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Celestial Globe
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Celestial Globe (Japanese: 魔継ぐ少女の天球儀 Magic successor girl's celestial globe) is a weapon skill in the red tome category which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes; it is a personal weapon of the Khadein variant of Linde. Celestial Globe allows the user and their nearby allies to ignore difficult terrain and effects guaranteeing a foe or denying themselves a follow-up attack, and boosts the user's stats and damage and reduces damage reduction against them if they initiate combat or are near an ally.
Game | Icon | Type | Might | Range | SP cost | Refine cost | Prerequisites | Unusable by | Inheritable | Other effects and notes |
Heroes |
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14 | 2 | 400 | -- | Bolganone or Fenrir | -- | ✗ | Grants −1 special cooldown count. If user is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants "unit cannot be slowed by terrain (does not apply to impassible terrain)" and "if unit's speed > foe's speed during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks or prevent unit's follow-up attacks" to user and allies within 2 spaces of user for 1 turn. If user initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants +5 each to user's attack, speed, defense, and resistance during combat, user deals +(user's speed × 20&) damage, and reduces effect of non-special skills that reduce damage by a percentage by 50%. |
Method | Data |
Unit (★★★★★) | Linde: Bound by Fate |
Flavor text
Game | Text (English) |
Text (Japanese) |
Heroes | Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants "unit cannot be slowed by terrain (does not apply to impassable terrain)" and 【Null Follow-Up】to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 50%. (Example: a foe with a "reduce damage by 45%" skill would reduce damage by 23% instead.) 【Null Follow-Up】 If unit's Spd > foe's Spd during combat, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks for 1 turn. |
ターン開始時、周囲2マス以内に味方がいる時、 自分と周囲2マス以内の味方に 「自分が移動可能な地形を平地のように移動可能」、 【見切り・追撃効果】を付与(1ターン) 自分から攻撃した時、または、 周囲2マス以内に味方がいる時、 戦闘中、攻撃、速さ、守備、魔防+5、 ダメージ+速さの20%(戦闘前奥義も含む)、かつ 戦闘中、敵の奥義以外のスキルによる 「ダメージを◯◯%軽減」を半分無効 (無効にする数値は端数切捨て 例えば敵の「ダメージを45%軽減」なら 半分の「22%」分を無効にし、 「ダメージを23%軽減」にする) 【見切り・追撃効果】 戦闘中、速さが敵より1以上高い時、 敵の絶対追撃を無効、かつ、 自分の追撃不可を無効 (1ターン) |
Etymology and other languages
This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.
Names, etymology, and in other regions | ||
Language | Name | Definition, etymology, and notes |
English |
Celestial Globe |
-- |
Japanese |
魔継ぐ少女の天球儀 |
Magic successor girl's celestial globe |
Spanish |
Esfera celestial |
Celestial sphere |
French |
Sphère céleste |
Celestial sphere |
German |
Himmelskugel |
Celestial Sphere |
Italian |
Globo celeste |
Celestial globe |
Portuguese |
Globo celestial |
Celesital globe |
Traditional Chinese |
梅古史朗希爾 |
?? |
The Celestial Globe as it appears in Heroes.