Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


The characters shown here are grouped by their initial location. Only locations with at least two named characters have their own section. Characters in other locations can be found in the "Miscellaneous locations" section. In total there are 319 different characters in the main game.

DeadCharacter starts game dead.
SpawnedCharacter only appears under certain conditions or as part of a quest.
EssentialCharacter is Essential.
Can be enslavedCharacter can be enslaved with the Mesmetron.
DoctorCharacter provides doctor services, i.e. healing, cleansing radiation and curing addictions.
MerchantCharacter can be traded with.
RepairCharacter can repair equipment.
CompanionCharacter can be a companion.

Player character[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Lone Wanderer 00000007 00000014 player Capital Wasteland

Base game[]

Anchorage Memorial[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Mercenary (Anchorage Memorial) Yes 000AA849 000A7987 AWMLoot1ArmorMale Anchorage Memorial interior
Ted Yes 000A873E 000A7983 AWMTed Anchorage Memorial interior


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bill Wilson BillWilson.txt 00029AA4 00093EDC BillWilson The Wilson's house
Jack Smith JackSmith.txt 00029AA1 0002DCA3 JackSmith The Smith's house
Jenny Wilson JennyWilson.txt Yes 00029AA6 0002DC70 JennyWilson The Wilson's house, Old Man Harris' house
Junior Smith JuniorSmith.txt Yes 00029AA3 0002DCA1 JuniorSmith The Smith's house, Old Man Harris' house
Linda Smith LindaSmith.txt 00029AA2 0002DCA4 LindaSmith The Smith's house
Martha Wilson MarthaWilson.txt 00029AA5 0002DC74 MarthaWilson The Wilson's house
Old Man Harris OldManHarris.txt 00029AA9 0002DC3A OldManHarris Old Man Harris' house


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Brailee Ewers BraileeEwers.txt 0001D711 0001D713 BraileeEwers Ewer residence
Davis West Yes 000384AD 000384AE MS09DavisWest West residence
Evan King EvanKing.txt 0001D5F6 0001D70F EvanKing Watchpost
Karen Schenzy KarenSchenzy.txt 0001D714 0001CFAE KarenSchenzy Schenzy residence
Ken Ewers KenEwers.txt Yes 0001D710 0001D712 KenEwers Ewer residence
Matilda West Yes 000384AF 000384B0 MS09MatildaWest West residence

Big Town[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bittercup Bittercup.txt 0002796A 00027F12 Buttercup Big Town
Dusty BigtownSentry.txt 000288BC 00028A59 BigtownSentry Big Town Watchpost
Flash Flash.txt Yes 0002796B 0002802A Flash Big Town
Kimba Kimba.txt Yes 0002AB94 00027F3D Kimba Big Town
Pappy Pappy.txt Yes Yes 0002796C 00027FAA Pappy Big Town
Red Red.txt Yes Yes Yes 00025251 00025252 Red Germantown Police HQ, Red's clinic
Shorty Shorty.txt Yes 0002AB95 00028029 Shorty Germantown Police HQ, Big Town
Timebomb Timebomb.txt Yes 0002805A 0002805B Timebomb Red's clinic

Canterbury Commons[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Derek Pacion DerekPacion.txt Yes 00031EC7 00036F74 DerekPacion Canterbury Commons
Dominic D'Ellsadro DominicDEllsadro.txt 00031EC6 00036F71 DominicDEllsadro Dominic and Machete's house
Joe Porter JoePorter.txt Yes 00031ECA 00036F7D JoePorter Dot's Diner
Machete Machete.txt 00031EC8 00036F72 Machete Dominic and Machete's house
The AntAgonizer AntAgonizer.txt 00036C1C 00037225 AntAgonizer Canterbury Commons's entrance, AntAgonizer's lair, random encounter*
The Mechanist Mechanist.txt 00036C1B 00037224 Mechanist Town Entrance, Robot repair center
Uncle Roe UncleRoe.txt Yes 00031EC9 00036F73 UncleRoe Uncle Roe's house
* AntAgonizer will only appear as a random encounter if the Superhuman Gambit is completed in her favor.

Chevy Chase[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Initiate Jennings Yes 0001F355 00020AEF MQ01JenningsDead GNR building plaza
Initiate Reddin Yes 0001D42F 0001D42E MQ01Reddin GNR building plaza
Knight Captain Colvin MQ01Colvin.txt Yes 0001D432 0001D431 MQ01Colvin GNR building plaza, Citadel
Paladin Vargas MQ01Vargas.txt Yes 0001D44E 0001D42D MQ01Vargas GNR building plaza, Citadel
Sentinel Lyons MQ01SarahLyons.txt Yes Yes 0001D430 0001D44F MQ01SarahLyons GNR building plaza, Citadel


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Elder Lyons ElderLyons.txt Yes 000156E4 000210E6 ElderLyons Citadel
Knight Artemis KnightArtemis.txt 0001937D 000210D1 KnightArtemis Citadel
Knight Captain Durga KnightSergeantDurga.txt Yes Yes 0001E71A 0001E71C KnightSergeantDurga Citadel armory
Knight Captain Dusk KnightCaptainDusk.txt 000156E7 000210EB KnightCaptainDusk Citadel A ring
Knight Captain Gallows KnightCaptainGallows.txt Yes 000156E8 000210EC KnightCaptainGallows Citadel A ring
Paladin Bael PaladinBael.txt 000B875B 0008DE18 PaladinBael Citadel gate
Paladin Glade PaladinGlade.txt 000156E9 000210E9 PaladinGlade Citadel A ring
Paladin Gunny PaladinGunny.txt 00026C57 00026C58 PaladinGunny Citadel bailey
Paladin Kodiak PaladinKodiak.txt 000156E6 000210EA PaladinKodiak Citadel A ring
Sawbones Sawbones.txt Yes 0002131F 00021320 Sawbones Citadel B ring
Scribe Bowditch ScribeBowditch.txt Yes 000156EC 000210E4 ScribeBowditch Citadel laboratory
Scribe Jameson ScribeJameson.txt 00025FD0 00025FD1 ScribeJameson Citadel A ring
Scribe Peabody ScribePeabody.txt Yes 000156ED 000210E5 ScribePeabody Citadel laboratory
Scribe Rothchild ScribeRothchild.txt 000156EA 0001F0C7 ScribeRothchild Citadel laboratory
Squire Maxson SquireMaxson.txt Yes 000156E2 000210E7 SquireMaxson Citadel B ring
Star Paladin Cross StarPaladinCross.txt Yes 000156E5 00062735 StarPaladinCross Citadel laboratory

Dukov's Place[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Cherry Cherry.txt Yes 0002AE21 0002AE22 Cherry Dukov's Place
Dukov Dukov.txt 0002AE1E 0002AE1F Dukov Dukov's Place
Fantasia Fantasia.txt Yes 0002AE20 0002AE23 Fantasia Dukov's Place

Evergreen Mills[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Madame Yes 000AD827 000AD820 EMillsBazMadameBrothel Evergreen Mills bazaar
Northern shack raider Yes 0001B1B5 0001B1B7 EvergreenMillsRaiderBoss02 Northern shack
Northern shack raider's partner Yes 0001B1BB 0001B1BD EvergreenMillsRaiderBoss02Partner Northern shack
Smiling Jack SmilingJack.txt Yes Yes 000824AB 000824AD SmilingJack Evergreen Mills bazaar
Southern shack raider Yes 0002E8FE 0002E919 EvergreenMillsRaiderBoss01 Southern shack

Falls Church[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Initiate Pek FFDCFallsChurchBoSLostInititate.txt Yes 00019938 0001993B FFDCFallsChurchBoSLostInititate Office building (Falls Church south)
Paladin Hoss FFDCFallsChurchBoSLeader01.txt 00015502 00015501 FFDCFallsChurchBoSLeader01 Falls Church

