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Bottle of Flowers

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Bottle of Flowers

FEWATH Merc Whistle Accessory.png
The artwork used by the Bottle of Flowers in Warriors: Three Hopes.

A small bottle filled with lovely flowers that have been hardened with resin so they will never wilt.


Item (Equipment)

First game

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

The Bottle of Flowers is an accessory item that debuted in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Obtained by giving the Merc Whistle to Hilda, it replaces the user's Unique Action Ability with Hilda's, Lightning Bound.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 accessory merc whistle.png -- -- Replaces the user's Unique Action Ability with Lightning Bound.
Cannot be sold.


Warriors: Three Hopes

Merc Whistle Gift Hilda

Flavor text

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Game Text
Warriors: Three Hopes
A small bottle filled with lovely flowers that have been hardened with resin so they will never wilt.

Etymology and other languages

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Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Bottle of Flowers


Items in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Permanent stat boosters Ailell PomegranateAmbrosiaBlack PearlEnergy DropFruit of LifeGiant ShellGoddess IconGolden AppleMiracle BeanPremium Magic HerbsRocky BurdockSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed CarrotSpeedwingSpirit DustTalismanWhite Verona
Class change items Advanced SealIntermediate SealMaster Seal
Rings Agile Dexterity RingCaptivating Charm RingCharm RingCritical RingDexterity RingEvasion RingFetters of DromiFierce Strength RingGoddess RingLightning Speed RingMesmerizing Charm RingMonstrous Strength RingNimble Dexterity RingPrayer RingSpeed RingStrength RingSwift Speed Ring
Shields Aegis ShieldAurora ShieldHexlock ShieldIron ShieldKadmos ShieldLampos ShieldLeather ShieldOchain ShieldSeiros ShieldSilver ShieldSteel ShieldTalisman Shield
Staves AsclepiusCaduceus StaffCirce StaffHealing StaffMagic StaffThyrsus
Gems Chalice of BeginningsExperience GemKnowledge GemRafail Gem
Dragon Signs Aegis Dragon SignBloom Dragon SignCraft Dragon SignCrusher Dragon SignDark Dragon SignEarth Dragon SignFissure Dragon SignFlame Dragon SignGrim Dragon SignIce Dragon SignKalpa Dragon SignLight Dragon SignLightning Dragon SignShield Dragon SignSky Dragon SignSnow Dragon SignStar Dragon SignStorm Dragon SignThorn Dragon SignWater Dragon SignWind Dragon Sign
Merc Whistle Accessories Amber SweetenerAmethyst CharmAnimal Bone DiceAzure DaggerBeast RepellentBottle of FlowersCurse-Repelling AmuletDagdan WhetstoneDrinking HornFancy HandkerchiefFirst Aid KitHunter's KnifeImperial Coat of Arms PenKnife and ScabbardLoog and the Maiden of WindMetal ClaspMushroom PowderNotes on PoisonsOdd CharmPegasus Hair CharmPortable LampPortable Tea SetRose BroochRose WaterSand from Rhodos CoastSeasoning SetSecret MedicineSharp DaggerShez DollSilver BraceletSilver RingSimple Fishing RodTactics PrimerTravelogueWarm CloakWeapon Repair OilWooden DishWooden DollWooden Training Sword
Other item types BullionChest KeyExtra Large BullionLarge BullionMerc WhistleVanguard Whistle