Final Fantasy Wiki
FFT0 Golem Concept Art

Concept artwork for Final Fantasy Type-0.

The Golem (ゴーレム, Gōremu?) is a recurring type of creature in the Final Fantasy series, first appearing in the original Final Fantasy. Golems often appear as humanoid giants that are usually composed of normally inanimate material such as clay, rock, metal, or wood. Golems are typically physical powerhouses, with high attack and defenses.

The common Golem, which debuted in Final Fantasy Adventure, has appeared as a recurring summoned monster throughout the series. Its signature ability, Earthen Wall, puts up a barrier that absorbs damage.


Final Fantasy[]

Clay Golem from FFI Pixel Remaster sprite

The Stone Golem, Clay Golem, Iron Golem, and Mythril Golem appear as magic enemies. Golems are resistant to status ailments and magic.

Final Fantasy II[]

FFII - Woodgolem PSP

The Stone Golem, Mythril Golem, Wood Golem, and Gold Golem appear as magic enemies. Golems have high defenses and resist many types of damage, but all have one weakness to a specific type of magic.

Final Fantasy IV[]

FF4PSP Steel Golem

The Mythril Golem, Steel Golem, and Stone Golem appear as giant enemies. They have high HP and strong physical attacks.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

The Stone Golem, Steel Golem and Mythril Golem return, joined by the Adamantite Golem. There are also new elemental golems, which include the Melt Golem, Hydro Golem and Blast Golem.

Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]

The Mythril Golem, Steel Golem, and Stone Golem return as enemies.

Final Fantasy V[]

FFV Golem

The Golem appears as a summoned monster obtained in Drakenvale. It initially attacks the party in a random encounter where it is identified as the ???. The party is unable to defeat it, as it will attack then escape. The Golem can be encountered again further on where it is being attacked attacked by a Bone Dragon and a Zombie Dragon, and will ask for help. The battle is a fixed encounter in the screen with bones lying on the grass. If the party defeats the monsters and the Golem survives, it will join as a level 3 summon. It can also appear in the final dungeon if not yet obtained.

The Stone Golem, Adamantite Golem, and Undead Husk also appear as golem-type enemies.

Final Fantasy VI[]

Golem - FF6 iOS

The Golem appears as an esper whose magicite can be purchased at the auction for an overall price of 20,000 gil. After it has been summoned, its hand will appear and block any physical attack the enemy makes against the party, but only until its hit points are depleted, which are equal to the caster's HP when cast. It costs 33 MP to summon. As a magicite, it teaches Protect (x5), Stop (x5) and Cura (x5). It provides a +2 Bonus of Stamina when leveling up.

Final Fantasy VII[]

Golem FF7

The common Golem appears as an enemy encountered in the Cosmo Area and the Battle Square, while the Armored Golem and Ice Golem also appear. All three golem-types share the attack pattern of moving closer to and further from the party in battle, their stats and attacks changing as they move.

Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]

Unlike the robotic golems of Final Fantasy VII, golems in VII Rebirth are more traditional stone golems. The Mythril Golem appears as a boss encountered by Barret Wallace and Red XIII when they are separated from the rest of the party in the Mythril Mines. The Stone Golem can later be encountered as a regular enemy in the Cosmo Canyon Region, and the Elder Golem during a World Intel mission.

Final Fantasy IX[]


The Sand Golem appears as an enemy encountered in Cleyra's Trunk. It is unique in that reducing its HP to zero does not kill it, instead only temporarily disabling it before it regains its HP. The party must instead target and destroy its core to defeat it.

Final Fantasy XI[]

Golem (FFXI)

Golems are often found in the ancient ruins or areas such as Fei'Yin and The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah. They are a member of the Arcana family of monsters. Despite often being named after "metallic" or "mineral" substances (Stone, Ore, Rock, Mythril or Darksteel), Golems all appear to be made of Mythril, and when defeated can drop Mythril Ore as a reward to the victor. Golem Shards can also be retrieved from the fallen Golem, which can be crafted into Cermet Chunks—a high demand item.