Fort Independence[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Defender Morgan DefenderMorgan.txt 00043DEB 00043DEE DefenderMorgan Outside Fort Independence
Defender Rockfowl DefenderRockfowl.txt 00043DEC 00043DEF DefenderRockfowl Outside Fort Independence
Protector Casdin ProtectorCasdin.txt 00040C39 00042196 ProtectorCasdin Outside Fort Independence

Galaxy News Radio[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Brotherhood of Steel GNR commander MQ01BoSGNNBattleCommander.txt Yes 0002029B 0002029C MQ01BoSGNNBattleCommander GNR building plaza
Knight Dillon GNRKnightDillon.txt 00025955 00025956 GNRKnightDillon GNR building plaza
Knight Finley GNRKnightFinley.txt 00025954 00025957 GNRKnightFinley GNR building
Knight Sergeant Wilks GNRKnightSergeantWilks.txt 00025953 00025958 GNRKnightSergeantWilks GNR building
Three Dog ThreeDog.txt 0002248B 00023943 ThreeDog GNR building


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Ronald Laren RonaldLaren.txt 000388E1 000388E2 RonaldLaren Ronald Laren's home
Sierra Petrovita SierraPetrovita.txt 000388DF 000388E0 SierraPetrovita Sierra Petrovita's home


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bryan Wilks BryanWilks.txt Yes Yes 000307C7 00033096 BryanWilks Super-Duper Mart, Grayditch
Doctor Lesko DoctorLesko.txt 000307C8 000393EB DoctorLesko Marigold station
Fred Wilks Yes 0003197A 000393EA FredWilks Wilks' house
Lug-Nut LugNut.txt Yes Yes 000388E3 000C8E23 LugNut Marigold station
William Brandice Yes 0007086E 00070870 WilliamBrandiceCorpse Marigold station

Jefferson Memorial[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alex Dargon ProjectPurityAlexDargon.txt Yes 0001CCA3 0001CCAB ProjectPurityAlexDargon Jefferson Memorial, Citadel
Catherine CG00Mom.txt 0005EDDF 0005EDE0 CG00Mom Jefferson Memorial, Beginning of the game
Daniel Agincourt ProjectPurityDanielAgincourt.txt Yes 0001CCA1 0001CCBA ProjectPurityDanielAgincourt Jefferson Memorial, Citadel

Jury Street Metro station[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Prime Yes Yes 000C77F0 000C77F1 MG02Prime In Dot's Diner
Pumpkin 000C79DE 000ABC48 LDJuryBossPet Jury St. tunnels
Ryan Brigg 000ABD05 000ABD04 LDJuryRaiderBoss Jury St. tunnels

Lincoln Memorial[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Leroy Walker LeroyWalker.txt 000239CE 00027FBA LeroyWalker Lincoln Memorial's maintenance room
Silas MS06Slaver01.txt 00027FAF 00027FBB MS06Slaver01TEMPLATE Lincoln Memorial

Little Lamplight[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Biwwy Biwwy.txt Yes 00061794 00061799 Biwwy Little Lamplight
Bumble Bumble.txt Yes Yes 00015699 00036FEE Bumble Little Lamplight schoolhouse
Child slaver LLSlaver.txt 00062AB2 00062AB3 LLSlaver Outside Little Lamplight
Eclair Eclair.txt Yes Yes 00015682 0002E4B8 Eclair Spelunkers, Little Lamplight
Joseph Joseph.txt Yes 0001568D 00003A13 Joseph Little Lamplight schoolhouse, Great Chamber
Knick Knack KnickKnack.txt Yes Yes 00015692 00025FFF KnickKnack Souvenir shop
Knock Knock KnockKnock.txt Yes 00015693 00036FE1 KnockKnock Little Lamplight
Lucy Lucy.txt Yes Yes 00015696 00025248 Lucy Little Lamplight
Mayor MacCready MayorMacCready.txt Yes 000156AC 0000313B MayorMacCready Little Lamplight
Princess Princess.txt Yes 00015685 000185D5 Princess Little Lamplight
Sticky Sticky.txt 000295EB 000295EE Sticky Little Lamplight, Big Town
Zip Zip.txt Yes 000179D6 00036FE6 Zip Little Lamplight


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Andy Stahl AndyStahl.txt 00000A6C 00003B55 AndyStahl The Brass Lantern
Billy Creel BillyCreel.txt 00000A65 00003B5A BillyCreel Billy Creel's house
Colin Moriarty ColinMoriarty.txt 00000A61 00003B3C ColinMoriarty Moriarty's Saloon
Confessor Cromwell ConfessorCromwell.txt 00000A6F 00003B48 ConfessorCromwell Near the atomic bomb
Deputy Weld DeputyWeld.txt 0001FB39 0001FB3A DeputyWeld Megaton entrance, outside
Deputy Steel DeputySteel.txt 0001D76F 00044CCC DeputySteel Megaton armory
Doc Church DocChurch.txt Yes Yes 00000A6E 00003B56 DocChurch Megaton clinic
Gob Gob.txt Yes 00000A62 00003B3D Gob Moriarty's Saloon
Harden Simms HardenSimms.txt Yes 00000A73 00003B45 HardenSimms Megaton, Lucas Simms' house
Jenny Stahl JennyStahl.txt Yes 00000A6D 00003B53 JennyStahl The Brass Lantern
Jericho Jericho.txt Yes 00000A71 00003B5D Jericho Jericho's house
Leo Stahl LeoStahl.txt 00000A6B 0003BB54 LeoStahl Water processing plant, The Brass Lantern
Lucas Simms LucasSimms.txt 00000A60 00003B46 LucasSimms Megaton, Lucas Simms' house
Lucy West LucyWest.txt 00000A69 00003B5B LucyWest Moriarty's Saloon, Lucy West's house
Maggie Maggie.txt Yes 00000A66 00003B5C Maggie Megaton, Billy Creel's house
Manya Vargas Manya.txt 00000A68 00003B58 Manya Nathan and Manya's house
Micky WaterBeggar.txt 000C6E90 000C6E91 WaterBeggar01 Outside Megaton
Moira Brown MoiraBrown.txt Yes Yes 0002D3C0 0002D2BC MoiraBrown Craterside Supply
Mother Maya MotherMaya.txt 00000A70 00003B49 MotherMaya Church of the Children of Atom
Nathan Vargas Nathan.txt 00000A67 00003B57 Nathan Megaton, Nathan and Manya's house
Nova Nova.txt 00000A63 00003B3F Nova Moriarty's Saloon
Stockholm Stockholm.txt 00003B1C 00003B26 Stockholm Above the entrance
Wadsworth HD00MrHandyWadsworth.txt 0007F477 0007C130 HD00MrHandyWadsworth My Megaton house
Walter Walter.txt 00000A64 00003B59 Walter Water processing plant

Meresti Metro Station[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alan TheFamilyAlan.txt 000200BE 000200BF TheFamilyAlan Meresti Metro station, Abandoned residence
Brianna TheFamilyBrianna.txt 000200BB 000200BC TheFamilyBrianna Meresti Metro station
Holly TheFamilyHolly.txt 00019420 000200CC TheFamilyHolly Meresti Metro station
Ian West IanWest.txt 0001D5F5 0001941E IanWest Meresti Metro station, Arefu
Justin TheFamilyJustin.txt 000200C9 000200CA TheFamilyJustin Meresti Metro station
Karl TheFamilyKarl.txt Yes 000200C4 000200C5 TheFamilyKarl Meresti Metro station
Robert TheFamilyRobert.txt 000200CD 00020F5C TheFamilyRobert Meresti service tunnel
Vance TheFamilyVance.txt 0001D5F7 0001941D TheFamilyVance Meresti Metro station

