Note (ノート Nōto)[1], the Saiyan Heroine (ヒーロー ), is an Earthling who utilizes the advanced time travel technology of the Dragon Ball Heroes machines, allowing her to become a Saiyan.[2]
The Saiyan Heroine is a playable Saiyan Hero Avatar in Dragon Ball Heroes, and most commonly appears in other media as the avatar used by Note.
The Saiyan Heroine is similar to Pan in appearance, with a ponytail and bow wearing the Saiyan Hero's style outfit. For her first outfit, she wears a red cropped gi and a yellow long sleeved crop top with a teal belt and wristbands, yellow leggings, and black boots with white accents.
While equipped with the first Class-up, Note's outfit changes to cover her stomach and include a teal waist cloak. Her pants become shorts and she gains a red waist cape. Her undershirt becomes black and she gains long black fingerless gloves with white cuffs, along with black thigh-high leggings, yellow leg bands, and white and black boots with a large white cuffs.
While using the Super Class-up, Note wears a red overcoat with yellow accents with a matching skirt and a small window above her chest. The rest of the outfit consists of a black long-sleeved shirt with gold wristbands, yellow thigh-high leggings, a teal sash, and black boots with a large white tip.
With the God Class-up equipped, Note's outfit remains similar to her previous one, with the addition of a slightly different style of coat, black gloves, a bow on her belt, red socks, and black and gold boots.
Her outfits while using the Super God Class-up and Ultimate Class-up Sign consist of a long red vest with a black dress with a small hole on the chest, a yellow sash underneath a teal obi, red fingerless gloves, black knee-high socks with yellow edges and red boots with a black toe cap.
In World Mission, Note wears a yellow version of the Dragon Ball Heroes team jacket in her natural Earthling form, along with olive green shorts, black thigh-high socks, and blue and white high-top sneakers.
She first appeared under the name Note (ノート) in the Hero Road mode of Dragon Ball Heroes, and the name was reused for the spin-off manga Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission and the game Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission.
In World Mission, Note is a experienced SDBH player who is both confident and competitive. While she looks up to Great Saiyaman 3 as do most inhabitants of Hero Town whom she respectfully calls Master, she is quick to admonish him for being late to meeting her and his new recruit Beat in the Hero Lab. She is also good at persuading people with logical arguments such as when she convinces the Hero Master to let her fight Beat as she pointed out that it would be a good teambuilding exercise for both of them as they would be able to learn each others play style, strengths, and weaknesses.
As a SDBH player, she is familiar with the official history featured within the game and recognizes when it has been altered. Like Beat, she is excited by the prospect of meeting the game world versions of Goku and other characters, to the point of becoming starstruck at times though she is able to focus on the task at hand and is determined to protect the game world from the anomalies created by "the menace".
Her overconfidence can get the better of her and will mock others when she believes she and her allies have the upperhand such as when she, Beat, Minotia, and Tapion defeat Hoi, Dabura, Pui Pui, Spopovich, and Yamu as she was quick to prematurely declare that they would defeat the Demon King Dabura.
"This might not be the most "Time Patroller" thing to say, but I kinda liked this anomaly. It gave us a glimpse into a GOOD future for once." |
However though she recognizes she shouldn't as a Time Patroller, she can't help but enjoy seeing anomalous timelines where something good happens such as Minotia surviving to live in peace with his brother after helping them defeat and kill Hirudegarn as she knows in the original timeline Hirudegarn's lower half kills Minotia when it escaped. Seeing Minotia alive and able to live in peace with Tapion is so emotionally touching she cries though is quick to deny it when Beat notices and after the brothers leave she is unable to find the words to tell him why though Great Saiyaman 3 is able to figure it out and explain it causing her to admit she couldn't help but be happy to see it despite knowing it conflicts with the original history of the game world.
Like Beat, Froze, and Kagyu, Note hated not being able to combat game world enemies in the real world, especially after she, Froze, Kagyu, and Great Saiyaman 3 saw the Organization of Babidi's second attack broadcasted on television and was relieved to hear that Beat made it back to the Hero Lab safely. She, Froze, and Kagyu are in agreement with Beat's insistence there must be a way for them to fight, causing Great Saiyaman 3 to reveal that Leggings and Anne had been working on a new feature for the Hero Switch that taps into the user's latent power to allow them to use game world abilities in the real world. Upon activating the feature, Beat, Note, Froze, and Kagyu discover that it allows them to transform into their respective Hero Avatars. When Beat reveals he wants a costume like the Hero Master's, Note reveals she shares Anne and Great Saiyaman 3's negative opinion of the suit's design and vocally disagrees with Beat's opinion its design is "cool". Like her other teammates save for Beat and Great Saiyaman 3, Note has no interest in using the Hero Switch's built-in suit materialization feature, preferring to use her Hero Avatar to fight in both the real and game worlds.
Note is quite competitive and remembers the names of talented local SDBH players to keep tabs on potential rivals. As a result she recognized Kabra's name when he mentioned it while brainwashed by the game world Babidi allowing the DBH Team to figure out he was a SDBH player in the form of his Hero Avatar due to Babidi's magic tapping into his latent power in the same manner as the Hero Switch's new feature. In addition to Kabra, she comes to view Beat as a rival after he beat her twice during their first two battles in Gizard Wasteland, and similar to Vegeta's rivalry with Goku, Note wants to be the one to defeat him as she tells him he better not lose to anyone besides her. In Victory Mission, it's implied that Note has romantic feelings for Beat and is his girlfriend.
Though she respects the Hero Master as a mentor, she has no problem calling him out for being late and as stated before isn't a fan of his suit's design though she shares his negative opinion on the suit, however is blunt and more vocal about it as Great Saiyaman 3 keeps his true opinion to himself as he needs the suit to conceal his true identity and doesn't want to hurt Leggings feelings as she designed the suit and is quite proud of it. Note is surprised to find out that Great Saiyaman 3 is actually the real world Xeno Trunks of the Time Patrol after Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta force him to reveal his true identity as there was little reason by that point to hide his identity from his team.
When a deranged Legendary Super Saiyan Broly attacks Great Saiyaman 4 believing him to be Kakarot despite the presence of Xeno Goku, Note angrily defends Great Saiyaman 4 while telling Broly that Great Saiyaman 4 is Beat and not Kakarot, firing a Ki Blast which bounces off Broly. LSSJ Broly retaliates with a Ki Blast of his own which knocks Note out cold. After the weakened Super Saiyan 4 Broly is finished off by Beat in his natural Super Saiyan form, Note regains consciousness and though in pain is able to stand. She is surprised to notice SSJ Beat wearing his DBH uniform and is shocked to learn he has become a Super Saiyan while she was unconscious, though is impressed by his achievement.
Victory Mission[]

