Dragon Ball Wiki
This article is about the transformation. For the ascended state, see Super Saiyan Second Grade.

"It's a secret we've known before Gohan could even form words in his mouth. Through fights with Raditz, Garlic Jr., the Ginyu Force and even Frieza, we've caught glimpses of the child's explosive power, but like an explosion, it always vanished with the moment. It couldn't be controlled...until now. At last, the beastly power has been harnessed - Gohan has awoken!"
— Concluding narration for "Cell Juniors Attack!"

Super Saiyan 2 (スーパーサイヤじんツー Sūpā Saiya-jin Tsū), initially referred to as Super Saiyan Fifth Grade (超サイヤ人第五段階 Sūpā Saiya-jin Dai-Go Dankai) at the time of its debut,[1] though referred to as "Ascended Super Saiyan" in the Funimation dub only, is the direct successor to the first Super Saiyan transformation. It is very similar to the original form in appearance and attainment; however, the power output is far greater, as speed, strength, and energy output all drastically increase.

The transformation debuts with Gohan in the manga and the anime during his showdown with Cell in the Cell Games (Cell himself achieving the form not long after). Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks soon follow his example through training (Goku in Other World and Vegeta and Future Trunks on Earth), and Caulifla debuts as the first female Super Saiyan 2 in the main series by achieving it not long after Super Saiyan.

Quick Answers

Who was the first character to achieve the Super Saiyan 2 transformation? toggle section
Gohan was the first to achieve the Super Saiyan 2 transformation, a feat he accomplished during the Cell Games. Triggered by a surge of rage as his friends were critically injured by the Cell Juniors, Gohan's transformation allowed him to overpower and ultimately defeat Cell.
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What is the difference between Super Saiyan 2 and the original Super Saiyan form? toggle section
Super Saiyan 2, succeeding the original Super Saiyan, is similar in appearance but offers a significantly higher power output. It enhances speed, strength, and energy output, with some sources stating it's twice as powerful as the Super Saiyan form. The first instance of this transformation was during the Cell Games, triggered by Gohan's rage at seeing his friends near-death.
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When does Goku first transform into Super Saiyan 2? toggle section
When Yakon is eating Goku's energy.
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How does Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 form differ from Goku's? toggle section
Gohan's Super Saiyan 2, or Gohan SS2, is distinct from Goku's due to Gohan's unique potential. This transformation, first achieved during training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, features spikier and slightly longer hair. However, Gohan struggles to consistently harness its full power, as excessive anger could lead to loss of control.
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Does Future Trunks ever achieve the Super Saiyan 2 transformation? toggle section
Future Trunks indeed achieves the Super Saiyan 2 transformation. His first use of this form is during a sparring session with Goku in Dragon Ball Super. He further uses it in training with Vegeta and in battles against Goku Black and Future Zamasu. The transformation was first attained in a battle with Future Dabura after witnessing Future Kibito's demise.
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"Gohan's power has grown far beyond mine. When we were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, I knew he had hidden strengths, but I never knew he would ascend to this level."
Goku in "Cell's Break Down"

The Super Saiyan 2 transformation can be achieved by a Saiyan through various means and differ throughout its users, though a necessary prerequisite is possessing high enough battle power, as well as possessing Super Saiyan Full Power first.[11]

Depending on the Saiyan, the form may be more difficult to achieve. It is similar in awakening to how Goku describes the first Super Saiyan transformation to Gohan - power coming in response to a need, not a desire. Desperate situations in battle appear to be the most common catalysts for this transformation, as they can typically also provide a powerful emotional upheaval that brings about rage, and with-it greater strength than even the first Super Saiyan transformation. In addition, quick and desperate actions, such as saving somebody from almost getting killed, can cause the Saiyan to instinctively and rapidly transform.[12]

Gohan's awakening was extremely emotional and any mental stability he possessed using Super Saiyan Full Power was quickly dwarfed by his remorseless Saiyan instincts, turning him from a gentle and docile individual into a cold and merciless hothead of a warrior and causing him to opt to torture Cell in his vengeance rather than kill him immediately, despite Goku's pleas for him to stop prolonging the fight. It was only until after Goku sacrificed himself in attempt to stop Cell's self-destructive gambit that Gohan became more level-headed and worked towards mastering the personality adaptations to an even higher degree. Even Caulifla, who was quick to discover Super Saiyan with simple concentration on a tingling sensation in her back with little to no emotional turmoil involved, was stressed into transforming to save Cabba and convince Kale to get ahold of herself (though Caulifla was quick to regain her own composure but could not initially use the form at will). Later appearances of Super Saiyan 2 following Gohan's awakening demanded incredibly harsh training, especially without an emotional trigger present.[13]