Final Fantasy XII[]


Golems appear as a type of enemy in both the construct and plant classifications. The common Golem can be encountered in the Feywood, where it has the Judicer's Staff as a rare steal; two are also fought alongside Exodus in the Zodiac versions' Trial Mode in Stage 68.

Other types of golem include the Clay Golem, Treant, Mythril Golem, and Babil. The Roblon and Goliath appear as marks, while the Juggernaut, Molen, and Tower are rare game.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]

Golem RW

The Golem appears as the rank 2 earth physical esper. Its special attack, Wild Charge, damages the target and inflicts Immobilize.

Final Fantasy XIII[]


Golems appear as a subtype of militarized units which include the Uhlan and Bulwarker.

Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

Golems return as a type of militarized units, here being represented by the Dragoon, and Lancer.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Golem XIV

Golems are a family of soulkin that can be found throughout Eorzea, appearing as standard enemies in the Central Shroud, North Shroud, Outer La Noscea, Southern Thanalan, and Churning Mists zones, as well as the Aquapolis, Binding Coil of Bahamut, Cutter's Cry, and Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) dungeons. Notable golems include the bosses Temple Guardian in the Sunken Temple of Qarn and Gogmagolem in Copperbell Mines (Hard), as well as the S-rank elite mark Nunyunuwi Southern Thanalan.

In addition to Eorzea's native golems, golems from the Dragon Quest franchise appear during the Breaking Brick Mountains event, referred to as "brickmen."

A Gravel Golem can be obtained as a minion. A Dragon Quest golem minion also appears as the Wind-up Brickman during the crossover event.

Justice Monsters Five[]

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Final Fantasy Tactics[]

FFT Golem

The Golem appears as a summoned monster. It can be learned by Summoners for 500 JP. Its Earthen Wall blocks damage for the entire party, protecting them from normal attacks as well as the Jump, Throw, and Aim commands until it has absorbed damage equal to the summoner's max HP. If the Golem is resummoned by any character before its damage limit is reached, the barrier will be overwritten using the most recent summoner's HP.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

Golem FFTA2

The Golem appears as a member of the Headless species.

Vagrant Story[]


The common Golem appears as an enemy encountered in the Sanctum. The Iron Golem and Damascus Golem also appear.

Final Fantasy Type-0[]

FFType-0 Golem

Golems appear as a class of eidolons. They have slow movement but are capable of damage enemies by simply walking over them. They can shoot their arms for damage, and enter a state of temporary invincibility. There are six Golem-class eidolons: the common Golem, the Gigas, the Troll, the Ogre, the Titan, and the Dwarf Golem. These can be unlocked through various missions. The common Golem additionally appears as a boss in several missions.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]


The Golem appears as a boss in the Veo Lu Sluice. At first a bunch of scraps and spare parts lie scattered across the plaza. In the Remastered Edition, the Ice Golem appears as a boss in the Frozen Sluice bonus dungeon derived from Veo Lu Sluice.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]

The Golem appears as one of several unseen enemies encountered by adventurers during missions.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]


The Grappler Golem, Bolt Golem, and Magic Golem appear as enemies. When low on HP, they will begin ticking before exploding for heavy damage.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

FFMQ Ice Golem

The Ice Golem appears as one of the Vile Four. It is encountered as a boss in the Ice Pyramid. It is later reincarnated as the Stone Golem encountered in Doom Castle.

Final Fantasy Adventure[]

FFA Golem Sprite

The Golem appears as a boss encountered in the second cave in Mt. Rocks. It can only be harmed by the Star weapon. It will drop the Lit spell when defeated.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

FF4HoL Golem

The Golem appears as an enemy encountered in the city of Spelvia, attacking the party if they attempt to access a shop without Rolan. The Golem has low HP and no special abilities.

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

FFD Ice Golem

The Mud Golem, Stone Golem, Ice Golem, Mighty Golem, and Mythril Golem appear as enemies. An unused yellow Golem sprite also exists in the data.