Note in Victory Mission
In the Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission manga, Note meets Beat after the latter is defeated by Baby Vegeta. It is said that she is ranked 3rd in the country, and aims to be the "Strongest Hero", just like Beat. Shortly later, she has a friendly Dragon Ball Heroes battle with Beat. She has Super Baby Vegeta, Super Baby Vegeta 2, Pan, and Android 18 with her, while Beat has Cooler, Frieza, GT Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan 4 Goku and the robot with him. Beat wins thanks to his Super Saiyan 4 Goku card. After learning from Sora that Beat has never been a contestant in a Dragon Ball Heroes tournament, Note brings him to the Satan Mall, and in the Heroes Stadium. A tournament begins, and Beat wins his match against Yoshito-kun. They soon meet Erito, who also won his match. When Beat wins his match and moves on to the final of the tournament, Note berates Beat because his Charge Impact is too weak. After the final, Note and Forte say it is too bad Beat lost but his opponent was a battle machine with no emotion whatsoever (Beat reflects to himself that it is not true: she saw him smile). Since she is there, Forte challenges Note to a duel. They go against each other until their machine is accidentally unplugged by Froze, who is being pushed around by a pair of bullies making fun of his devotion to his cards. Beat, Note, and Forte intervene, stepping in to take on the bullies and wipe the floor with them.
In another tournament, Note defeats her opponent Poko in the first round, and is then put against the Android Elite Nico for the second round.
In Chapter 22, She and Forte upgraded to Ultimate Class and both went Super Saiyan 2 to save Nico from the Possession of one of the Shadow Dragons. And she summons her team of Super Saiyan Goku from Movie 9, Super Saiyan GT Goten and Super Saiyan GT Trunks from the Super 17 Saga, and Bardock from the Episode of Bardock to return Nico back to normal.
Other Dragon Ball stories[]
Dragon Ball Heroes[]

The DBH Heroine in the game
With the boy hero, she uses a Time Machine and entered in Frieza's Spaceship to fight Frieza's soldiers while Super Saiyan Goku was confronting Frieza. She is shown to be able to hold her own against opponents such as Frieza's soldiers. She performs the Kamehameha in the trailer she was introduced. In the game, she is able to transform into a Super Saiyan, and uses the Spirit Sword.

