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Special Fighter

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Special Fighter

Is feh special fighter 1.png
Icon of the Special Fighter 1 skill in Heroes.


Passive (Type B)

First game


Special Fighter (Japanese: 奥義隊形 Esoteric Formation) is a four-tiered passive type B skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes; the individual tiers of the skill are Special Fighter 1, Special Fighter 2, Special Fighter 3, and Special Fighter 4 in order from lowest to highest. Special Fighter increases the user's special cooldown charge and reduces their foe's; the HP threshold required for this skill to take effect is affected by the skill's tier.


Game Icon Type Effect SP cost Prerequisites Usable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(Special Fighter 1)
Is feh special fighter 1.png B If user's HP ≥ 90% at start of combat, grants +1 special cooldown charge to user and inflicts −1 special cooldown charge to foe per attack. 60 -- Armor --
(Special Fighter 2)
Is feh special fighter 2.png B If user's HP ≥ 70% at start of combat, grants +1 special cooldown charge to user and inflicts −1 special cooldown charge to foe per attack. 120 Special Fighter 1 Armor --
(Special Fighter 3)
Is feh special fighter 3.png B If user's HP ≥ 50% at start of combat, grants +1 special cooldown charge to user and inflicts −1 special cooldown charge to foe per attack. 240 Special Fighter 2 Armor --
(Special Fighter 4)
Is feh special fighter 4.png B If user's HP ≥ 40% at start of combat, grants +1 special cooldown charge to user and inflicts −1 special cooldown charge to foe per attack, changes "unit's HP cannot be healed" effect to "unit's HP is restored by 50% less", and if user deals damage to foe (except with area-of-effect specials), restores (damage dealt × 30%) HP to user. 300 Special Fighter 3 Armor --



Method Data
Special Fighter 1 Special Fighter 2 Special Fighter 3 Special Fighter 4
Unit (★★★) Murdock: Loyal General
Unit (★★★★) Hana: Striving HeartManuela: Silver CarolerUther: Frugal Militarist Hana: Striving HeartManuela: Silver CarolerMurdock: Loyal GeneralUther: Frugal Militarist Hana: Striving HeartManuela: Silver Caroler
Unit (★★★★★) Black Knight: The Night's BladeEphraim: Sacred Twin LordFelicia: Off the MenuIke: Stalwart HeartNagi: Dragon AvatarRudolf: Emperor of RigelSothis: Silver SpecterTiki: Torpid DragonZelgius: Ninja Knight Black Knight: The Night's BladeEphraim: Sacred Twin LordFelicia: Off the MenuIke: Stalwart HeartNagi: Dragon AvatarRudolf: Emperor of RigelSothis: Silver SpecterTiki: Torpid DragonZelgius: Ninja Knight Black Knight: The Night's BladeEphraim: Sacred Twin LordFelicia: Off the MenuIke: Stalwart HeartMurdock: Loyal GeneralNagi: Dragon AvatarRudolf: Emperor of RigelSothis: Silver SpecterTiki: Torpid DragonUther: Frugal MilitaristZelgius: Ninja Knight Black Knight: The Night's BladeZelgius: Ninja Knight
Tempest Trials Nihility & Dream Finale: 20,000 points
Sacred Seal Forge 100 Scarlet Badge, 20 Great Scarlet Badge, 40 Sacred Coin 200 Scarlet Badge, 60 Great Scarlet Badge, 50 Sacred Coin, Special Fighter 1 seal 1,000 Scarlet Badge, 400 Great Scarlet Badge, 100 Sacred Coin, Special Fighter 2 seal

Flavor text

Game Text
(Special Fighter 1)
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 90%, grants
Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts
Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
(Special Fighter 2)
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 70%, grants
Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts
Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
(Special Fighter 3)
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, grants
Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts
Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
(Special Fighter 4)
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 40%, grants
Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts
Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack
(only highest value applied; does not stack),
reduces the effect of【Deep Wounds】by 50%
during combat, and also, if unit deals damage
to foe using a Special, restores HP = 30% of
damage dealt (excluding area-of-effect

【Deep Wounds】
Unit's HP cannot be healed through its
next action.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Special Fighter




Esoteric Formation; special skills are called 奥義 "esoteric" skills in Japanese.


