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"Whoever owns these clothes should have their optic sensors adjusted. They are obviously malfunctioning." |
Android 18 (人造人間18号 Jinzōningen Jū Hachi-Gō, lit. "Artificial Human No. 18"), originally named Lazuli (ラズリ Razuri)[4] when she was an ordinary human, is the older twin sister of Android 17 and Dr. Gero's eighteenth android creation, designed to serve Gero's vendetta against Goku. While her interests do not initially deviate from this expectation, her curiosity to activate Android 16, in spite of Gero's orders not to do so, leads Android 17 to take it upon himself to rebel and murder Gero. Eventually, Android 18 becomes a member of the Z Fighters, as well as the wife of Krillin and mother to their daughter Marron.
Quick Answers
What is Android 18's original human name?
Who is Android 18's twin sibling?
How does Android 18's relationship with Krillin develop?
What role does Android 18 play in Dr. Gero's vendetta against Goku?
What leads Android 18 to activate Android 16 against Dr. Gero's orders?

Android 18's platinum blonde hair in the manga
Android 18 is a fit and beautiful woman of above-average height and fair complexion. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, although its specific shade varied between light/golden[5][6][7] or platinum[5][8] that parts over her left temple, which she generally keeps tucked behind her ear. She consistently wears small gold hoop earrings on both ears. Her hair is apparently natural due to her not minding too much when Future Trunks sliced parts of it off during his fight with her (in stark contrast to her future counterpart, who in the English dub threatened him for cutting off portions of her hair and claimed it could not grow back). She has a fairly small chest in the manga, while in the anime, her chest was implied to be large enough that Master Roshi after their plane crashed took the opportunity to plant his face in her bosom and smother his face within, leading to her nearly killing him. In the Androids Saga when she is first activated by Dr. Gero, she wears a blue denim vest and skirt (with the Red Ribbon logo on the back of the vest) with dark blue tights, a brown belt, brown boots, and a black shirt that has white and black striped long sleeves. After her clothes were ruined in her battle against Vegeta, she changes to a western-style outfit consisting of a brown armor vest and skirt with dark navy leggings, a blue-green long sleeve turtleneck shirt, and brown cowboy boots. Later when the androids arrive at Goku's House and throughout the Cell Saga, she wears a black mini vest with a golden triangle pin, a white short sleeved undershirt with a pearl necklace, dark teal jeans with a golden chain, a brown belt, a pair of short black gloves with a gold bracelet on the left one, and black flats with orange socks.

Android 18, while living at Kame House with Krillin and Marron
When she is married to Krillin and living at Kame House, she wears a pale blue buttoned-up denim vest, white jeans, red hoop earrings along with a red bracelet on her left hand, and black flip-flops. Her blue eyes had a slightly darker coloration than last time. Later, at the World Martial Arts Tournament and throughout the Buu Saga, she wears a black shirt with white and black striped long sleeves, blue jeans, a brown belt, and black flats with orange socks. It is noticeable that this outfit incorporates between her first outfit in the Androids Saga and her third outfit in the Cell Saga as the shirt, belt, and color scheme is taken from her first outfit, while the jeans and flats are taken from her third outfit.
In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, her outfit in the World Tournament Saga has some minor changes. The color of her black shirt has been changed to dark indigo along with the black and white stripe sleeves being recolored to purple. Additionally, the color of her jeans has been changed to pale blue and is slightly shorter while the color of her hoop earrings has been changed from red to silver. Lastly, the color of her socks has been changed to white with the upper portion no longer being rolled up, and her black flats has been changed to dark indigo and no longer contains the tie. She also wears a pearl necklace identical to the one she wore during the Cell arcs, only it was embedded with a thunder pendant, she now possesses blue-green eyes as opposed to her original blue.
In Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, her appearance remains largely the same as Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods with the only noticeable changes being she no longer wears a pearl necklace along with the cuffs of her shirt and sleeves being colored white and now wears blue boots. Additionally, the bottom of her shirt no longer appears to be tucked in, now concealing her belt.

Akira Toriyama's current design of Android 18.
