Final Fantasy Wiki
FFVII Item Icon

This is a list of items that appear in Final Fantasy VII.

The sprites shown below are from the bonus disc of Final Fantasy VII International. They are not viewable in-game and do not appear in the western release.

Recovery items[]

Item Cost Drop Steal Morph Find Buy
FF7 Potion
50 Gil/80 BP (Part 1 only; before Tiny Bronco) Drop: MP, Grunt, Hedgehog Pie, Aero Combatant, Hell House, Blugu, Guard Hound, Custom Sweeper, Capparwire, Ceasar, Chuse Tank, Cripshay, Desert Sahagin, Devil Ride, Elfadunk, Grangalan Jr., Hell Rider VR2, Kalm Fang, Kelzmelzer, Mono Drive, Prowler, Sahagin, Vice Steal: Aero Combatant, Cripshay, Whole Eater, Desert Sahagin, Guard Hound Morph: 1st Ray, Aero Combatant, Cripshay, Grunt, Guard Hound, Hell House, MP, Proto Machinegun, Rocket Launcher, Sahagin, Sweeper, Vice, Whole Eater Find: No. 1 Reactor (dead soldier/x2), No. 1 Reactor (in front of Jessie), Sector 8, Shinra Bldg. (68th floor, after defeating Sample: HO512/x4), Aerith's House, Bone Village, Great Glacier, Junon (during parade, score between 30%–39% (both inclusive)/ x6), Sector 7 Underground Buy: All item shops
Restores HP by 100
Hi Potion FF7
300 Gil Drop: Grand Horn, 2-Faced, Bagnadrana, Bandersnatch, Beachplug, Bloatfloat, Crawler, Crown Lance, Cuahl, Death Claw, Doorbull, Dragon Rider, Formula, Golem, Grangalan, Harpy, Heavy Tank, Heg, Hell House, Ice Golem, Ironite, Joker, Jumping, Kimara Bug, Kyuvilduns, Levrikon, Madouge, Malldancer, Nerosuferoth, Nibel Wolf, Razor Weed, Search Crown, Slaps, Sonic Speed, Spiral, Stinger, Thunderbird, Trickplay, Valron, Castanets, Velcher Task Steal: Devil Ride, Doorbull, Dragon Rider, Elfadunk, Hell Rider VR2, Ice Golem, Smogger, Wind Wing, Turks:Rude (Rocket Town) Morph: Devil Ride, 2-Faced, Bandit, Bloatfloat, Cactuar, Death Claw, Grand Horn, Hell Rider VR2, Kalm Fang, Kyuvilduns, Laser Cannon, Levrikon, Machina Gun, Madouge, Prowler, Quick Machine Gun, Search Crown, Slalom, Special Combatant, Valron Find: Sector 4 Underground, Train (during train to Sector 4, talk to man in 2nd screen and choose 1st option), Mythril Mine, Whirlwind Maze, Condor War (win 5th and 6th battle) Buy: Wall Market, Costa del Sol, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Final Fantasy VII shops#Nibelheim, Rocket Town, Wutai, Temple of the Ancients, Bone Village, Icicle Inn, Mideel
Restores HP by 500
X-potion FF7
80 GP Drop: Death Dealer, Bizarre Bug, Diver Nest, Eagle Gun, Gargoyle, Jayjujayme, King Behemoth, Magnade, Manhole, Pollensalta, Rilfsak, Roulette Cannon, Scissors, SOLDIER:2nd, Zolokalter, Turks:Rude (Gongaga), Turks:Reno (Midgar Raid), Gorkii Steal: Bullmotor, Spiral, Bandit, Gargoyle Morph: Midgar Zolom, Custom Sweeper, Gremlin, Ironite, Malldancer, Marine Find: Cave of the Gi, Icicle Inn, Northern Cave, Gold Saucer (Wonder Square), Condor War (win 10th, 11th, and 12th battles/x5 per battle) Buy: Wonder Square
Fully Restores HP
(Tincture[note 1])
Ether FF7
1500 Gil/640 BP (disc 1 only; before Tiny Bronco) Drop: Mono Drive, Turks:Reno (Sector 7), Ark Dragon, Bullmotor, Crazy Saw, Crysales, Gighee, Head Hunter, Hungry, Killbin, Land Worm, Lessaloploth, Scrutin Eye, Shred, Zenene Steal: Deenglow, Hedgehog Pie, Ark Dragon, Stinger, Kalm Fang, Capparwire, Levrikon, Prowler, Scissors, Scrutin Eye, Sonic Speed Morph: Ghost, Hedgehog Pie, Mandragora Find: Sector 7 Slums, Corneo's Mansion, Aerith's House, Kalm (x3), Mythril Mine, Cave of the Gi (x2), Whirlwind Maze, Junon (during parade, score between 40%-49% (both inclusive)/ x6), Bone Village, Condor War (win 2nd battle), North Corel Buy: Fort Condor (Part 2 & 3), Gold Saucer, Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Wutai, Temple of the Ancients, Bone Village, Mideel
Restores MP by 100
Turbo Ether
Turbo Ether FF7
100 GP Drop: Magic Pot, Ancient Dragon, Jersey, Mover, Sea Worm, Shadow Maker, XCannon, Zemzelett, Shake Steal: Jersey, Golem, Land Worm, Poodler, Armored Golem, Death Dealer, Edgehead, Killbin, Land Worm, Mover, Search Crown Morph: Twin Brain, Beachplug, Bullmotor, Crazy Saw, Golem, Killbin, Scrutin Eye, Zemzelett Find: Sector 5 Slums (talk to kid in 2nd floor of farthest right house, look in hidden drawer, leave money, then return and talk to kid after Wall Market), Cave of the Gi, Nibelheim, Northern Cave, Bone Village, Fort Condor (win 8th and 9th battles/x3 per battle) Buy: Wonder Square
Fully Restores MP
Elixer FF7
N/A Drop: Dark Dragon, Turks:Reno (Sunken Gelnika), Turks:Rude (Midgar Raid), Staniv Steal: Master Tonberry, Gighee, Iron Man Morph: Vlakorados, Harpy Find: Shinra Bldg. (Part 1/Steps), Shinra Bldg. (from mayor, if password is guessed correctly on 2nd try), Mythril Mine, Nibelheim (Part 1 only), Mt. Nibel, Forgotten Capital, Gaea's Cliff, Mideel(before Ultimate Weapon), Midgar Raid (x3), Northern Cave (x2), Sunken Gelnika, Fort Condor (win 13th and 19th battle/x3 per battle), Bone Village, Great Glacier Buy: N/A
