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Provisions (Japanese: 食べ物 food) are a type of healing item which were introduced in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. These foodstuffs both restore lost hit points and cure a unit's fatigue when consumed. They are particularly important when exploring dungeons, where fatigue builds up from constant battles without a chance to rest, and provisions are the only way to relieve the fatigue until the player leaves the dungeon.


Provisions can be consumed at almost any time, both in battle and out, and can be carried in a unit's inventory instead of a weapon or piece of equipment. When in a battle, units may eat/drink a provision anywhere if they are carrying one, or they may move next to the party's current leader (Alm or Celica) and select the Provisions command to eat/drink a provision from the supply convoy.

Alternatively, when visiting a Mila shrine, the player may offer a provision to the Mila idol to fully restore the fatigue of all units in the party. This is the only use for alcoholic provisions, other than selling them to a blacksmith for silver.


Every provision is categorized into one of nine tastes, which dictate how a unit will react to eating them. The amount of fatigue healed by the provision is increased or decreased by their reaction:

  • Loves: ×3.0 fatigue recovery
  • Likes: ×1.5 fatigue recovery
  • Neutral: ×1 fatigue recovery
  • Dislikes: ×0.5 fatigue recovery

HP recovery is not affected by tastes.

Whenever a unit eats a provision, they will comment on how they feel about its taste.

Unit Taste
Plain Rich Sweet Bitter Meaty Rough Refined Delicious Disgusting
Small portrait alm fe15.png Alm Neutral Likes Dislikes Dislikes Loves Neutral Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait celica fe15.png Celica Neutral Likes Loves Likes Neutral Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait mycen fe15.png Mycen Neutral Dislikes Dislikes Likes Neutral Neutral Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait gray fe15.png Gray Likes Neutral Likes Neutral Loves Dislikes Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait tobin fe15.png Tobin Neutral Loves Likes Loves Neutral Likes Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait kliff fe15.png Kliff Neutral Dislikes Likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait faye fe15.png Faye Neutral Loves Likes Dislikes Likes Likes Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait lukas fe15.png Lukas Neutral Likes Loves Likes Likes Dislikes Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait silque fe15.png Silque Likes Loves Loves Neutral Dislikes Loves Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait clair fe15.png Clair Neutral Likes Loves Likes Neutral Dislikes Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait clive fe15.png Clive Neutral Likes Dislikes Loves Loves Neutral Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait forsyth fe15.png Forsyth Neutral Dislikes Loves Likes Dislikes Neutral Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait python fe15.png Python Neutral Neutral Dislikes Loves Likes Likes Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait mae fe15.png Mae Likes Dislikes Loves Dislikes Likes Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait boey fe15.png Boey Loves Neutral Likes Likes Neutral Likes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait genny fe15.png Genny Neutral Loves Loves Dislikes Neutral Neutral Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait saber fe15.png Saber Neutral Likes Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait valbar fe15.png Valbar Neutral Neutral Neutral Likes Loves Neutral Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait kamui fe15.png Kamui Neutral Loves Dislikes Neutral Loves Neutral Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait leon fe15.png Leon Neutral Likes Loves Likes Dislikes Neutral Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait luthier fe15.png Luthier Likes Loves Neutral Likes Likes Dislikes Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait mathilda fe15.png Mathilda Neutral Loves Likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait delthea fe15.png Delthea Neutral Loves Loves Dislikes Loves Dislikes Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait palla fe15.png Palla Neutral Loves Likes Loves Neutral Neutral Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait catria fe15.png Catria Neutral Likes Loves Likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait atlas fe15.png Atlas Likes Dislikes Dislikes Likes Loves Loves Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait jesse fe15.png Jesse Neutral Neutral Dislikes Likes Loves Dislikes Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait sonya fe15.png Sonya Neutral Likes Dislikes Loves Likes Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait deen fe15.png Deen Neutral Likes Loves Neutral Likes Neutral Likes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait est fe15.png Est Neutral Likes Loves Dislikes Loves Dislikes Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait tatiana fe15.png Tatiana Neutral Loves Likes Likes Neutral Neutral Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait zeke fe15.png Zeke Neutral Likes Dislikes Loves Neutral Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait nomah fe15.png Nomah Neutral Likes Dislikes Likes Neutral Neutral Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait conrad fe15.png Conrad Neutral Likes Loves Likes Likes Dislikes Neutral Loves Dislikes
Small portrait emma fe15.png Emma Likes Likes Loves Dislikes Loves Neutral Dislikes Loves Dislikes
Small portrait randal fe15.png Randal Neutral Likes Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait yuzu fe15.png Yuzu Likes Neutral Likes Dislikes Loves Likes Loves Loves Dislikes
Small portrait shade fe15.png Shade Neutral Loves Loves Likes Neutral Dislikes Dislikes Loves Dislikes