The power output emitted by this form is greatly increased as well, as it doubles the strength of the regular Super Saiyan transformation.[14][15]


SSJ2 Gohan closeup

Gohan as Super Saiyan 2

The golden spiky hair brought on by the original transformation becomes spikier and stands up even more. Some users like Gohan, Goku, Vegito, and Bardock have some of their bangs go up with the rest of the hair. Increased energy radiation causes the aura to take on a jagged, fierce flame-like appearance rather than smooth or flowing. Because the energy output and radiation are higher than that of a Super Saiyan, the aura pulses at a higher frequency. Muscle mass is barely increased, but energy output is multiplied by more than the regular Super Saiyan transformation; such that greater amounts of the Saiyan's increased energy reserves can be used at once for much more powerful energy attacks without the onset of exhaustion later. Even speed is increased proportionally, unlike the Super Saiyan Third Grade state which causes the muscle mass to swell to the point of impeding the user. Another notable feature of the form seen in pictures from the manga, some scenes of the anime, and almost all Dragon Ball Z video games is the electrical discharge aura; many electrical sparks (normally blue, but gold in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 and Dragon Ball Heroes) constantly surround the body, especially when charging up. However, they are not always present (especially in the anime; Gohan and Vegeta lack the trait completely in some episodes) and may sometimes even appear on a charging Super Saiyan (such as Vegito) causing some viewers to mistake the regular Super Saiyan form for a Super Saiyan 2. In Dragon Ball Super, Future Trunks' hair as Super Saiyan 2 does not change from his Super Saiyan in the anime version, a trait that was taken to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. However, in the manga version, his hair stands up and becomes spikier. Similarly, in some games (such as the Xenoverse series), Vegeta's Super Saiyan 2 hair doesn't differ from his regular Super Saiyan form. Most media portray it as being spikier and slightly longer than the latter, however. In Dragon Ball Heroes, Gogeta's Super Saiyan 2 is remarkably different from his Super Saiyan form, the hair grows spikier and slightly longer, making it very easy to tell the difference between both forms, while Vegito's Super Saiyan 2 has a similar visual look to his regular Super Saiyan form and young Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 look, but without the bang. Super Saiyan 2 of adult Gotenks is just spikier, as well as Xeno Trunks. Bardock's version of the form is the worthiest of noting, as he has the hair of a regular Super Saiyan, however, it was corrected for Xeno Bardock, having two side bangs with a middle one longer. In the manga version of Dragon Ball Super, Future Trunks' Super Saiyan 2 looks almost like his Super Saiyan form, with the exception of the two thin bangs framing his forehead, which disappear. Caulifla's Super Saiyan 2 spikes up her hair completely, making the lower part standing above her shoulders. Her bangs become separated from each other, with two on the sides and one in the middle, similar to Goku's Super Saiyan 2 form.

Usage and Power

"He did it right. He increased his strength without losing speed."
Future Trunks after seeing Gohan as a Super Saiyan 2

Future Trunks notes that this form is superior to the Third Grade in that it greatly increases strength without the loss of speed. In the anime, Zamasu states that this form increases the user's power tens of times beyond the Saiyan's base state. According to some guides, Super Saiyan 2 is twice as strong as the first Super Saiyan form,[14][15] one guide also notes that its power surpasses the likes of Super Saiyan Third Grade and Legendary Super Saiyan.[16]


Gohan's brief Super Saiyan 2 transformation in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

According to Goku, Gohan technically first transformed into this form during their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. This scene was shown in a filler flashback in the anime, and it is shown that Gohan was too exhausted to maintain the form when he first transformed.[17] This is the reason why Goku knew about this power before Gohan transformed into it during his fight with Cell, and was also the reason why Goku decided that, if anyone had a chance at defeating Cell, it was Gohan. The first time the Super Saiyan 2 form was fully achieved and maintained by Gohan occurred after he witnessed the Cell Juniors' attack on the Dragon Team and Android 16's death at the hands of Cell. Not long after, Cell also achieved the Super Saiyan 2 form, referred to as his "Super Perfect form" through Saiyan Power as a result of self-destructing.