Fully Restores HP/MP
(Last Elixir[note 2])
Megalixir FF7
N/A Drop: Master Tonberry Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: Temple of the Ancients, Corel Cave, Gaea's Cliff, Midgar Raid, Northern Cave (x2), Sunken Gelnika, Bone Village, Ancient Forest, Gold Saucer Wonder Square (Crane Game), Wutai Village (prize for Turtle's Paradise), Condor War (win 4th battle) Buy: N/A
Fully restores all members HP/MP
Phoenix Down
Phoenix Down FF7
300 Gil/160 BP (disc 1 only; before Tiny Bronco)/100 BP (after Tiny Bronco) Drop: Adamantaimai, Ark Dragon, Behemoth, Christopher, Crazy Saw, Dorky Face, Ghirofelgo, Ghost Ship, Griffin, Iron Man, Lessaloploth, Tail Vault, Vargid Police, Wind Wing, Aps Steal: Heavy Tank, King Behemoth, 2-Faced, Griffin, Ark Dragon, Ghost Ship, Lessaloploth, Magnade, Malldancer Morph: Deenglow, Griffin, Wind Wing Find: No. 1 Reactor, Train to Sector 4 (talk to man in back of first car while timer is moving), Corneo's Mansion, Aerith's House, Mt. Corel (x10) Buy: All shops
Restores life
Revive a KO'd ally (HP restored to 1/4 of max HP).
Antidote FF7
80 Gil Drop: Blood Taste, Special Combatant Steal: Brain Pod, Kelzmelzer Morph: Kelzmelzer, Zolokalter Find: N/A Buy: Sector 7, Sector 5, Wall Market, Shinra Headquarters, Kalm, Junon, Costa del Sol, Gold Saucer, Rocket Town, Bone Village, Mideel
Cures [Poison]
Removes Poison from one target
Eye drop
Eye drops FF7
50 Gil Drop: Allemagne, Battery Cap, Marine Steal: Allemagne, Blood Taste, Special Combatant Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: Sector 7, Sector 5, Wall Market, Shinra Headquarters, Kalm, Junon, Costa del Sol, Gold Saucer, Rocket Town, Bone Village, Mideel
Cures [Darkness]
Removes Darkness from one target
Soft FF7
150 Gil Drop: Cokatolis, Gagighandi, Bagrisk Steal: Gagighandi, Cokatolis, Bagrisk, Bloatfloat, Needle Kiss Morph: Cokatolis Find: N/A Buy: Costa del Sol, North Corel, Gold Saucer, Cosmo Canyon
Cures [Petrify]
Removes Petrify and Slow-numb statuses from one target.
Maiden's Kiss
Maiden's Kiss FF7
150 Gil Drop: Touch Me Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: North Corel, Gold Saucer, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Temple of the Ancients
Cures [Frog]
Removes Frog status from one target.
Cornucopia FF7
150 Gil Drop: N/A Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: North Corel, Gold Saucer, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Temple of the Ancients
Cures [Small]
Removes Mini status from one target.
Echo Screen
Echo screen FF7
100 Gil Drop: Armored Golem, Eligor, Hippogriff, Thunderbird Steal: Hammer Blaster, Dorky Face Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: Wall Market, Upper Junon, Gold Saucer
Cures [Silence]
Removes Silence status from one target.
Hyper FF7
100 Gil Drop: Headbomber, Sahagin, Skeeskee Steal: Sahagin, Sword Dance, Corvette, PollenSalta Morph: Headbomber, Skeeskee, Slaps Find: Corneo's Mansion Buy: Sector 7 Pillar, Wall Market, Kalm, Fort Condor, Junon, Costa del Sol, North Corel, Gold Saucer, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Wutai, Temple of the Ancients, Bone Village, Mideel
Cures [Sadness]
Grants Fury status to one target. If the target has Sadness, neutralizes Sadness instead.
Tranquilizer FF7
100 Gil Drop: Mighty Grunt, Soul Fire, Ceasar, Razor Weed, Sculpture, Vargid Police Steal: Ceasar, Skeeskee, Vargid Police, Mighty Grunt, Grenade Combatant, Attack Squad, Cuahl, Headbomber, Head Hunter Morph: Cuahl, Headbomber Find: N/A Buy: Sector 7 Pillar, Wall Market, Kalm, Fort Condor, Junon, Costa del Sol, North Corel, Gold Saucer, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, Rocket Town, Wutai, Temple of the Ancients, Bone Village, Mideel
Cures [Fury]
Grants Sadness status to one target. If the target has Fury, neutralizes Fury instead.
Remdey FF7
1000 Gil/200 BP (disc 1 only; after Tiny Bronco) Drop: Gargoyle, Jayjujayme, Parasite, Under Lizard Steal: Parasite, SOLDIER:2nd, Under Lizard, Velcher Task Morph: Gagighandi, Needle Kiss, Parasite, Touch Me, Toxic Frog, Under Lizard, Bagrisk, Zenene, Velcher Task Find: Northern Cave Buy: Mideel (after destruction)
Cures abnormal status
Removes Sleep, Poison, Sadness, Fury, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Mini, Slow-numb, Petrify, Berserk, Paralysis, and Darkness from one target
Tent FF7
500 Gil Drop: Bandit, Stilva Steal: Gremlin Morph: N/A Find: Sector 4 Underground, Mythril Mine, Mt. Corel Buy: All shops after Sector 5
Restores ally's max HP/MP. Use at Save Point.
Restores everyone's HP/MP. Usable anywhere on the world map or on a save point.
Save Crystal
Save Crystal
N/A Drop: N/A Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: The first area of Northern Cave Buy: N/A
Use this to create a SAVE Point in the 'North Cave'
Creates a save point anywhere in the Northern Crater. See also: Save Crystal glitch.

