
The Tape (テープ, Tēpu) is the 66th chapter of the Hunter × Hunter manga, written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi.


The recording of Ging tells Gon to keep listening if he wants to see him and to press the stop button if he doesn't. Gon lets the tape play, and Ging again asks Gon if he is sure, saying that Hunters are egotistical and put aside everything else to achieve what they want. He tells his son to stop the tape if he just thinks that it would be nice to see him, giving him a minute to think about it. Killua initially speaks up about what to do next, but then says that he probably doesn't need to ask Gon for his answer.

Chap 66 - Ging adventuring somewhere in the world

Ging adventuring somewhere in the world

After the minute passes, Ging says that he doesn't want to see him and that he doesn't know how he could face him, admitting that he quit being a parent for selfish reasons. He continues by saying that while ten years have passed since the tape's recording, he will always be the person he is. Elsewhere, Ging is seen riding a large reptilian creature, which itself is riding a larger dragon-like creature. As the latter takes flight, the recording of Ging says that he's probably off on an adventure somewhere, telling Gon to come find him if he still wants to see him. He adds that if he hears Gon coming, he will do his best to elude him, reminding Gon that he is indeed a Hunter now.

As Gon smiles with excitement, Killua stops Gon from stopping the tape after he realizes that Ging is still there. Ging's voice returns and says that the last thing is about Gon's mother. He tells his son to keep listening if he wants to know, and before he can tell him to stop the tape if he doesn't, Gon does just that without hesitation. Killua says that Ging may have given some clues, but Gon replies that his gut told him otherwise, also reminding Killua that he considers Mito his mother.

Chap 66 - Gon and Killua trying to stop the stereo from taping over Ging's recording

Gon and Killua trying to stop the stereo from taping over Ging's recording

Gon goes to leave the room and says that they should get something to eat, but Killua suddenly notices that the tape is rewinding itself. As aura surrounds the stereo, Killua is in disbelief that Nen is involved, realizing that Ging must have imbued it ten years ago so that it started to rewind once the tape was stopped. The tape suddenly begins to record, and Killua says that Ging is trying to erase his own voice. After Gon unplugging the stereo still doesn't work, Killua tries and fails to destroy it with a punch, realizing that the Nen is protecting it.

The two play the tape and hear themselves trying to stop it from recording over Ging's message. Killua says that the backup tape was also erased and that Ging wanted to make sure that no one could analyze his voice, especially with a Nen ability. They decide to examine the memory card next, and after Gon doesn't recognize it, Killua tells him that it belongs to a game console called the JoyStation.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

