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Seal Speed/Resistance

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Seal Speed/Resistance

Is feh seal spd res 1.png
Icon of the Seal Spd/Res 1 skill in Heroes.


Passive (Type B)

First game


Seal Speed/Resistance (Japanese: 速さ魔防封じ Speed/Resistance Seal) is a three-tiered passive type B skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes; the individual tiers of the skill are Seal Spd/Res 1, Seal Spd/Res 2, and Seal Spd/Res 3 in order from lowest to highest. Seal Spd/Res reduces its foe's speed and resistance at the end of combat through the foe's next action; the size of the stat drops increases with the skill's tier.


Game Icon Type Effect SP cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(Seal Spd/Res 1)
Is feh seal spd res 1.png B Inflicts −3 each to speed and resistance on foe through their next action after combat. 100 Seal Spd 1 or Seal Res 1 Staves --
(Seal Spd/Res 2)
Is feh seal spd res 2.png B Inflicts −5 each to speed and resistance on foe through their next action after combat. 200 Seal Spd/Res 1 Staves --
(Seal Spd/Res 3)
Is feh seal spd res 3.png B Inflicts −3 each to speed and resistance on foe and −⁠(6 − current penalty on stat; minimum: 0;calculated independently; ignores effects that neutralize penalties) each to speed and resistance on foe through their next action after combat.
If penalty is active on foe's speed or resistance, inflicts −1 special cooldown charge on foe per attack during combat.
After combat, inflicts −6 each to speed and resistance on foe through their next action.
300 Seal Spd/Res 2 Staves --



Method Data
Seal Spd/Res 1 Seal Spd/Res 2 Seal Spd/Res 3
Unit (★★★★) Lute: Summer Prodigy
Unit (★★★★★) Merric: Wind Pontifex Lute: Summer ProdigyMerric: Wind Pontifex Merric: Wind Pontifex

Flavor text

Game Text
(Seal Spd/Res 1)
Inflicts Spd/Res-3 on foe through its next action
after combat.
(Seal Spd/Res 2)
Inflicts Spd/Res-5 on foe through its next action
after combat.
(Seal Spd/Res 3)
Inflicts Spd/Res-3 on foe and additional penalty
to foe's Spd/Res = 6 - current penalty on each
of those stats during combat (min 0; calculates
each stat penalty independently; still inflicts
penalty on foe even if foe triggers an effect that
neutralizes penalties during combat). If penalty
is active on foe's Spd or Res, inflicts Special
cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during
combat (only highest value applied; does not
stack). After combat, inflicts Spd/Res-6 on
foe through its next action.



Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Seal Speed/Resistance

Abbreviated as Seal Spd/Res.



Speed/Resistance Seal


Sellar Velocidad/Resistencia

Seal Speed/Resistance; abbreviated as Sellar Vel/Res in the European localization and as Sellar Vel./Res. in the American localization.


Sceau Vitesse/Résistance

Seal Speed/Resistance; abbreviated as Sceau Vit/Rés.



Speed/Resistance Seal; abbreviated as Ges./Res.-Raub.


Sigilla Velocità/Resistenza

Seal Speed/Resistance; abbreviated as Sigilla Vel/Res.


Selo Velocidade/Resistência

Seal Speed/Resistance; abbreviated as Selo Vel./Res.