Support items[]

Battle items that target the allies.

Item Drop Steal Morph Find
Smoke Bomb
Smoke Bomb FF7
Drop: Edgehead, Gi Spector Steal: Slalom Morph: Hammer Blaster Find: N/A
Can escape from opponents during battle
Escape from random encounters; "Give Up" in the Battle Square during a battle, but accumulated BP is retained.
Light Curtain
[Light Barrier[note 3]]
Light Curtain FF7
Drop: Garuda, Unknown Steal: N/A Morph: Sword Dance, Corvette Find: N/A
Creates [Barrier] around all allies
Casts Barrier on the party.
Lunar Curtain
Lunar Curtain FF7
Drop: Foulander, Unknown 2 Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A
Creates [MBarrier] around all allies
Casts MBarrier on the party.
Mirror FF7
Drop: Mirage Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A
Uses "Reflect" on all allies
Casts Reflect on entire party.
Speed Drink
Speed Drink FF7
Drop: N/A Steal: Vice Morph: Formula, Sonic Speed Find: N/A
Casts [Haste] on one ally
Inflict Haste status to ally.
Hero Drink
Hero Drink FF7
Drop: N/A Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: Icicle Inn, Northern Cave (x2), Chocobo Square
Raises ability once during battle
Raises the Strength, Magic, Defense, and Spirit of one character by 30%; stackable up to four times.
Vaccine FF7
Drop: N/A Steal: N/A Morph: Dragon Zombie, Dark Dragon Find: Icicle Inn, Northern Cave (x2), Chocobo Square
Protects against transformations
Causes Resist status to one target.
Holy Torch
[Holy Touch[note 3]]
Holy Torch FF7
Drop: Unknown 3 Steal: N/A Morph: Evilhead, Stilva Find: N/A
Uses "DeSpell" on all opponents
Removes the Haste, Slow, Stop, Small, Regen, Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, and Shield statuses from all targets.

Debuff items[]

Battle items that limit the abilities of the enemies but deal no damage.

Item Cost Drop Steal Morph Find Buy
Impaler FF7
500 Gil Drop: Toxic Frog Steal: Touch Me, Toxic Frog Morph: Touch Me, Toxic Frog Find: N/A Buy: Gongaga
Changes one opponent to a frog
Causes Frog to one target.
Shrivel FF7
500 Gil Drop: Gremlin, Grimguard Steal: Grimguard Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: Gongaga
Uses "Mini" on one opponent
Causes Mini to one target.
Ink FF7
N/A Drop: N/A Steal: Bad Rap Morph: N/A Find: Wonder Square (Submarine Game) Buy: N/A
Uses [Darkness] against one opponent
Inflicts Darkness on one target.
Dazers FF7
N/A Drop: Bad Rap, Boundfat Steal: Boundfat, Battery Cap Morph: Boundfat Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Paralyzes one opponent
Causes Paralyzed status on one target.
(Caldron[note 4])
Cauldron FF7
N/A Drop: Dragon Zombie Steal: Dragon Zombie Morph: N/A Find: Wonder Square (Submarine Game) Buy: N/A
Uses [Poison/Confu/Sleepel/Silence/Small/Frog]
Inflicts the Poison, Sleep, Mini, Frog, Confuse, and Silence statuses on one enemy
Ghost Hand
Ghost hand FF7
N/A Drop: Ghost Steal: Ghost Morph: Gi Spector, Sneaky Step Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Drains MP out of one opponent
Drains MP from target (effect reverses on Zombie-typed enemies).
Hourglass FF7
N/A Drop: Edgehead Steal: N/A Morph: Kimara Bug Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Stops all opponents
Inflicts Stop upon all enemies with 80% precision.
Spider Web
Spider Web FF7
N/A Drop: Grashtrike Steal: Kimara Bug, Grashtrike Morph: Grashtrike Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Slows all opponents
Inflicts Slow upon all enemies.
Dream Powder
Dream powder FF7
N/A Drop: N/A Steal: N/A Morph: Crown Lance, Crysales Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Sleepel" on all opponents
Inflicts Sleep upon all enemies with 80% precision.
Mute Mask
Mute Mask FF7
N/A Drop: Bahba Velamyu, Garuda Steal: Crazy Saw Morph: Dorky Face, Bahba Velamyu, Eligor Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Silence" on all opponents
Inflicts Silence upon all enemies with 80% precision.
War Gong
War Gong FF7
N/A Drop: Grand Horn Steal: Behemoth Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Berserk" on all opponents
Inflicts Berserk upon all enemies with 80% precision. Works 100% of the time when used on allies.
Loco weed
[Loco Weed[note 3]]
Locoweed FF7
N/A Drop: Corvette, Hammer Blaster, Razor Weed, SOLDIER:3rd, Sword Dance Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Confu" on all opponents
Inflicts Confuse upon all enemies with 80% precision.

Attack items[]

Battle items that simply deal damage to the enemies. The final damage for most of these items is:

Defense is either Defense or Magic Defense as appropriate.


