September 4th: Part 5 (9

Nobunaga becoming suspicious of Hisoka
After Pakunoda reads through Hisoka's fortune, she tosses the paper to Franklin and tells the others to look at it. Unknown to the rest of the Phantom Troupe as they try to make sense of the mention of a red-eyed customer and the moons' secrets, the fortune is different from the one that Hisoka initially read. Once an impatient Nobunaga reads through the fortune, he unsheathes his katana and asks Hisoka if he betrayed Uvogin. Hisoka continues to look through his deck of cards, but when Nobunaga takes it as confirmation and tries to confront him, Franklin and Shalnark block his path.
Franklin tries to calm him down by reminding him that Chrollo said the fortunes can be avoided. He asks about the current week, but Hisoka replies that he can't tell them, only revealing that the first section is accurate. As Nobunaga remains upset, Shalnark asks Hisoka why he can't tell them, and Hisoka replies that he can't say anything more, readying his deck of cards as a weapon and saying that he will defend himself if they don't accept his answer.

Chrollo using a stolen ability to keep Nobunaga away from Hisoka
Sheathing his katana and appearing to be done with the argument, Nobunaga suddenly dashes toward Hisoka and prepares to strike, but he suddenly disappears and is left standing off to the side. Nobunaga first thinks that Hisoka teleported, but then realizes that he was the one who was moved. As his aura swells around him, Chrollo tells Nobunaga to be quiet as Phinks asks Machi if Chrollo was behind that. Guessing that he was, Machi replies that she doesn't know what ability it was.
Chrollo addresses Hisoka and says that he doesn't have to answer his question if he can't, first asking what secrets the chain user stole. Hisoka's answer is people's abilities, and Chrollo then asks how many he stole, with Hisoka first saying seven but quickly correcting himself to eight, listing out Chrollo, Uvogin, Shizuku, Machi, Franklin, Pakunoda, Shalnark, and himself. Chrollo asks about the chain user's ability, but Hisoka replies that he can't say. Chrollo then asks about his appearance and Hisoka's relationship to him, but Hisoka again says that he can't answer.

Chrollo analyzing the situation after questioning Hisoka
After Hisoka confirms that he just learned about Kortopi's ability yesterday, Chrollo surmises that the chain user has at least two abilities: one that was used to capture Uvogin and the other that is restricting what Hisoka can do. He cites the words "sword of law" from his fortune and guesses that Hisoka is being forced to obey a set of rules after something was planted inside him by the enemy. As the other members listen in stunned silence, Chrollo continues to analyze the fortune and says that Hisoka was forced to betray them because of the "sword of law" attack.
Hisoka becomes aroused by Chrollo's intellect and tells himself that he will enjoy killing him. Chrollo tells the others that the sword may be conjured or manipulated, confident that the ability is extremely powerful. Shalnark gives a summary of the situation by first saying that their enemy uses chains and is either a Manipulator with real chains or a Conjurer with Nen chains. Shizuku wonders if there's a difference, and Shalnark stresses that a Conjurer would have a big advantage by appearing to be empty-handed. He adds that a Manipulator would need to have his weapon at all times, and Shizuku remembers that Conjurers can eventually make their weapon appear at will after they have done enough image training.

The Troupe analyzing the situation as Hisoka hides the truth
Phinks wonders if conjured chains would have worked against Uvogin, and Shalnark confirms this by explaining that the user could paralyze the target or put them to sleep. However, he turns their attention back to the ability that is restricting Hisoka, and Phinks asks if the sword of law would force him to keep a promise. Shalnark guesses that Hisoka would die if he broke the promise to follow the chain user's orders.
The situation is then explained in detail: there is no sword of law in Hisoka's body because Hisoka used his Texture Surprise to mask the real fortune with a fake one he created on the spot. Hisoka was telling the truth about revealing the Troupe's abilities to Kurapika, but he had only revealed Uvogin and Shizuku's. He doesn't know the others' abilities well enough, only knowing for example that Pakunoda is a Specialist who can read memories by touching her target and fire conjured bullets called Memory Bombs (with only her and Chrollo knowing about them).

Chrollo deciding that the Troupe will stay in Yorknew
The other Spiders have similar hidden abilities that they make sure to keep secret since they are vital to their survival, with Hisoka also having one involving his Texture Surprise. Machi is the only member aware of the ability and believes that Hisoka uses it on his body, but Hisoka can recreate over one thousand textures on any flat surface. This allowed him to recreate the same texture and ink that Chrollo used for his fortune. It's then mentioned that Hisoka's gamble only worked out because Chrollo picked up on the clues left in the fake fortune. It's finally stated that since Hisoka's obsession takes priority over everything, he risked it all to keep the Troupe in Yorknew just so he would have the chance to fight Chrollo.
Hisoka tells the others that he plans to stay at the hideout since there are things he wants to do before he dies. Chrollo says that Hisoka, Shizuku, Pakunoda, Shalnark, and one more member (in addition to Uvogin) completes the half that are fated to die, guessing that the last one is either himself, Feitan, or Kortopi. Phinks says that they weren't able to answer the required questions to have their fortunes told, and Franklin adds that they were lucky to get as many as they did considering their backgrounds. As Shalnark asks Chrollo what they should do and Chrollo decides that they should stay, Milluki is seen carrying an umbrella in the city and wondering what he should eat.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]