Northwest Seneca Station[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Barrett Barrett.txt 000C9CF9 000C9CFA Barrett Northwest Seneca Station
Murphy Murphy.txt Yes 000C9CEF 000C9CF0 Murphy Northwest Seneca Station


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bloomseer Poplar OasisBloomseerPoplar.txt 0002A278 0002A2B8 OasisBloomseerPoplar Oasis
Bob Oasis
Branchtender Cypress OasisBranchtenderCypress.txt 0002A279 0002A2BD OasisBranchtenderCypress Oasis
Branchtender Linden OasisBranchtenderLinden.txt 0002A27A 0002A2BE OasisBranchtenderLinden Oasis
Branchtender Maple OasisBranchtenderMaple.txt 0002A27F 0002A2C1 OasisBranchtenderMaple Oasis
Harold Harold.txt 0003034E 00031497 Harold Oasis
Leaf Mother Laurel OasisLeafMotherLaurel.txt 0002A276 0002A2C3 OasisLeafMotherLaurel Oasis
Sapling Yew OasisSaplingYew.txt Yes 0002AEFF 0002AF00 OasisSaplingYew Oasis
Tree Father Birch OasisTreeFatherBirch.txt 0002A275 0002A2C5 OasisTreeFatherBirch Oasis

Paradise Falls[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bleak Bleak.txt 0001569D 00030D12 Bleak Slave house, Paradise Falls
Breadbox Breadbox.txt 0001569A 00030D0F Breadbox Slave house
Bronson Bronson.txt 0001569B 00030D10 Bronson Slave house
Carolina Red CarolinaRed.txt 000384D4 000384D7 CarolinaRed Slaver barracks, Paradise Falls
Carter Carter.txt 00030D82 00031860 Carter Slave house
Clover Clover.txt Yes 000156A2 000384D8 Clover Eulogy's pad
Crimson Crimson.txt 000156A1 00034226 Crimson Eulogy's pad
Doc Cutter Cutter.txt Yes Yes 000156A3 0002524D Cutter Cutter's clinic
Eulogy Jones EulogyJones.txt 0001569F 00026010 EulogyJones Eulogy's pad
Forty Forty.txt 000156A0 00030D0A Forty Paradise Falls
Frank ParadiseFallsBarTender.txt 00066E68 00066E6F ParadiseFallsBarTender Paradise Falls
Grouse Grouse.txt 00015698 00033174 Grouse Paradise Falls entrance
Jotun Jotun.txt 000384D5 000384D9 Jotun Paradise Falls
Miss Jeanette MissJeanette.txt 0001569C 00030D11 MissJeanette Slave house
Penny Penny.txt 00015691 00030D0D Penny Child slave house
Pronto Pronto.txt Yes Yes 000156A4 00030D13 Pronto Lock and Load
Richter Richter.txt 00015697 00026013 Richter Paradise Falls entrance
Rory Maclaren RoryMaclaren.txt 0001569E 00030D0E RoryMaclaren Paradise Falls box
Sammy Sammy.txt 00015684 00030D0C Sammy Child slave house
Squirrel Squirrel.txt 00015686 00030D0B Squirrel Child slave house
Ymir Ymir.txt 000384D6 000384DA Ymir Paradise Falls

Raven Rock[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Colonel Autumn ColonelAutumn.txt 00019A1F 0001B52C ColonelAutumn Raven Rock
John Henry Eden PresidentEden.txt 0007DDCE 00095986 PresidentEden Raven Rock
Lieutenant Williams MQ09EnclaveOfficer.txt 00039634 00039635 MQ09EnclaveOfficer Raven Rock

Red Racer Factory[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Centre Dubois SDODubois.txt Yes 000CADC3 000CADDC SDODubois Outside Red Racer factory
Goalie Ledoux SDOLedoux.txt Yes 000CADC2 000CADDE SDOLedoux Outside Red Racer factory
Stefan 0006C48F 0005318F redRacerMonster Red Racer factory, CEO Offices
The Surgeon 0006C48D 0006C48E RedRacerDoctor Red Racer factory, CEO Offices
Winger Gervais SDOGervais.txt Yes 000CADC5 000CADDD SDOGervais Outside Red Racer factory

Republic of Dave[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bob Bob.txt 0002B898 0002B8A6 Bob Republic of Dave
Dave Dave.txt 00029A98 0002B89E Dave Republic of Dave capitol building
Flower Flower.txt Yes 0002B89C 0002B8A3 Flower Republic of Dave
Jessica Jessica.txt 0002B896 0002B89F Jessica Republic of Dave capitol building
Mary Mary.txt Yes 0002B89A 0002B8A2 Mary Republic of Dave
Rachael Rachael.txt Yes 0002B89B 0002B8A4 Rachael Republic of Dave
Ralph Ralph.txt Yes 0002B89D 0002B8A5 Ralph Republic of Dave
Rosie Rosie.txt 000309C5 000309C7 Rosie Republic of Dave capitol building
Shawna Shawna.txt Yes 0002C884 0002C885 Shawna Museum of Dave

Rivet City[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Abraham Washington AbrahamWashington.txt 000156CF 0001E769 AbrahamWashington Capitol Preservation Society
Angela Staley AngelaStaley.txt Yes Yes 000156BD 0001E74F AngelaStaley Gary's Galley, Rivet City market
Anna Holt AnnaHolt.txt 00038DF5 00038DF6 AnnaHolt Rivet City science lab
Armitage Armitage.txt 0001E7AE 0001E7AF Armitage Rivet City science lab
Bannon Bannon.txt Yes Yes 000156B5 0001E74B Bannon Potomac Attire, Rivet City market
Belle Bonny BelleBonny.txt Yes 000156C1 0001E75B BelleBonny The Muddy Rudder
Brock Brock.txt Yes 000156C2 0001E75C Brock The Muddy Rudder
C.J. Young CJYoung.txt Yes 000156C6 0001E762 CJYoung Rivet City
Carlos WaterBeggar.txt 000C6E95 000C6E96 WaterBeggar02 Outside town
Christie Young ChristieYoung.txt Yes 000156C8 0001E763 ChristieYoung Rivet City
Cindy Cantelli CindyCantelli.txt Yes 000156B7 0001E74D CindyCantelli A Quick Fix, Rivet City market
Diego Diego.txt Yes 000156CE 0001E768 Diego Saint Monica's Church
Doctor Li DoctorLi.txt Yes 000156CC 00019FC5 DoctorLi Rivet City science lab
Doctor Preston DoctorPreston.txt Yes Yes 000156D0 0001E76A DoctorPreston Rivet City clinic
Dr. Zimmer Zimmer.txt 000156B9 0001E753 Zimmer Rivet City science lab
Father Clifford FatherClifford.txt 000156CD 0001E767 FatherClifford Saint Monica's Church
Flak Flak.txt Yes Yes 000156B3 0001E749 Flak Flak 'N Shrapnel's, Rivet City market
Gary Staley GaryStaley.txt Yes 000156BC 0001E74E GaryStaley Gary's Galley, Rivet City market
Garza Garza.txt 0001D036 0001E764 Garza Rivet City science lab
Harkness Harkness.txt Yes 000156AA 0001DB54 Harkness Rivet City
Henry Young HenryYoung.txt Yes 000156C7 0001E761 HenryYoung Rivet City
James Hargrave JamesHargrave.txt Yes 000156C4 0001E75E JamesHargrave Rivet City
Janice Kaplinski JaniceKaplinski.txt 000156CB 00019FC6 JaniceKaplinski Rivet City science lab
Lana Danvers Danvers.txt Yes 000156AD 0001E748 Danvers Bridge tower
Mei Wong MeiWong.txt Yes 000156BF 0001E758 MeiWong Rivet City
Mister Buckingham RCMisterBuckingham.txt Yes 0001E746 0001E752 RCMisterBuckingham Weatherly Hotel
Mister Lopez MisterLopez.txt Yes 0001E759 0001E75A MisterLopez Rivet City
Paulie Cantelli PaulieCantelli.txt Yes 000156B6 0001E74C PaulieCantelli A Quick Fix, Rivet City market
Pinkerton Pinkerton.txt 000156CA 0006A178 Pinkerton Rivet City bow
Private Jones RCPrivateJones.txt 0001E747 0001E760 RCPrivateJones Bridge tower
Seagrave Holmes SeagraveHolmes.txt Yes 000156BB 0001E750 SeagraveHolmes Rivet City Supply, Rivet City market
Shrapnel Shrapnel.txt Yes Yes Yes 000156B4 0001E74A Shrapnel Flak 'N Shrapnel's, Rivet City market
Sister Sister.txt 0001E745 0001E756 Sister Rivet City
Tammy Hargrave TammyHargrave.txt Yes 000156C5 000278AA TammyHargrave The Muddy Rudder
Ted Strayer TedStrayer.txt 000156BE 0001E757 TedStrayer Rivet City
Trinnie Trinnie.txt Yes 000156C3 0001E75D Trinnie Rivet City
Vera Weatherly VeraWeatherly.txt 000156B8 0001E751 VeraWeatherly Weatherly Hotel
Victoria Watts VictoriaWatts.txt 000C7FAF 000C81F2 VictoriaWatts Rivet City