Item Cost Drop Steal Morph Find Buy
Molotov FF7
400 Gil Drop: Guard System, Hard Attacker Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: Costa del Sol, Gongaga, North Corel
Fire damage on one opponent
Inflicts physical Fire-elemental damage on one enemy. Base Damage = 400.
Graviball FF7
N/A Drop: Deenglow Steal: Shadow Maker Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses" Demi" against one opponent
Casts Demi on one enemy. Damage = 25% of HP.
T/S Bomb
S-Bomb FF7
N/A Drop: Flapbeat Steal: Flapbeat Morph: Flapbeat Find: Wonder Square (Submarine Game) Buy: N/A
Uses "Demi2" against one opponent
Casts Demi2 on one enemy. Damage = 50% of HP.
Fire Veil
Fire veil FF7
800 Gil Drop: Foulander Steal: N/A Morph: Desert Sahagin Find: N/A Buy: Wutai Village
Uses "Fire3" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Fire-elemental damage upon all enemies; equivalent to Fire3. Base Damage = 1200.
Swift Bolt
Swift Bolt FF7
800 Gil Drop: N/A Steal: N/A Morph: Thunderbird Find: Wutai Buy: Wutai Village
Uses "Bolt3" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Lightning-elemental damage upon all enemies; equivalent to Bolt3. Base Damage = 1200.
Fire Fang
Fire fang FF7
N/A Drop: Dragon Steal: N/A Morph: Land Worm Find: Chocobo Square (C, B, A Class prize) Buy: N/A
Uses "Fire2" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Fire-elemental damage upon all enemies; equivalent to Fire2. Base Damage = 960.
Antarctic Wind
Antarctic wind FF7
N/A Drop: N/A Steal: N/A Morph: Jumping Find: Chocobo Square (C, B, A Class prize) Buy: N/A
Uses "Ice2" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Ice elemental damage upon all enemies; equivalent to Ice2. Base Damage = 1200.
Ice Crystal
Ice crystal FF7
N/A Drop: Garuda, Snow Steal: N/A Morph: Bandersnatch Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Ice3" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Ice elemental damage upon all enemies. Base Damage = 2080.
Bolt Plume
Bolt plume FF7
N/A Drop: Garuda, Needle Kiss, Thunderbird Steal: Thunderbird Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Bolt2" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Lightning-elemental damage upon all enemies. Base Damage = 416.
Earth Drum
Earth drum FF7
N/A Drop: Flower Prong, Screamer Steal: Christopher Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Quake2" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Earth-elemental damage upon all enemies. Base Damage = 640.
Earth Mallet
Earth mallet FF7
N/A Drop: Gigas Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Quake3" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Earth-elemental damage upon all enemies. Base Damage = 2560.
Deadly Waste
Deadly waste FF7
N/A Drop: Smogger, Brain Pod, Jayjujayme, Slalom Steal: Zenene Morph: Brain Pod Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Bio2" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Poison-elemental damage upon all enemies, 20% chance of inflicting Poison. Base Damage = 96.
M-tentacles FF7
N/A Drop: Malboro, Sneaky Step Steal: Malboro Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses "Bio3" on all opponents
Inflicts magical Poison-elemental damage upon all enemies, 48% chance of inflicting Poison. Base Damage = 2400.
Bird Wing
Birdwing FF7
N/A Drop: Zuu, Tonadu Steal: Zuu, Tonadu Morph: Zuu Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Uses whirlwind on all opponents
Inflicts magical Wind elemental damage upon all enemies. Base Damage = 1040.
Dragon Scales
Dragon scales FF7
N/A Drop: Adamantaimai, Serpent Steal: Sea Worm Morph: Sea Worm Find: Wonder Square (Submarine game) Buy: N/A
Water damage on all opponents
Inflicts magical Water damage upon all enemies.. Base Damage = 3680.
Dragon Fang
Dragon fang FF7
N/A Drop: Schizo Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: Wonder Square (Submarine Game) Buy: N/A
Lightning damage against all opponents
Inflicts magical Lightning-elemental attack upon all enemies. Base Damage = 2400.

Instant death[]

Item Drop Steal
Vagyrisk Claw
Vagyrisk Claw FF7
Drop: CMD.Grand Horn (LV19) Steal: Bagrisk[note 5]
Petrifies one opponent
Inflicts Petrify on one enemy with 68% precision.
Kiss of Death
Kiss of death FF7
Drop: Death Dealer Steal: N/A
Uses "Death" on all opponents
Inflicts Death to all enemies (serves as a Megalixir upon zombie-typed enemies) with 68% precision.


Item Cost Drop Steal Morph Find Buy
Grenade Item FF7
80 Gil Drop: Special Combatant, Underwater MP Steal:Grenade Combatant, Grunt, Mighty Grunt, MP Morph: Grenade Combatant Find: Junon (during parade, score 29 or less) Buy: Midgar (Sector 7 Slums, Sector 5 Slums), Under Junon
Explosive damage against one opponent
Inflicts long-range, physical shoot damage on all targets. Base Damage = 160.
Shrapnel FF7
320 BP (Disc 1 Only; before Tiny Bronco) Drop: Bomb Steal: N/A Morph: Bomb Find: N/A Buy: Gold Saucer (Battle Square)
Explosive damage against all opponents
Inflicts long-range, physical shoot damage on all targets. Base Damage = 416.
Right arm
(Right Arm[note 6])
Right Arm FF7
500 BP Drop: Grenade Steal: Bomb, Grenade Morph: Grenade Find: N/A Buy: Gold Saucer (Battle Square)
Explosive damage against all opponents
Inflicts long-range, physical shoot damage on all targets. Base Damage = 1600.
(S-Mine[note 6])
S-Mine FF7
1000 Gil/3200 BP (Disc 1 Only; after Tiny Bronco) Drop: Gun Carrier, Submarine Crew Steal: Attack Squad Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: Fort Condor, Costa del Sol, Rocket Town, Gold Saucer (Battle Square)
Explosive damage on one opponent
Inflicts long-range, physical shoot damage on one target. Base Damage = 1600.
Stardust FF7
8000 BP Drop: Behemoth, Serpent Steal: N/A Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: Gold Saucer (Battle Square)
Uses "Comet2" on all opponents
Inflicts magical non-elemental damage on up to four targets. Base Damage = 1120.
Vampire Fang
Vampire Fang FF7
N/A Drop: Black Bat, Evil Head Steal: N/A Morph: Black Bat Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Drains HP out of one opponent
Drains HP from target (effect reverses on Zombie-typed enemies). Base Damage = 192.
8-inch Cannon
(8inch Cannon[note 7])
[8-Inch Cannon[note 3]]
8-inch cannon FF7
N/A Drop: Cromwell, Grosspanzer∙Big Steal: Attack Squad, Submarine Crew Morph: N/A Find: N/A Buy: N/A
Explosive damage against one opponent
Deals long-range, physical shoot damage on one target. Base Damage = 3200.


