The bestiary feature in Final Fantasy VI can be accessed in the Config menu. It is an in-game list of enemies the player has defeated. The original Super Nintendo Entertainment System version does not have a bestiary, but one was added in the PlayStation remake, and it has been available since.
Bestiary (PlayStation)[]

Bestiary (PS).
The bestiary is available from the Bonus feature under "Secret". It contains both Pre-C and Post-C data on enemies. The data includes the areas they are found along with flavor text on each individual bestiary entry, such as statistics, absorption, weaknesses, steal, and drops, as well as a short description of their abilities and the recommended strategy to defeat them. Post-C option is unlocked when completing the game and a system file is saved onto the memory card. Enemies are further divided into the locations they appear in. Unlike other games, the player is not required to defeat enemies for them to appear in the bestiary.
The PlayStation version of the bestiary is the only one that includes flavor text for enemies.
Guard, Lobo, Vommamth, Were—Rat, Vaporite, Repo Man, Whelk, Marshal.
Figaro Castle[]
Leafer, DarkWing, Sand Ray, Areneid, MTekArmr.
Cave of Figaro 1[]
Hornet, Crawly, Bleary.
South Figaro[]
Rhodox, Rhintaur, GresMonk.
Mt. Koltz[]
Brawler, Trillium, Tusker, Cipius, Ipooh, Vargas.
Lete River[]
Pterodon, Nautloid, Exocite, Ultros.
South Figaro[]
HeavArmr, Merchant, Officer.
Under South Figaro[]
Commandr, VectrPup.
Cave of Figaro 2[]
Trilbitr, Prmrdite, GoldBear, TunlArmr
Narshe Mine 1[]
DarkSide, Spectre, Rinn, 1stClass, Wild Rat.
StrayCat, Beakor, CrassHppr, Rhobite.
Imperial Camp[]
Soldier, Templar, Doberman, Telstar, Grunt, Cadet, Leader.
Phantom Forest[]
Ghost, Poplium.
Ghost Train[]
Hazer, Whisper, OverMind, Bomb, StilGoin, Specter, Ziegfried, G. Train.
Baren Falls[]
Piranha, Rizopas.
Serpent Trench[]
Angiform, Aspik, Actaneon.
Narshe Tundra[]
Fidor, Trooper, BountMan, Rider, Kefka.
FsslFang, Vulture, IronFist, Red Fang, MindCndy, OverGunk.
Harvestr, SlamDncr, HadeGiga, Gabldgak, Dadaluma.
Opera House[]
Sewr Rat, Vermin, Ultros.
Chiknlip, Joker, Ralph, WyVern, WeedFedr, Grenade, Bug.
Magitek Factory[]
Pipsquek, Commando, Garm, ProtArmr, Ifrit, Shiva.
Magitek Res.Facility[]
Trapper, Flan, General, Rhinox, Gobbler, No. 024.
Mining Cart[]
MagRoadr1, MagRoadr2, No. 128, R. Blade, L. Blade
Chaser, Crane, Crane.
Sealed Gate Cave[]
Ing, Apparite, Zombone, Coelcite, Lich.
Imperial Castle[]
SpForce, MegaArmr.
Great Triangle Island[]
Baskrvor, Chimera, Cephaler.
Lesser Triangle Island[]
Burning House[]
Balloon, FlamEatr.
Western Mountain[]
Mandrake, Slurm, Insecare, Adamchyt, Abolishr, Ultros
Freefall from Airship[]
Sky Armr, SpitFire, Ultros, Chupon, AirForce, MisslBay, LaserGun, Speck.
Floating Land[]
Brainpan, Misfit, Dragon, Gigantos, Apokryph, WiryDrgn, Behemoth, Ninja, AtmaWepn.
Floating Land( Exit)[]
naughty, Nerapa.
GigaToad, Chitonid, peepers, Gilmants, Mesosaur, BlakDrgn, ErthGard, Osprey, Lunar is.
HrmtCrab, PmStalkr, Scorpiom.
Serpent Trench 2[]
Bloompyr, DeltaBug, Lizard, Buffalax.
Figaro Castle 2[]
SandHrse, Maliga, Latimeri, Nohrabbt.
Under Figaro Castle[]
NekHuntr, Drop, Cruller, Humpty, Dante, Tentacle, Tentacle, Tentacle, Tentacle.