RobCo Facility[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Sergeant RL-3 RL3Follower.txt Yes 0009426E 00094285 RL3Follower Outside
Tinker Joe FFER54NPC1.txt Yes 00036F86 00036F8D FFER54NPC1 Outside

SatCom Array NW-05a[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Wastelander 00088588 00088652 SatCom01MadScientist Inside
Talon Company boss 0003D9C8 000838AB LvlTalonCompanySpecial Outside


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Daniel Littlehorn DanielLittlehorn.txt Yes Yes 0006F1F2 0006F1F3 DanielLittlehorn Scrapyard office
Dogmeat Yes 0006A772 0006A775 FFEU255Dogmeat


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Silver MQ01Silver.txt 0009EA79 0009EA7A MQ01Silver Small ranch
Raider miniboss (Springvale school) Yes 00088327 00059A7A SpringvaleElemMiniBoss Springvale school library
Raider leader (Springvale school) Yes 00088325 00059A7C SpringvaleElemBoss Springvale school

Statesman Hotel[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Brick RRBrick.txt 00029576 0002B831 RRBrick Statesman Hotel roof, Ranger Compound
Butcher RRButcher.txt Yes 00029578 0002B832 RRButcher Statesman Hotel roof, Ranger Compound
Donovan RRDonovan.txt Yes 00029577 0002B833 RRDonovan Statesman Hotel roof, Ranger Compound
Theo Yes 00029579 0002A32E RRTheo Statesman Hotel Mid Level

Takoma Park[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Isabella Proud Yes 000C9AE1 000C9AE4 DEADTakomaParkScientist02 Hidden irradiated pool
Jason Yes 000C9AE0 000C9AE3 DEADTakomaParkScientist01 Hidden irradiated pool
Samuel Yes 000CAADA 000C739D SamuelFeralGhoulGlowingOne Hidden irradiated pool

Temple of the Union[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alejandra Torres AlejandraTorres.txt Yes 000239D1 000239DA AlejandraTorres Temple of the Union, Lincoln Memorial
Bill Seward BillSeward.txt Yes 000239D2 000239DC BillSeward Temple of the Union, Lincoln Memorial
Caleb Smith CalebSmith.txt 000239CF 000278E0 CalebSmith Temple of the Union, Lincoln Memorial
Four Score 00027FA7 00027FA8 MS06TempleDog Temple of the Union, Lincoln Memorial
Hannibal Hamlin HannibalHamlin.txt 000239CD 000239DD HannibalHamlin Temple of the Union, Lincoln Memorial
Simone Cameron SimoneCameron.txt Yes 000239D0 000239DB SimoneCameron Temple of the Union, Lincoln Memorial

Tenpenny Tower[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Allistair Tenpenny AllistairTenpenny.txt 000156E0 00017A0D AllistairTenpenny Tenpenny Tower
Anthony Ling AnthonyLing.txt Yes 000156DB 00017A04 AnthonyLing Tenpenny Tower
Chief Gustavo ChiefGustavo.txt Yes 0005C341 00020680 ChiefGustavo Tenpenny Tower
Doctor Banfield DoctorBanfield.txt Yes Yes 000156D9 00017A06 DoctorBanfield Wellness center
Edgar Wellington II EdgarWellingtonII.txt 000156D7 00017A0F EdgarWellingtonII Tenpenny Tower
Godfrey HD00MrHandyGodfrey.txt 0007F476 0008F674 HD00MrHandyGodfrey Tenpenny Tower suite
Herbert "Daring" Dashwood HerbertDashwood.txt 000156DF 00017A11 HerbertDashwood Tenpenny Tower
Irving Cheng IrvingCheng.txt 000156DC 00017A0B IrvingCheng Tenpenny Tower
Lydia Montenegro LydiaMontenegro.txt Yes 000156DA 00017A05 LydiaMontenegro Tenpenny Tower
Margaret Primrose MargaretPrimrose.txt Yes 000179EC 00017A07 MargaretPrimrose Café Beau Monde
Michael Hawthorne MichaelHawthorne.txt 000156D6 00017A12 MichaelHawthorne Federalist Lounge
Millicent Wellington MillicentWellington.txt 000156D8 00017A0E MillicentWellington Tenpenny Tower
Mister Burke MisterBurke.txt 00000A6A 00014F77 MisterBurke Moriarty's Saloon, Megaton
Shakes Shakes.txt Yes 00017A03 00017A0A Shakes Federalist Lounge
Susan Lancaster SusanLancaster.txt Yes 000156DE 00017A10 SusanLancaster Tenpenny Tower
Tiffany Cheng TiffanyCheng.txt 000156DD 00017A0C TiffanyCheng Tenpenny Tower
Willy WaterBeggar.txt 000C6E97 000C6E9B WaterBeggar03 Outside town

Tranquility Lane (Vault 112)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bill Foster BillFoster.txt 00095B48 00095B4A BillFoster Tranquility Lane simulation
James (dog) MQ04Doc.txt Yes 0004E79C 0006023C MQ04Doc Town park
George Neusbaum GeorgeNeusbaum.txt 0002449D 00025091 GeorgeNeusbaum Neusbaum residence
James Yes 00019CEF 00019D09 MQDad Vault 112, Jefferson Memorial
Janet Rockwell JanetRockwell.txt 0002449F 00025095 JanetRockwell Rockwell residence
Mabel Henderson MabelHenderson.txt 000244A3 00025090 MabelHenderson Henderson residence
Martha Simpson MarthaSimpson.txt 000244A1 00025097 MarthaSimpson Simpson residence
Old Lady Dithers OldLadyDithers.txt 000244A2 0002508F OldLadyDithers Dithers residence
Pat Neusbaum PatNeusbaum.txt 0002449E 00025092 PatNeusbaum Neusbaum residence
Roger Rockwell RogerRockwell.txt 000244A0 00025096 RogerRockwell Rockwell residence
Stanislaus Braun Betty.txt Yes 0002449C 000BD694 Betty Town park
Timmy Neusbaum TimmyNeusbaum.txt Yes 00025093 00025094 TimmyNeusbaum Neusbaum residence