For technical details, see: Chocobo (Final Fantasy VII)#Greens. Greens are used to help catch chocobos from the field by preventing them from running away, and are also used to boost the stats of captured chocobos at the farm for racing.

Item Image Cost Buy
Gysahl Greens
(Gizzard Greens[note 8])
Gysahl Greens 100 Gil Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases speed, stamina, and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); keeps a chocobo occupied in battle for 2 turns.
Krakka Greens
(Karaka Greens[note 8])
Krakka Greens 250 Gil Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases intelligence and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); reduces a chocobo's chance to run from battle to 33.3%.
Tantal Greens Tantal Greens 400 Gil Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases speed, stamina, intelligence, and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); keeps a chocobo occupied in battle for 3 turns.
Pahsana Greens
(Pasana Greens[note 8])
Pahsana Greens 800 Gil Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases intelligence and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); reduces a chocobo's chance to run from battle to 20%.
Curiel Greens
(Kurie Greens[note 8])
Curiel Greens 1000 Gil Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases speed, stamina, and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); keeps a chocobo occupied in battle for 5 turns.
Reagan Greens
(Regan Greens[note 6])
Reagan Greens 3000 Gil Buy: Chocobo Sage's House, Gold Saucer (Battle Square)
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases speed, stamina, and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); keeps a chocobo occupied in battle for 8 turns and reduces its chance to run from battle to 12.5%.
Mimett Greens
(Memmet Greens[note 6])
(Samolen Greens[note 9])
(Memit Greens[note 8])
Mimeet Greens 1500 Gil/1280 or 400 BP (Part 1 only) Buy: Chocobo Farm, Gold Saucer (Battle Square)
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases speed, acceleration and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); keeps a chocobo occupied in battle for 1 turn and makes it use Chocobuckle.
Sylkis Greens Sylkis Greens 5000 Gil Buy: Chocobo Sage's House
When you want a Chocobo...
Increases speed, stamina, intelligence, and co-operation; recovers 100 HP in battle (characters too); keeps a chocobo occupied in battle for 1 turn and makes it use Chocobuckle.

*These names do not apply when buying Greens at the Chocobo Farm; their names will be as listed first in the table.

Field items[]

Items that can only be used outside battle, i.e. on the field, or not used at all.


For technical details, see: here. Nuts are used on chocobos at the farm to breed them.

Item Image Cost Drop/Steal Buy
Pepio Nut
(Pipio Nut[note 10])
Pepio Nut 100 Gil Drop/Steal: Dual Horn Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Luchile Nut
(Ruchin Nut[note 10])
Luchile Nut 200 Gil Drop/Steal: Nibel Wolf Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Saraha Nut Saraha Nut 400 Gil Drop/Steal: Spencer Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Lasan Nut Lasan Nut 600 Gil Drop/Steal: Mandragora Buy: Chocobo Farm
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Pram Nut
(Param Nut[note 10])
Pram Nut 1500 Gil Drop/Steal: N/A Buy: Chocobo Sage's House
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Porov Nut
(Porofu Nut[note 10])
Porov Nut 2000 Gil Drop/Steal: N/A Buy: Chocobo Sage's House
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Carob Nut Carob Nut 500 GP Drop/Steal: Vlakorados Buy: Wonder Square
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Required to breed Blue, Green, and Black Chocobos.
Zeio Nut Zeio Nut N/A Drop/Steal: Goblin Buy: N/A
When you want to breed Chocobos...
Required to breed Gold Chocobos.

*These names do not apply when buying Nuts at the Chocobo Farm; their names will be as listed first in the table.

Stat-upgrade items[]

Item Image Drop Morph Find
Power Source Power Source Drop: Helletic Hojo Morph: Unknown, Heavy Tank, Screamer Find: Junon, Costa del Sol, Mt. Corel, Rocket Town, Wutai (Turtle's Paradise prize), Coral Valley, Winding Tunnel, Northern Cave
Raises [Strength]
Permanently raises a party member's Strength stat by 1 point.
Guard Source Guard Source Drop: Dark Nation Morph: Unknown 2, Bagnadrana, Spiral, Armored Golem, Maximum Kimaira Find: Kalm, Junon, Wutai (Turtle's Paradise prize), Forgotten Capital, Winding Tunnel, Northern Cave
Raises [Vitality]
Permanently raises a party member's Vitality stat by 1 point.
Magic Source Magic Source Drop: N/A Morph: Unknown 3, 8 eye Find: Junon, Cosmo Canyon, Forgotten Capital, Wutai (Turtle's Paradise prize), Winding Tunnel, Northern Cave (x2)
Raises [Magic Power]
Permanently raises a party member's Magic stat by 1 point.
Mind Source
(Mind Plus[note 11])
Mind Source Drop: N/A Morph: Serpent, Dragon Rider, Killbin Find: Mythril Mine, Nibelheim (from the black cloak outside the manor, but only if the player did not get the Luck Source from the cloak in the inn; text box erroneously says "Mind Plus"), Wutai (Turtle's Paradise prize), Forgotten Capital, Great Glacier, Winding Tunnel, Northern Cave
Raises [Spirit]
Permanently raises a party member's Spirit stat by 1 point.
Speed Source Speed Source Drop: N/A Morph: Poodler Find: Junon, Gaea's Cliff, Northern Cave, Wonder Square (G-Bike Game. Win with over 10,000 points), Wutai (Turtle's Paradise prize)
Raises [Dexterity]
Permanently raises a party member's Dexterity stat by 1 point.
Luck Source Luck Source Drop: N/A Morph: Bad Rap Find: Junon, Nibelheim (x2), Wutai (Turtle's Paradise prize), Northern Cave
Raises [Luck]
Permanently raises a party member's Luck stat by 1 point.