At the end of Dragon Ball Z, she cuts her hair shorter which resembles Bulma's bowl-cut hairstyle from the Majin Buu saga and wears fashionable business attire. Her outfit is a red sleeveless shirt, pale yellow business pants, the pale gold hoop earrings she had initially worn during the Androids and Cell arcs, the same gold bracelet on her left wrist which she had worn during the Cell arc, and brown flats. She also wears the pearl necklace that she previously wore during Imperfect Cell Saga and the Cell Games.
Her main look in the Peaceful World Saga was retained for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero and wears her tracksuit in the Universe Survival Saga but with minor changes being the change to above ankle length gray with pink stripes jogger pants and a new pair of black sport shoes. Her jacket is magenta, her trousers resembling a sports capri which is light grey with pink linings. She also retains her grey shoes with white soles and fuchsia pink socks.
For the Universe Survival Saga, she wears a pink tracksuit identical to Gohan's during Frieza's invasion of Earth, and grey shoes with white soles.
In Dragon Ball GT, while being the servant of Baby and later cured with the Sacred Water, she wears a red long sleeve turtleneck shirt, black pants, silver hoop earrings, pearl necklace and red flats. Her short hair had finally grown out and was styled into a short bob.
In the Super 17 Saga, she wears a purple business suit jacket with a pink short sleeved undershirt, purple business pants, gold hoop earrings, pearl necklace and red heels. She also retains her hairstyle from the end of Dragon Ball Z. While facing her twin brother for the second time, she was later seen without her business suit jacket and the pearl necklace on her neck as a black strapless bra is shown underneath her pink short sleeved shirt after she angrily rips half of her shirt while taunting her twin brother to kill her.
At the end of Dragon Ball GT, she was seen wearing her pink short sleeved shirt, reddish brown pants, and red flats.
Like her brother, Android 18 usually displays a cool and confident demeanor, especially in battle, although her sarcastic and biting humor is the most prominent trait of her personality. This is demonstrated when Goku takes notice of her assembly with the Dragon Team at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, leading to the retort "Look, he noticed. How cute." (In the Japanese version she says, "Took you a while idiot!"), as well as dryly saying "Spare me" when Krillin reveals to Goku that not only have they married, but also had a child. Shortly after this, she is asked by the World Tournament Announcer if her real name is legitimately "No. 18", to which she responds, "My father was pretty dull" (In the Japanese version, she replies that "It doesn't matter" before tossing the number at the World Tournament Announcer). Although she isn't characterized for this, 18 can be very curious if she is really interested in something, to the point of activating her comrade Android 16 and wondering what present she will give to her husband Krillin during a dispute of a wish with the others using the Dragon Balls. She often expresses herself in her cool and downplayed manner well into her marriage with Krillin, often smiling in a somewhat subdued fashion that conveys her very laid-back personality, in Super, however, she is often seen smiling. However, 18's sense of humor is not always tactful, as she jokingly expressed to Future Trunks that she wanted reimbursement for him killing her alternate universe counterpart, much to Future Trunks' displeasure. This is a rare instance where Android 18's humor was anything but tactful, as per her usual timing. This failure is likely due to Android 18 being unaware how murderous her counterpart was and how much Future Trunks had suffered because of it, as she likely would have been more sensitive had she known the full extent of the destruction and suffering caused by her and her brother's counterparts. She is also shown to be rather prideful, though not to the same extent as her brother had been during the Imperfect Cell Saga.
As an older sister and delinquent, and later as a wife and martial artist, Android 18 is shown to be outwardly commanding, insisting that she and her brother 17, and later she and Krillin, have to make strides to improve the family's financial situation, insisting Krillin to join the Tournament for the prize money, forcing Mr. Satan into a deal about giving her 20 million Zeni to the point of destroying his property and cowing him into multiplying the prize money a hundred-fold, wanting Shenron to grant her wish for a present for Krillin, and initially saying that she would only fight at the Tournament of Power if she gains a large sum of money for it although she later decides to enter because she suspects that the tournament is not really a game. In Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors, Android 18 is hinted to dislike driving solely because of Android 17's insistence on driving around aimlessly without anything better to do. However, 18 still exhibits some of her sensitivity and even protective side, even outside of her family since she showed concern for Vegeta after the latter was knocked out for Jiren during the Tournament of Power. This is in stark contrast to her alternate self from Future Trunks' timeline, where she is a murderous sociopath who cares for no one but herself and her brother though this is mainly due to the fact that Future Dr. Gero had altered Future 17 and 18 to hate humanity, which never occurred in the main timeline. 18 also possesses a vast distaste if not outright hatred of violence against children, to the point that after witnessing Lord Beerus's attacks against Gotenks she lost her temper and proceeded to assault him, despite his decisively superior power. This is likely due to her instincts as a mother and fondness for her friends' children despite being frequently annoyed by the underage Super Saiyans. Unlike her brother, she, like Goku and any other fighter, sometimes has the tendency to let her guard down during battle, allowing her opponents to take advantage, primarily because of her cool and laid-back attitude.
