Final Fantasy Wiki

The Allemagne, referred to as Allemange in the BradyGames guide, is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII. Its name in the English version is a mistranslation of "Ahriman". It is fought in the final dungeon.



# Formation
888 Allemagne A, Allemagne B (Attack from both sides)
889 Allemagne
893 Allemagne
895 Allemagne (Back Attack)
902 Allemagne


Northern Cave
Vertical Fork 893, 895 (Back Attack)
Water Crossing 888 (Attack from both sides), 889
Water Path 888 (Attack from both sides), 889
Light Cavity 893, 895 (Back Attack)
Rocky Descent 893, 895 (Back Attack)
Above Mako Stream 893, 895 (Back Attack)
Mako Stream 893, 895 (Back Attack)
Floating Platforms 902 (event)


L4 Death

L4 Death.

Allemagne uses the powerful L4 Death and L3 Flare as counter attacks if the player attacks it with magic; if the player has a party of level 99 characters, the latter may spell certain death. Allemagne uses both once per battle. It mostly uses physical attacks and may use its claw attack twice in one turn. Its Teardrop does minor non-elemental damage and always inflicts Sadness, and its Big Breath does non-elemental damage to one party member. Allemagne has low HP and the party can kill it in a few turns.

If an Allemagne defeats itself via L4 Death in a pincer formation (achieved via manipulating it), its battle model remains on-screen even if it has been defeated. This is a cosmetic glitch and does not affect gameplay.


Allemagne's level is a multiple of both 4 and 3, and thus it is possible to manipulate it into using L4 Death or L3 Flare on itself, or cast L4 Suicide on it.

AI script[]

AI: Setup {

Count = Rnd(0..2)
SpclChance = 5

} AI: Main {

If (Count < 2) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Claw> on Target
If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Claw> on Target
Count = Count + 1
} Else {
If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use Big Breath on Target
} Else {
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Claw> on Target
Count = 0

} AI: Counter - General {

If (Allemagne's HP <= 25% of Allemagne's Max HP) Then
SpclChance = 2
} Else If (Allemagne's HP <= 50% of Allemagne's Max HP) Then {
SpclChance = 3
} Else If (Allemagne's HP <= 75% of Allemagne's Max HP) Then {
SpclChance = 4
} Else {
SpclChance = 5

} AI: Counter - Physical {

If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Allemagne's Last Attacker (Physical)
Use Teardrop on Target

} AI: Counter - Magical {

If ((Allemagne's MP >= 20) AND (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1)
AND (TempVar:L3Flare == 0)) Then
Choose All Opponents
Use L3 Flare on Target
TempVar:L3Flare = 1
} Else If ((Allemagne's MP >= 20) AND (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1)
AND (TempVar:L4Death == 0)) Then {
Choose All Opponents
Use L4 Death on Target
TempVar:L4Death = 1


Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]


The Ahriman appears in some Final Fantasy VII dungeons. It can cast Flare and is weak to wind-elemental damage, but immune to earth-elemental damage.



Angra Mainyu in the Avestan language and Ahriman in Middle Persian is the Zoroastrian idea of the devil, meaning "destructive spirit".

"Allemagne" is the French term for "Germany"; in Final Fantasy VII its use is a mistranslation of Ahriman.