Limit Break manuals[]

Limit Break manuals are used in the menu on the player characters. The characters each have their own manual and learn their final Limit Break technique after they have learned every other Limit Break move.

Item Image Obtain Effect
All Creation All Creation Acquired by defeating Godo. Teaches Yuffie her ultimate Limit Break, All Creation.
Learn Limit Skill "All Creation"
Catastrophe Catastrophe Acquired by talking to the woman in the upper left tent after the Huge Materia quest in North Corel. Teaches Barret his ultimate Limit Break, Catastrophe.
Learn Limit Skill "Catastrophe"
Chaos ChaosManual Acquired by visiting ??? (the cave behind the waterfall near Nibelheim; can be accessed via colored chocobo or submarine) with Vincent in the party, fighting between 2 and 11 battles, and then returning to the cave still with Vincent in the party. Teaches Vincent his ultimate Limit Break, Chaos.
Learn Limit Skill "Chaos"
Cosmo Memory Cosmo Memory Acquired by defeating the Lost Number. Teaches Red XIII his ultimate Limit Break, Cosmo Memory.
Learn Limit Skill "Cosmo Memory"
Final Heaven Final Heaven Acquired by playing the "Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII" tune on Tifa's piano in Nibelheim. Teaches Tifa her ultimate Limit Break, Final Heaven.
Learn Limit Skill "Final Heaven"'
Great Gospel Great Gospel Acquired by giving Mythril to the weapon seller, then choosing the upstairs treasure. Mythril can be obtained from the man in the Old man's house when the last two battle digits are 11, 33, 55, 77, or 99. The Old man's house is in a cave near Junon which can be accessed with the buggy by driving it to Costa Del Sol and then taking the cargo ship. Teaches Aeris her ultimate Limit Break, Great Gospel.
Learn Limit Skill "Great Gospel"
Highwind Highwind Found in Sunken Gelnika. Teaches Cid his ultimate Limit Break, Highwind.
Learn Limit Skill "Highwind"
Omnislash Omnislash Bought from the Gold Saucer Battle Square for 51,200 BP (before obtaining the Highwind)/32,000 BP (after obtaining the Highwind) Teaches Cloud his ultimate Limit Break, Omnislash.
Learn Limit Skill "Omnislash"

Kalm traveler items[]

These items are not necessary to complete the game, but allow the player to obtain more useful items. These items did not exist in the original Japanese version of Final Fantasy VII.

Item Image Description Obtain Purpose
Earth Harp Earth Harp Calms the hearts of all who hear it Win from Emerald Weapon. Can be traded at Kalm traveler for a Master Magic, Master Command, and Master Summon Materia.
Desert Rose Desert Rose Blooms once every 1000 years Win from Ruby Weapon. Can be traded at Kalm traveler for a Gold Chocobo.
Guide Book Guide Book Map of another world. It slumbers with sunken ships Morphed from Ghost Ship. Can be traded at Kalm traveler for the Underwater Materia.

Unusable items[]

These are various easter egg items found during the course of the game. Though they take up space in the inventory, they cannot be used for any function.

Item Image Description How to obtain
1/35 soldier
1/35 Soldier[note 3]
1 35 Soldier Shinra armored "attack" soldiers: 12 in the set! Two are found in various apartments in Junon; won as a prize at the Speed Square.
Tissue Tissue This one's a little tough... Won as a prize at the Battle Square.
Super Sweeper Super Sweeper A new machine to protect the reactor! Won as a prize at the Speed Square.
Masamune Blade Masamune Blade A perfect copy of Sephiroth's sword! Won as a prize at the Speed Square.
Combat Diary Combat Diary A record of Master Dio's fiercest battles Won as a prize at the special match in Battle Square.
Autograph Autograph Dio's autograph Won as a prize at the special match in Battle Square.
Gambler Gambler Second part of Dio's diary: The Gold Saucer years Won as a prize at the special match at Battle Square.

Dummied out items[]

Item Image Description Obtain Purpose
Mystery panties Panties with a childish design on them Cannot be obtained. Dummied key item. Perhaps originally intended to be part of the Wall Market subquest.
Letter to a Daughter A letter to a young girl who lives in Kalm Cannot be obtained. Dummied key item. Originally intended to be part of a Traveling Salesman sidequest.
Letter to a Wife A letter to a wife who lives in Kalm Cannot be obtained. Dummied key item. Originally intended to be part of a Traveling Salesman sidequest.

Key items[]

Most of these items are necessary to advance in the game.