Goku coins the form for the first time as "Super Saiyan 2"

The power of the Super Saiyan 2 form skyrockets far beyond the power of the Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Second Grade, and Super Saiyan Third Grade. Perfect Cell and Bojack, who could both easily dominate those in the Super Saiyan Second Grade forms and were stronger than Super Saiyan Full Powers even without accessing their full strength, were easily slaughtered by Gohan in his Super Saiyan 2 form. In addition, when Perfect Cell produced seven Cell Jrs., each of the Z-Fighters were unable to fight evenly with even one of them (including Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks, as Super Saiyan). However, when Gohan fought the Cell Juniors in his Super Saiyan 2 form, he killed all of them effortlessly on his own with simple, single blows while also being unaffected by their most powerful attacks. Gohan proceeded to fight and severely injure Perfect Cell with just two punches, even after the Android unleashed his full power. It was only until Cell had awakened his own Super Saiyan 2 form as "Super Perfect Cell" that he could threaten Gohan and the Dragon Team, using an effortless blast meant for Vegeta to render Gohan's left arm useless and cause his power output to take a noticeable dive. However, Gohan would eventually reveal even more of his power during the final Kamehameha struggle between the two (despite assistance from both Goku and Vegeta), taking the final edge in a battle of Super Saiyan 2s and destroying Super Perfect Cell completely.


Gohan demonstrates his Super Saiyan 2 form to Kibito

Seven years after the Cell Games, Gohan demonstrates the Super Saiyan 2 transformation to Kibito at the World Martial Arts Tournament. Gohan utilized his Super Saiyan 2 form to battle Dabura.[13] However, Vegeta mentioned that Gohan was weaker than he was during the Cell Games due to his lack of training. Following the events leading up to Majin Buu's revival, Goku and Majin Vegeta both reveal that they also attained the Super Saiyan 2 transformation and fought evenly matched using that form. The power of Majin Buu is shown to far surpass the power of the Super Saiyan 2 form; Vegeta inflicted little damage to the monster, and even after he expelled all of his energy at once in a devastating suicidal explosion, Majin Buu managed to fully regenerate after some time. Goku also momentarily demonstrated Super Saiyan 2 to Babidi and Majin Buu, buying time for Trunks by walking the evil pair through the line of Super Saiyan forms before unveiling a level even further beyond - Super Saiyan 3.

Gotenks as a Super Saiyan 2

Gotenks briefly shown as Super Saiyan 2

Gotenks has been shown as Super Saiyan 2 twice in the anime series, although both times were the ones that he was powering up to Super Saiyan 3 transformation, thus his Super Saiyan 2 was seen briefly in those occasions. It is stated in Daizenshuu 7 that Gotenks can transform into Super Saiyan 2. Due to bypassing Super Saiyan 2 when transforming from a Super Saiyan into Super Saiyan 3, his Super Saiyan 2 form is never fully revealed in the manga or the anime and remains unused. Adult Gotenks is playable as Super Saiyan 2 in Dragon Ball Heroes.


Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta

During the fight with Kid Buu on the Sacred World of the Kai, Goku uses his Super Saiyan 2 initially to fight Kid Buu in the anime and then powers up to Super Saiyan 3 (however, Goku goes straight to Super Saiyan 3 in the manga). Vegeta also battled using the Super Saiyan 2 form for a short time in order to buy time for Goku to collect energy for his Super Saiyan 3 form.