Super Saiyan Heroine (GM alternative outfit)
In the eleventh trailer, roots of the Tree of Might have invaded a city on the coast. While flying above the city, Saiyan Heroine along with Goku, Gohan, and the robot in attack mode meet Turles in mid-air. Turles snaps his fingers, and the Turles Crusher Corps. appears behind him. While the girl fights with Daiz, Gohan battles Rasin and Lakasei, the robot battles Cacao, and Goku fights with Amond. When Goku blasts Cacao away, Turles appears in front of him, holding Gohan by the head, making him look at his Power Ball and transform into a Great Ape. The end of the trailer shows the Saiyan Heroine turning Super Saiyan to face the Great Ape.

The Heroine powers up and flies to attack Frieza's soldiers
In the thirteenth trailer (GM6 trailer), along with Goku and the robot in attack mode, the Heroine joins the Hero above Planet Vegeta while Bardock faces Frieza and his soldiers. She then flies and attacks the soldiers, soon followed by Goku. She defeats a few before one of the soldiers hits her with an Energy Wave. Goku catches her while she falls down, and then Dodoria appears on their way. The robot fires his missiles at Dodoria, which allows Goku and the Heroine to flee while the Hero defeats Dodoria, Zarbon, and fires a Super Kamehameha at Frieza's Supernova with Bardock's Riot Javelin.
In the seventeenth promotional trailer for Dragon Ball Heroes (JM1 trailer), she, Genome, Kagyu, and Salaga appear with Super Saiyan 4 Goku to help Gotenks, the Saiyan Hero, Kabra, the Frieza Clan Berserker, and the Android Elite in fighting Oceanus Shenron.
Ultimate Mission[]