Like her brother, she developed hatred towards Dr. Gero for modifying them against their will, though interestingly, she still uses the name No. 18 instead of her original name Lazuli and in the dub even refers to Dr. Gero as her father, albeit sarcastically (as he was the one who gave her the name No. 18) when asked about her name during the World Tournament. It was this shared hatred and distrust of Gero that convinced 18 that Cell was only imitating 17's voice to trick her. Though she lacks her future counterpart's sociopathic and murderous personality, she does share her counterpart's love of shopping and interest in fashion, as well as taking care in maintaining her appearance and dislikes having her clothing or hair damaged in battle. In the anime, she is shown to dislike Chi-Chi's Chinese dresses while trying her clothes when the Androids come to Goku's House looking for Goku. This is in contrast with her future counterpart who had no problem with the Chinese dresses she tried on while shopping for clothes during The History of Trunks special, showing that she and her counterpart apparently have different tastes in fashion.
By the time of Dragon Ball Super, Android 18 seems to have grown kinder and more compassionate, is often seen smiling compared to Z, where she is shown always folding her arms and looking withdrawn from her allies (like Vegeta and Piccolo, with the former before being accustomed to earthly society), mostly smiling when she sees her daughter and participating in some activities with others, like in the God of Destruction Beerus Saga, she participates in the bingo tournament.
Despite her reserved and abrasive personality, she shown on several occasions that she can be proactive to develop bonds with people who may not be friendly in return, during the lunch break of the 25th World Tournament she sits next to Vegeta who is stuffing his face and does so despite the table having plenty of open seats. The unspoken bond is also heavily implied when Goku and Vegeta returns from the battla against Kid Buu as everyone at the Korin Tower has their attention focused on Goku except whom is smirking knowingly at the saiyan prince whom scowls while looking away.
When she encounters Future Trunks after so many years, she is shown to be more kind and friendly to him than the last time they met, giving him a fist bump and joking about her future self's death. In addition, she also ended up joining the Tournament of Power, not due to money, but because she suspected from both the increasing prize money, Goku and Gohan's increasingly desperate offers to have them join, and Gohan's serious disposition that the results if they lost the tournament would be very severe. However, she is cold towards her brother after reuniting with him for the tournament and tells Krillin not to force it when he tries to break the ice by initiating a friendly conversation with his brother-in-law. She also threatened to kill her brother if he mispronounced Marron's name as "Maron" a second time (however this may be due to it reminding her of Krillin's ex-girlfriend Maron, or it could have been a sanctimonious, empty threat), indicating that she and her brother have grown distant since the Imperfect Cell Saga.
Despite this, both siblings are still capable working well together as a team during the Tournament of Power and even strategize together in the heat of battle to take advantage of their infinite stamina. Android 18 also nevertheless still deeply cared for him, as she was very distraught when he seemingly killed himself to save Goku and Vegeta along with Universe 7. In Xenoverse 2, she states she has been working with Krillin on attack coordination and that it reminds her of the old days fighting alongside her brother, though notes that she and 17 would never actually try and attack deliberately together, as they simply just naturally had good timing due to being twin siblings. However, she notes that it is not the same with Krillin as she needs to focus more on Krillin and use more concentration when coordinating her attacks with his, though she doesn't mind it really.
However, she still at times retains some of her original cool and sarcastic nature, as evidenced by the Peaceful World Saga, where she offhandedly mentioned that "even the likes of Krillin" could beat Wild Tiger after seeing Pan beat him.
