September 3rd: Part 8 (9

Feitan restraining Gon
After Gon slams Nobunaga's hand down and wins the round of arm-wrestling, Feitan quickly appears behind him and restrains his left arm. He tells Gon that he's too cocky and begins to apply pressure, but when Killua goes to intervene, Hisoka quickly appears behind him and holds one of his playing cards right at his throat, drawing a small drop of blood and threatening to kill him if he moves. Feitan asks Gon if he knows the chain user, and Gon angrily repeats that he doesn't know anything. Nobunaga tells the gleeful Feitan to stop, and Feitan asks what Nobunaga thinks he's going to do. Nobunaga says that he plans to break Gon's arm, but Feitan replies that he will start by ripping off his fingernails.
Nobunaga again tells Feitan to stop, but Feitan says that he doesn't have to obey his orders. The two surround themselves with aura, and Franklin tells Nobunaga to calm down, with Machi and Shizuku reminding them that there’s no fighting within the Troupe. After Nobunaga remembers that they settle arguments with a coin toss, with Feitan calling tails and Nobunaga heads, the coin lands on heads and Feitan releases Gon. Shizuku asks the others what they should do with the boys, wondering if the two have been interrogated yet.

Pakunoda assuring the others that she checked Gon and Killua
Pakunoda says that they can go free if they don't know anything, and Franklin asks her what she thinks. She replies that she checked them out on the way over and that they have no memory of the chain user. Nobunaga tells Machi that her hunch was wrong, and Machi is surprised at first but says that Pakunoda has to be right. Killua asks Gon if they did anything to him, and Gon says that they only asked him a couple questions. Killua wonders to himself why the others trust Pakunoda's analysis so much, wondering what she did to them on the way over. As his mind lingers on the word memory and he remembers Pakunoda with her arm around his shoulder and asking him about a Nen user with chains, he realizes that she must have the ability to read memories while touching her target.
However, Killua knows that they are finished if she checks him again, having figured out that Kurapika is the chain user. While Franklin and Shalnark agree that the boys can be let go if they don't know anything, Phinks speaks up and says that the two may not know him as the chain user, theorizing that the person may not openly show his chains. He adds that they should wait to release them until they learn who their leader is, but Shalnark replies that the chain user isn't their leader since he most likely works alone. Machi asks if he agrees with Nobunaga's assessment, and Shalnark says that he wouldn't need help from two kids when he has access to the information network of the Mafia.
Although Feitan tells Gon that he can now go home to his mother, Nobunaga speaks up and says that they aren't leaving, suddenly asking Gon to join the Spiders. Gon quickly declines, and when Nobunaga says that they could team up, Gon furiously replies that he would rather die than join. Nobunaga chuckles and asks Gon if he's an Enhancer, and when Gon confirms this, Nobunaga busts out laughing and says that he wants to nominate Gon to Chrollo once he comes back. Phinks wonders if he's joking and Feitan adds that Chrollo won't agree to it. Machi says that it isn't their problem, and Phinks tells Nobunaga that he has to watch them on his own if he wants to keep them there.

Shalnark going over the new plan against the Mafia
After Nobunaga moves Gon and Killua to watch them elsewhere, Shizuku says that they should have seen Mafia members by now and guesses that they stopped looking for them. However, Shalnark replies that they may be preparing for the next part of their plan, and Franklin says that their own plan of using the chain user as bait hasn't worked out. Shalnark tells them that it’s their turn to the go on the offensive, handing out a list of the Nostrade Family's employees he printed from the Hunter Website. He tells them to take special care in memorizing the faces of the five people who guard the daughter of the boss. He says that while Uvogin told him the chain user isn’t among them, those five were the ones who kidnapped him.
As Shalnark adds that they need to find someone who knows what the chain user looks like, Shizuku points out that she killed a guy on the list, telling the others to cross him off. Shalnark tells the group to work in pairs and meet back at the hideout by 10 p.m. Machi asks him who she will team up with since Nobunaga is watching the kids, and as Shalnark tells her to work with whoever is left, she turns to look at a grinning Hisoka.
In one of the building's rooms, Nobunaga sits in front of the door holding his katana. Gon deals with the pain from the arm-wrestling matches, and Killua realizes his mistake of trying to help Gon, saying that Hisoka would not have hesitated to kill him. As he wonders whether he could have stopped the Troupe if they had threatened Gon's life, the doubting voice of his older brother suddenly enters his mind and fills it with negative thoughts. After repeatedly telling him that he's wrong, Killua slowly stands up as his aura swells around him, leaving Gon confused.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Franklin Bordeau
- Feitan Portor
- Shalnark
- Machi Komacine
- Gon Freecss
- Nobunaga Hazama
- Pakunoda
- Killua Zoldyck
- Hisoka Morow
- Kortopi (Cover)
- Shizuku Murasaki
- Phinks Magcub
- Bonolenov Ndongo
- Kurapika (Image)
- Chrollo Lucilfer (Mentioned)
- Light Nostrade (Mentioned)
- Neon Nostrade (Mentioned)
- Linssen (Image)
- Squala (Image)
- Dalzollene (Image)
- Shachmono Tocino (Image)
- Ivlenkov (Image)
- Uvogin (Mentioned)
- Illumi Zoldyck (Voice)