Final Fantasy Wiki
FFXIV Tozal Huatotl

Tozal Huatotl

"Revenge Twofold" (逆襲の咆哮, Gyakushū no Hōkō?, lit. Counterattack Roar) is a boss theme in Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. It was composed by Masayoshi Soken and arranged by Ken Ito.

It is an arrangement of "Heavensward", including "Torn from the Heavens".


It uses mostly nonsensical lyrics in-game, but was given actual lyrics for the Final Fantasy XIV Orchestra Concert 2017 -Eorzean Symphony-, written by Michael-Christopher Koji Fox. The lyrics were released on the Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album.

Eorzean Symphony version[]

Saih alamorn in o saih asah afah
[Extinction or eternal redemption, thou must choose]
Shess y gahr y Nidhogg dran afah
[Behold the wrath of wyrm Nidhogg eternal]
Saih alamorn in o saih asah afah
[Extinction or eternal redemption, thou must choose]
Sekh a nesh seh anoh ahs an
[Or we shall melt thy flesh and see thy bones to ash]
Wills unbending
Faith unending
Stone defending
Now our steel shall sing
To their trespass
We are witness
Here to pass this
Final sentence
No forgiveness
  Guide us, O mighty Fury
No deliverance
Only justice
Only vengeance
No forgiveness
  Guide us to victory!
No deliverance
Only justice
Only vengeance
Japanese translation
サイ アラモーン イン オ サイ アサー アファー
セス イ ガール イ ニーズヘッグ ドラン アファー
サイ アラモーン イン オ サイ アサー アファー
セク ア セシュ セー アノー アース アン

Game appearances[]

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward[]

The griffin

The Griffin

For the Dungeon Dungeons released since Patch 3.4, "Revenge Twofold" plays as the boss theme, replacing "Ominous Prognisticks". It is track 4 on the The Far Edge of Fate: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

It also plays as the boss theme in The Fractal Continuum (Hard) The Fractal Continuum (Hard) and Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard), the hard versions of the dungeons released in Heavensward.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]

Dragon-king Thordan from FFXIV

Dragon-king Thordan

"Revenge Twofold (Orchestral Version)" plays during the seventh and final phase of Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) against Dragon-king Thordan in Shattered Remembrance. It is taken from the Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album and is track 36 on the Growing Light: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack.

Arrangement album appearances[]

Final Fantasy XIV: Duality ~Arrangement Album~[]

A band arrangement of "Revenge Twofold" is performed by The Primals which appears on this album.

Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Arrangement Album[]

An orchestral arrangement of "Revenge Twofold" was released with Kenichi Kuroda as the arranger. It was conducted by Hirofumi Kurita and performed by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra.

The Primals[]

An arrangement of "Revenge Twofold" appears in The Primals' debut album.

Live performances[]

Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album[]

A concert performance of "Revenge Twofold" orchestrated by Kenichi Kuroda for the Eorzean Symphony was recorded and appears on this album. It was conducted by Hirofumi Kurita and performed by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Mih Khetto Chorus.

It is also on the Eorzean Symphony: Final Fantasy XIV Orchestral Album (Concert version).

The Primals: Zepp Tour 2018 - Trial By Shadow[]

"Revenge Twofold" was performed by The Primals in a live concert.

Compilation album appearances[]

Final Fantasy XIV - The Best[]

"Revenge Twofold" is track 17 on the album.

Final Fantasy XIV Vinyl LP Box Vol. 2[]

"Revenge Twofold" is track 6 on side A of the Heavensward Vinyl LP Vol. 2 album.