Luchador especial

Special fighter; abbreviated as Luchador esp.






Special Fighter





Luta especial

Special fight

Traditional Chinese


Hidden Formation

See also

Type B passive skills in Heroes
Debuffing skills Armored WallAtrocityAtk CantripAtk FeintAtk/Def BulwarkA/D CantripA/D Far TraceA/D Near TraceAtk/Def RuseAtk/Def SnagA/D Spiked WallA/R CantripA/R Far TraceA/R Near TraceA/S Far TraceAtk/Res RuseAtk/Res SnagAtk/Res TempoAtk/Spd BulwarkA/S Near TraceAtk/Spd RuseAtk/Spd SnagBarbarityBeast N TraceBelief in LoveChill AtkChill Atk/DefChill Atk/ResChill Atk/SpdChill DefChill Def/ResChill ResChill SpdChill Spd/DefChill Spd/ResChilling SealCrafty FighterDazzle Far TraceDeadly BalanceDef CantripDef FeintDef/Res RuseDef/Res SmokeDef/Res SnagDivine RecreationDull CloseDull RangedFallen StarFreezing SealFruit of LifeGold UnwindingGuardIce Prince's SealKilling IntentLight and DarkLull Atk/DefLull Atk/ResLull Atk/SpdLull Spd/DefLull Spd/ResMoon-Twin WingNew DivinityPegasus FlightPegasus RiftPrescienceReopeningRes CantripRes FeintSabotage AtkSabotage A/DSabotage A/RSabotage DefSabotage ResSabotage SpdSabotage S/RSavvy FighterSeal AtkSeal Atk/DefSeal Atk/SpdSeal Atk/ResSeal DefSeal Def/ResSeal ResSeal SpdSeal Spd/DefSeal Spd/ResSpecial FighterSpd/Def BulwarkSpd/Def DetectS/D Far TraceS/D Near TraceSpd/Def RuseSpd/Def SnagSpd/Def TempoSpd CantripSpd FeintSpd/Res BulwarkSpd/Res DiscordS/R Far TraceS/R Near TraceSpd/Res TempoSpd PreemptSpd/Res RuseSpd/Res SnagSpoil RottenSun-Twin WingTwin-Sky WingVengeful FighterWyvern FlightWyvern RiftYune's ProtectionYune's Whispers
Follow-up skills Aerial ManeuversAssured RebirthAxebreakerBeast AgilityBeast Follow-UpBinding ShieldBlack Eagle RuleBlue Lion RuleB TomebreakerBold FighterBowbreakerBeast AssaultBrash AssaultCanny FighterClever FighterCrafty FighterCrusader's WardDaggerbreakerDive-BombDragon's IreDragon's ScalesEven Follow-UpFaithful LoyaltyFlow FeatherFlow FlightFlow ForceFlow GuardFlow N TraceFlow RefreshFollow-Up RingG TomebreakerHardy FighterHoðr's ZealHoly War's EndKilling IntentLancebreakerMag. Null FollowMomentumNull Follow-Up‎Odd Follow-UpPhys. Null FollowPotentQuick RiposteRaging StormR TomebreakerShield FighterSlick FighterSoul of ZofiaSun-Twin WingSwordbreakerVengeful FighterWary FighterWatersweepWeaving FighterWily FighterWindsweepWyvern RiftYngvi Ascendant
Healing skills Armored WallFlow RefreshLive to ServeMystic BoostRecover RingRenewalS DrinkSolar Brace
Mobility skills According to PlanAerobaticsA/D Far TraceA/D Near TraceA/R Far TraceA/R Near TraceA/S Far TraceA/S Near TraceBeast N TraceChivalryClose CallDeep StarDetailed ReportDrag BackEscape RouteFlier FormationFlow N TraceHit and RunKnock BackLungeMoonlight BangleMoonlit Bangle FMoonlit Bangle QMurderous LionObstructPassRaging StormRaging TempestRepelS/D Far TraceS/D Near TraceS/R Far TraceS/R Near TraceSoaring WingsSunlight BangleSunlit Bangle DUnder the SunWarp PowderWings of Mercy