Provisions in the Fire Emblem series by type

Regular provisions

Item Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Orange Plain taste.
Bread Leaves behind one Leftover Bread when consumed. Plain taste.
Leftover Bread Leaves behind one Bread Piece when consumed. Plain taste.
Bread Piece Plain taste.
Drinking Water Plain taste.
Cold Soup Plain taste.
Hard Bread Plain taste.
Flour Rough taste.
Carrot A Produce in Three Houses. Rough taste.
Holey Cheese Rich taste.
Soup Plain taste.
Garlic Refined taste.
Mana Herbs Rough taste.
Butter Rich taste.
Yogurt Rich taste.
Herring Plain taste.
Dried Meat Meaty taste.
Raw Meat Meaty taste.
Honey Sweet taste.
Sausage Meaty taste.
Ham Meaty taste.
Dried Shieldfish Refined taste.
Sweet Cookie Sweet taste.
Blue Cheese A Gift in Three Houses. Refined taste.
Dagon Fillet Refined taste.
Medicinal Syrup Bitter taste.
Exotic Spice Refined taste.
Duma Moss Disgusting taste.
A means that the item is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.


Alcoholic provisions cannot be consumed by any unit. However, unlike regular provisions, giving alcohol to a Mila idol as an offering has the added benefit of recharging Mila's Turnwheel to maximum uses.

Leftover data in the game suggests that at some point in development, alcohol was intended to be consumable in the same way as other provisions, but only by units who are 20 years of age or older.[1]

Item Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Wine --
Ale --
Leftover Ale --
Ram Wine --
A means that the item is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Stat boosting provisions

These provisions give units permanent increases to their stats when consumed in addition to curing fatigue, replacing the usual stat boosting items (with the exception of the Talisman and Boots). None of these provisions restore HP, but all cure a high amount of fatigue.

Item Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Fruit of Life Permanent +2/+1 HP when consumed.
A Stat Booster in Three Houses.
Soma Permanent +2 attack when consumed.
Nethergranate Permanent +2 skill when consumed.
Pegasus Cheese Permanent +2 speed when consumed.
Nectar Permanent +2 luck when consumed.
Ambrosia Permanent +2/+1 defense when consumed.
A Stat Booster in Three Houses.
Golden Apple Permanent +100 experience points when consumed.*
Permanent +1 charm when consumed.*
A Stat Booster in Three Houses.
A means that the item is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Download event provisions

These provisions are currently exclusive to a 7-Eleven distribution event in Japan and are unavailable in other regions. All of them restore large amounts of both HP and fatigue.

Item Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Boiled Chicken --
Moist Bread --
Spicy Chicken --
Mille Crepe --
Chicken Link --
Pure Honey --
A means that the item is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





















Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese





  1. "In all versions of the game, alcohol cannot be consumed; originally only those 20 or over could consume it." — VincentASM, Provisions (Webpage),, Retrieved: June 12th, 2017
Items in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Stat boosters AmbrosiaBootsFruit of LifeGolden AppleNectarNethergranatePegasus CheeseSomaTalismanDLC
Normal provisions Blue CheeseBoiled ChickenDLCBreadBread PieceButterCarrotChicken LinkDLCCold SoupDagon FilletDried MeatDried ShieldfishDrinking WaterDuma MossExotic SpiceFlourGarlicHamHard BreadHerringHoley CheeseHoneyLeftover BreadMana HerbsMedicinal SyrupMille CrepeDLCMoist BreadDLCOrangePure HoneyDLCRaw MeatSausageSoupSpicy ChickenDLCSweet CookieYogurt
Alcoholic provisions AleLeftover AleRam WineWine
Class change items PitchforkDLC
Rings Ancient RingDLCAnimus RingAngel RingBlessed RingCoral RingDemon RingGrimoire RingKeepsake RingMage RingMila's RingPrayer RingRusted RingSpeed Ring
Shields Blessed ShieldDracoshieldDuma's ShieldEleven ShieldDLCEmperor ShieldFugue ShieldHexlock ShieldIron ShieldLeather ShieldLukas's ShieldDLCRion ShieldRoyal ShieldRusted ShieldSage's ShieldSilver PlatterSilver ShieldSteel Shield
Other equipment Astral ShardsBlack Crescent MoonDLCCoral FragmentDragon ScaleDubious MaskDuma CarvingDuma's HelmHard Worker's RibbonDLCMila CarvingMila's DiademRed TricornStar JacinthDLCVagabond's HairclipDLCWarrior's Warding BellDLC
Shop items Gold MarkGold PurseSilver MarkSilver Purse
Other items A Son's JournalBear CarvingBlack PearlBonewalker OilCell KeyCogGargoyle EarGossamer HairHandmade DollLima ArmletMemory PrismMila's Turnwheel