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Is wii coin.png
Icon of a Coin in Radiant Dawn.

A treasure you can sell for 1 gold. You can use it at the forge in your base.



First game

Path of Radiance

The Coin (Japanese: コイン Coin) is an uncommon item in the Fire Emblem series, appearing only in the two games set on Tellius. In Path of Radiance, its only function is to provide 1 gold to the player if sold. The Coin is no more valuable when sold in Radiant Dawn; however, when forging a weapon, the player can now use a Coin to attempt to gain a random bonus to be added to the weapon once the forging process finishes.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Path of Radiance Is gcn coin.png 1 2 Sells for 1 gold.
Radiant Dawn Is wii coin.png 1 2 Can be used to add a random bonus when forging a weapon.


Path of Radiance

Inventory Naesala
Dropped by Chapter 12, enemy Raven (×2) (Not in Maniac)/(×8) (Maniac only)Chapter 13, enemy Raven (×2) (Difficult/Maniac only)Chapter 18, enemy Raven (×2) (Difficult only)Chapter 19, enemy Raven (×2) (Not in Maniac)
Steal from Chapter 12, enemy Raven (×2) (Difficult only)Chapter 13, enemy Raven (×3) (Difficult only)Chapter 18, enemy Raven (×2) (Difficult/Maniac)Chapter 19, enemy Raven (×4) (Not in Maniac)
Treasure Chapter 15, hidden treasure (×2)

Radiant Dawn

Inventory MakalovNaesala
Dropped by Part III: Prologue, enemy SniperChapter 5, enemy Thunder Sage
Part IV: Chapter 2, enemy Fire Sage, enemy Sniper
Steal Part II: Chapter 1, enemy BanditChapter 2, enemy BanditEndgame, enemy Warrior, enemy Soldier (×2 in Easy), enemy Priest, enemy Armor Axe (Normal/Hard)
Part 3: Chapter 2, enemy Axe GeneralChapter 3, enemy Swordmaster (reinforcement) • Chapter 4, enemy Warrior, enemy HalberdierEndgame, enemy Swordmaster, enemy Lance Paladin (Easy only), enemy Fighter (Normal/Hard)
Treasure Part I: Chapter 3, hidden treasureChapter 4, hidden treasureChapter 5, hidden treasureChapter 6-1, hidden treasureChapter 7, hidden treasureChapter 8, hidden treasure (×3) • Chapter 9, hidden treasure (×2) • Endgame, chest
Part II: Chapter 3, hidden treasure (×2) • Endgame, hidden treasure
Part III: Prologue, hidden treasureChapter 1, hidden treasureChapter 2, hidden treasure (×2) • Chapter 3, hidden treasureChapter 4, hidden treasure (×2) • Chapter 5, hidden treasure (×3) • Chapter 7, hidden treasure (×2) • Chapter 8, hidden treasureChapter 9, hidden treasureChapter 10, hidden treasure (×2) • Chapter 11, hidden treasureEndgame, hidden treasure
Part IV: Prologue, hidden treasure (×2) • Chapter 1, hidden treasure (×2) • Chapter 2, hidden treasure (×3) • Chapter 3, hidden treasure (×2) • Chapter 4, hidden treasureChapter 5, hidden treasure (×4)
Data transfer Part III: All Coins possessed by the player by the end of a Path of Radiance game will be tranferred to Ike's convoy in the beginning

Flavor text

Game Text
Path of Radiance
A golden coin used for currency. It can be
exchanged for exactly one gold.
Radiant Dawn
A treasure you can sell for 1 gold. You can
use it at the forge in your base.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





Coin. Romanized in the internal game files as COIN.













Items in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Stat boosters Arms ScrollAshera IconBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustStatue FragTalismanTorch
Skill items AdeptCorrosionCounterGambleGuardMiracleNihilOccultParityProvokeRenewalResolveSaviorShadeSmiteVantageWrath
Healing items AntitoxinElixirLaguz StoneVulnerary
Class change items Master Seal
Keys Chest KeyDoor Key
Shop items Blue GemCoinRed GemWhite Gem
Equipment Archer BandBeorcguardDemi BandFighter BandFull GuardKnight BandKnight RingKnight WardLaguz BandLaguzguardMage BandPaladin BandPegasus BandPriest BandSoldier BandSword BandThief BandWyvern Band
Unused items BlossomCantoCelerityDauntImpregnableInsightParagonReinforceSerenitySilver CardTempestVigilance
Items in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Stat boosters Arms ScrollAshera IconBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustStatue FragTalismanTorch
Skill items Satori SignSkill items
Healing items AntitoxinConcoctionElixirHerbLaguz GemLaguz StoneOlivi GrassPanaceaVulnerary
Offensive items Daemon CardReaper CardSpectre Card
Class change items Holy CrownMaster CrownMaster Seal
Keys Chest KeyDoor Key
Shop items Blue GemCoinRed GemSilver CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Rudol Gem
Hazard items Shine Barrier
Unused items BeorcguardFrey BombFull GuardKnight WardLaguzguardSerenityTempestTroop ScrollWarp PowderWild Stone