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(Redirected from Club)
This article is about the weapon type. You may be looking for Axe (Famicom), the most basic weapon of the type in the NES games.
"Club" redirects here. For the weapon in Shadows of Valentia, see Club (Terror).
Axes in the Fire Emblem series

The Axe (Japanese: Axe) is one of the primary weapon types in the Fire Emblem series. A physical weapon type, axes typically possess the greatest raw power of physical weapons, yet are considerably heavier, and have lesser accuracy; in this respect, axes are similar to dark magic. Along with swords and lances, axes are part of the weapon triangle; in accordance with it, they possess an advantage over lances, but are weak to swords. In Fire Emblem Gaiden, axes do not exist, and in its remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, axes are only available to enemy units; in other titles they are used by both playable and enemy units.

In Fire Emblem Fates, their Hoshidan counterpart is called the club (Japanese: 金棒 kanabō). They are almost exactly the same as axes and share a weapon level, differentiated by the effect of that, on average, they have higher hit and critical rates but lower might.

Axes in the Fire Emblem series by type

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Basic axes

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Axe --
Bronze Axe --
Iron Axe --
Steel Axe --
Silver Axe --
Brass Club --
Iron Club --
Steel Club --
Silver Club --
Training Axe --
Compact Axe --
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Poleaxes and greataxes

Poleaxes (Japanese: 戦斧 Battle Axe) are a variation on the standard iron, steel and silver axes. Characterised as larger and heavier axes, they possess greater power than their axe counterparts at the expense of greater weight and lower hit. They are an axe counterpart to the "blade" swords and "greatlance" lances, appearing only in Radiant Dawn.

They are not to be confused with the anti-cavalry Poleax appearing in other games of the series.

Greataxes are the Engage equivalent of the poleaxes.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Iron Poleax --
Steel Poleax --
Silver Poleax --
Iron Greataxe --
Steel Greataxe --
Silver Greataxe --
Hurricane Axe Deals magic-based damage.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Effective axes

A number of axes deal bonus damage to enemies.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Mace Effective against armored units.
Hammer Effective against armored units.
Axe of Zoltan Effective against armored units.
Poleax Effective against mounted units.
Dragon Axe Effective against dragon units.
Swordslayer Effective against myrmidon and mercenary units. Also reverses the weapon triangle.
Fiendcleaver Effective against monster units.
Laguz Axe Effective against laguz units.
Volant Axe Effective against flying units. Ranged axe.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Ranged axes

These axes deal damage to enemies at 1–2 range.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Hand Axe --
Tomahawk 2 range only in Fates.
Hatchet --
Short Axe --
Bolt Axe Deals thunder-based damage in Path of Radiance, magic-based axe damage in Awakening onward.
Iron Star Axe Enemy-only
Steel Star Axe Enemy-only
Silver Star Axe Enemy-only
Iron Mace Enemy-only
Steel Mace Enemy-only
Silver Mace Enemy-only
Throwing Club --
Battering Club 2 range only.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Character's axes

New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening, and Fates contain a number of themed axes named for individual characters, but are not locked specifically to them. In New Mystery of the Emblem, they sell for 0 gold; in Awakening, they sell for ¼ of the buy value instead of ½.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Bordcord Axe --
Barst's Axe --
Legion's Axe --
Orsin's Hatchet Ranged weapon.
Titania's Axe Grants the Patience skill when equipped.
Hector's Axe --
Camilla's Axe ��� Female units only.
Arthur's Axe Male units only.
Beruka's Axe --
Rinkah's Club --
Ryoma's Club --
Fuga's Club --
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Regalia and personal axes

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Helswath Lombard and Brian only in Genealogy of the Holy War.
Vouge Osian only. Ranged axe.
Armads �� Hector only in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.
Wolf Beil Hector only.
Garm --
Urvan Unused in Path of Radiance.
Tarvos Nolan only. Appears only in non-Japanese versions.
Wolf Berg Walhart only.
Aurgelmir Among playable classes, only Berserkers may acquire requisite weapon level.
Bölverk Garon only. 1–3 range.
Axe of Ukonvasara --
Aymr --
Crusher --
Freikugel --
Fragarach --
Ukonvasara --
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Miscellaneous axes

