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Devoted Basket

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Revision as of 17:55, 6 February 2024 by Thecornerman (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item Infobox |image=File:Is feh devoted basket.png |caption=The Devoted Basket as it appears in {{title|Heroes}}. |type=Red tome |first={{title|Heroes}} }} '''Devoted Basket''' <!--(Japanese: {{hl|?|?}} ''?'')--> is a weapon skill in the red tome category which debuted in {{FEH}}. When its user's HP is not low, Devoted Basket damages the foe before combat based on the foe's attack, and boosts the user's attack and speed...")
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Devoted Basket

Is feh devoted basket.png
The Devoted Basket as it appears in Heroes.


Red tome

First game


Devoted Basket is a weapon skill in the red tome category which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes. When its user's HP is not low, Devoted Basket damages the foe before combat based on the foe's attack, and boosts the user's attack and speed based on their defense during combat.


Game Icon Type Might Range SP cost Refine cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(Devoted Basket)
Is feh skill weapon.png Red tomes 8 2 200 -- Elfire or Ruin -- If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, user deals ([30 if user has weapon triangle advantage or user's speed > foe's speed; 15 otherwise]% × foe's attack) damage to foe before combat (activates only if user can attack; cannot reduce foe's HP below 1), grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and grants +⁠(user's speed × 15%) each to attack and speed to user during combat.
(Devoted Basket+; refine: Unrefined)
Is feh skill weapon.png Red tomes 12 2 300 -- Devoted Basket -- If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, user deals ([30 if user has weapon triangle advantage or user's speed > foe's speed; 15 otherwise]% × foe's attack) damage to foe before combat (activates only if user can attack; cannot reduce foe's HP below 1), grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and grants +⁠(user's speed × 15%) each to attack and speed to user during combat.
(Devoted Basket+; refine: +Atk)
Is feh wpn atk refined.png Red tomes 13 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, user deals ([30 if user has weapon triangle advantage or user's speed > foe's speed; 15 otherwise]% × foe's attack) damage to foe before combat (activates only if user can attack; cannot reduce foe's HP below 1), grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and grants +⁠(user's speed × 15%) each to attack and speed to user during combat.
Grants +2 HP.
(Devoted Basket+; refine: +Spd)
Is feh wpn spd refined.png Red tomes 12 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, user deals ([30 if user has weapon triangle advantage or user's speed > foe's speed; 15 otherwise]% × foe's attack) damage to foe before combat (activates only if user can attack; cannot reduce foe's HP below 1), grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and grants +⁠(user's speed × 15%) each to attack and speed to user during combat.
Grants +2 HP and +2 speed.
(Devoted Basket+; refine: +Def)
Is feh wpn def refined.png Red tomes 12 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, user deals ([30 if user has weapon triangle advantage or user's speed > foe's speed; 15 otherwise]% × foe's attack) damage to foe before combat (activates only if user can attack; cannot reduce foe's HP below 1), grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and grants +⁠(user's speed × 15%) each to attack and speed to user during combat.
Grants +2 HP and +3 defense.
(Devoted Basket+; refine: +Res)
Is feh wpn res refined.png Red tomes 12 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, user deals ([30 if user has weapon triangle advantage or user's speed > foe's speed; 15 otherwise]% × foe's attack) damage to foe before combat (activates only if user can attack; cannot reduce foe's HP below 1), grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and grants +⁠(user's speed × 15%) each to attack and speed to user during combat.
Grants +2 HP and +3 resistance.



Method Data
Devoted Basket Devoted Basket+
Unit (★★★★) Selena: Admiring General
Unit (★★★★★) Selena: Admiring General

Flavor text

Game Text

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Devoted Basket



See also

Red tome skills in Heroes
Basic red tome skills BolganoneElfireFenrirFireFluxRuin
Red tome skills with secondary effects Arcane BlutgangArcane EclipseBridal OrchidCandelabraConch BouquetDevoted BasketLoyal WreathLuminous GracePeachy ParfaitPumpkin StemRauðrbladeRauðrdeerRauðrfoxRauðrlanternRauðrlionRauðrowlRauðrrabbitRauðrravenRauðrserpentRauðrvultureRauðrwolfRing of AffianceTomato TomeUmbra BurstUnity Blooms
Regalia and personal red tome skills Agnea's ArrowAncient CodexAversa's NightBanshee ΘBook of DreamsBrynhildrCelestial GlobeChild's CompassCorvus TomeCymbelineDark MonographDark ScriptureDark Spikes ΤDawn SuzuDragon BouquetEnclosing DarkEternal TomeFell CandelabraFell War TomeFiery BolganoneFlower of PlentyFlowery ScrollFluttering FanForblazeFruit of IðunnGentle Fell EggGilt GobletGinnungagapGleipnirGolden SunlightGrima's TruthGrimleal TextGrimoireGullinkambi EggHades ΩHermit's TomeIago's TomeImhulluIncipit KvasirKvasirLoptousMirage RodMögþrasirMúspell FireposyNabata BeaconNaglfarPackleader TomePetrifyPupil's TomeRadiant ScrollsRagnarokReese's TomeRetainer's ReportScarlet BreidablikScroll of CursesSell-Spell TomeSevenfold GiftsSky-Hopper EggSoothing ScentSparking TomeSun's PercussorsTharja's HexÞjálfiTome of DespairValflame