What are your guys favorite characters in terms of appearance alone? interested to know
Mine personally are super + kid buu and all of the cells (even 2nd form) as well as janemba and 5th form cooler
What's on your mind?
16 Votes in Poll
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What are your guys favorite characters in terms of appearance alone? interested to know
Mine personally are super + kid buu and all of the cells (even 2nd form) as well as janemba and 5th form cooler
Goku’s sacrifice against Cell
Vegeta’s sacrifice for his family and friends
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Ok, there’s the thing I want to make clear.
I’m gonna start from scratch and ask basic poll questions that should be easy to know. When I do polls of whoever Vs whoever, I want y’all to actually think before y’all vote. I don’t want any character glazing of any kind (No goku glazing if I do anything based on him), no because you think they are the better character, no. Who wins in an actual real fight. If you need to research and look it up, go ahead and look it up and think carefully.
I would also do some hypothetical non cannon what if poll fights for fun but it’s the same rule for that. Think though out, how would the fight go. Like actually be smart guys. Seriously.
How would y’all change Tien’s involvement in the series after the Cell Saga in retrospect? Obviously none of us can beat Toriyama’s writing but that doesn’t mean Tien doesn’t have wasted potential or that he can’t have more scenes. I’m not sure how I would do it but I’m sure someone has a good idea. Maybe you’d make him more relevant in the cell saga. Or you’d leave him as he is in Z but only change his involvement in Super. If you have any ideas. Feel free to share them. My idea was to only change his involvement in the tournament of power by making him not a joke. I wouldn’t give that episode to Roshi. It would let Tien shine and Tien would get to be cool in the tournament.
Dragon Ball: Next Gen is sequel of Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT Son Pan become protagonist after Goku leaved with Shen-Long,after 8 years in Omega shenron's battle,teen Pan continues fights for protects world
What think if this series will be smiliar of Boruto??
Normal Abilities:
Akumo is a Saiyan who possesses the highest level of intellect and is a genius who uses tactics and strategies against his enemies and is also combat genius. He has Knowledge about universes,fights,political,emotions, a power and scientic. He calmly awaits the most powerful enemy who hides his power and he knew that he boasts so much that he distrusts the enemy's false power. He is also a dark manipulator who manipulates his children and his pawns to fulfill his secret plan and make the galaxies be consumed by him. Although conquering Universe 7 is false goal, his real intentions are to annihilate everything in the universes.
Base Form
In his original form, he has fighting skills and ki powers that can attack enemies with ki, however when he doesn't move, he punches brutally with a punch that would give him a more striking ability and also has powers like-gods who create life Manipulation creating saiyans with his ki and blood.
Akumo and Halos shared a very close bond, seeing each other as two sides of a scale that balanced the karmic nature of the world. Whenever Akumo fell asleep Halos would replace him as ruler of his domain. As such, Halos gained control of The Ultra-Almighty, while Akumo gained Ultra Omega, But he never used this ability on account of him being inactive during its activation.
Legendary Super Saiyan Form
When Akumo becomes a legendary Super Saiyan, he increased his power to attack his opponents and uses his ki to create large meteors (like Spirit Bomb) that can destroy any life, planets and galaxies,he uses teleport in his fights,he also uses powers to grant or absorb powers from Saiyans and any creature with his ki,He uses huge ki to absorb powers and souls from others to himself (like summoning ki powers to big ki)
and also controls the blood of Saiyans in his veins, like his creator, Akumo controls the mind of any Saiyan (like Kale and Broly) awhond also Oozarus cannot contain him and brainwashed them and are forced to serve him and extreme loyalty to him and give orders to the controlled Saiyans.
When he activated his original ultra instinct, ultra-almighty, Akumo can dodge all blows and techniques, and he can also dodge and defend any type of attack, not with his arms, his mind defends him, he can also predict the past, present and future,like warp reality via a combination of clairvoyance and time travel, when he looks to the future he expects what his enemy will do, he repeats the same phrase as his opponent, provokes him and comes up with the plan to counterattack him without mercy, but when Akumo intends to kill him, he marks his target to kill with a look.
Omni-king form (half)
With powers of Zeno, Akumo has the ability to strip away the status and might of gods if he so wished and can give said status and power to other individuals, has displayed the ability to mimic the moves of a fighter just by watching them,however after his absorbed Zeno,He uses every almighty power that can build everything that is called a kingdom or huge arena.
He also has the power of absolute regeneration with his immortality it is impossible to kill him with Spirit bomb or any immense attack and also dismakes fusion.
Omni-king form (true)
Akumo's body is made cosmically and universally connected with the universes and kis, and has immense power to control the universes and galaxies (until same makes universes being break for caused cosmic apocalypse) ; when his opponents (along side godsL) attack him, akumo uses teleportation with speed and brutally attacks them without touching or punching them, as if they had been attacked by nothing, another ability of his is brute and rapid speed, it is similar to frieza's speed attack, but it is strong, very fast and brute and without punch him,with this he become arrogant and sadistic seeing gods almost loses or die,but he continues being serious for his ultimate goal, his other ability is the same; prediction of the future, he predicted the future that will happen in front of his opponent (until same to gods), he did the same as the first attack,He is also capable of reading minds and the history of living beings and predicting everything that happened in the past, present and future, and also capable steal powers of saiyans,incluing their transformations, the last ability is to control realities and found all the universes into one and end up exploding everything he sees, taken to nothingness and everything dies, this is a very powerful way of zeno's powers
What think this ABILITIES?
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