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Right now, I don't pay any attention to you. You really want to keep it that way, okay?

Susie Mack is a resident of Vault 101 in 2277.


Susie is the daughter of Allen and Gloria Mack, and the younger sister of both Stevie and Wally. Susie despises the Tunnel Snakes, and Wally wouldn't dare tease her, as she will give worse than she gets. She has a secret crush on Butch DeLoria.[1] During Future Imperfect she has no respect for the Lone Wanderer, and is seen as an arrogant type, especially when she gets G.O.A.T. results from Mr. Brotch.

Three years later, she becomes more philosophical, befriending Amata after the Lone Wanderer's escape, and upon their return appears to have matured as she is more friendly with the Wanderer.[Non-game 1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


Effects of player's actions[]

Out of the Vault: If the Lone Wanderer resolves the situation in the rebels' favor, Susie can be encountered alive in the wasteland, during which she will explain that some order has been restored to Vault 101.


* Only during Out of the Vault.


  • If the Lone Wanderer approaches her before the G.O.A.T. examination, she expresses her desire that there will never be friendship between the two and, if the Lone Wanderer knew any better, they would avoid her.
  • After the G.O.A.T. examination, Mr. Brotch revealed that Susie is headed for a teaching career, sarcastically noting that it was due to her "gift of communication."
  • She seems to have a crush on Butch DeLoria. During Trouble on the Homefront, in a conversation the Lone Wanderer can overhear between her and Christine Kendall, Susie will ask if it feels strange bunking with Old Lady Palmer. She will then go on to say, "Don't you wish it was just Butch?"
  • Depending on how the Lone Wanderer completes the quest Trouble on the Homefront she may be found in the wasteland and will either be very happy to see the Lone Wanderer or will be found dead.
  • While Susie doesn't appear during the birthday party in Growing Up Fast, her unused 10-year old model exists in the G.E.C.K.
  • The Wasteland Census in the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide states that Susie has a crush on Freddie Gomez, but her dialogue indicates that she thinks Butch is "dreamy," and not Freddie.
  • Susie does not appear to hold a grudge against the Lone Wanderer even if they kill her brother and/or father.

Notable quotes[]


Susie Mack appears only in Fallout 3.


PCPC Susie Mack's G.O.A.T. test results sometimes skip completely and she walks out of the room.[verified]



  1. Susie Mack: "Ew, that's just creepy. Wouldn't it be so much better if it was just Butch, instead? He's dreamy."


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 99: "Susie Mack
    Wally's younger sister, Susie despises the Tunnel Snakes, and Wally won't dare tease her, because she will give worse than she gets. She has a secret crush on Freddie Gomez, but no time for you. However, she becomes more philosophical and befriends Amata after your escape."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
Mack family