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"Your data... is not found. I will... defeat you..."
— Ultimate Evolution Fin confronting Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks in "The Divine Power"

Fin (フィン Fin)[2] is an Android Majin created by Towa.


Fin 3


Fin is short in stature and wears baggy pants, though his are black and sport a golden horned buckle with the Time Breaker symbol instead of Majin Buu's white pants with the Majin buckle. He has the same crazed, demonic expression as Kid Buu, though with pointed ears, deep purple skin, red sclera, white irises, and pointed tentacles sprouting from his head. Alongside these details, Fin has a light blue Time Breaker symbol on his chest.


Just like Kid Buu, Fin is a maniacal and destructive force of nature, expressing himself through grunts and screams. After absorbing the data of other fighters, however, he is able to speak normally, like Super Buu.


Super Dragon Ball Heroes[]

Dark King Mechikabura Saga[]


Fin after absorbing Gogeta

In the manga, after Towa and Dabura head to Age 790, Fin joins them and attacks that timeline’s Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta while he is in the middle of his battle with Omega Shenron by grabbing him with outstretched arms and slamming him into the ground. He absorbs Gogeta and then goes on to instantly obliterate Omega Shenron before engaging in battle with Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Gogeta. Now "Dark Gogeta", he has the upper hand in the fight until he is blasted from behind by the newly formed Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Gohan. Xeno Gohan performs a Masenko and Xeno Gogeta follows up with a Atomic Kamehameha that puts Fin to the ground, but he is soon able to get to his feet.

Xeno Gohan prepares to attack him again, but Xeno Gogeta tells him to wait, noticing that the Gogeta absorbed by Fin appears to be in control and wondering if he has finally "woken up". An upper portion of Fins' face peels away as Gogeta now has complete control of his as well as Fin's body and tells Xeno Gogeta that he just wanted to test Fin's power and have the opportunity to face his counterpart self. With a surge of energy, Gogeta forces Fin to leave his body, leaving the Majin furious. Not long afterwards, everyone is teleported away by Robelu.

Later, Fin - who has retained his Dark Gogeta form as he only needs to sample DNA once to access it again at any point - and Towa guard the white Hell Gate, which is connected to the Demon Realm's Southeast Prison Complex. They confront Chamel who enters the Hell Gate to destroy it, but he flees with Towa when the rampaging Dark Broly arrives and attacks Chamel.

In the game, Towa has Mira absorb Fin, transforming him into the more powerful "Super Mira (Fin absorbed)" to battle the Time Patrol in an attempt to stop them from reaching the summit of Mechikabura's Tower, however Mira is defeated by the group and Fin is separated from him as a result.


Fin attacks Xeno Trunks

In the manga, Fin is brought to the Time Nest by Towa to defend the newly powered up Time Power Unleashed Mechikabura from Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks. Fin has achieved his Ultimate Evolution, which Towa explains to Mechikabura is a power he has obtained from absorbing the DNA of warriors from many timelines. Fin launches a Void Energy Flare, but the blasts are halted by Chronoa's Freeze ability, and Xeno Trunks uses the opportunity to quickly defeat Fin after kicking him hard to the ground and blasting him.

Supreme Kai of Time Saga[]

Fin and Chilled empowered by Demigra

Fin and Chilled empowered by Demigra

In the anime, an iteration of Fin is released from the Scrolls of Eternity by Dark King Demigra as part of the latter's "game", sent to terrorize the gathered fighters at the Planet Glass arena with Chilled and is seen fighting against Hit. He and Chilled are then empowered by him.[3]

After Demigra is defeated, Fin is sent back to his original space-time.


Fin destroys Omega

Omega Shenron annihilated by Fin

As Dark Gogeta, he is able to quickly annihilate Omega Shenron, and goes on to fight Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Gogeta - having an edge over him in combat. Although he absorbed Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta to become Dark Gogeta, he let Fin to rampage using his powers and was able to break through Fin's absorption the moment he felt like he has no need of Fin's "assistance".