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]


The Golem appears as a collectable summon.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

The Golem from Final Fantasy V appears as a summon, while various golems from throughout the series appear as enemies.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

FFAB Golem

The Golem appears as an Earth-elemental esper. From time to time, players may encounter the Golem in battle. Defeating the Golem will grant players the Golem I summon stone, which allows the Golem to be summoned into battle. When summoned, the Golem uses the skill Heavy Strike.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Golem enemies from throughout the series appear as enemies or bosses in their respective realms. In addition, the Final Fantasy V Golem is a dummied Summoning ability. Due to it never being implemented into the game, the Golem's summon ability does not have a proper name and is instead labeled as Diamond Dust.[1]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

The common Golem appears as an esper obtained by defeating it in the Zadehl Southersands. In addition, the Golem from Final Fantasy Type-0 appears during the "Pandæmonium - Exploration" and "A Towering Foe" events, while the Golem from Dragon Quest appears as an enemy and obtainable vision during the "Monster Carnival" event. Several other varieties of golem appear, both original to Brave Exvius and from throughout the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest franchises.

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

WotV Rock Cliff Titan, Golem Vision Card

The Golem appears as an obtainable summon and vision card. Its party ability is Max HP Up 12% and Earth Unit Lightning Attack Res Up 0. Its bestowed effects are Earth Attack Res Up 4.

World of Final Fantasy[]

WoFF Golem Head

The Golem Head, Mini Golem, and Water Golem appear as mirages.

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

MFF Golem

The Golem appears as an earth-elemental boss, based on the golem family of enemies from Final Fantasy XIV. It is obtainable as a Ranger card that grants the Lesser Earthdance or Earthdance abilities depending on its rank.

Chocobo Racing[]


The Golem is the gatekeeper of the village where Mog and Chocobo live. It does not allow anyone to leave until they beat him in a race. The Golem keeps a piece of the Blue Crystal, and was prompted to follow the two after its defeat in a race. The Golem's unique ability is "Grip-Up", which enforces stronger control for the vehicle. It drives the Rockin' Roller V8, which is a bit slow but a really steady vehicle.

Chocobo's Dungeon 2[]


Golems are a family of enemies including the Cray Golem, common Golem, and Iron Golem. Two particular golems named Gotton and Gauche appear as inhabitants of the village, taking care of the nut-giving tree. Gotton encourages Chocobo to use up feathers to help the tree grow so that later on Gauche may give him nuts from the tree to use for mixing with claws and saddles or for general use.

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales[]

CTales - Pop Up Golem

The Golem appears as the guardian of the forest where the Earth Crystal is kept. Chocobo had to fight a card duel against him to stop Bebuzzu. As a dueler, it speaks in a caveman-ish fashion.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

The Golems from Final Fantasy Tactics, Type-0, and Airborne Brigade appear as Earth-elemental summon cards.

Final Fantasy Portal App[]

503a Golem

The Golem from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius appears as a Triple Triad card, with 6653 face values.

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable[]

The Golem appears as a chance card; the card's ability: Sell a stock pearls with 120% of the price.

The World Ends with You[]

Golempin twewy

Golem appears as a pin called Tin Pin Golem.

Bravely series[]

BADR Golem

In Bravely Default, the Golem appears as an inorganic-type enemy fought in the Temple of Wind. It is extremely powerful, and its Megaton Punch can deal hundreds of damage to characters at once. Its Spin Slam deals a moderate amount of damage to all party members. Two other golem enemies also appear: the Inferno Golem and Ice Golem.


In Jewish and medieval folklore, a golem is an animated anthropomorphic being, magically created from inanimate matter. The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material (usually out of stone and clay) in Psalms and medieval writing. Adam, the first man created by God in the Holy Bible, was a golem since he was created from dust and sand. Having a golem servant was seen as the ultimate symbol of wisdom and holiness, with stories of prominent Rabbis owning golems throughout the middle ages. In modern times, the word golem, sometimes pronounced goilem in Yiddish, has come to mean one who is slow, clumsy, and generally dimwitted.