SSJ2 Mini Goku (Daima)

Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Mini)

In Dragon Ball Daima Goku uses the Super Saiyan 2 state during the climax of the battle against Tamagami Number Three. After the Tamagami unleashes more power, Goku taps into the form just prior to unleashing a Kamehameha. After the blast is diverted, Goku finishes the battle with a Super Elbow Smash that causes the Tamagami to admit defeat.[18] Later on, Vegeta uses the state himself during his fight against Tamagami Number Two and a Kraken. Vegeta initially has the upper hand until Neva draws out more of the Tamagami's power at which point Vegeta is outmatched and forced to use Super Saiyan 3.[19]


Super Saiyan 2 Goku vs. Beerus

SS2 Vegeta rushing Beerus

Enraged Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta against Beerus

In Dragon Ball Super, Goku uses the Super Saiyan 2 form against the God of Destruction Beerus but he is totally outmatched. None of his punches can hit Beerus, much to Goku's surprise. Goku is then forced to ascend to Super Saiyan 3, but he is still outclassed and defeated easily. After seeing his wife being hit by Beerus, Vegeta is pushed over the edge and his Super Saiyan 2 form becomes amplified by rage. Master Roshi speculates that the anger boost allowed Vegeta to exceed Goku's own power, and Beerus is initially caught by surprise, but quickly realizes how far Vegeta is from the Super Saiyan God he was expecting and allows Vegeta to continue attacking out of pity before effortlessly knocking him out. In the anime, he is not knocked unconscious but is still soundly defeated.

During the "Future" Trunks Saga when Goku faces off with Future Trunks, Trunks is revealed to be able to transform into a Super Saiyan 2. Goku later says Future Trunks is much stronger than he was before.


Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks impressed to see Goku as Super Saiyan 3

In the anime, it is not revealed when Future Trunks achieved this form. Future Trunks as Super Saiyan 2 was able to press Goku, much to Goku's enjoyment. Later, the Super Saiyan 2 form is used by Goku in his first fight with Goku Black. Super Saiyan 2 Goku was strong enough to deal some damage and leave Goku Black in pain. Goku returns to use this form again during his brief fight against Zamasu in Universe 10. While the battle is even for a while, Goku soon manages to overpower Zamasu. Future Trunks returns to use this form briefly during his training with Vegeta, he also transforms into Super Saiyan Third Grade from his Super Saiyan 2 form in order to trick Vegeta and hit him, but to no avail.

Future trunks super saiyan 2 manga

Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks

In the manga, Future Trunks fights an even battle with Goku, both as Super Saiyan 2. Goku notes that Future Trunks is far stronger than Gohan was previously. Future Trunks displays mastery over the form, able to power himself up so much that he matches Goku's power even as a Super Saiyan 3 without even transforming. It is revealed that Future Trunks first attained the form in a desperate battle with Future Dabura, witnessing the death of Future Kibito.

This form is used again in the Universe Survival Saga when in the manga, Goku uses this form against Top but had to power to Super Saiyan 3 due to the Zenos being unimpressed by the lack of change. In the anime, when Gohan was training with Piccolo, who proved to have grown too strong for Gohan to fight as a Super Saiyan, Gohan transformed further into Super Saiyan 2. Initially, Piccolo still proved too powerful, easily able to subdue Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. Midway through the match, Piccolo's words resonated with Gohan, allowing the latter once again fully ascend into his Ultimate state, allowing Gohan to overpower his mentor without Super Saiyan 2.

During Gohan and Goku's sparring session. As Gohan ascends into his ultimate state, Goku uses Super Saiyan 2 to battle Gohan. In the anime, after learning how to transform into Super Saiyan from Cabba, Caulifla also manages to transform into Super Saiyan 2 while saving Cabba from being hit by Kale.

SS2 HD 3

Caulifla moments after transforming into Super Saiyan 2 for the first time

During the Tournament of Power, both Goku and Caulifla use Super Saiyan 2 in their battle. It is shown that the Legendary Super Saiyan form is much more powerful than Super Saiyan 2, as Kale managed to overpower Super Saiyan 2 Goku in the tournament. Goku later uses the Super Saiyan 2 form again against Jiren to no avail. In the anime, during his battle with Monna, Cabba also attains Super Saiyan 2, with this transformation, Cabba is able to defeat Monna. He also uses this form again during his fight with Frieza, however, even with the Super Saiyan 2 form, Cabba is no match for Golden Frieza, resulting in him being knocked out of the arena. Against Goku, Kale turns her Super Saiyan 2 state into a "true legendary Super Saiyan". Kefla reveals her Super Saiyan 2 form during her battle against Ultra Instinct Sign Goku; however, the form did little to help, as Goku dodged most of her attacks until Kefla was knocked by a Kamehameha.

In the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, when his Super Saiyan form proves not enough, Vegeta briefly takes this form to rush Moro, however he is knocked down by the wizard's telekinesis.

