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Chamel (シャメル Shameru) is the Dark Demon God Hero. In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, he is an Earthling who can become the Dark Demon God Hero using the Hero Switch. In Dragon Ball Heroes, he is a playable Demon Realm Race avatar, and in the Super Dragon Ball Heroes manga, he is a genuine member of the Demon Realm Race and an ally of Demigra after the Dark Empire split.


Chamel appears somewhat similar to a young version of Demigra, having pale skin and messy red hair, though unlike Demigra, Chamel has a single large lock hanging over his forehead. He has red eyes with black pupils, large, pointed ears, and green Potara. In his regular state he wears a red overcoat with yellow accents over a bright teal shirt and a black undershirt. In addition, he wears gold armbands with dark red jewels hanging off of them, black fingerless gloves, brown pants and black shoes with upturned toes and light brown cloths covering them.

As an Earthling in World Mission, Chamel has spiky black hair and wears a black Dragon Ball Heroes team jacket with a Capsule Corporation logo on the back, which acts as the team's official uniform.


In the Heroes manga, Chamel is a genuine Demon God with a serious and tactical attitude. He sides with Demigra's breakaway faction of the Dark Empire and shows undying loyalty to him at all times. He tends to describe things in terms of "efficiency", especially when he is irritated, such as describing Xeno Pan's relentless questions as "inefficient" to their current objective of defeating Mechikabura.

In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, Chamel is shown to have a lone wolf attitude as he prefers to work alone. After learning Great Saiyaman 3 is Xeno Trunks, he is shown to respect the Hero Master even after learning his true identity and despite his preference is reassigned to work together with the rest of the team, which he begrudgingly accepts.



Known as "Redhead Chamel", he was a part of the "extinct faction" of the Demon Realm. He made an alliance with Demigra.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes[]

Dark Empire Saga[]


Chamel blocks Vegito's Spirit Sword

In the manga, after Xeno Majin Buu absorbs Demon God Xeno Dabura to become the Dark Demon God Buu, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta fuse to become Xeno Vegito and proceeds to fight Buu in a fairly evenly matched battle. Xeno Vegito fires his Spirit Sword directly at Buu but before it reaches him the attack is blocked by the sudden appearance of Chamel.

Chamel, before he could say anything, however, was suddenly attacked by Dark Demon God Buu. Taking on the attack unscathed, Chamel followed the Time Patrol to the Sacred World of the Kai and complimented the Saiyans on their usefulness before hinting that Hell is becoming agitated.

Chamel along with Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta head to Hell where they confront Towa and the Grim Reaper Shroom. Chamel tells the Saiyans to deal with Shroom as he takes on Towa who states how he has betrayed them. Shortly after he is attacked by Shroom having weakened the two Saiyans after mowing their soul.

After Towa travels to another period in time to recover the Dark Dragon Ball from Xeno Lord Slug and Xeno Majin Buu, Chamel follows her through a time portal where he sides with Xeno Gohan and Xeno Trunks, protecting them by forming a barrier when Xeno Lord Slug attacks them.

As Xeno Gohan and Xeno Trunks fuse into Xeno Gohanks, Chamel attacks Towa. Suddenly backup arrives for Towa and after Salsa destroys Xeno Lord Slug and Xeno Majin Buu and the Dark Dragon Balls come loose, Chamel attempts to grab one of the balls, but Towa is able to get a hold of them first.

Chamel returns with Chronoa, Xeno Gotenks and Xeno Gohan to Hell through a Space distortion portal to drive away Shroom and retrieve Xeno Vegeta. After Chronoa heals Xeno Vegeta's injuries, Chamel uses his magic to open up another portal which they use to travel to the Demon Realm where they meet up with Xeno Goku and plan to stop Mechikabura from using the Dark Dragon Balls to regain his youth. When Towa sends her soldiers out to confront the Time Patrol, Chamel uses his magic to send all the soldiers through one of his portals and away from the battle.

During the battle with the Demon Gods, Chamel uses his magic to encase his enemies in barriers buying Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta enough time to fuse together. After Chronoa confronts Mechikabura, Chamel is suddenly transported elsewhere. He is later shown bowing before Demigra apologising to him for not being able to successfully steal the Dark Dragon Balls for him but Demigra tells him that with Mechikabura and Chronoa now sealed away it is time for them to make their move.