The Heroine kicks Majin Buu
In the Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission animation, Note, Kabra, and Tsumuri face Cell and Majin Buu. While the Majin and Namekian Heroes take on Cell, the Heroine fights with Majin Buu. She kicks Majin Buu to the ground, and then the Hero flies to her. When Legendary Super Saiyan Broly appears, the Heroine and the Saiyan Hero try to take him on, but Broly quickly knocks them to the ground. Goku appears to save the kids from Broly's Eraser Cannons and then, the three turn Super Saiyan and charge Multiple Kamehamehas to struggle with Broly's Gigantic Omega.
World Mission & Dokkan Battle[]
In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission and the Story Event based on it from Dokkan Battle, Note is an experienced Super Dragon Ball Heroes player who is recruited by Great Saiyaman 3 to join his team the Dragon Ball Heroes. The Note that appears in World Mission is a resident of Hero Town.
- Chapter 1, Sub Chapter 1 - My Thrilling First Battle
During a cutscene, Note is shown walking into the Hero Town Stadium where she plays a Super Dragon Ball Heroes battle against Froze which Beat watches on a video monitor on the Hero Tower. After Great Saiyaman 3 recruits Beat a talented newbie player who recently moved to Hero Town, she encounters Beat when he visits the Hero Lab. She refers to Great Saiyaman 3 as Master, which confuses Beat who explains about being recruited by Great Saiyaman 3, causing her to explain that most people in Hero Town call him the Hero Master which sometimes further shortened to just Master.
Eventually Great Saiyaman 3 arrives and explains that he has recruited both of them to enter the game world using Hero Switches to investigate any anomalies that occur. Beat is given a red version of the team's jacket like the yellow one that Note wears. However, Note wants to fight Beat after learning he is a newbie yet talented enough for Great Saiyaman 3 to consider recruiting him. Though Great Saiyaman 3 protests at first, she convinces him it would be a good way for her and Beat to get to know each other.
- Chapter 1, Sub Chapter 2 - Dragon Ball Heroes
In the game world, Beat and Note find themselves at Gizard Wasteland, before noticing they have taken the form of their respective Avaters, with Note's being a Hero Type Female Saiyan. Note points out their location is where Goku and Vegeta fought and she is excited to be able to visit it in person and Beat agrees as they both are looking forward to meeting Goku and other famous characters in the game. However before they begin their investigation, they fight as Note wanted them to. Beat manages to defeat Note, but she rallies and physical attacks him leading to another round of battle. However, Beat wins this second battle and Note is forced to concede due to being hurt and exhausted due to being present inside the game world as opposed to the normal gameplay she is used to while Beat is so excited that his adrenaline rush nullifies his pain and prevents him from becoming exhausted (additionally Beat can utilize Ki to guard Ki Blasts outside of the game world indicating he is physically stronger than Note outside the game and as a result physical activity in-game doesn't effect him as badly). After noticing Note's condition, Beat apologizes for getting too amped up. Completing this Sub Chapter unlocks Note as a playable ally and makes her Chapter 1 Side Story available.
- Chapter 1, Side Story - Note's Adventure
After Beat had acquired the UM1-35 Caulifla and UM1-36 via the Gacha Shop, Note's Side Story can be played. Note is sent into the game by Great Saiyaman 3 for further training but she finds herself near the Tree of Might. Great Saiyaman 3 reveals she shouldn't be there as he sent her to a safe place to train, causing Note to conclude it is the result of another anomaly and since it will take some time for her team to reach her, it is up to her to investigate the anomaly solo.
She finds Xeno Turles fused with a Dark Dragon Ball leading the Turles Crusher Corps. who have recruited Caulifla and Kale to protect the Tree of Might, promising to share its fruit with them as payment for defending the tree. Note is tasked with convincing the two that Xeno Turles is lying about the fruit increasing the consumer's power (as Caulifla might not be swayed by moral arguments against eating fruit). However Caulifla recognizing Note is a Saiyan (due to her taking the form of her Avatar) she requests Note fight her and Kale which Note agrees to in order to convince her she's telling the truth. The player is forced to play as Note during the Side Story though they can use any of her available decks to fight Caulifla and Kale with. She manages to defeat them convincing the pair that Xeno Turles is lying. The Crusher Corps. return and find that the girls have betrayed them. Xeno Turles transforms into his Rampaging form by eating the Fruit of the Tree of Might which Great Saiyaman 3 attributes to the anomaly. Rampaging Xeno Turles theb attacks the girls along with the Crusher Corps. though Note defeats them. However Rampaging Xeno Turles recovers due to the anomaly though this time he is completely out of control and attacks mindlessly. However Note manages to defeat him once more. Caulifla and Kale bid Note farwell and Caulifla says they'll be stronger next time and hopes Note will be too the next time they meet.
Unbeknownst to Note, Caulifla, and Kale, the Demigra and the other Demon Gods of the Dark Empire had been watching the battle and are planning to use the anomiles to their advantage.

The Heroine attacks Krillin with Energy Flash Dragon Ball Heroes
- Flight – The ability to fly with the use of ki.
- Kiai – An invisible wave of ki emitted from the palms. Used against one of Frieza's soldiers in the third trailer for Dragon Ball Heroes.
- Ki Blast - The most basic form of Energy Wave.
- Energy Flash - The Saiyan Heroine's default Super Attack is an energy wave fired from her palms at point-blank range.
- Kamehameha – The signature energy wave of the Turtle School invented by Master Roshi.
- Super Kamehameha - A stronger version of the Kamehameha invented by Goku while training under Kami. One of Note's learnable Super Attacks in World Mission.
- God Kamehameha - A stronger version of the Kamehameha used by Goku in his Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue forms. One of Note's learnable Super Attacks which she can learn after reaching Bond Lvl 49 in World Mission.
- Energetic God Kamehameha LV1 - A variation of G Kamehameha Mode used by Note as her CAA Special Ability in World Mission. The LV1 version can be learned by Note after reaching Bond Lvl 50 when she achieves her God Class upgrade. This special ability is available from Round 2 (R2) onwards and unleashing God Power results in +5000 PWR & +3000 PWR LV increase.
- Energetic God Kamehameha LV2 - The LV2 version can be learned by Note after reaching Bond Lvl 54. Unleashing God Power results in +5000 PWR & +3500 PWR LV increase.
- Multiple Kamehameha – Used in the third trailer for Dragon Ball Heroes, as well as in the opening animation for Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission.
- Absolute Release Ball - A large energy sphere technique originally used by Android 21 (Human). In World Mission, it can be learned by all Hero type Avatars (including the Female Saiyan Hero) after Android 21's Camaraderie reaches Lvl 1.
- Galick Gun - A Kamehameha-like Energy Wave used by members of the House of Vegeta. One of Note's learnable Super Attacks in World Mission.
- Big Bang Attack - A powerful Energy Sphere used by Vegeta. One of Note's learnable Super Attacks in World Mission.
- Gigantic Meteor - A powerful Energy Sphere technique originally used by Broly. One of Note's learnable Super Attacks in World Mission.
- God Slicer - An Energy Blade technique originally used by Zamasu. In World Mission, it is a Super Attack that can be learned by all Hero type Avatars (including the Female Saiyan Hero) after Zamasu's Camaraderie reaches Lvl 2.
- Spirit Bomb – The Heroine can perform a Spirit Bomb in combination with Goku. In World Mission, it can be learned by all Hero Avatars regardless of type (including the Female Saiyan Hero) via a wish to Super Shenron.
- Spirit Sword - An Energy Blade technique originally used by Vegito. In World Mission, it can be learned by all Hero Avatars regardless of type (including the Female Saiyan Hero) via a wish to Super Shenron.
- Spirit Excalibur - A stronger version of Spirit Sword originally used by Super Saiyan 3 Vegito. In World Mission, it can be learned by all Hero Avatars regardless of type (including the Female Saiyan Hero) via a wish to Super Shenron.
- Power Up - The ability to concentrate a person's power.
- Dragon Dash - The ability to fly faster while producing an aura.
- Super Saiyan