In Dragon Ball GT, Vegeta and Gohan both appear to briefly use the Super Saiyan 2 form during the Super 17 Saga. Gohan seems to use it during the battle with Super 17, as his hairstyle changes to match that of a Super Saiyan 2. Vegeta also seems to briefly power up into a Super Saiyan 2 just before the end of his fight with Super 17, though he never gets a chance to fight in the form, the reason for this is that when Vegeta is a Super Saiyan and gets back up after being knocked down by Super 17, the transformation sound effect is heard, indicating that he had once again transformed into Super Saiyan 2. Vegeta also appears to transform into a Super Saiyan 2 in his final attempt to defeat Omega Shenron.

SS2 Gohan DBH

Gohan transforms to Super Saiyan 2

In the manga version of Dragon Ball Heroes' Universe Creation Saga, Xeno Vegeta uses this form against Dr. W after he fails to land a hit as an ordinary Super Saiyan.

In the New Space-Time War Saga, Gohan takes this form in a rage against Bojack after being led to believe that the space pirate killed Pan, and defeats his full power with a single blow. During the Demon Invader Saga, Gohan uses Super Saiyan 2 to attack Majin Ozotto in the manga, but is quickly absorbed.


"I see.... Who knew that kind of transformation existed… But… It's not like I was completely satisfied with this form either…"
Future Trunks to Goku before powering up in "Hope!! Once Again"

ESS2 Trunks color

Future Trunks' powers up his Super Saiyan 2 form to Super Saiyan 3 level power

In the Dragon Ball Super manga it is revealed that just like how the original Super Saiyan form could be upgraded through training to gain power enhancements or become mastered, the Super Saiyan 2 form can be improved as well. If the user of Super Saiyan 2 submits themselves to intense training, they obtain the ability to power up their Super Saiyan 2 state to possess raw power equal to a Super Saiyan 3. However, it is no match for a Super Saiyan God, as shown when Goku defeats Future Trunks in a single blow with that form.[20] Eventually, after training with Vegeta, Future Trunks became stronger in this state, able to hold his own against Goku Black as a Super Saiyan Rosé for a brief time, buying just enough time for Goku and Vegeta to return to the future timeline - though at that point Black has Future Trunks at his mercy. In the DLC for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot covering the Peaceful World Saga, Vegeta is revealed to have trained himself to reach such an insane level of power that his Super Saiyan 2 form can stand up to Goku's Super Saiyan 3 form. When Vegeta uses this level of power, a secondary blue aura and sparkles surrounding him along with the regular golden aura and bio-electricity of Super Saiyan 2.

There are also several powered-up variations to Super Saiyan 2:

  • Ultimate - In the Supplemental Daizenshuu, the Potential Unleashed state achieved by Gohan via Old Kai's Unlock Ability is noted to be a super transformation different from Super Saiyan, describing it as a branch-off of Super Saiyan 2 and referring to it as "Gohan-type Super Saiyan 2".[21]
  • Super Saiyan 2 (Enraged) - As displayed by Vegeta the Super Saiyan 2 form can be substantially amplified in power through rage, this ability is called the Quake of Fury. Vegeta attained this power-up in anger of Bulma being slapped by Beerus.

Super Saiyan Rage

  • Super Saiyan Rage - Through a massive amount of rage, a user of the Super Saiyan 2 state can power it up into Super Saiyan Rage. Super Saiyan Rage's aura is similar to that of the Super Saiyan Blue form.
  • Super Saiyan (Berserk) - This state is attained when a user of Super Saiyan 2 is corrupted by Cumber, losing control of their actions in the process. Unlike the normal Super Saiyan 2 form, this state possesses a black electricity in its aura and lacks pupils.