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Ahzrukhal Ahzrukhal.txt Yes 000156F7 0002B8E2 Ahzrukhal The Ninth Circle
Carol Carol.txt 000156F2 0002B8DD Carol Carol's Place
Cerberus Cerberus.txt 0002E8EA 0002B8EB Cerberus Underworld
Charon Charon.txt Yes 000156F6 0002B8E1 Charon The Ninth Circle
Doctor Barrows DoctorBarrows.txt Yes Yes 000156F0 0002524E DoctorBarrows The Chop Shop
Ethyl 000300A2 00095EB7 Ethyl The Chop Shop
Greta Greta.txt Yes 000156F3 0002B8DE Greta Carol's Place
Meat 000300A3 00095EB8 Meat The Chop Shop
Mister Crowley MisterCrowley.txt 000156F5 0002B8E0 MisterCrowley The Ninth Circle, Carol's Place
Moira Brown * MoiraBrown.txt Yes Yes 0002D3C0 0002D2BC MoiraBrown Underworld
Nurse Graves NurseGraves.txt 0002A9FF 0002AA00 NurseGraves The Chop Shop
Patchwork Patchwork.txt 000156EF 0002B8E9 Patchwork Underworld
Quinn Quinn.txt 000156F4 0002B8DF Quinn Underworld
Reilly RRReilly.txt 000156F1 0002A9FC RRReily The Chop Shop, Ranger compound
Snowflake Snowflake.txt 00054E91 00054E92 Snowflake Underworld
Tulip Tulip.txt Yes 000156F8 000B7622 Tulip Underworld Outfitters
Willow Willow.txt 000C4F40 000C4F42 Willow Outside on The Mall
Winthrop Winthrop.txt Yes 000156EE 00026004 Winthrop Underworld

* Moira Brown will only be in Underworld if the player decides to blow up Megaton as part of the quest The Power of the Atom.

Vault 101[]

Many Vault 101 characters have multiple base and ref IDs because they have different models, one for each segment of the tutorial levels (e.g., when your character is 10 years old, 16 and 19) as well as the return to the vault for a later quest. For this reason Vault 101 has been split into three sections. In addition while many Vault 101 security guards are named in-game, behind the scenes they are just generically labelled. Collectively this means many Form IDs for characters in this section may be incorrect or missing.

(Baby Steps / Growing Up Fast)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Amata CG02Amata.txt Yes 000300E9 000300F2 CG02Amata Vault 101
Andy CG02Andy.txt Yes 00074163 0007546A CG02Andy Vault 101
Beatrice Armstrong CG02Beatrice.txt Yes 000309AD 000309AC CG02Beatrice Vault 101
Butch CG02Butch.txt Yes Yes 00027F65 000300F3 CG02Butch Vault 101
James CG01Dad.txt Yes 0002EA46 00019D09 CG01Dad Vault 101
James CG02Dad.txt Yes 0002FDCF 000290A7 CG02Dad Vault 101
Jonas Palmer CG02Jonas.txt Yes 000300E7 000300E8 CG02Jonas Vault 101
Officer Gomez CG02Vault101Security04.txt Yes 000309AE 000309AF CG02Vault101Security04 Vault 101
Officer Kendall CG02Vault101Security02.txt Yes 0009B171 0009B177 CG02Vault101Security02 Vault 101
Old Lady Palmer CG02OldLadyPalmer.txt Yes 000309A7 000309A8 CG02OldLadyPalmer Vault 101
Paul Hannon Jr. CG02PaulHannon.txt Yes 000300EB 000300F4 CG02PaulHannon Vault 101
Stanley Armstrong CG02Stanley.txt Yes 00031648 00031649 CG02Stanley Vault 101
The Overseer CG02Overseer.txt Yes 000300F0 000300F1 CG02Overseer Vault 101
Wally Mack CG02WallyMack.txt Yes 000300EC 000300F5 CG02WallyMack Vault 101

(Future Imperfect / Escape!)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Allen Mack CG04AllenMack.txt 000569B1 000569B4 CG04VaultSecurity03 Vault 101
Amata CG03Amata.txt Yes 0001CE24 0001CE25 CG03Amata Vault 101
Amata CG04Amata.txt Yes 000230DD 000230E4 CG04Amata Vault 101
Butch CG03Butch.txt, CG04Butch.txt 00027F65 000230E3 CG03Butch, CG04Butch Vault 101
Christine Kendall CG03ChristineKendall.txt Yes 00034202 0002B795 CG03ChristineKendall Vault 101
Ellen DeLoria CG04EllenDeLoria.txt 000230DF 000230E2 CG04EllenDeLoria Vault 101
Floyd Lewis Yes 00054433 00054432 CG04DeadWorker Vault 101
Freddie Gomez CG03FreddieGomez.txt 0004E896 0002907C CG03FreddieGomez Vault 101
Grandma Taylor Yes 00054397 00054398 CG04DeadOldLady Vault 101
James CG03Dad.txt Yes 0001CE38 0006A25B CG03Dad Vault 101
Jonas Palmer CG03Jonas.txt Yes 0001CFBC 00099344 CG03Jonas Vault 101
Jonas Palmer CG04Jonas.txt Yes 00099343 00099344 CG04Jonas Vault 101
Mary Holden CG04MaryHolden.txt 00057507 0005750B CG04MaryHolden Vault 101
Mr. Brotch CG03MrBrotch.txt Yes 0003D347 0001CFBB CG03MrBrotch Vault 101
Officer Gomez CG04Vault101Security04.txt 00064911 00064914 CG04Vault101Security04 Vault 101
Officer Kendall CG04Vault101Security02.txt 0006490F 00064912 CG04Vault101Security02 Vault 101
Officer Mack CG04Vault101Security03.txt 00064910 00064913 CG04Vault101Security03 Vault 101
Officer O'Brian CG04Vault101Security06.txt 0007D313 0007D42C CG04Vault101Security06 Vault 101
Officer Park CG04Vault101Security07.txt 0035DAA8 00035DAA CG04Vault101Security07 Vault 101
Officer Richards CG04Vault101Security05.txt 00064915 00064916 CG04Vault101Security05 Vault 101
Officer Wolfe CG04Vault101Security08.txt 00035DA9 00035DAB CG04Vault101Security08 Vault 101
Paul Hannon Jr. CG03PaulHannon.txt Yes 0001CE28 0001CE29 CG03PaulHannon Vault 101
Security Chief Hannon Vault101Security01.txt 00027054 0006490E Vault101Security01 Vault 101
Stanley Armstrong CG03Stanley.txt Yes 0006F543 0006FFDA CG03Stanley Vault 101
Stanley Armstrong CG04Stanley.txt 0006B236 0006B23B CG04Stanley Vault 101
Susie Mack CG03SusieMack.txt Yes 0001CFDD 00034203 CG03SusieMack Vault 101
The Overseer CG04Overseer.txt 000230DA 000230E1 CG04Overseer Vault 101
Tom Holden CG04TomHolden.txt 00057508 0005750C CG04TomHolden Vault 101
Wally Mack CG03WallyMack.txt Yes 0001CE2A 0001CE2B CG03WallyMack Vault 101