Kohlingen 2[]
Muus, Bogy, Deep Eye, Harpiai.
Darill's Tomb[]
Orog, Exoray, MadOscar, PwrDemon, Presntr, Ostesaur, Dullahan.
Mt. Zozo[]
Ursus, Scrapper, Luridan, Punisher, Borras, StrmDrgn.
Cave in the Veldt[]
Rhyos, ToeCuttr, Allo Ver, SrBemoth, SrBemoth.
Owzer's House[]
Dahling, Nightshd, StilLife, Wild Cat, Crusher, SoulDncr, Vindr, Chadnook.
Mobliz 2[]
Phoenix Cave[]
Uroborus, Phase, Parasoul, ChaoDrgn, SeaFlowr, Aquila, Necrmncr, Trixter, Red Drgn.
Narshe 1[]
TmblWeed, ReachFrg, Hoover, Cactrot, Crawler, Sprinter, Geckorex, Spec Tor, Mantodea, Tyrnsaur, Bracsaur.
Narshe 2[]
Test Rider, Wizard, Nastidon, Psychot, MagRoadr3, MagRoadr4, Red Wolf, Ice Drgn, Tritoch.
Umaro's Cave[]
Pug, TombThum, Anemone, Poppers, Kiwok, Pugs, Yeti.
Triangle Island[]
ZoneEatr, Harpy, GloomShl, Prussian, Covert, Ogor, WartPuck, Karkass, TapDncr, Woolly.
Dream Castle[]
Rain Man, Samurai , Suriandr, Allosaur, Sky Cap, PlutArmr, Critic, Pan Dora, Parasite, Barb—e, Io, Curley, Larry, Moe, Wrexsoul, SoulSavr.
Opera House 2[]
Ancient Castle[]
LethaWpn, BoxedSet, Figaliz, Goblin, Enuo, KatnSoul, MastrPug, BlueDrgn.
Eerie Tower[]
MagiUrn, L10Magic, L20Magic, L30Magic, L40Magic, L50Magic, L60Magic, L70Magic, L80Magic, L90Magic, WhitDrgn, MagiMstr.
Eboshi Cave[]
Warlock, Displayr, Slatter, Cluck, Eland, Hipocmps, Opinicus, Hidon, Hidonite, Hidonite, Hidonite, Hidonite.
Kefka's Tower[]
Retainer, DrkForce, Sterdite, DoomDrgn, Mover, Madam, Vectaur, Brontaur, LandWorm, Scullion, EvlOscar, Outsider, Hemophyt, Dueller, GtBemoth, Vectgoyl, Fortis, Junk, Innoc, Didalos, Veteran, Sky Base, IronHtmn, Prmethus, Inferno, Rough, Striker, Atma, GoldDrgn, SkulDrgn, Guardian, DoomGaze, Goddess, Poltrgst, Long Arm, ShortArm, Face, Tiger, Hit, Tools, Magic, Sleep, Girl, Kefka.
Bestiary (Game Boy Advance)[]

GBA bestiary.

Stats screen.
The bestiary lists enemies that have been slain in victorious battles. The format for the list is: entry number, monster name and a number slain counter.
New entries are added once the monster has been slain at least once (and the battle won). The "☆☆☆"-mark in the game browser designates new entries. The mark is removed once the entry is viewed. A percent value about the number of entries visible in the bestiary is shown above the list. There are 384 monster entries. The entry numbers themselves seem arbitrary; the monsters appear to be coded in a different order when viewing their corresponding byte values from the save ram.
Maximum value for the slain counter in the bestiary browser is 999, but the byte values keep updating as high as 32767 before possibly overflowing.
To view more information about the entries in-game, the player can select an entry and press to open a stats window. If the monster has more than one version,
switch between them.
For an alphabetical listing enemies on this wiki, see here.
The following sections list the entries numerically as they are in the game's bestiary. Bosses are marked with a ☆.