Variations and hybrid forms

Legendary Kale 2

Super Saiyan 2 Kale

  • Super Saiyan C-type - According to Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, the Super Saiyan C-type form is a Super Saiyan 2 form.
  • Legendary Super Saiyan - Supplementary material for the anime, as well as video games, refer to Kale's berserk and controlled Legendary Super Saiyan forms as being her Super Saiyan 2 form.[22][23][24]
  • Legendary Super Saiyan 2 - Broly utilizes a Super Saiyan 2 form in Dragon Ball Kai: Miracle Battle Card.
  • Super Saiyan Rosé 2 - The direct successor of the original Super Saiyan Rosé state. This form is the result of a divine Saiyan beyond God transforming into the Super Saiyan 2 form.
  • Super Perfect Cell - Cell's Super Perfect form is the Bio-Android in the Super Saiyan 2 form, which Cell acquired through Saiyan Power after self-destruction and regaining his perfect form which was further enhanced to Super Perfect form which has the aura and bioelectricity of a Super Saiyan 2. Additionally, some games depict the form as giving glowing sheen to his carapace.
Game variations
  • Super Vegeta 2 - An alternative variant of the Super Saiyan 2 form usable by Vegeta and the two Future Warriors in the Xenoverse series, it has greater ki manipulation than a normal Super Saiyan 2 and a different transformation scene. After the 1.09.00 Update in Xenoverse 2, it can be unlocked for Vegeta's custom skillset after purchasing it in Partner Customization which allows Vegeta to transform into up to Super Vegeta 2 as his default Awoken Skill in that Skillset only allows him to access Super Vegeta (Vegeta's version of the standard Super Saiyan form).
  • Villainous Mode (Super Saiyan 2) - A Villainous Mode enhanced Super Saiyan 2 form used by Vegeta and Gohan, it has the appearance of Potential Unleashed when used by Gohan.

Film Appearances

"Believe in yourself son. Unleash your true power, it's the only way."
— Goku, urging Gohan to transform into a Super Saiyan 2 in Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound

The Super Saiyan 2 form makes its first movie appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound, where the Z Fighters struggle to combat Bojack and his henchmen. After being saved from Bojack by Goku (who used Instant Transmission to teleport from the Other World to Earth) and hearing his father's words of encouragement, Gohan taps into his Super Saiyan 2 powers and defeats Bojack and his henchmen in a matter of minutes.

Gohan also uses this form to battle Broly when the latter reappears in Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming. Despite putting up a far better fight than he did previously thanks to keep training,[25] Gohan is still outstripped by the Legendary Super Saiyan's massive power. Though, to Gohan's credit, one of his strikes was powerful enough to catch Broly off-guard (whereas nobody in Broly's first appearance could damage him in the least), as Broly is knocked back when kneed in the face by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. Gohan also briefly transforms into the form when unleashing alongside Goten and what is presumed to be Goku's spirit one final Kamehameha to break through Broly's weakened Omega Blaster.


Super Saiyan 2 Goku in Wrath of the Dragon

The Super Saiyan 2 form is also used by Goku and Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn and Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon, against Janemba and Hirudegarn respectively. However, in both of the movies, either the Fusion Dance or the Super Saiyan 3 form is used to kill the main enemy.


Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta in Battle of Gods

The form appears again and briefly in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, with Goku showing it to the God of Destruction Beerus on King Kai's Planet and Gohan when he killed Cell in a flashback shown in the extended version of the movie. Vegeta also uses form against Beerus after the latter hits Bulma.

Video Game Appearances

The form is playable for Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta in several Dragon Ball Z video games.

In Final Bout, Vegeta is playable as a Super Saiyan 2.

In The Legacy of Goku II, this form is named Super Saiyan Rage. This was changed in Buu's Fury, in which Gohan states it to be a form "far beyond that of Super Saiyan" and Goku labels it "what you could call a Super Saiyan 2". It is however not playable in a different fashion like in the previous game, whereas Super Saiyan 3 is.

In Budokai 2, Budokai 3, Infinite World, and Budokai HD Collection, Future Trunks is given the Super Saiyan 2 form. The form is virtually no different to his previous form in the game in terms of looks and techniques. This might be a mistake made by the game developer, originally has his Super Saiyan Third Grade form instead of Super Saiyan 2 in Budokai. However, in Dragon Ball Heroes and Dokkan Battle, he attains the form, and his hair straightens up and becomes spikier compared to his regular Super Saiyan form.

Snap000 (2)-0

Super Saiyan 2 Future Gohan in Shin Budokai - Another Road

In Shin Budokai - Another Road, Future Gohan also achieves Super Saiyan 2 during the events of the game which is a what-if scenario about Majin Buu being released in Future Trunks' timeline.