Item Image Description Obtain Purpose
Battery Battery Looks like it can start some sort of machine Bought from Weapon Store at Wall Market. 3 are automatically bought for 300 gil. Allows the player to get back to the upper sectors of Midgar.
Key to Ancients Key of the Ancients An old key found in the ocean Found on the Bottom of the Sea, hidden under the Icicle Area. Used in the Forgotten Capital to view a story sequence.
Lunar Harp Lunar Harp An instrument used to wake the Sleeping Forest Acquired at Bone Village during the excavation minigame. Used to pass through the Sleeping Forest.
Basement Key Basement Key Key to the basement room in the Shinra Mansion Found in the safe on the second floor of the Shinra Mansion (the code is Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97). Allows the player access to the basement room where Vincent is sleeping in the Shinra Mansion in Nibelheim.
PHS PHS Able to call your party members from long distance Automatically acquired in Kalm. Allows the player to switch party members at will via the menu screen.
Keystone Keystone Key to the Temple of the Ancients Acquired from Dio's Showroom at the Gold Saucer Battle Square. Used to enter the Temple of the Ancients.
Glacier Map Glacier Map A map you can use on the Great Glacier Acquired at the Icicle Inn before the snowboarding minigame.
Snowboard Snowboard Allows you to slide over the snow Given by the wounded child at the Icicle Inn after talking to him and taking him home. Allows the player access to the snowboarding minigame.
Black Materia Black Materia Black Materia Automatically acquired in the Temple of the Ancients. Storyline item which cannot be equipped or used. Summons Meteor.

Don Corneo mission[]

Item Image Description Obtain Purpose
Cotton Dress Cotton Dress Cotton-woven dress The player must request the dress maker in the Wall Market that they want something "clean". Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Satin Dress Satin Dress Dress made of satin The player must request the dress maker in the Wall Market that they want something "soft" and "shiny". Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Silk Dress Silk Dress Dress made of silk The player must request the dress maker in Wall Market that they want something "soft" that "shimmers". Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Wig Wig Wig made from messed up hair Received in the Wall Market Gym if the player loses the squats contest. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Dyed Wig Dyed Wig Wig made of hair dyed light brown Received in the Wall Market Gym if the player ties in the squats contest. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Blonde Wig Blonde Wig A blonde wig Received in the Wall Market Gym if the player wins the squats contest. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Glass Tiara
Grass Tiara[note 3]
Glass Tiara A glass tiara Given by the store owner after the player stays the night at the inn and buys the cheapest item in the vending machine. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Ruby Tiara Ruby Tiara A ruby tiara Given by the store owner after the player stays the night at the inn and buys the middle-priced item in the vending machine. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Diamond Tiara Diamond Tiara A diamond tiara Given by the store owner after the player stays the night at the inn and buys the most expensive item in the vending machine. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Cologne Cologne Cheap perfume Acquired from the unhappy bar patron in the bathroom if the player gives her the Disinfectant. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Flower cologne
Flower Cologne[note 3]
Flower Cologne Flower scented perfume Acquired from the unhappy bar patron in the bathroom if the player gives her the Deodorant. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Sexy Cologne Sexy Cologne A perfume that amorously arouses Acquired from the unhappy bar patron in the bathroom if the player gives her the Digestive. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Lingerie Lingerie Perfumed underwear Acquired from one of the Bee Girls in the changing room once the player spends some "quality" time in the upper left room. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Bikini briefs Bikini Briefs Tight-fitting briefs Acquired from a Honeybee Inn "patron" if the player chooses the lower left room. Used in the Don Corneo mission to rescue Tifa.
Pharmacy Coupons Pharmacy Coupon Can be exchanged for goods at the pharmacy Received from the owner of the Diner in Wall Market. Used to purchase pharmacy items from Wall Market pharmacy.
Disinfectant Disenfectant A disinfectant Must be given to the unhappy person in the bathroom at the bar for the Cologne.
Deodorant Deodorant A deodorant Must be given to the unhappy person in the bathroom at the bar for the Flower Cologne.
Digestive Digestive A digestive Must be given to the unhappy person in the bathroom at the bar for the Sexy Cologne.
Member's Card Membership Card Membership card to the Honeybee Inn Acquired by talking to one of the people wandering around Wall Market. Allows the player access to the Honeybee Inn.

Shinra Headquarters mission[]

Item Image Description Obtain Purpose
Keycard 60 Keycards 60, 62, and 65 Allows you to go as far as the 60th floor in the Shinra Bldg Acquired by defeating 3 Mighty Grunts guarding the 59th floor elevator. (Shinra Bldg.)
Keycard 62 Keycards 60, 62, and 65 Allows you to go as far as the 62nd floor in the Shinra Bldg Acquired by talking to the man in the gray suit wandering around on the 61st floor. (Shinra Bldg.)
Keycard 65 Keycards 60, 62, and 65 Allows you to go as far as the 65th floor in the Shinra Bldg Acquired by talking to Mayor Domino on the 62nd floor and answering his riddle. (Shinra Bldg.)
Keycard 66 Keycards 66 and 68 Allows you to go as far as the 66th floor in the Shinra Bldg Found in the final chest on the 65th floor. It is received after completing the giant Midgar puzzle. (Shinra Bldg.)
Keycard 68 Keycards 66 and 68 Allows you to go as far as the 68th floor in the Shinra Bldg Acquired by lifting it off of a person on the 67th floor. (Shinra Bldg.)
Midgar parts
Midgar Parts[note 3]
Midgar Parts Part of the Midgar city model Found on the 65th floor of Shinra Bldg. Each one placed in the model of Midgar unlocks the next chest, the final of which contains Keycard 66.
Midgar parts Midgar Parts Part of the Midgar city model Found on the 65th floor of Shinra Bldg. Each one placed in the model of Midgar unlocks the next chest, the final of which contains Keycard 66.
Midgar parts Midgar Parts Part of the Midgar city model Found on the 65th floor of Shinra Bldg. Each one placed in the model of Midgar unlocks the next chest, the final of which contains Keycard 66.
Midgar parts Midgar Parts Part of the Midgar city model Found on the 65th floor of Shinra Bldg. Each one placed in the model of Midgar unlocks the next chest, the final of which contains Keycard 66.
Midgar parts Midgar Parts Part of the Midgar city model Found on the 65th floor of Shinra Bldg. Each one placed in the model of Midgar unlocks the next chest, the final of which contains Keycard 66.

