A Map of Tellius, the Beorc Nations in Yellow, Blue, and Red
Tellius is a continent and the main setting of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It appears to be a peninsula, with ocean to the north, south and west. To the east, Tellius connects with a mainland that extends for an unknown distance. However, Tellius (and the nearby kingdom of Hatari) are believed to be the only sources of life not destroyed by a cataclysmic flood.
Tellius contains several nations, each ruled by a single ruler and, in some cases, powerful senators from each duchy of the land. At the end of Radiant Dawn, Ashunera watches over the continent as well.
Long ago, there was one goddess. She was all alone in a world growing up around her, since she was one of a kind and no one else could share the same sentience as her. But as though to dissuade her sorrows, the creatures around this lonely goddess began to evolve, becoming what would be known as the Zunanma. The Zunanma happily accompanied their goddess, whose hair was the color of the rising dawn, dubbing her Ashunera, the Dawn Goddess.
However, their attention soon strayed from Ashunera. They began to evolve separately and developed desires. These desires drove them to fight against one another. They fought for power and honor. Lives were lost, which resulted in Ashunera despairing. She hoped to quell the bloodbath by giving the deviated Zunanma different names; from that point on, there were beorc and laguz.
The creatures only fought more. Now parted by different names, they were not one people, but many. The beorc and laguz warred, deaf to the desperate wishes of their creator. Aggrieved by this, Ashunera's emotions erupted into a torrent that wiped out much of the land, in an event known as The Great Flood. The pain and strife of many were obliterated by the waves of a crying goddess. Only one continent remained: Tellius.
Further aggrieved by what she had done, Ashunera split apart into two entities: Ashera, the goddess of order and intelligence, and Yune, the goddess of chaos and emotion. Yune was a naive entity whose emotions were uncontrollable. Ashera appointed heroes, later called Ashera's Three Heroes, to keep her in check. Eventually, Ashera judged it best to eliminate Yune, but her heroes pleaded with her to reconsider. Instead, Yune was imprisoned in a medallion and entrusted to Lehran's care. The heroes then sealed a covenant with Ashera, promising that beorc and laguz would not war for a thousand years.
Following the goddesses' slumber, Ashera became revered across Tellius, while Yune was depicted as a wicked, dark god who was responsible for the Great Flood. The medallion in which she was sealed remained in the possession of the heron royalty of the Serenes Forest for the following centuries. However, despite the medallion serving as a somewhat effective deterrent, tensions continued to build between the Beorc and Laguz, who went on to establish their own countries and tribes, ultimately starting a series of events leading to the Serenes Massacre.
Meanwhile, with the death of the 12th King, Ashnard ascended the throne after all heirs before him mysteriously died. Desiring to ignite a continent wide war in search of the famed Medalion which he believe would bestow him great power, he succeeded in capturing the Heron princess Lillia and attempted to have her release the Goddess within, but unbeknownst to him, she was unable to do so. Realizing the danger of the situation, the Lillia gave the medallion to the priestess sent to watch over her, Elena, for safekeeping, as she was the only known Beorc who could hold the medallion without being corrupted. With the medalion and the lyrics for the Galdr of Release, Elena left with her husband Greil, a former Four Riders member, going into hiding in Crimea.
Tragedy struck one day when Greil held the medallion, going on a bloody rampage which ultimately ended when Elena wrested the medallion from his hands at the cost of her own life. In guilt, Greil severed the tendons of his sword hand and vowed never to pick up a blade for the rest of his life. The event was witnessed by his young son Ike who had his memories of the event sealed by Lehran. Years after the event, Greil left the medallion in his daughter Mist's care, as she could hold it without feeling its effects, like her mother before her.
The Mad King's War[]
Years after the Medallion had been smuggled out, Ashnard continued to search for it, eventually beginning an invasion of Crimea. Meanwhile Ike and the Greil Mercenaries discover an unconscious woman who is revealed to be the lost Crimean princess Elincia. Taken into their protection, the Greil Mercenaries join the fight to repel Daein from Crimea. One night, Greil encounters an old student going by the name of the Black Knight, who wants to challenge his former master to combat in order to surpass him, even giving Greil back the blade he once wielded, Ragnell. Greil is slain by the Black Knight, leaving the mercenaries to grieve for their commander's death.
Ike travels throughout Crimea, helping to liberate the country from Daein, picking up support from many individuals including several Laguz who see Ike's genuine personality and growing leadership. With the support of the Begnion state, Ike eventually is chosen to lead the newly formed Crimean Liberation Army. Ike reveals that he held Ragnell since his father's death and eventually uses it in a duel against the Black Knight along with the assistance of his sister Mist. The match ends when the castle they dueled in crumbles, leading many to believe that the Black Knight was buried in the rubble and Ike emerging victorious.
Eventually, the war comes to a close when the Crimean Liberation Army enters Daein and confronts Ashnard himself. After a violent battle, including a violent Ashnard who managed to reclaim the Medallion and is empowered by it, Ike fells the Mad King, ending the war. Crimea regains its sovereignty and Elincia is crowned the Queen of Crimea. Ike is ultimately given the title of a Lord by Elincia, but he ultimately turns it down as he feels his is not suited for the court life and would rather remain a mercenary.
Radiant Dawn[]
For three years after the Mad King's War, the nations of the world began to reestablish themselves, with Daein now run by the Begnion Occupational Army, meant to restore order to the nation. However, much of the citizenry was oppressed by the Occupational Army, leading to the formation of the Dawn Brigade lead by the Silver Haired Maiden, Micaiah. After fighting to restore control to Daein and the formation of the Daein Liberation Army, control of the nation is restored to Daein with Pelleas, the believed son of Ashnard, as its new king. Meanwhile in Crimea, an uprising began between nobles lead by Ludveck who believed that the Young Queen Elincia was unfit to rule. A small band of Elincia's knights and later the assistance of the Greil Mercenaries.
Eventually a war breaks out between the Begnion empire and the Laguz Aliance, which leads to Ashera awakening from her slumber. Having witnessed the races of Tellius at war, she enacts her judgement, turning into stone all except those chosen by Ashera to serve as her champions in her Disciples of Order and those protected by Yune who uses Micaiah as her vessel. Seeing no other choice, the combined forces of the Daein Army, Crimean Army, Laguz Aliance, Greil Mercenaries, and the Apostle Army head to the Tower of Guidance to save the land from Ashera's Judgement. Climbing the tower, many truths are revealed to the combined army, including several manipulations of the corrupt senate, and the identity of the Black Knight, who was finally given the fight against Greil that he always wanted at the hands of Ike. At the summit of the tower, the armies fight Ashera herself, who despite the pleas of Yune to reconsider, is bent on fulfilling her promise to wipe out Tellius' inhabitants. Eventually, Ike, empowered by Yune's blessing, is able to finally subdue Ashera, releasing the inhabitant of Tellius from her judgement.
With Ashera defeated and truths brought to light, peace is restored between nations and the Laguz tribes. Begnion is now ruled by Sanaki, Crimea by Elincia, and Daein by Micaiah, while Ike would be hailed as the Radiant Hero for many centuries. However, soon after the war, Ike disappeared without a trace, leading many to wonder what happened to Tellius' greatest hero. Over a thousand years later, Yune and Ashera eventually fuse back into Ashunera and she continues to watch over the world, now in peace.
Beorc Nations[]
There are three nations ruled by beorc: Begnion, Crimea, and Daein.