Proximity skills Binding NecklaceGet Behind Me!Murderous LionRuler of NihilitySabotage AtkSabotage A/RSabotage DefSabotage ResSabotage SpdSudden PanicYune's Whispers
Stat-boosting skills Atk/Def LinkAtk/Res LinkAtk/Spd LinkBelieve in Love?Blaze DanceBufferCaldera DanceDef/Res LinkDeluge DanceEarth DanceFireflood DanceFirestorm DanceGale DanceGeyser DanceLunar BraceRockslide DanceShield PulseSpd/Def LinkSpd/Res LinkSpurnTorrent DanceVelocityWrath
Turn-related skills Aerial ManeuversAssassin's StrikeBlue Lion RuleBold FighterBrash AssaultClose CallCrafty FighterDaring FighterDesperationDive-BombDouble LionDragon's IreEven Pulse TieFlow DesperationFlow RefreshFrenzyHardy FighterHoly War's EndKilling IntentLungeOccultist's StrikeOdd Pulse TiePoison StrikePrescienceQuick RiposteRaging StormRepelSlick FighterSoul of ZofiaSpecial SpiralVantageVengeful FighterYngvi Ascendant
Miscellaneous skills Beast SenseBeorc's BlessingBrutal FerocityBushidoCancel AffinityCounter RoarDark PerfumeDazzling DiscordDazzling ShiftDazzling StaffDisarm TrapDivine StrengthDragon WallDragon's WrathFont of WisdomGambitGuard BearingHigh Dragon WallLaguz FriendLive for BountyLive for HonorLone WolfMagic GambitMoon-Twin WingNull C-DisruptPoetic JusticePotent DisarmResonanceSacae's BlessingShadow SlideTrue Dragon WallVeðrfölnir's WingWrathful StaffWrathful TempoYggdrasill's Alter
Sacred Seal skills in Heroes
Debuffing skills Atk FeintAtk PloyAtk SmokeChill AtkChill Atk/DefChill Atk/ResChill DefChill Def/ResChill ResChill SpdChill Spd/DefChill Spd/ResDef FeintDef PloyDef/Res SnagGuardPanic PloyPegasus FlightRes FeintRes PloySeal AtkSeal SpdSpd/Def TempoSpd FeintSpd PloySpd Smoke
Follow-up strike skills Bold Fighter �� Brash AssaultDeflect MagicDeflect MeleeDeflect MissileNull Follow-UpQuick RiposteSpecial FighterWily Fighter
Healing skills Breath of LifeLive to ServeMystic BoostRenewal
Mobility skills AerobaticsAir OrdersArmor MarchArmored BootsEven TempestFlier FormationFlier GuidanceGround OrdersGuidanceObstructOdd Tempest
Proximity skills Armor MarchAtk SmokeAtk TacticAtk/Def BondAtk/Def FinishAtk/Def FormAtk/Def OathAtk/Def SoloAtk/Res BondAtk/Res FormAtk/Res OathAtk/Res ReinAtk/Res SoloAtk/Spd BondAtk/Spd FormAtk/Spd OathAtk/Spd ReinAtk/Spd SoloBreath of LifeClose GuardDef TacticDef/Res BondDef/Res FormDef/Res SoloDist. Counter (D)Dist. Counter (M)Distant GuardDrive AtkDrive DefDrive ResDrive SpdFortify BeastsFortify DragonsGoad BeastsGoad DragonsHone AtkHone BeastsHone DragonsHone SpdInf. HexbladeInfantry RushRes TacticRouse Atk/DefRouse Atk/SpdRouse Def/ResRouse Spd/DefSavage BlowSorcery BladeSpd TacticSpd SmokeSpd/Def BondSpd/Def FormSpd/Def ReinSpd/Def SoloSpd/Res BondSpd/Res FinishSpd/Res FormSpd/Res OathSpd/Res SoloSpur AtkSpur Atk/DefSpur Atk/ResSpur Atk/SpdSpur DefSpur Def/ResSpur ResSpur SpdSpur Spd/DefSpur Spd/ResThreaten AtkThreat. Atk/ResThreaten DefThreaten ResThreaten SpdThreat. Atk/DefThreat. Spd/DefThreat. Spd/ResWard BeastsWard Dragons