Enemies 1–25[] |
Enemies 26–50[] |
Enemies 51–75[] |
Enemies 76–100[] |
Enemies 101–125[] |
Enemies 126–150[] |
Enemies 151–175[] |
Enemies 176–200[] |
Enemies 201–225[] |
Enemies 226–250[] |
Enemies 251–275[] |
Enemies 276–300[] |
Enemies 301–325[] |
Enemies 326–350[] |
Enemies 351–375[]
Enemies 376–384[] |
!! #319 Chadarnook entry is buggy. In the course of the gameplay, the player actually defeats an unlisted Chadarnook entry! But the game will still show defeats in #319 since its slain counter seems to sum these two entries together. This is logical since there are two versions of the monster: the Esper and the Demon. Though due to an oversight (sign overflow?), the entries slain counter might show 999 in the game browser!
Bestiary (iOS/Android/PC)[]
The iOS/Android/PC version bestiary uses the same data format internally as the GBA version, but has some extra features built into its in-game browser. The monsters are also arranged differently.
For an alphabetical listing enemies on this wiki, see here.
The following sections list the entries numerically as they are in the game's bestiary.
Monsters 1–25[] |
Monsters 26–50[] |
Monsters 51–75[] |
Monsters 76–100[] |
Monsters 101–125[] |
Monsters 126–150[] |
Monsters 151–175[] |
Monsters 176–200[] |
Monsters 201–225[] |
Monsters 226–250[] |
Monsters 251–275[] |
Monsters 276–282[] |
Bosses 1–25[] |
Bosses 26–50[] |
Bosses 51–75[] |
Bosses 76–100[] |
Bosses 101–102[] |
Bestiary (pixel remaster)[]
- Guard
- Silver Lobo
- Megalodoth
- Wererat
- Spritzer
- Bandit
- Leaf Bunny
- Darkwind
- Sand Ray
- Alacran
- Foper
- Hornet
- Urok
- Belmodar
- Unseelie
- Mu
- Zaghrem
- Trillium
- Gorgias
- Cirpius
- Lesser Lopros
- Nautiloid
- Exocite
- Heavy Armor
- Commander
- Vector Hound
- Cartagra
- Acrophies
- Gold Bear
- Valeor
- Wild Rat
- Stray Cat
- Aepyornis
- Nettlehopper
- Chippirabbit
- Captain
- Imperial Soldier
- Templar
- Satellite
- Ghost
- Poplium
- Cloud
- Angel Whisper
- Oversoul
- Bomb
- Living Dead
- Apparition
- Siegfried
- Opinicus Fish
- Anguiform
- Aspiran
- Actinian
- Fidor
- Corporal
- Hunting Hound
- Fossil Dragon
- Vulture
- Iron Fist
- Bloodfang
- Rock Wasp
- Paraladia
- Harvester
- Hill Gigas
- Gobbledygook
- Veil Dancer
- Stunner
- Goetia
- Litwor Chicken
- Joker
- Don
- Wyvern
- Grasswyrm
- Grenade
- Bug
- Onion Knight
- Sergeant
- Belzecue
- Proto Armor
- Trapper
- Flan
- General
- Destroyer
- Lenergia
- Magna Roader (purple)
- Magna Roader (red)
- Chaser
- Outcast
- Provoker
- Zombie Dragon
- Antares
- Lich
- Imperial Elite
- Mega Armor
- Briareus
- Devourer
- Chimera
- Intangir
- Balloon
- Bonnacon
- Land Grillon
- Adamankary
- Mandrake
- Venobennu
- Sky Armor
- Spitfire
- Brainpan
- Misfit
- Apocrypha
- Dragon
- Platinum Dragon
- Behemoth
- Ninja
- Naude
- Fafnir
- Killer Mantis
- Peeper
- Murussu
- Gigantoad
- Land Ray
- Luna Wolf
- Black Dragon
- Rukh
- Zokka
- Nightwalker
- Scorpion
- Delta Beetle
- Vampire Thorn
- Lizard
- Devoahan
- Sandhorse
- Cancer
- Oceanus
- Desert Hare
- Humpty
- Cruller
- Dropper
- Neck Hunter
- Dante
- Bogy
- Marchosias
- Deepeye
- Mousse
- Borghese
- Malboro
- Cloudwraith
- Exoray
- Skeletal Horror