(Trouble on the Homefront)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Amata Amata.txt 0002549E 000282D4 Amata
Andy MS16Andy.txt 00074163 0007546A Amata
Beatrice Armstrong Yes 0007542F 0007542A MS16Beatrice
Butch Butch.txt 00027F65 0002A4E8 Butch
Christine Kendall ChristineKendall.txt 0005157A 0002B795 ChristineKendall
Ellen DeLoria EllenDeLoria.txt 000273CB 000282D6 EllenDeLoria
Mr. Brotch MrBrotch.txt 0001CFB7 00029077 MrBrotch
Officer Armstrong* Vault101Security07.txt 000C09D5 000C09D9 Vault101Security07
Officer Gomez Vault101Security04.txt 00027057 0003A901 Vault101Security04
Officer Kendall Vault101Security02.txt 00027055 0002D4C2 Vault101Security02
Officer Mack Vault101Security03.txt 00027056 0002D4BB Vault101Security03
Officer Richards Vault101Security05.txt 0002C9F7 Cut content Vault101Security05
Officer Taylor Vault101Security08.txt 000C09E6 000C09DD Vault101Security08
Officer Wilkins Vault101Security09.txt 0006BC15 0006BC1D Vault101Security09
Old Lady Palmer OldLadyPalmer.txt 000309A6 00029076 OldLadyPalmer
Overseer Mack** AllenMack.txt 00003D46 00029079 AllenMack
Pepper Gomez PepperGomez.txt 0001D02A 0002907B PepperGomez
Security Chief Hannon Vault101Security01.txt 00027054 0002985A Vault101Security01
Stanley Armstrong Stanley.txt 0001CFD8 0001CFD9 Stanley
Susie Mack SusieMack.txt 0004E895 00042E76 SusieMack
The Overseer Overseer.txt 0002D043 0002D4BC Overseer
Wally Mack WallyMack.txt 0004E894 0002907A WallyMack

* Officer Armstrong will replace Officer Gomez if Gomez was killed during Escape!.
** Allen Mack will replace the Overseer if the original Overseer was killed during Escape!.

Vault 108[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Gary 1 LDGary.txt 0004168A 00041689 LDGary1 Cloning Lab
Gary 12 00041688 00041681 LDGary12 Cloning Lab
Gary 17 00041686 00041687 LDGary17 Cloning Lab
Gary 25 0004167A 0008D0F6 LDGary25 Cloning Lab
Gary 27 00041680 00041678 LDGary27 Living Quarters
Gary 29 0004167C 000BC118 LDGary29 Living Quarters
Gary 32 00041677 0004167B LDGary32 Living Quarters
Gary 33 0004167E 00041679 LDGary33 Living Quarters
Gary 36 0008AAAB 0008AAAA LDGary36 Cloning Lab
Gary 41 0008AABB 0008AABA LDGary41 Cloning Lab
Gary 42 Yes 0008D10D 0008D10C LDGary42 Entrance
Gary 43 00041682 00041683 LDGary43 Cloning Lab
Gary 47 00041684 00041685 LDGary47 Cloning Lab

Warrington station[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bessie Lynn * BessieLynn.txt Yes 0001DC18 0001F980 BessieLynn Warrington station, Tenpenny Tower
Michael Masters * MichaelMasters.txt Yes 0001DC19 0001F981 MichaelMasters Warrington station, Tenpenny Tower
Roy Phillips RoyPhillips.txt 0001D7B0 0001F983 RoyPhillips Warrington station, Tenpenny Tower

* Michael and Bessie will become merchants after moving into Tenpenny Tower.

Variable locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Ben Canning FFEU01NPC1.txt Yes 00031E28 00031E2F FFEU01NPC1 Random encounter
Crazy Wolfgang CrazyWolfgang.txt Yes Yes 00063BFA 00063C07 CrazyWolfgang Along Caravan trade route
Crow Crow.txt Yes Yes 00063BF8 00063C05 Crow Along Caravan trade route
Dead Chinese commando Yes 000A0A4C 000A0A4D FFEU07Corpse Random encounter
Doc Hoff DocHoff.txt Yes Yes 00063BF7 00063C06 DofHoff Along Caravan trade route
Emaline Yes 000456A3 FFEU17Hitman Random encounter*
John 00090A23 FFEU16NPC1 Random encounter
Laszlo Radford FFEU06NPC1.txt 000474C5 000474C7 FFEU06NPC1 Random encounter
Lucky Harith LuckyHarith.txt Yes Yes 00063BF9 00063C08 LuckyHarith Along Caravan trade route
Mel FFEU09NPC.txt 00058059 0005805C FFEU09NPC Random encounter
Sam Warrick Yes 000458BE 000458C3 FFEU53Sniper Random encounter
Uncle Leo FFER66UncleLeo.txt 0004F793 0004F794 FFER66UncleLeo Random encounter

* Emaline only appears as a random encounter if the player betrays Sydney during Stealing Independence.

Miscellaneous locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
A wanderer 000C825B 000C825C wastelandWanderer East of Roosevelt Academy
Agatha Agatha.txt 0003D34A 0003D34B Agatha Agatha's house
Ant researcher * Yes 0003E644 0003E63E ShalebridgeFFNoteGuy Shalebridge
Arkansas Yes 0002BD23 0002BD14 Arkansas Minefield
Raider leader (Bethesda ruins) Yes 000CB55F 0005C9CF BethRuinsLvlRaiderBoss Bethesda ruins east offices
Commander Jabsco 000B25B5 00044B22 fortBannTalonCompanyHead Fort Bannister
Drifter 000C942C 000C9424 FFChurchSniper Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
Fawkes MQ08Fawkes.txt Yes 0003D34E 0002D9CF MQ08Fawkes Vault 87
Fluffy 0001FEC8 0001FEC7 SniperShackRadroach01 Sniper shack
Gallo 00064D47 00064D48 Friendship01GhoulNPC County sewer mainline
Gibson * Yes 0005AC3E 0005AC24 LootGibsonUnique Capitol Post office building
Grandma Sparkle GrandmaSparkle.txt Yes Yes 0005215F 00054D93 GrandmaSparkle Wilhelm's Wharf
Jaime Palabras 00037F43 0003CCCE Jaime Dunwich Building
Jitters 0001FEC9 0001DAE2 SniperShackRadroach02 Sniper shack
Junders Plunkett 000CAFA7 000CAFA8 JundersPlunkett Arlington House
Mad Johnny Wes 00030104 00030105 HubrisComicsJohnnyWes Hubris Comics
Masterbrain MS17VaultTecMasterbrain.txt 0001EE61 0001EE62 MS17VaultTecMasterbrain Vault-Tec headquarters
Milo MS05NukaColaFactoryForeman.txt 0004D5B7 0004D5B9 MS05NukaColaFactoryForeman Nuka-Cola plant
Muffy * Yes 0003358A 00033588 DeadMuffy Georgetown North
Potomac fisherman Yes 0004E5B8 0004E5B9 PotomacFisherman Outside Anchorage Memorial
Recon craft Theta pilot Yes 0008A3BF 0008B164 AlienCorpse Alien crash site
Rocksalt 000B54C2 000A3BBA TepidRaiderMissle Tepid Sewers
Scribe Yearling ScribeYearling.txt 000156EB 00032913 ScribeYearling Arlington Library
Sid MQ08DerangedCaptive.txt 000A6D67 000A6D68 MQ08DerangedCaptive Vault 87
Sonora Cruz SonoraCruz.txt Yes Yes 0006F211 0006F212 SonoraCruz Regulator HQ
Survivor 000C1121 000C0178 Vault106CBoss Vault 106
Sydney ** Sydney.txt 00003A22 00003A77 Sydney National Archives
Tara Yes 0004CFC7 0004CFC8 LDFortCTara Fort Constantine
The Preacher FFDCAdamsMorganPreacher.txt 0005213F 00052140 FFDCAdamsMorganPreacher Seward Square
Preacher's hostage FFDCAdamsMorganCrazed
0005213B 0005213C FFDCAdamsMorganCrazed
Seward Square
The Roach King 00030DE1 000C8240 RoachKing The Roach King's throne
Torcher 000CA6EF 000CA761 wastelandTorcher MDPL mass relay station
Winger Mercier Yes 000CADC4 000CADC6 SDOMercier Nuka-Cola plant

* Ant Researcher, Gibson, and Muffy are affected by a glitch where they will respawn alive after the first instance of them being found dead.
** After completion of Stealing Independence, Sydney will move to the Ninth Circle in Underworld.