Squad Ace skills Squad Ace ASquad Ace BSquad Ace CSquad Ace DSquad Ace ESquad Ace FSquad Ace GSquad Ace HSquad Ace ISquad Ace JSquad Ace KSquad Ace LSquad Ace MSquad Ace NSquad Ace OSquad Ace PSquad Ace QSquad Ace RSquad Ace SSquad Ace TSquad Ace USquad Ace VSquad Ace WSquad Ace XSquad Ace YSquad Ace ZSquad Ace AASquad Ace ABSquad Ace ACSquad Ace ADSquad Ace AESquad Ace AFSquad Ace AGSquad Ace AHSquad Ace AISquad Ace AJSquad Ace AKSquad Ace ALSquad Ace AMSquad Ace ANSquad Ace AOSquad Ace APSquad Ace AQSquad Ace ARSquad Ace ASSquad Ace ATSquad Ace AUSquad Ace AVSquad Ace AWSquad Ace AXSquad Ace AYSquad Ace AZSquad Ace BASquad Ace BBSquad Ace BCSquad Ace BDSquad Ace BESquad Ace BFSquad Ace BGSquad Ace BHSquad Ace BISquad Ace BJSquad Ace BKSquad Ace BLSquad Ace BMSquad Ace BNSquad Ace BOSquad Ace BPSquad Ace BQSquad Ace BRSquad Ace BSSquad Ace BTSquad Ace BUSquad Ace BVSquad Ace BWSquad Ace BXSquad Ace BYSquad Ace BZSquad Ace CASquad Ace CBSquad Ace CCSquad Ace CDSquad Ace CESquad Ace CFSquad Ace CGSquad Ace CHSquad Ace CISquad Ace CJSquad Ace CK
Stat-boosting skills Attack +Attack/Def +Atk/Def CatchAtk/Def ClashAtk/Def IdealAtk/Def PrimeAtk/Def PushAttack/ResAtk/Res CatchAtk/Res IdealAtk/Res PushAtk/SpdAtk/Spd CatchAtk/Spd ClashAtk/Spd IdealAtk OpeningAtk/Spd PushBlaze DanceBonus DoublerBrazen Atk/DefBrazen Atk/ResBrazen Atk/SpdBrazen Def/ResBrazen Spd/DefBrazen Spd/ResDefense +Def OpeningDef/ResDef/Res CatchDef/Res IdealDefiant AtkDefiant DefDefiant SpdEarth BoostEarth DanceFire BoostFortify DefFortify ResFortress DefFort. Def/ResFortress ResFuryGale DanceHP +HP/AtkHP/DefHP/ResHP/SpdInitiate Seal AtkInitiate Seal DefInitiate Seal HPInitiate Seal ResInitiate Seal SpdLife and DeathResistance +Res OpeningSpeed +Spd OpeningSpd/DefSpd/Def CatchSpd/Def IdealSpd/Def OathSpd/Def CatchSpd/Res IdealSpd/ResStill WaterTorrent DanceWater BoostWind Boost
Turn-related skills Armored BlowBlade SessionBracing BlowBracing StanceBreath of LifeClose DefDarting BlowDarting BreathDarting StanceDeath BlowDesperationDistant DefEven Atk WaveEven Def WaveEven Res WaveEven Spd WaveFierce BreathFierce StanceKestrel StanceMirror StrikeMirror StanceOdd Atk WaveOdd Def WaveOdd Res WaveOdd Spd WavePoison StrikeQuick RiposteSavage BlowShield SessionSteady BlowSteady BreathSteady PostureSteady StanceSturdy BlowSturdy StanceSwift SparrowSwift StanceSwift StrikeWarding BlowWarding BreathWarding Stance
Miscellaneous skills BeastDragon's WrathFlashing BladeHardy BearingHeavy BladeIote's ShieldPhantom ResPhantom SpdQuickened Pulse
Enemy-exclusive skills Blade SealB Time TravelerBoots SealCharm SealC Time TravelerGold PerfectionG Time TravelerElixir SealEmbla's WardGuardian SealGullinburstiHorn SealMúspellflameNiðavellir AxiomNine-Realm PactR Time TravelerRøkkrVeil Seal