Super Saiyan Note
Note also uses this form in Victory Mission during several of her battles.
Note can become a Super Saiyan, as shown in multiple different trailers for Dragon Ball Heroes for Galaxy Missions. She is playable in this form in-game.
This form is also playable in World Mission for the playable ally Note and Female Saiyan Hero Avatar if you choose that race.
- Super Saiyan 2

Super Saiyan 2 Note
In Victory Mission, Note uses the Super Saiyan 2 form alongside Forte during their battle with Nico.
Note has used Super Saiyan 2 in several trailers and in many gameplays on Youtube.
After using the Class-up, Note can become a Super Saiyan 2 in the Dragon Ball Heroes game.
In World Mission, the Female Saiyan Avatar must be in either Super Class or Ultimate Class to unlock Super Saiyan 2 by making a wish to Super Shenron after having acquired Super Saiyan via a previous wish (the transformation is retained if the player switches to a different race and switches back to using Female Saiyan Race Avatar though they must be in either Super or Ultimate Class to use it which requires the player to class up again as switching races resets there class. However, as a Playable Ally, Note acquires Super Saiyan 2 after her Bond Level reaches Lvl 27 after she has upgraded to Super Class which is unlocked beforehand at Lvl 20. She can continue to use it after upgrading to Ultimate Class at Lvl 30.
- Super Saiyan 3

Super Saiyan 3 Note
After using the Super Class-up in Victory Mission, Note uses the Super Saiyan 3 form during her battle with Nico and Naturon Shenron.
After using the Super Class-up, the Saiyan Heroine can become a Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball Heroes.
In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, Super Class-up is renamed Ultimate Class as Class-up is named Super Class-up in World Mission. Note achieves her Ultimate Class upgrade at Bond Lvl 30 though she loses access to her Super Saiyan forms after upgrading to God Class at Bond Lvl 50, while the Super Class Female Saiyan Hero acquires it via a wish to Super Shenron. She achieves Super Saiyan 3 when her Bond Level is at level 40.
- Super Saiyan God

Note, Viola, and Forte in their Super Saiyan God forms
After using the God Class-up, the Saiyan Heroine can become a Super Saiyan God in Dragon Ball Heroes and World Mission. After upgrading to God Class, Super Saiyan God becomes her default form until she upgrades to Super God Class. Like her Super Saiyan forms, her the color of her tail's fur does not change. In this form, Note gains the ability to utilize Godly Ki.
In World Mission, Note achieves her God Class upgrade at Bond Lvl 50.
- Super Saiyan Blue

Super Saiyan Blue Note
The Saiyan Heroine gained the ability to become a Super Saiyan Blue in Super Dragon Ball Heroes. The class-up required for this transformation is the Super God Class-up. Like her Super Saiyan God form, her Super Saiyan Blue form becomes her default form after upgrading to Super God Class, her tail's fur does not change, and allows her to utilize Godly Ki. Interestingly, the transformation doesn't cause her hair to spike up like her normal Super Saiyan form.
- Ultra Instinct Sign