Other key items[]

Item Image Description Obtain Purpose
Huge Materia Huge Green Materia Materia you get at the Corel Reactor Obtained from succeeding in the Corel Reactor Huge Materia mission, or from succeeding in the Rocket Huge Materia mission after failing the Corel Reactor Huge Materia mission. Must be touched in Cosmo Canyon with mastered Ice, Fire, Lightning, Restore, Poison, Earth, Heal, Revive, Seal, Transform, Mystify, Time, Gravity, Barrier, Exit, Comet, Destruct, Contain, Full Cure, Shield, and Ultima materia to obtain Master Magic.
Huge Materia Huge Yellow Materia Materia you get at the Fort Condor Reactor Obtained from succeeding in the Fort Condor Huge Materia mission, or from succeeding in the Rocket Huge Materia mission after failing the Fort Condor Huge Materia mission but succeeding in the Corel Reactor Huge Materia mission. Must be touched in Cosmo Canyon with mastered Steal, Throw, Mime, Manipulate, Morph, Deathblow, and Sense materia to obtain Master Command.
Huge Materia Huge Red Materia Materia you get at the Underwater Reactor Obtained from visiting the destroyed red submarine after succeeding in the Underwater Reactor Huge Materia mission, or from succeeding in the Rocket Huge Materia mission after failing the Underwater Reactor mission but succeeding in the Fort Condor and Corel Reactor Huge Materia missions. Must be touched in Cosmo Canyon with mastered Choco/Mog, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan, Odin, Bahamut, Leviathan, Kujata, Alexander, Neo Bahamut, Phoenix, Hades, Bahamut ZERO, Typhon, and Knights of Round materia to obtain Master Summon.
Huge Materia Huge Blue Materia Materia you get from the rocket Obtained from succeeding in the Rocket Huge Materia mission after succeeding in all prior Huge Materia missions. Must be touched in Cosmo Canyon with Bahamut and Neo Bahamut materia to obtain Bahamut ZERO.
Key to Sector 5 Key to Sector 5 Opens the gate to Sector 5 in Midgar Dug up in Bone Village after the player has obtained Highwind and Cloud has returned to the party. Allows the player access to Sector 5 and Wall Market.
Mythril Mythril Might be some help to you... Acquired from the man in the Old man's house when the last two battle digits are 11, 33, 55, 77, or 99. Can be traded at the weapon seller in the Gongaga Area for either a Gold Armlet or Aeris's Great Gospel manual.
Gold Ticket Gold Ticket Unlimited pass to the Gold Saucer Bought for 30,000 Gil at the entrance of Gold Saucer, or for 300 GP in the Wonder Square.
Leviathan Scales Leviathan Scale Scales with the power of water After defeating Carry Armor, found in a treasure chest off to the side of the submarine that the party is about to hijack. Used on Da-chao Statue in Wutai to put out fires to gain blocked-off items.
A Coupon A Coupon Can be exchanged for items Found on the 64th floor (Shinra Bldg.) Can be traded for a Star Pendant.
B Coupon B Coupon Can be exchanged for items Found on the 64th floor. (Shinra Bldg.) Can be traded for a Four Slots armor.
C Coupon C Coupon Can be exchanged for items Found on the 64th floor. (Shinra Bldg.) Can be traded for an All Materia.

Behind the scenes[]

In addition to the Mystery panties, the Letter to a Daughter, and Letter to a Wife, there are two further items that were at one point going to be included in the game. In the Item Store of Cosmo Canyon, a message exists for a case where the player obtains the item "Telpostone" (テレポストーン, Terepo Sutōn?, lit. Teleport Stone).

In the flashback to Nibelheim, seen when in Kalm during "The Tragedy of Five Years Ago", the player can go into Tifa's drawers and get a receipt message for the "Orthopedic Underwear", but this is not a key item. Also Cloud's mother would have given Cloud a "Homemade Potion!" (手づくりポーション), however, this script and item were left out of the game.

"Is that you, Cloud?"
"Here, I've brought you something!"
"Don't tell anyone in town!"
Received "Homemade Potion!"

In Mideel the player can pick up a "Beat-up Useless Old Key" which behaves as a quest key item would but has no place in the player's inventory.

The "High Blow ST" item is often considered to be a dummied item in the game due to its presence in the data in numerous areas in Nibelheim and areas relevant to the flashbacks, however, it is a second translation of the Supershot ST, and its appearance in these places was never intended. Instead the area has duplicate texts from the Ancient Forest. Interestingly, the weapon is translated as "Supershot ST" for all normal areas, but areas pertaining to the optional Zack flashback are the ones that use "High Blow ST".

A number of items do not appear in the BradyGames guide list. These are: Hourglass, Kiss of Death, Earth Mallet, Vagyrisk Claw, Lunar Curtain, Mirror, Cauldron, Gysahl Greens, Tantal Greens, Battery, Omnislash, Catastrophe, Final Heaven, Great Gospel, Cosmo Memory, All Creation, Chaos, Highwind, Masamune Blade, Combat Diary, Autograph, Gambler, Desert Rose, Earth Harp, and Guide Book.


Other appearances[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Ability Cards
Legend Cards
Impresario-ffvi-iosThis section in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Ffccrof potionThis section about an item in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.


  1. Name when received at Fort Condor
  2. Name when received at Gaea's Cliff and in Northern Cave
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Name given in the BradyGames guide
  4. Name when obtained in Wonder Square
  5. Due to how the game's steal mechanics work, it will eventually become impossible to steal the Vagyrisk Claw if the player advances too far in character levels.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Name when obtained from Battle Square
  7. Name in PlayStation version
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Name when feeding at Chocobo Farm in the PlayStation and 1998 PC releases
  9. Name when mentioned in Mideel on PlayStation
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Name when mating at Chocobo Farm
  11. Name when obtained in Nibelheim