Relationship with Krillin[]
Android 18 and Krillin's relationship began as an unspoken attraction on Krillin's end despite their meeting as enemies in battle, as she spared his life and gave him a mocking kiss on the cheek to assert dominance over the scared little man. It is unknown if Krillin had feelings before this kiss or if he developed a crush on her from that point on. Afterward, by the time he could have shut her down with Bulma's remote-control device, Krillin's infatuation had already progressed to the point that he chose instead to smash the controller and warn her of Cell's approach despite the danger this presented to the world. Just before her absorption, 18 attacked Cell in a last ditch effort fury and denounced the latter as a monster, despite being rendered temporarily blind earlier due to Cell's use of Solar Flare. Following the battle with Cell, Krillin used the Dragon Balls to remove the bombs implanted in 18 and 17 in a selfless act he believed would allow them to live happily together. 18 gruffly corrected him on the fact that 17 is her brother, not her boyfriend, before leaving, flattered by Krillin's kindness.
Krillin's courtship of 18 beyond was not shown but it is clear, by the time Majin Buu surfaced, that 18 had consented to marry Krillin and even had a daughter with him. Despite openly requesting to improve her family's financial situation, 18 inwardly appreciates her husband and is grateful for his unconditional love.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, 2016
- ↑ Chouzenshuu 1, 2013
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super episode 75, "Goku and Krillin! Back to the Old Familiar Training Ground!"
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Q&A" section, Dragon Ball Full Color Androids Saga volume 6, 2014
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Dragon Ball chapter 160, "The Androids at Ease"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Kanzenban covers
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero; which uses manga colorations for characters
- ↑ Toriyama and Toyotarou artworks of 18 for Dragon Ball Super
Tuffles | |
Universe 7 Tuffles | |
Universe 6 Tuffles | |
Universe 2 Tuffles | |
Infected/Hybrids | Trunks • Goten • Gohan • Bulla • Pan • Vegeta (Xeno) • Earthlings (Bulma • Videl • Chi-Chi • Krillin • Android 18 • Marron • Master Roshi • Ox-King • Dr. Hedo • Oolong • Mr. Satan • Fortuneteller Baba • Launch • Farmer • Future Mai • King Furry • Yajirobe • Puar) • King Kai • Dende • Mr. Popo • Hirudegarn • Universe 6 Saiyans (Caulifla • Kale • Cabba • Caulifla's Gang • Renso • King Sadala) Jaco • Lemo • Cheelai • Unnamed Alien Boy |
Tuffle Fusions | |
Living Creations | Hatchiyack • Godgardon • Lychee's Monsters (Kinkarn • Arbee • Ponkarn • Kawazu • Jiku • Skud • Gure • Budo) • Machine Mutant (Dr. Myuu • General Rilldo • Giru • Commander Nezi • Bizu • Natt • Ribet • M-2 • Mutchy • Leon • Luud • Hell Fighter 17) • Bio-Warrior (White Bio-Man) |
Transformations | |
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Members | |||||||||||
Supporters | Bulma • Oolong • Puar • Chi-Chi • Ox-King • Launch • Turtle • World Tournament Announcer • Dr. Brief • Bikini • Scratch • Korin • Fortuneteller Baba • Kami • Mr. Popo • King Yemma • King Kai • Bubbles • Gregory • Dende • Moori • Marron • Pybara • Shin • Kibito • Kibito Kai • Mr. Satan • Videl • Bee • Old Kai • Tarble • Gure • Beerus • Whis • Tights • Jaco • Galactic King • Merus • Calamis • Irico • Esca • Monaka • Emperor Pilaf • Mai • Shu • Cabba • Gowasu • Zeno • Bulla • Giru • Valese | ||||||||||