In Dragon Ball Heroes, some other characters can reach and are playable as the Super Saiyan 2 form. Beginning in January 2014 with Bardock was added. In March 2014, adult Gotenks was presented. In May 2014, Vegito appeared followed by Gogeta in July 2014. While not confirmed if Vegeta used this form during the Dragon Ball GT series, he attains it in since September 2012. In September 2015, Xeno Trunks debuted.

In the Xenoverse series, the form can also be used by the Saiyan Future Warriors. The form drains energy noticeably faster than the Super Saiyan form and slightly raises attack power more than Super Saiyan in the first game. In both games, Vegeta appears with his Super Saiyan 2 under the name Super Vegeta 2, which focuses on raising the power of ki blasts. In both games, only the Future Warriors' hair color changes when using the Super Saiyan 2 transformation and the only difference visually between it and the Super Saiyan form it its lightning aura. Super Saiyan 2 is the highest form of Super Saiyan that the Future Warrior can obtain in Xenoverse as they are unable to unlock the Super Saiyan 3 Ultimate Skill (which is exclusive to Goku and Gotenks).

XV2 - SSJ2 Bardock

Super Saiyan 2 Bardock in Xenoverse 2

In Xenoverse 2, the Dragon Ball Super incarnation of Future Trunks and Teen Gohan are unique in that their Super Saiyan 2 Awoken Skill acts as a stand-alone transformation and is not stacked with their Super Saiyan forms (as Teen Gohan is already in his Super Saiyan Full Power state while Future Trunks only uses his Super Saiyan 2 form). It should also be noted that the Super Saiyan Awoken Skill used by GT Goku and Gotenks omits the Super Saiyan 2 form, thus it only allows them to access their Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 3 forms. It should also be noted that in Xenoverse 2 Prince of Destruction Vegeta automatically appears as a Super Saiyan 2 as his Prince of Destruction Vegeta form acts as a separate character like Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan 4 forms. Bardock also attains his Super Saiyan 2 transformation in Xenoverse 2 while fighting Mira.

In FighterZ, if Teen Gohan and Cell are leading when fighting on Cell Games Arena stage, then a recreation of Gohan's transformation during the Cell Games will occur with 16 saying his final words before Cell crushes his head, triggering Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 transformation. Teen Gohan is also playable in his Super Saiyan 2 form.

SSJ2 Shallot

Super Saiyan 2 Shallot in Dragon Ball Legends

In Dragon Ball Legends, during the Tournament of Time, Shallot seeks to learn Super Saiyan 2 upon learning of the form. After New Cell informs the tournament participants of the Super Cell Games, Shallot upon learning Teen Gohan (post-Cell Games) had achieved the form, he seeks to train under him to learn how to achieve it. Gohan explains that in order to achieve it, a Saiyan must master the base Super Saiyan form indicating that achieving Super Saiyan Full Power is a requirement to achieve Super Saiyan 2. Shallot trains to get rid of what he calls "that itchy feeling". During the Super Cell Games, while fighting New Cell's clone, Shallot and his student Cabba (pre-Tournament of Destroyers) manager to achieve their Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan forms respectively. Like Shallot's other Super Saiyan forms, the player can select Super Saiyan 2 via the Customize Screen that allows the player to edit Shallot (DBL00-01) transformations, Special Move Arts, and Outfits. During the confrontation with New Cell as part of Super Cell Games it is revealed that New Cell held the games in order to achieve his equivalent of Super Saiyan 2, Super Perfect Cell. However, this spurs Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and Super Saiyan 2 Shallot to defeat and kill him. Additionally, the Caulifla participating in the Tournament of Time comes from the period after she achieved Super Saiyan 2 but before the Tournament of Power. Also, Shallot's student Cabba after having achieved Super Saiyan Full Power during his travels with Zahha as a member of Future Mai's Resistance faction, is able to achieve his Super Saiyan 2 form after witnessing Bojack's callous disregard for his subordinates Zangya and several Dark Ki empowered Combatants and being reminded of Android 16's noble sacrifice during the Super Cell Games. Later when he meets Caulifla after Shallot gathers five righteous Saiyans to perform the Super Saiyan God ritual, both Cabba and Caulifla congratulate each other on achieving Super Saiyan 2, though Caulifla finds it odd as the Cabba of her era had already seen it, to Cabba's confusion causing Caulifla to realize he is from a different period in time.




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