Traditional Chinese


Speed/Magic defense seal

See also

Type B passive skills in Heroes
Debuffing skills Armored WallAtrocityAtk CantripAtk FeintAtk/Def BulwarkA/D CantripA/D Far TraceA/D Near TraceAtk/Def RuseAtk/Def SnagA/D Spiked WallA/R CantripAtk/Res DiscordA/R Far TraceA/R Near TraceAtk/Res RuseAtk/Res SnagAtk/Res TempoAtk/Spd BulwarkA/S Far TraceA/S Near TraceAtk/Spd RuseAtk/Spd SnagA/S Spiked WallBarbarityBeast N TraceBelief in LoveChill AtkChill Atk/DefChill Atk/ResChill Atk/SpdChill DefChill Def/ResChill ResChill SpdChill Spd/DefChill Spd/ResChilling SealCrafty FighterDazzle Far TraceDeadly BalanceDef CantripDef FeintDef/Res RuseDef/Res SmokeDef/Res SnagDivine RecreationDull CloseDull RangedFallen StarFreezing SealFruit of LifeGold UnwindingGuardIce Prince's SealKilling IntentLight and DarkLull Atk/DefLull Atk/ResLull Atk/SpdLull Spd/DefLull Spd/ResMoon-Twin WingNew DivinityPegasus FlightPegasus RiftPrescienceReopeningRes CantripRes FeintSabotage AtkSabotage A/DSabotage A/RSabotage DefSabotage ResSabotage SpdSabotage S/RSavvy FighterSeal AtkSeal Atk/DefSeal Atk/SpdSeal Atk/ResSeal DefSeal Def/ResSeal ResSeal SpdSeal Spd/DefSeal Spd/ResSpecial FighterSpd/Def BulwarkSpd/Def DetectS/D Far TraceS/D Near TraceSpd/Def RuseSpd/Def SnagSpd/Def TempoSpd CantripSpd FeintSpd/Res BulwarkSpd/Res DiscordS/R Far TraceS/R Near TraceS/R Spiked WallSpd/Res TempoSpd PreemptSpd/Res RuseSpd/Res SnagSpoil RottenSun-Twin WingTwin-Sky WingVengeful FighterWyvern FlightWyvern RiftYune's ProtectionYune's Whispers
Follow-up skills Aerial ManeuversAssault ForceAssured RebirthAxebreakerBeast AgilityBeast Follow-UpBestial AssaultBinding ShieldBlack Eagle RuleBlue Lion RuleB TomebreakerBold FighterBowbreakerBeast AssaultBrash AssaultCanny FighterClever FighterCrafty FighterCrusader's WardDaggerbreakerDive-BombDragon's IreDragon's ScalesEven Follow-UpFaithful LoyaltyFlow FeatherFlow FlightFlow ForceFlow GuardFlow N TraceFlow RefreshFollow-Up RingG TomebreakerHardy FighterHoðr's ZealHoly War's EndKilling IntentLancebreakerMag. Null FollowMomentumNull Follow-Up‎Odd Follow-UpPhys. Null FollowPotentQuick RiposteRaging StormR TomebreakerShield FighterSlick FighterSoul of ZofiaSun-Twin WingSwordbreakerVengeful FighterWary FighterWatersweepWeaving FighterWily FighterWindsweepWyvern RiftYngvi Ascendant
Healing skills Armored WallFlow RefreshLive to ServeMystic BoostRecover RingRenewalS DrinkSolar Brace
Mobility skills According to PlanAerobaticsA/D Far TraceA/D Near TraceA/R Far TraceA/R Near TraceA/S Far TraceA/S Near TraceBeast N TraceChivalryClose CallDeep StarDetailed ReportDrag BackEscape RouteFlier FormationFlow N TraceHit and RunKnock BackLungeMoonlight BangleMoonlit Bangle FMoonlit Bangle QMurderous LionObstructPassRaging StormRaging TempestRepelS/D Far TraceS/D Near TraceS/R Far TraceS/R Near TraceSoaring WingsSunlight BangleSunlit Bangle DUnder the SunWarp PowderWings of Mercy
Proximity skills Binding NecklaceGet Behind Me!Murderous LionRuler of NihilitySabotage AtkSabotage A/RSabotage DefSabotage ResSabotage SpdSudden PanicYune's Whispers
Stat-boosting skills Atk/Def LinkAtk/Res LinkAtk/Spd LinkBelieve in Love?Blaze DanceBufferCaldera DanceDef/Res LinkDeluge DanceEarth DanceFireflood DanceFirestorm DanceGale DanceGeyser DanceLunar BraceRockslide DanceShield PulseSpd/Def LinkSpd/Res LinkSpeedtakerSpurnTorrent DanceVelocityWrath
Turn-related skills Aerial ManeuversAssassin's StrikeBlue Lion RuleBold FighterBrash AssaultClose CallCrafty FighterDaring FighterDesperationDive-BombDouble LionDragon's IreEven Pulse TieFlow DesperationFlow RefreshFrenzyHardy FighterHoly War's EndKilling IntentLungeOccultist's StrikeOdd Pulse TiePoison StrikePrescienceQuick RiposteRaging StormRepelSlick FighterSoul of ZofiaSpecial SpiralVantageVengeful FighterYngvi Ascendant
Miscellaneous skills Beast SenseBeorc's BlessingBrutal FerocityBushidoCancel AffinityCounter RoarDark PerfumeDazzling DiscordDazzling ShiftDazzling StaffDisarm TrapDivine StrengthDragon WallDragon's WrathFont of WisdomFull DisarmGambitGuard BearingHigh Dragon WallI Remember...Laguz FriendLaguz LoyaltyLive for BountyLive for HonorLone WolfMagic GambitMoon-Twin WingNull C-DisruptPoetic JusticePotent DisarmResonanceSacae's BlessingShadow SlideTrue Dragon WallVeðrfölnir's WingWrathful StaffWrathful TempoYggdrasill's Alter