but first he goes back to Toad's to get a Frog Suit in order to avoid the underwater enemies more easily. When he shows up in King Koopa's basement, the Koopa King orders Mario to destroy him, but Luigi manages to annoy Mario enough to cause the Lame Brainer to jump off his head and, by chance, land on Kooky's. After ordering Kooky to turn against King Koopa, the Mario Bros. destroy the Power Shower and return to Toad's House, arguing (in a polite tone) over whose fault it was that their argument got started.


  • This is the first time in The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 that stresses the need for the Frog Suit.
  • This episode demonstrates the brotherly love that Mario and Luigi have for each other.
  • King Koopa complains that he hates getting his feet wet, but in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show, King Koopa ordered his Flurries to lick his feet.
  • Right before Mario is under control of the Lame Brainer, the rope that's tying him is purple.
  • When Mario tries to bash Luigi under the control of the Lame Brainer, the red circles in his eyes that show that he's under control are missing.
  • "Brotherly Love" is the episode's song.