Ultra Instinct Sign Note
In Big Bang Mission 5, Note is able to tap into Ultra Instinct due to the new Ultimate Class-up Sign. The class-up required for this transformation. Like her Super Saiyan Blue form, her Ultra Instinct Sign form becomes her default form after upgrading to Ultimate Class-up Sign.
The Saiyan Heroine can use the Ultimate Class-up Sign state in-game of Dragon Ball Heroes. This state allows the Saiyan Heroine to achieve Ultra Instinct Sign and is the only Class-up state that doesn't change her clothing.
- Ultra Instinct

Perfected Ultra Instinct Note
After using the Ultimate Class-up, Note gains the ability to use Perfected Ultra Instinct. In this form, her hair, aura, and irises turn silver.
- Super Saiyan 4

Super Saiyan 4 Note
In this form, Note's vest vanishes, and she gains yellow leggings.
- Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker

Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker Note
- Deck

The Heroine pulling out her cards in the opening of World Mission
- Hero Switch - A bracelet-shaped device created by Xeno Trunks and Leggings that allows the user to physically enter and fight in the game world of World Mission.
Video Game Appearances[]
- Dragon Ball Heroes
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X
- Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
- Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle

Note with the rest of the Dragon Ball Heroes team in promotional artwork for World Mission.
Note appears as a playable ally character in World Mission . She also appears as an enemy in Story Mode Chapter 1 in "Sub Chapter 2: Dragon Ball Heroes" where she challenges her new Dragon Ball Heroes teammate Beat (the main protagonist who's name and Avatar can be chosen by the player) to a fight so they can get to know each other better. She must be defeated in two separate battles. And In Big Bang Mission 5 she is able to team up with Xeno Pan with a special ability.
After she becomes a playable ally character, the player can select her during certain Story Mode battles where she's selectable. Like in other Dragon Ball Heroes games, she uses a Female Saiyan Hero as her Avatar. Her decks are preset meaning they cannot be changed though this allows the player to use her Avatar and the cards in her decks in Story Mode Battles. She also has her own special Side Story where only her Avatar and Deck can be used. Like with all playable Allies, increasing her Bond Level allows her to level up to acquire new moves, forms, abilities, and upgrade her Avatar's Class. It should be noted that the player can also select Female Saiyan as the race for Beat's Avatar (the Saiyan Race is separated by gender) thus Note's Avatar isn't exclusive to her.
In Dokkan Battle, she appears as a NPC in the Story Event "Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission" which partially adapts the story of World Mission.
Voice Actors[]
- Japanese - Yuki Matsuoka (松岡由貴 )
- Note is the first female Saiyan to achieve Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan 4, Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Ultra Instinct Sign, and Perfected Ultra Instinct.
- Despite this feat, Caulifla is the first female Saiyan in the canon series to achieve Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Third Grade, and Super Saiyan 2.
Deities | |
King of All | |
Dragon Gods | |
Angel | |
God of Destruction | |
Supreme Kai | Anato • Pell • Eyre • Kuru • Ogma • Fuwa • Grand Supreme Kai (Innocent Buu • Good Buu) • Old Kai (Future) • North Supreme Kai • Shin (Future • Kibito Kai) • West Supreme Kai • South Supreme Kai • Iru • Roh • Gowasu (Future) • Goku Black/Future Zamasu/Fused Zamasu • Khai • Agu • Chronoa • Aeos (Mysterious Guide) • Zen • Fen • Wairu • Ratopa • Demon Supreme Kai • Karoly Black |
Kai | |
Guardian | |