With his Ultimate Evolution form, Fin is able to fight Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks, though when Xeno Trunks gets an opening, he quickly defeats Fin.


Fin possesses some of Mechikabura's Demon God energy. Fin is powerful enough to at least successfully absorb Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta (though Gogeta let him to do this intentionally), after absorbing him and becoming Dark Gogeta he possessed all of his power and became stronger. Dark Gogeta is strong enough to overwhelm the gathered Time Patrol members as well as Demigra and Robelu.

With his Ultimate Evolution he is able to fight Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks but loses in the end.

Techniques and Special Abilities[]

  • Flight - The ability to fly through the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast - The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Energy Absorption - Fin can absorb energy, Mechikabura allows him to absorb some of his Demon God energy.
    • Demon God Power - Fin possess Demon God power thanks to having been granted it by Mechikabura, however he does not take on a Demon God form.
  • Body Manipulation - As a Majin, Fin is able to manipulate his body similar to Majin Buu.
    • Mystic Attack - Fin elongates one of his limbs to attack.
    • Absorption - Fin uses this technique to absorb Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and to copy his powers. After losing possession of those he has absorbed Fin is able to mimic their powers through their stolen DNA, as displayed by how he retained the ability to transform into Dark Gogeta after Gogeta was freed from him.
      • Mimicry - Fin can mimic those he absorbs after they leave his body at least once and even if there are not in his body at the moment.
  • Dark Vanishing Ball - Used by Fin in his pure form.
  • Dark Big Bang Kamehameha - Used by Fin as Dark Gogeta.
  • Void Energy Flare - A technique acquired from Transcended Xeno Omega Shenron's genetic data. Used by Fin as his Ultimate Evolution's Super Attack in Dragon Ball Heroes.

Forms and Transformations[]

Pure Majin[]

Fin's ordinary state.

Dark Gogeta[]

Fin !2

Fin as Dark Gogeta

In this form Fin is referred to as Dark Gogeta (暗黒ゴジータ—). Dark Gogeta possesses Gogeta's flaming hair, albeit with more of a magenta shade and a darker style of the Metamoran fusion vest after the absorption is complete. Fin initially achieves the Dark Gogeta form by absorbing Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, but after Gogeta breaks free, Fin is revealed to now be capable of taking the form on alone due to having sampled Gogeta's DNA.

Ultimate Evolution[]

Fin final form3

Fin in his Ultimate Evolution

Fin's Ultimate Evolution (究極進化)[4] is a form achieved by Fin during the final battle. In this form he is noticeably taller and muscular, clad in crimson armor and sporting a tail. He can additionally speak normally, though in slow pauses.

The form is also referred to as Ultimate Form (究極形態).[5]

Having already obtained data from having absorbed Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta and having been absorbed by Mira, Fin achieves this state by absorbing the DNA of countless fighters across time - most notably the data of the Shadow Dragons of the Dark Dragon Balls. Fin is capable of fighting with Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks in this state.


Fin empowered by Demigra

Transcended Fin

In the anime, Fin gains the Transcended form after gaining power from Dark King Demigra.

Video Game Appearances[]

Voice Actors[]

  • Japanese: TBA


Super Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Fin vs. Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)
  • Fin (Dark Gogeta) vs. Xeno Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4)
  • Fin (Dark Gogeta) vs. Xeno Gogeta (Super Saiyan 4) and Xeno Gohan (Super Saiyan 4)
  • Fin (Dark Gogeta) vs. Chamel (Demon God)
  • Fin (Ultimate Evolution) vs. Xeno Trunks (Super Saiyan God) and Chronoa
  • Fin vs. Hit
  • Fin (Transcended) vs. Hit

List of characters killed by Fin[]

Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Syn Shenron - In the manga, instantly killed by Fin upon becoming Dark Gogeta.


  • Fin's creation by Demon Goddess Towa is similar to Kid Buu's original origin as a creation of Bibidi.
  • Fin is similar to Android 21 as both are artificially created entities who possess DNA from numerous other powerful fighters, with their Majin traits being most dominant.



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