The Pitt[]

Capital Wasteland[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Prosper DLC01Prosper.txt xx002BD7 xx00220B DLC01Prosper Train tunnel
Ramsey DLC01Ramsey.txt xx002211 xx0021F3 DLC01Ramsey Train tunnel
Wernher DLC01Wernher.txt xx001082 xx001081 DLC01Wernher Radio tower

Downtown (The Pitt)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Adan DLC01Adan.txt xx003E2D xx003E54 DLC01Adan The Pitt Downtown
Beth Cut content DLC01Beth.txt xx0039C3 DLC01Beth
Bingo DLC01Bingo.txt xx003E4B xx003E60 DLC01Bingo The Pitt Downtown
Friday DLC01Friday.txt Yes Yes xx003E4D xx0073E2 DLC01Friday The Pitt Downtown
Harris DLC01Harris.txt Yes xx003E4E xx003E61 DLC01Harris Vertigo Bar and Grill
Jackson DLC01Jackson.txt xx003E51 xx003E63 DLC01Jackson The Pitt Downtown
Kai DLC01Kai.txt xx003E2F xx003E5B DLC01Kai The Pitt Downtown
Mex DLC01Mex.txt xx006166 xx006167 DLC01Mex Pitt Bridge
Midea DLC01Midea.txt xx00109B xx003099 DLC01Midea Midea's quarters
Milly DLC01Milly.txt xx009F4B xx00A34F DLC01Milly The Pitt Downtown
Nola DLC01Nola.txt Yes xx003E49 xx003E55 DLC01Nola The Pitt Downtown
Pitt slave lead conspirator DLC01FF003ConspiratorLeader.txt xx00293B DLC01FF0003ConspiratorLeader The Pitt Downtown
Trouble Man DLC01TroubleMan.txt xx003E52 xx003E62 DLC01TroubleMan The Pitt Downtown

Haven (The Pitt)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Ashur DLC01Ashur.txt xx000F20 xx000F25 DLC01Ashur Haven
Marie xx000F35 xx000F36 DLC01AshurCrib Haven
Sandra DLC01Sandra.txt xx000F21 xx000F24 DLC01Sandra Haven

Steelyard (The Pitt)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Billy xx00B163 xx00B164 DLC01FF007Trog Pitt steelyard
John-John DLC01FF007Slave.txt xx00B161 xx00B162 DLC01FF007Slave Pitt steelyard
Wild Bill Yes xx009F4A xx00A7CF DLC01WildBillDead Pitt steelyard

The Mill (The Pitt)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Bone DLC01Bone.txt xx003E4C xx003E5F DLC01Bone The Mill
Brand DLC01Brand.txt xx003E2E xx003E64 DLC01Brand The Mill
Everett DLC01Everett.txt xx00A688 xx00A784 DLC01Everett The Mill
Faydra DLC01Faydra.txt xx0032E4 xx0032ED DLC01Faydra The Mill
Grudd Bear DLC01ArenaCombatant02b.txt xx0032F8 xx0032FA DLC01ArenaCombatant02b The Hole
Gruber DLC01ArenaCombatant03.txt xx0032E6 xx0071BC DLC01ArenaCombatant03a The Hole
Hammer DLC01Hammer.txt xx003E4F xx003E5E DLC01Hammer The Mill
John Bear DLC01ArenaCombatant02a.txt xx0032F7 xx0071B5 DLC01ArenaCombatant02a The Hole
Marco DLC01Marco.txt xx003E48 xx003E5C DLC01Marco The Mill
Spook DLC01Spook.txt xx003E50 xx0068BC DLC01Spook The Mill

Uptown (The Pitt)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Duke DLC01Duke.txt xx00413C xx0045FB DLC01Duke The Pitt Uptown
Krenshaw DLC01Krenshaw.txt xx003300 xx003301 DLC01Krenshaw The Pitt Uptown
Lulu DLC01Lulu.txt xx004138 xx0045FC DLC01Lulu The Pitt Uptown
Mona DLC01Mona.txt xx00413F xx0045FD DLC01Mona The Pitt Uptown
O-Dog DLC01ODog.txt xx00413D xx0045FE DLC01ODog The Pitt Uptown
Phantom DLC01Phantom.txt xx00413B xx0045FA DLC01Phantom The Pitt Uptown
Reddup DLC01Reddup.txt xx00413E xx0045FF DLC01Phantom The Pitt Uptown
Squill DLC01Squill.txt xx00413A xx004600 DLC01Squill The Pitt Uptown
Vikia DLC01Vikia.txt xx004139 xx004601 DLC01Vikia The Pitt Uptown

Miscellaneous locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Billy McShady Cut content xx001046 DLC01Shady1
Raider fighter Cut content xx0071B0, xx0071B1 DLC01ArenaCombatant03b, DLC01ArenaCombatant03c

Operation: Anchorage[]

Anchorage Reclamation simulation[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
American war correspondent DLC02FF009Photographer.txt Yes Yes xx00C188 xx00CD61 DLC02FF009Photographer US Army Field Headquarters
Doctor Adami DLC02FF007Doctor.txt Yes Yes xx00B56E xx00C186 DLC02FF007Doctor U.S. Army field headquarters
General Chase DLC02GeneralChase.txt Yes xx0009C1 xx0019A7 DLC02GeneralChase U.S. Army field headquarters
General Jingwei DLC02GeneralJingwei.txt xx0018D2 xx0018D3 DLC02GeneralJingwei Chinese Compound
Lieutenant Morgan DLC02LtMorgan.txt Yes xx0009C3 xx0019A8 DLC02LtMorgan U.S. Army field headquarters
Quartermaster DLC02FieldHQQuartermaster.txt xx002D22 xx002D23 DLC02FieldHQQuartermaster U.S. Army field headquarters
Sergeant Montgomery DLC02SgtMontgomery.txt Yes xx00A044 xx0015F1 DLC02SgtMontgomery Anchorage Cliffs

Outcast Outpost[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Defender Sibley DLC02DefenderSibley.txt xx000E24 xx001400 DLC02DefenderSibley Outcast outpost
Protector McGraw DLC02ProtectorMcGraw.txt xx000E23 xx001401 DLC02ProtectorMcGraw Outcast outpost
Defender Morrill DLC02DefenderMorrill.txt xx000E26 xx002234 DLC02DefenderMorrill Outcast outpost
Specialist Olin DLC02SpecialistOlin.txt Yes xx000E22 xx001402 DLC02SpecialistOlin Outcast outpost
Gary 23 Yes xx0029CD xx0029CE DLC02Gary23 Outcast outpost

Broken Steel[]

Adams Air Force Base[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Armory master Yes xx008893 xx008894 DLC03LvlEnclaveArmoryBoss Launch platform base
Enclave doctor xx0088E9 xx0088E6 DLC03LvlEnclaveDoctor Launch platform base
Enclave Sigma Leader xx0068C3 xx0057BD DLC03LvlEnclaveSquad01Leader Launch platform base
Hoover DLC03MisterGutsyStiggs.txt xx009AE3 xx00D2B3 DLC03MisterGutsyStiggs Base Floor
Sparky xx009AE1 xx00D2B4 DLC03SentryBotMGEnclaveStiggs Base Floor
Stiggs DLC03Stiggs.txt xx0068BF xx0068C0 DLC03Stiggs Base Floor

