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Fallout Wiki

Oh wait... Vance told me I was supposed to say something special when asked that... from his teachings. Oh, right! The Third Law is 'Feed not for pleasure; partake only to nourish. This is our dignity.' Whew... almost forgot it again.

Alan is a member of the Family, living in Meresti Metro station in 2277.


A newer member of the Family, Alan was rescued by Vance after the former escaped from Paradise Falls and was wounded in the process.[Non-game 1] Alan does not partake in the dietary habits of the Family, but is being taught by Vance of The Family's ways.[Non-game 2][1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.



Apparel Weapon Other items
Merc troublemaker outfit Assault rifle


If the Lone Wanderer kills Alan after Vance tells him to go to Arefu, it will result in bad Karma. Afterward, he may appear dead in his new house. If he was looted, he will appear exactly as he was left in the tunnels.

Notable quotes[]


Alan appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. Alan: Great, actually! I finished my first round of studies and Vance said that I was doing great. I think I'm finally beginning to get the hang of it!
    (Alan's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.59:
    One of the most recent additions to the Family, 22-year-old Alan was ambushed by slavers and taken to market in Paradise Falls. He escaped but sustained a potentially mortal wound. He wandered south and collapsed not far from Meresti Station, where Vance discovered him."
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.59:
    Currently he does not participate in the Hematophagy rituals, because he is still learning the ways from Vance."