Allies | Nam • Suno • Android 8 • Arale Norimaki • Gatchan • Senbei Norimaki • Turbo Norimaki • Bora • Upa • Grandpa Gohan • King Furry • Annin • Hero • Pansy • Kooky Cook • Melone • Grand Elder Guru • Nail • Necke • Maima • Tsumuri • Icarus • Maron • Vomi • Android 16 • Olibu • West Kai • South Kai • East Kai • Grand Kai • Pikkon • Erasa • Tapion • • Glorio • Panzy • Kadan • Neva • Majin Kuu • Hit • Reality Machine #2 • Cocoa Amaguri • Yurin • Cell Jr. • Broly • Cheelai • Lemo • Granolah • Monaito • Oatmeel • Dr. Hedo • Gamma 1 • Gamma 2 • Bardock (Xeno) • Neko Majin Z • Leena • Doma • Bon Para • Son Para • Don Para • Ledgic • Unnamed Alien Boy • Sugoro • Shusugoro • Nuova Shenron • Puck • Chronoa • Tokitoki • Jiren • Putine • Salsa • Hearts • Toki Toki City Hero • Conton City Hero • Bardock (Xeno) • Beat • Note • Froze • Kagyu • Kabra • Zen • Chamel • Nim • Fen • Wairu • Mecha Goku • Android 21 (Good) | ||||||||||
Future Counterparts |
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Fused Members |
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Leaders | ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Members |
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Squadrons | |||||||||||||||
Masters/Instructors/Partners | Android 16 • Android 17 • Android 18 • Bardock • Beerus • Bojack • Broly (DBS) • Captain Ginyu • Cell • Cooler • Dodoria • Frieza • Fu • Gogeta • Gohan (Future) • Goku • Good Buu • Gotenks • Hit • Jaco • Janemba • Jiren • Kefla • Krillin • Lord Slug • Mr. Satan • Nappa • Syn Shenron • Pan • Piccolo • Raditz • Super Buu • Tapion • Tien Shinhan • Future Trunks • Turles • Vegeta • Vegito • Videl • Whis • Yamcha • Future Zamasu (Goku Black) • Zarbon | ||||||||||||||
Allies | Android 17 (Hell Fighter • Super 17) • Android 21 (Good) • Beat's Mom • Bocacchi • Cooler Force (Meta-Cooler Corps.) • Dragon Team (Capsule Corporation • Earth's Resistance • Saiya Squad • Team Universe 7 • Z Fighters) • Frieza Force (Ginyu Force) • Galactic Patrol • Giru • Kang • Kong • Minotia • Namekians (Dende • Kami • Grand Elder Guru • Nail) • New Crane School • Saibamen • Tapion • Turtle School (New Turtle School) • Bardock • Bee • Beerus • Bubbles • Bulma (Future) • Champa • Chi-Chi • Dr. Hedo • Earth's Military (King Furry) • Farmer • Fortuneteller Baba • Gamma 1 • Gamma 2 • Gregory • Majin family • Majuub • Mr. Popo • Nallej • King Kai • Oolong • Pikkon (Future) • Pride Troopers (Dyspo • Jiren • Top) • Scratch • Vados • Whis • Xeno King Vegeta • Xiaon • Yajirobe • Yuto • Zeno (Future) • Aeos • Warriors in Black (Future Warrior in Black • Namekian in Black • Vidro) • Demigra Army (Demigra • Chamel • Robelu • Shirogame) • Putine • Salsa • Shroom | ||||||||||||||
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Galactic Patrol | ||
Leaders | ![]() | |
Members | ||
Fused Members | ||
Temporary Members | Goku • Vegeta • Piccolo • Gohan • Krillin • Android 17 • Android 18 • Master Roshi • Yamcha • Tien Shinhan • Chiaotzu | |
Squadrons | ||
Allies | Capsule Corporation (Dr. Brief) • Dragon Team (Bulma • Tights • Z Fighters • Trunks • Goten • Good Buu/Grand Supreme Kai • Mr. Satan • Dende • Mr. Popo) • East City Sea Police (Aosa • Hijiki • Hondawara • Tamagoro Katayude • Mozuku) • Esca • Kaede • Manpuku Okawari • Moori • Sachie Momochi • Saiya Squad (Great Saiyaman 1 • Great Saiyaman 2 • Great Saiyaman 3 • Great Saiyaman 12) • South Supreme Kai • Shin • Old Kai • Kibito • Time Patrol (Chronoa • Tokitoki) • Tokunoshin Omori • Yukio Kyumonji • Zarid | |
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