- Mugbear
- Devil Fist
- Luridan
- Punisher
- Glasya Labolas
- Gorgimera
- Twinscythe
- Death Warden
- Misty
- Rafflesia
- Still Life
- Coeurl Cat
- Crusher
- Blade Dancer
- Caladrius
- Ouroburos
- Face
- Zeveak
- Seaflower
- Galypdes
- Necromancer
- Clymenus
- Chaos Dragon
- Brachiosaur
- Tyrannosaur
- Tumbleweed
- Leap Frog
- Slagworm
- Cactuar
- Crawler
- Sprinter
- Basilisk
- Lycaon
- Greater Mantis
- Test Rider
- Wizard
- Lukhavi
- Magna Roader (yellow)
- Magna Roader (brown)
- Psychos
- Garm
- Tonberry
- Onion Dasher
- Anemone
- Illuyankas
- Knotty
- Tzakmaqiel
- Zone Eater
- Vasegiatta
- Gloomwind
- Purusa
- Covert
- Kamui
- Wartpuck
- Shambling Corpse
- Amduscias
- Baalzephon
- Samurai
- Al Jabr
- Suriander
- Weredragon
- Schmidt
- Pluto Armor
- Alluring Rider
- Pandora
- Parasite
- Coco
- Io
- Armored Weapon
- Lunatys
- Figaro Lizard
- Devil
- Enuo
- Magic Urn
- Level 10 Magic
- Level 20 Magic
- Level 30 Magic
- Level 40 Magic
- Level 50 Magic
- Level 60 Magic
- Level 70 Magic
- Level 80 Magic
- Level 90 Magic
- Warlock
- Mahadeva
- Sorath
- Medusa Chicken
- Creature
- Moonform
- Aspidochelon
- Siegfried
- Yojimbo
- Dark Force
- Muud Suud
- Fiend Dragon
- Mover
- Cherry
- Vector Lythos
- Primeval Dragon
- Landworm
- Gamma
- Great Malboro
- Outsider
- Demon Knight
- Duel Armor
- Great Behemoth
- Vector Chimera
- Fortis
- Junk
- InnoSent
- Daedalus
- Ahriman
- Death Machine
- Metal Hitman
- Prometheus
- Ymir (shell)
- Ymir (head)
- Guard Leader
- Magitek Armor
- Vargas
- Ipooh
- Ultros
- Tunnel Armor
- Phantom Train
- Rhizopas
- Hell's Rider
- Kefka
- Dadaluma
- Ultros
- Ifrit
- Shiva
- Number 024
- Number 128
- Right Blade
- Left Blade
- Crane (left)
- Crane (right)
- Flame Eater
- Ultros
- Typhon
- Ultros
- Air Force
- Laser Gun
- Missile Bay
- Bit
- Gigantos
- Ultima Weapon
- Nelapa
- Humbaba
- Tentacle (bottom-right)
- Tentacle (top-right)
- Tentacle (bottom-left)
- Tentacle (top-left)
- Angler Whelk (shell)
- Angler Whelk (head)
- Dullahan
- Behemoth King
- Behemoth King (undead)
- Chadarnook
- Valigarmanda
- Tonberries
- Yeti
- Curlax
- Laragorn
- Moebius
- Wrexsoul
- Soul Saver
- Master Tonberry
- Samurai Soul
- Magic Master
- Deathgaze
- Hidon
- Erebus
- Red Dragon
- Blue Dragon
- Gold Dragon
- Ice Dragon
- Storm Dragon
- Earth Dragon
- Skull Dragon
- Holy Dragon
- Inferno
- Rahu
- Ketu
- Ultima Buster
- Guardian
- Fiend
- Goddess
- Demon
- Short Arm
- Long Arm
- Visage
- Tiger
- Machine
- Magic
- Power
- Lady
- Rest
- Kefka
Unlisted entries[]
Some monsters do not have a bestiary page, but their byte values can still be read from the save ram. Their slain and new entry counters also work. Some of these monsters appear during the gameplay while others are dummied and cannot be obtained without cheating.
- Doberman
- Typhon (Coliseum)
- Darkside
- Specter
- Eukaryote
- Yeti (Dummied)☆
- Guardian (Vector, Thamasa)☆
- Frozen Esper☆
- Valigarmanda (Snowfields)☆
- Kefka (Dummied)☆
- Giant (Dummied)☆
- Kaiser Dragon (Dummied)☆
- Merchant
- Birthday Suit
- Chadarnook (Demon version)☆ !!
- Soldier
- Humbaba (1st Fight)☆
- Humbaba (2nd Fight)☆
- Humbaba (3rd Fight)☆
- Terra (AI)