Dark King Mechikabura Saga[]


Demigra, Chamel and Robelu

Demigra commends his henchmen, Chamel and Robelu, after being told that the Time Patrol have taken their bait and headed to Age 790 to sort out another timeline discrepancy. The trio then head to the same time and place and assist the Time Patrol in their battle against the Demon Gods, Fin and the mind-controlled Dragon Team.

When Dabura attacks everyone with a powerful energy blast, Chamel uses his magic to create a barrier that blocks it. Xeno Trunks asks Chamel if he is really sided with Demigra and he is told to just draw his own conclusions from observation. After Fin seemingly loses to Xeno Gogeta, Towa and Dabura attempt to retreat but Demigra and Chamel appear in order to stop them and knocks the staff from Towa's hands. Shortly after, Chronoa appears under a form of mind control and freezes all of the Time Patrol along with Chamel and Demigra. However, Chamel is still able to use his magic and therefore teleports everyone away to Demigra's lair.

Using his magic, Chamel opens up a portal showing six separate Hell Gates. He tells the Time Patrol that inside each gate there is a Demon God maintaining barriers to Mechikabura's Palace and that each one must be defeated. Chamel heads through the white gate where he confronts both Towa and Fin and is on the losing end of the battle. While trying to think up a plan he is suddenly struck aside by Dark Broly. As Dark Broly continues to rampage, Towa is forced to flee the area, giving Chamel the chance to complete his mission. He then returns to the hideout where he is subsequently frozen briefly by the mind controlled Chronoa and later struck by a mass of dark energy belonging to Mechikabura.

Sometime later after recovering, Chamel, Robelu and the Time Patrol travel through a rift to the ruined Time Nest to assist Xeno Trunks and Chronoa in the final battle against Mechikabura. After achieving victory, the Time Nest is restored. Chamel and Robelu begin to form cracks on their body and Demigra has them retreat for the time being.

Universe Creation Saga[]

New Space-Time War Saga[]

Supreme Kai of Time Saga[]

Other Dragon Ball stories[]

Ultimate Mission X[]

Chamel is an antagonist in the game and the partner of Demigra, though he disagrees with Demigra's methods, believing that a warrior should only use their own strength.

World Mission[]

Chamel appears as an Earthling SDBH player living in Hero Town and is the first SDBH player recruited by the Hero Master Great Saiyaman 3 to join him in combating "the menace". However, Chamel is a bit of a lone wolf and doesn't meet the rest of the team until after the defeat of Super Saiyan 4 Broly by Super Saiyan Beat, Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku, and Super Saiyan Xeno Vegeta.

After Sealas and Ahms (Second Form) leave with the data they collected from the Dragon Ball Heroes recent battles, Chamel in his natural Earthling form approaches Xeno Trunks and asks if he is the Hero Master, with Xeno Trunks confirming it before introducing Chamel to Beat and the rest of the team. Chamel however notes he prefers to remain a lone wolf, though Xeno Trunks pulls rank and tells Chamel he will be working together with the others from now on as the situation has changed and they could use the extra manpower.



In the Dark Demon Realm Mission manga, Chamel is shown to effortlessly block Xeno Vegito's Spirit Sword technique that was aimed at Dark Demon God Buu. He also was able to take on Xeno Majin Buu's attack unscathed and seemed confident in taking on the Demon Goddess Towa. Whilst clashing beams, base Chamel is able to match Demon God Towa's attack. Base Chamel then goes on to fight evenly with Demon God Shroom. Demon God Chamel is able to hold Mira and the Demon Gods Towa, Gravy, Putine and Salsa in imprisonment balls, however, Gravy breaks out by powering up. The stamina drained Demon God Chamel is able to match Demon God Salsa, but retreats.

Chamel is overwhelmed when faced with Dark Gogeta and is forced to retreat when Dark Broly appears.

Video Games
Strongest Chamel

Chamel after being powered up by Demigra

In Ultimate Mission X, when Demigra adds his Dark Ki and the energy from the Spacetime Door into Chamel, his power becomes comparable to Transcended Demigra. After Chamel is defeated by Xeno Goku and Beat, Goku notes that in terms of strength Chamel was the strongest of the three.

In a trailer for Heroes, Chamel is easily defeated by Demon God Xeno Dabura.