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Devil Axe Unused in Path of Radiance.
Broken Axe --
Brave Axe Brave weapon.
Killer Axe --
Venin Axe May inflict poison status on enemy.
Battle Axe --
Master Axe Brave weapon.
Swordreaver Reverses weapon triangle and doubles its effects.
Emblem Axe --
Basilikos --
Practice Axe --
Hauteclere --
Frying Pan --
Immortal Axe --
Hit Axe --
Glass Axe --
Quick Axe Brave weapon.
Vengeance Grants Vengeance when equipped.
Ladle --
Imposing Axe --
Superior Axe Grants Axebreaker when equipped.
Bone Axe --
Raider Axe --
Berserker's Axe --
Venge Club --
Pike-Ruin Club --
Dual Club Reverses the weapon triangle.
Great Club --
Carp Streamer --
Hoe --
Adamant Club --
Splitting Axe --
Rusted Axe --
Nóatún --
Lollichop --
Revanche --
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Classes capable of using axes

There are 49 different classes which, at some point in the series, have been able to wield axes.

Class Wields axes in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Lord Hector only in The Blazing Blade.
Great Lord Hector only in The Blazing Blade.
Fighter --
Pirate --
Brigand Uses swords in Gaiden.
Barbarian --
Master Knight --
Warrior --
Axe Knight --
Great Knight --
Armored Axe --
General --
Baron --
Emperor --
Mercenary --
Berserker --
Hero Choice between lances or axes upon promotion in Engage.
Paladin In Path of Radiance, only those promoted from Axe Knights or those who choose axes as their second weapon can wield axes. The pre-promoted Paladin Titania wields axes by default.
Journeyman --
Phantom --
Tarvos --
Maelduin --
Cyclops --
Wyvern Lord --
King Daein --
Reaver --
Lance General --
Axe General --
Marshall --
Axe Paladin --
Gold Knight --
Wyvern Rider --
Dragonlord --
Vanguard --
Griffon Rider --
War Monk --
War Cleric --
Dread Fighter --
Conqueror --
Master of Arms --
Oni Savage --
Oni Chieftain --
Blacksmith --
Malig Knight --
Nohrian King --
Empty Vessel --
Titan --
Deimos --
Commoner --
Noble --
Armored Knight --
Brawler --
Fortress Knight --
War Master --
Armored Lord --
Successeur Diamant only.
Bow Knight Choice between swords, lances, or axes upon promotion in Engage.
Wolf Knight Choice between swords, lances, or axes upon promotion in Engage.
Mage Knight Choice between swords, lances, or axes upon promotion in Engage.
Axe Flier --
Griffin Knight --
Fell Child Rafal and Nil.
A means that the class wields axes in that game, while a indicates the contrary.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


























Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese



Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





A kanabō is a spiked club used in feudal Japan.

















Weapon types
Physical weapons ArtAxeBow (Ballista)CannonballGauntletsDaggerLanceSword
Magical weapons Anima (FireThunderWind)Black magicDarkLightStaffTome (Blue tomeColorless tomeGreen tomeRed tome)White magic
Other weapons BreathCrest StoneSpecialStoneStrike, beast, and monster weapons
Basic axes AxeAxe of ZoltanBarst's AxeBasilikosBattle AxeBeruka's AxeBordcord AxeBroken AxeBronze AxeCompact AxeEmblem AxeFrying PanGlass AxeHauteclereHector's AxeHit AxeImmortal AxeImposing AxeIron AxeIron PoleaxKiller AxeLadleLegion's AxePractice AxeRusted AxeSilver AxeSilver PoleaxSplitting AxeSteel AxeSteel PoleaxTraining Axe
Axes with secondary effects Arthur's AxeBerserker's AxeBone AxeBrave AxeCamilla's AxeDevil AxeDragon AxeFiendcleaverHammerIron GreataxeLaguz AxeMaceMaster AxePoleaxQuick AxeRaider AxeSilver GreataxeSteel GreataxeSuperior AxeSwordreaverSwordslayerTitania's AxeVengeanceVenin AxeVolant Axe
Magic-based axes Bolt AxeHurricane Axe
Ranged axes Hand AxeHatchetIron Star AxeOrsin's HatchetShort AxeSilver Star AxeSteel Star AxeTomahawk
Regalia and personal axes ArmadsAurgelmirAxe of UkonvasaraAymrBölverkCrusherFragarachFreikugelGarmHelswathTarvosUkonvasaraUrvanVougeWolf BeilWolf Berg
Basic clubs Brass ClubCarp StreamerGreat ClubIron ClubRinkah's ClubRyoma's ClubSilver ClubSteel Club
Clubs with secondary effects Adamant ClubDual ClubFuga's ClubHoePike-Ruin ClubVenge Club
Ranged clubs Battering ClubIron MaceSilver MaceSteel MaceThrowing Club