The Begnion Empire is the oldest beorc nation on Tellius, and at one time consisted of all three beorc nations. However, both Crimea and Daein emerged as separate nations before the events of Path of Radiance. It is ruled by an empress (descended from Lehran and Altina) who is deemed as the Apostle and is said to be able to hear Ashera's voice, and several senators from the different regions of the nation. Unlike the other nations of Tellius, Begnion puts a great deal of stock on social classes and birth. The capital of Begnion is Sienne.

The Monarchy of Crimea is a relatively new nation and considered a suzerain state of Begnion. Of all the beorc nations, it has the best relationship with the laguz and is the only country out of itself, Daein, and Begnion not to declare war on the Laguz Alliance. Crimea was destroyed by Daein during The Mad King's War, and spent the following three years recuperating and only narrowly avoided civil war. The capital of Crimea is Melior.

Like Crimea, The Kingdom of Daein was a part of the Begnion Empire before Path of Radiance. After its defeat in The Mad King's War, it fell back under Begnion control. The Begnion senate used its influence to cruelly break the country's spirit. However, the Dawn Brigade, with the help of the Daein Liberation Army, was able to overcome the Begnion Occupational Army and restore Daein's independence. Daein differs from the other beorc nations in that its more recent rulers (Pelleas and Micaiah) are not supported by a senate. The capital of Daein is Nevassa.
Laguz Nations[]
There are five nations ruled by laguz: Gallia, Goldoa, Phoenicis, Kilvas, and Hatari. In addition, Serenes Forest becomes a home for the united Bird tribe Laguzs after Radiant Dawn.

Castle Gallia
Gallia is known for its great forests, and is home to both cat and tiger laguz. It is ruled by a king and a council of advisors. Gallia has also formed close ties with the neighboring nation of Crimea. A peaceful nation, Gallia invaded another land only once in its entire history, when it led the Laguz Alliance against Begnion in Laguz-Begnion War. Gallia's capital is Castle Gallia.

Castle Goldoa
Goldoa, home of the Dragon tribe existed in complete isolation and neutrality prior to the events of Radiant Dawn. Its sole monarch up to that point, Dheginsea, refused to mingle with the rest of Tellius until Ashera's awakening. Then, he brought his people to the Tower of Guidance to defend Ashera. Goldoa's capital is Goldoa Castle.
Phoenicis and Kilvas[]

Kilvas Hall

Phoenicis Hall
Phoenicis and Kilvas are small island nations south of the Tellius mainland and house hawk and raven laguz, respectively. The tribes dislike each other, but both attack beorc ships that pass through their waters. However, Phoenicis does come to the aid of the Greil Mercenaries in their struggle against Daein in the Mad King's War. The capital of Phoenicis is Phoenicis Hall, and the capital of Kilvas is Kilvas Hall.
Hatari is a land outside of Tellius, separated from the other countries by the Desert of Death east of Daein. It is a monarchy and the home of the Wolf laguz, also some beorc and even branded live in Hatari. However, little else is known about the land. So few people had historically crossed the Desert of Death and survived a return that very few people knew the country even existed. What is known about Hatari and its culture is that its isolation from the nations of Tellius has insulated it from bigoted treatment of the Branded. In Hatari, such people are openly acknowledged and treated as equals.
Territories and locations[]

The name 'Tellius' is likely derived from the Latin word Tellus, meaning 'earth', and an alternate name for the planet Earth itself.