Holy Light Monastery[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Atom's Champion xx006520 xx006521 DLC03WQ03SunOfAtom Holy Light Monastery basement
Brother Gerard DLC03WQ03BrotherGerard.txt xx004C76 xx00B823 DLC03WQ03BrotherGerard Outside Holy Light Monastery
Mother Curie III DLC03WQ03MotherCurie.txt xx004C77 xx004C78 DLC03WQ03MotherCurie Holy Light Monastery
Novice xx007E34 xx007E37 DLC03WQ03Apostle01 Holy Light Monastery
Sun of Atom xx007E36 xx007E39 DLC03WQ03CrGlowingApostle Holy Light Monastery basement

Old Olney underground[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Badger Yes xx00BD7D xx00C248 DLC03GhoulBadger Old Olney underground
Carl Yes xx00BD80 xx00C47E DLC03GhoulCarl Old Olney underground
Connelly Yes xx00BD7F xx00C249 DLC03GhoulConnelly Old Olney underground
Dunbar Yes xx00BD81 xx00C47D DLC03GhoulDunbar Old Olney underground
Kidd DLC03GhoulKidd.txt xx00B39F xx00B9DB DLC03GhoulKidd Old Olney underground
Sanders Yes xx00BD7E xx00C47A DLC03GhoulSanders Old Olney underground
Wint DLC03GhoulWint.txt xx00B39E xx00B9DC DLC03GhoulWint Old Olney underground

Rivet City[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Officer Davis DLC03WQ01Guard1.txt Yes xx003B3B xx003B4E DLC03WQ01Guard1 Between Rivet City and Canterbury Commons
Officer Lepelletier DLC03Lepelletier.txt Yes xx003B3C xx003B53 DLC03Lepelletier Rivet City
Officer Lorin DLC03WQ01Guard2.txt Yes xx003B38 xx003B4D DLC03WQ01Guard2 Between Rivet City and Canterbury Commons
Water caravan drivers DLC03WQWaterDriver.txt Yes xx003B3E Dead
xx003B4D Dead
DLC03WQ01CaravanDriver Dead
Francis Scott Key Bridge Dead
Rivet City

Miscellaneous locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Operations Officer Edwards xx005732 xx00572D DLC03RelayStatBoSCommandoCommander Satellite Relay Station
Griffon DLC03Griffon.txt xx003B64 xx005702 DLC03Griffon Underworld
Paladin Jensen DLC03EncounterFBBrotherhoodA04.txt Yes xx002E0A xx002E0F DLC03EncounterFBBrotherhoodA04 Fort Bannister
Lag-Bolt Yes xx00B95E xx00B966 DLC03LagBolt La Maison Beauregard
Rosa DLC03WQ03Rosa.txt Yes xx0064FE xx00651A DLC03WQ03Rosa Outside Megaton
Scribe Bigsley DLC03Bigsley.txt xx00382D xx003846 DLC03Bigsley Jefferson Memorial
Scribe Vallincourt DLC03ScribeVallincourt.txt xx005685 xx00672E DLC03ScribeVallincourt Citadel
Split Jack DLC03SplitJack.txt Yes xx003B3A xx003B49 DLC03SplitJack Wilhelm's Wharf
Paladin Tristan DLC03Tristan.txt xx005686 xx005689 DLC03Tristan Rockland car tunnel

Point Lookout[]

Capital Wasteland[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Catherine DLC04Catherine.txt Yes xx006636 xx008461 DLC04Catherine Riverboat landing
Tobar the Ferryman DLC04Tobar.txt Yes xx006634 xx008462 DLC04Tobar Riverboat landing

Ark & Dove Cathedral[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Croatoa DLC04Croatoa.txt xx00A864 xx00A865 DLC04Croatoa Ark & Dove Cathedral
Jackson DLC04Jackson.txt xx006637 xx00A867 DLC04Jackson Ark & Dove Cathedral
Jimson DLC04Jimson.txt xx00927D xx00927E DLC04Jimson Ark & Dove Cathedral
Nadine DLC04Nadine.txt Yes xx006635 xx00D019 DLC04Nadine Ark & Dove Cathedral
Woodrose DLC04Woodrose.txt xx00A862 xx00A863 DLC04Woodrose Ark & Dove Cathedral

Calvert Mansion[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Desmond Lockheart DLC04Desmond.txt xx0035B4 xx0035B3 DLC04Desmond Calvert Mansion
Freki Yes xx006646 xx006647 DLC04DesmondDog01 Calvert Mansion
Geri Yes xx00C1E7 xx00C1EA DLC04DesmondDog03 Calvert Mansion

Coastal Grotto[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Jacob Humboldt DLC04FF06Hunter02.txt xx009BFE xx009VFA DLC04FF06Hunter02 Coastal grotto
Plik DLC04FF06Host.txt xx009B5A xx009B5B DLC04FF06Host Coastal grotto
Rip Smithy DLC04FF06Hunter01.txt xx009BF8 xx009BF9 DLC04FF06Hunter01 Coastal grotto

Miscellaneous locations[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Haley DLC04Haley.txt Yes Yes xx00EA7D xx00EA80 DLC04Haley Haley's Hardware
Kenny DLC04Kenny.txt Yes xx00815A xx00818C DLC04Kenny Kenny's cave
Marcella DLC04FF02Marcella.txt xx002F42 xx002F43 DLC04FF02Marcella Disaster relief outpost
Marguerite DLC04FF03Marguerite.txt xx003F6E xx003F6F DLC04FF03Marguerite Marguerite's shack
Obadiah Blackhall DLC04FF02ObadiahBlackhall.txt xx002F3E xx002F3F DLC04FF02ObadiahBlackhall Blackhall Manor
Madame Panada DLC04Panada.txt Yes Yes xx00EA7C xx00EA83 DLC04Panada Pilgrim's Landing
Professor Calvert DLC04TheBrainNPC.txt xx005A39 xx005A3C DLC04TheBrainNPC Underground lab
Ruzka xx00ECF9 xx00F6D8 DLC04CrYaoGuai Ruzka's Lair
Dead pilot Cut content Yes xx00C2B7 DLC04PilotSpeaker Jet crash site
Twigbag Cut content xx00F795 DLC04LvlTwigbag

Mothership Zeta[]

Mothership Zeta[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Can be enslaved Doctor Merchant Repair Companion Form ID Ref ID G.E.C.K. ID Location
Alien captain xx00AA22 xx004E25 DLC05Captain Bridge
Colonel Hartigan Yes xx003302 xx003303 DLC05DeadAstronaut Engineering core
Corporal Rheems Yes Yes xx0098EF xx003760 DLC05SquadRheems Cryo lab
Corporal Spurlock Yes Yes xx0098F1 xx003CC1 DLC05SquadSpurlock Cryo lab
Elliott Tercorien DLC05Tercorien.txt xx00096B xx003308 DLC05Tercorien Engineering core
Paulson DLC05Paulson.txt xx0032FB xx003304 DLC05Paulson Engineering core
Private Beckett DLC05CryoBecket.txt Yes xx006C6C xx006C4B DLC05CryoBecket Cryo lab
Private Mears Yes Yes xx0098F0 xx003CC2 DLC05SquadMears Cryo lab
Sally DLC05Sally.txt Yes xx000969 xx000987 DLC05Sally Holding cells
Sergeant Daniels DLC05CryoDaniel.txt Yes xx006C6B xx006C4F DLC05CryoDaniel Cryo lab
Somah DLC05Somah.txt Yes xx00096A xx000988 DLC05Somah Holding cells
Toshiro Kago DLC05Samurai.txt xx0032FC xx003307 DLC05Samurai Engineering core

See also[]

Major characters of Fallout 3