Super Saiyan God | Super Saiyan God • Goku • Vegeta (Duplicate • Super Oren) • Goku Black/Fused Zamasu (Crimson-Masked Saiyan) • Vegito • Gogeta • Broly • Xeno Trunks • Ahms • Sealas (Fused) • Captain Ginyu • Future Warrior • Basaku • Beat • Erito • Forte • Note • Viola • Shallot • Giblet |
Demon God | Chamel • Xeno Dabura • Demigra (Mirage) • Fin • Gravy • Hirudegarn (Baby) • Lucifer • Mechikabura • Putine • Salsa • Shroom • Towa • Xeno One-Star Dragon • Xeno Majin Buu • Dark Demon God Berserker • Aurora • Robelu |
Fusion Gods | Den-Goku • Old Kai (Future) • Fused Zamasu/Infinite Zamasu • Future Zamasu/Goku Black • God Fusion Goku • Gomas • Gorus • Karoly Black • Kibeerusshin • Kibicollo Kai • Kibito Kai • Vegito • Whirus |
Attendant | |
Other | Annin • Black Space Cat • Caretakers • Chocolay • Korin • Lord Piccolo • Luud • Mechikabura • Oozaru • Princess Snake |
Godly forms | Aura of a God • Demon God (Second Form • True Form • Transcended • Dark King) • Destroyer Form • Giant Form • God Bird • God Class-up (Super God Class-up • Ultimate Class-up Sign • Ultimate Class-up)) • Super Saiyan God (Dark Ki 3rd Stage • Dark Ki: Unleashed) • Saiyan beyond God • Blue (Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken • Perfected • Evolved • Barrier • Berserk • Berserk Controlled • Universe Tree Power) • Rosé (Rosé 2 • Rosé 3 • Full Power) • God Broly) • Time Power Unleashed • Ultra Instinct Sign (True • Perfected) • Ultra Ego |
Related | Angel Attendant's Staff (Inside Whis's Staff) • Angel Realm • Autonomous Ultra Instinct • Beerus' Planet • Bōjutsu • Crystal Ball • Cube • Delayed Onset Ki Disorder • Demon Gods • Divine Language • Ensenji (Yemma Tree) • Fury • Glind Tree • God-to-Blue • God Fusion • God's Crimson Radiance • GodPad • GodTube • Godly ki • Hakai (Energy of Destruction • Power of Destruction) • Kai Realm • Kaishin (Demon Realm) • Katchin (Kachi Katchin) • Life Link • Mobile Temple of Zeno (Throne) • Mortal Level • Namekian Book of Legends • Offworlder (Eternal Dragon) • Potara • Reincarnation Game • Sacred Water • Sacred World of the Kai • Super Dragon Ball • Super Saiyan God race • Tik and Takk • Time Labyrinth • Time Nest (Toki Toki City • Conton City) • Time Ring • Tournament of Destroyers • Tournament of Power • Tree of Might (Fruit of the Tree of Might) • Ultra Ego • Ultra Divine Water • Z Sword • Zeno's Button • Zeno Orb |
Time Patrol | |||||||||||||||
Leaders | ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Members |
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Squadrons | |||||||||||||||
Masters/Instructors/Partners | Android 16 • Android 17 • Android 18 • Bardock • Beerus • Bojack • Broly (DBS) • Captain Ginyu • Cell • Cooler • Dodoria • Frieza • Fu • Gogeta • Gohan (Future) • Goku • Good Buu • Gotenks • Hit • Jaco • Janemba • Jiren • Kefla • Krillin • Lord Slug • Mr. Satan • Nappa • Syn Shenron • Pan • Piccolo • Raditz • Super Buu • Tapion • Tien Shinhan • Future Trunks • Turles • Vegeta • Vegito • Videl • Whis • Yamcha • Future Zamasu (Goku Black) • Zarbon | ||||||||||||||
Allies | Android 17 (Hell Fighter • Super 17) • Android 21 (Good) • Beat's Mom • Bocacchi • Cooler Force (Meta-Cooler Corps.) • Dragon Team (Capsule Corporation • Earth's Resistance • Saiya Squad • Team Universe 7 • Z Fighters) • Frieza Force (Ginyu Force) • Galactic Patrol • Giru • Kang • Kong • Minotia • Namekians (Dende • Kami • Grand Elder Guru • Nail) • New Crane School • Saibamen • Tapion • Turtle School (New Turtle School) • Bardock • Bee • Beerus • Bubbles • Bulma (Future) • Champa • Chi-Chi • Dr. Hedo • Earth's Military (King Furry) • Farmer • Fortuneteller Baba • Gamma 1 • Gamma 2 • Gregory • Majin family • Majuub • Mr. Popo • Nallej • King Kai • Oolong • Pikkon (Future) • Pride Troopers (Dyspo • Jiren • Top) • Scratch • Vados • Whis • Xeno King Vegeta • Xiaon • Yajirobe • Yuto • Zeno (Future) • Aeos • Warriors in Black (Future Warrior in Black • Namekian in Black • Vidro) • Demigra Army (Demigra • Chamel • Robelu • Shirogame) • Putine • Salsa • Shroom | ||||||||||||||
Conflicts |
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