Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Welcome to Nukapedia the Fallout Wiki
The ultimate source for all things Fallout since 2005 and constantly growing!
For the past 20 years, we've been hard at work creating the greatest guide to the Fallout series.
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Featured Games
Fallout D20
Fallout Online (PV13)
Fallout Tactics 2
Van Buren

Fallout D20

This cancelled project promised to bring the wasteland to the tabletop.

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Fallout Online (PV13)

What happened when Interplay threatened to set the online world on fire.

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Fallout Tactics 2

The ill-fated plan for the Brotherhood to invade Florida...

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Van Buren

Discover the original "Fallout 3" - made years before Bethesda purchased the series.

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Fallout D20
Fallout Online (PV13)
Fallout Tactics 2
Van Buren

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Canceled games collection
Although canceled before they could be realized, these games are not forgotten. Ideas from canceled games occasionally appear in later games.
Logo FOV
Van Buren

Black Isle and Interplay's original Fallout 3. Although the game engine was 95% complete, the development of this project ended when the studio was disbanded. Elements would later return in later games.

Project V13
Fallout Online ("Project V13")

Following the sale of the Fallout franchise to Bethesda, Interplay retained a limited right to develop an online Fallout game. This ended up resulting in a lawsuit between the two companies, and the game was unrealized.

Fallout Tactics 2 logo

Fallout Tactics 2
Continuing from Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, this would see the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel head southeast towards Florida to deal with a GECK causing mutations. This game was canceled in pre-development due to poor sales of the previous title.

Fallout Extreme Logo
Fallout Extreme

Another sequel for Fallout Tactics but developed for consoles. This game would have seen "The Cause" head northwest, through Canada and on to Alaska to do battle with the Brotherhood of Steel; following this victory they would then head on to China to destroy a Doom's Day Missile.

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2

Following on from Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, and resuing some elements from Van Buren, this would see one again deal with an out-of-control GECK, this time deep in the heart of Texas.

Fallout Pen and Paper d20
Fallout Pen and Paper d20 wiki logo

Licensed by Glutton Creeper Games by Interplay, this project would have brought Fallout to the tabletop through the D20 gaming system made popular by Dungeons and Dragons. Although Bethesda brought legal action against the project, it was eventually released as Exodus, with the Fallout elements removed.

Article Index

Project V13



Management (Interplay)

Companies (Fallout Online)

  • Crazy Ivan's New and Used Guns
  • DayGlow (company)
  • Duper Companyglow
  • Med-Tek Laboratories
  • RobCo Industries

Factions (Fallout Online)

Locations (Fallout Online)

Races (Fallout Online)

Music (Fallout Online)

Creatures (Fallout Online)

Items (Fallout Online)

Where to start