Techniques and Special Abilities[]

  • Flight - The ability to fly through the use of ki.
  • Ki Blast - The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Portal Opening - Most users create small, combat-oriented portals in order to catch their opponent off guard or evade incoming attacks.
  • Imprisonment Ball - Chamel uses a magic version of this technique to trap the Demon Gods.
  • Time Magic: Out -
  • Spirit Sword - In World Mission, it appears as a Super Attack that can be learned by all Hero Avatars via a wish to Super Shenron.
  • Soul Flame - Can be learned by all Avatars in World Mission via a wish to Super Shenron.
  • Boiling Fist - Chamel's Super Attack in Ultimate Mission X. In World Mission, it appears as a Super Attack that can be learned by all Hero Avatars via a wish to Super Shenron.
  • Demon Mirror Wall - Chamel uses his staff to deflect an opponent's attack back at them.

Forms and power ups[]


Chamel can use the Class-up state in-game of Dragon Ball Heroes. This state is comparable to the Super Saiyan 2 level of power but doesn't change his appearance.

Super Class-up

Chamel can use the Super Class-up state in-game of Dragon Ball Heroes. This state is comparable to the Super Saiyan 3 level of power but doesn't change his appearance.

God Class-up
Demon God avatar

God Class-up Dark Demon God Hero

In the manga, Chamel is able to enter Demon God mode at will, which he does so to aid the Time Patrol in their final battle with the Dark Empire, however, Demon God mode drains a lot of strength and so Chamel cannot use it for long. In this form he gains red markings near his eyes and the singular bang he had before goes up with the rest of his hair. His attire also changes, becoming a short black vest with gold accents with an attached cape, separate black sleeves, a black and red long-sleeved shirt, a white belt with a red and black loincloth, black pants, gold bands on his biceps, forearms, and legs, and red boots with an upturned toe.

Chamel can use the God Class-up state in-game of Dragon Ball Heroes. This state is comparable to the Super Saiyan God level of power.

Super God Class-up
Super Demon God Chamel

Super God Class-up Dark Demon God Hero

Chamel can use the Super God Class-up state in-game of Dragon Ball Heroes. In this state, his hair spikes straight up, his facial markings move a bit closer to his eyes, and his eyes turn blue. He wears a jacket similar to the one from his previous form, though this one is colored red. He now wears a black undershirt with a gold symbol on the chest and dark red sections on the sides. His pants become a bit more slim fitting, he no longer has his loincloth or gloves, and his boots become a bit taller. This state is comparable to the Super Saiyan Blue level of power.

Ultimate Class-up Sign
Img hero Demon

Ultra Instinct Sign Dark Demon God Hero

Chamel can use the Ultimate Class-up Sign state in-game of Dragon Ball Heroes. This state allows him to achieve Ultra Instinct Sign, with the only change to his appearance being his eyes changing to silver.

Video Game Appearances[]

SDBH World Mission Dragon Ball Heroes Team & Time Patrol VS The Menace Sealas & Ahms (Promotional Artwork Full)

Promotional Artwork of Chamel with his Dragon Ball Heroes teammates from World Mission

Chamel first appeared in Dragon Ball Heroes as an unplayable boss that could be fought in the event Challenge the Challenger from the Demon Realm! from March 23, 2017, to April 16, 2017.

In World Mission, Chamel appears as one of the main protagonist Beat's playable allies. In the game he is depicted as an Earthling SDBH player who uses the Dark Demon God Hero as his avatar. Additionally, as the game's customizable protagonist, Beat can utilize utilize the Dark Demon God Hero if he selects Dark Demon God as his Hero Avatar's race which allows him to switch between the three Dark Demon God Avatars.

Voice Actors[]

  • Japanese: Yūma Uchida


Super Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Chamel vs. Xeno Majin Buu (Dark Demon God)
  • Chamel vs. Towa (Demon Goddess)
  • Chamel vs. Shroom (Demon God)
  • Chamel (Demon God), Xeno Gotenks and Xeno Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Demon Realm Soldiers
  • Chamel (Demon God) vs. Salsa (Demon God)
  • Chamel (Demon God) vs. Shroom (Demon God)
  • Chamel (Demon God) and Robelu vs. Xeno Dabura (Demon God (second version))
  • Chamel (Demon God) vs. Towa (Demon Goddess; second version)
  • Chamel (Demon God) vs. Fin (Gogeta absorbed)
  • Chamel (Demon God), Xeno Vegito (Super Saiyan 4), Xeno Gohan (Super Saiyan 4), Xeno Goten (Super Saiyan), Xeno Pan and Robelu vs. Mechikabura (Demon God; Time Power Unleashed)
  • Chamel (Demon God) and Robelu (Demon Goddess) vs. Chronoa (Time Power Unleashed) and Aeos (Time Power Unleashed)


  • Chamel's name comes from béchamel sauce.


Site Navigation[]
