Dragon Ball Super - Manga
Is the Manga on hiatus again after dropping the recent chapter - yesterday I went to viz.com to see if there was a date for the next chapter and there wasn't so is it on hiatus again? How do you I stay up to date with Manga news?
The Franchises inspired by Dragon Ball
- DC Comics
- Godzilla
- Transformers
- Mega Man
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sailor Moon
- Saint Seiya
- Naruto
- One Piece
- Street Fighter
- Ultraman
- One-Punch Man
- Kamen Rider
- Super Mario Bros. Z
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
- My Little Pony
- Garfield
- Mario
- Marvel
- Kirby
- Power Rangers
- Invincible
- My Hero Academia
Dragon Ball Similarities (Multiverse)
- 1 Zamasu:
- 2 Goku Black:
- 3 Ribrianne:
- 4 Kakunsa:
- 5 Roasie:
- 6 Botamo:
- 7 Hit:
- 8 Caulifla:
- 9 Kale:
- 10 Jiren:
- 11 Top:
- 12 Dyspo:
- 13 Zeno:
- 14 Baby Vegito Black:
- 15 Chronoa:
- 16 Zalama:
- Goetia (Fate)
- Sinestro (DC Comics)
- Onslaught (Marvel)
- Infinity Ultron (Marvel)
- Gorr the God Butcher (Marvel)
- Hades (Saint Seiya)
- Ultraman (DC Comics)
- Reverse Flash (DC Comics)
- Ultron (Marvel)
- Black Lady (Sailor Moon)
- Kurumi Tokisaki (Date A Live)
- Mazinger Zero (Mazinger Z)
- Star Sapphire (DC Comics)
- Adagio Dazzle (My Little Pony)
- Aria Blaze (My Little Pony)
- Sonata Dusk (My Little Pony)
- Winnie the Pooh
- Diavolo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- Geras (Mortal Kombat)
- Agent 47 (Hitman)
- Cygnus Hyoga (Saint Seiya)
- Sakuya Izayoi (Touhou)
- Esdeath (Akame ga Kill)
- Power Girl (DC Comics)
- Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Rindō Kobayashi (F…
The Mods I want for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- A challenge from Champa! This time a baseball game!: videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/a-challenge-from-champa-this-time-a-baseball-game/
- Android 18 [Remake] With all her Alternative Clothes: videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/android-18-remake-with-all-her-alternative-clothes/
- Baby Buu Dragon Ball Online: videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/baby-buu-dragon-ball-online/
- Bardock - Foxy Grandpa (Father's Day Special): videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/bardock-foxy-grandpa-fathers-day-special/
- BLACK GOHAN – WHAT IF SPARKING 0: videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/black-gohan-what-if-sparking-0-1084256/
- Broly - Krusty Krew Uniform: videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/broly-krusty-krew-uniform/
- Cell (Balin’): videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/cell-balin/
- Cellin: vid…
Dragon Ball Similarities (Transformations & Fusions)
- 1 Kid Goku:
- 2 Great Ape:
- 3 Gogeta:
- 4 Gotenks:
- 5 Vegito:
- Young Link (The Legend of Zelda)
- Infernape (Pokémon)
- King Kong
- Omnimon (Digimon)
- Shadic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Odin (God of War)
- Dr. Fate (DC Comics)
Dragon Ball Similarities (DBH)
- 1 Beat:
- 2 Clone Goku:
- 3 Android 21:
- 4 Xeno Goku:
- 5 Xeno Vegeta:
- 6 Xeno Gohan:
- 7 Xeno Trunks:
- 8 Xeno Bardock:
- 9 Xeno Cell:
- 10 Crimson-Masked Saiyan:
- 11 Time Breaker Bardock:
- Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
- Archie Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Bizarro (DC Comics)
- Jack-O Valentine (Guilty Gear)
- Infinite (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Galacta (Marvel)
- Archie Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- X (Mega Man)
- Paper Mario (Mario)
- Archie Shadow (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Wally West (DC Comics)
- Archie Silver (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- ViA (Mega Man)
- Ultraman Hikari (Ultraman)
- Cyborg Superman (DC Comics)
- Heaven Ascension DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- Parallax Hal Jordon (DC Comics)
Dragon Ball Similarities (GT)
- The Redeemer (Spawn)
- Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
- Nazo (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Dragon Ball Similarities (Filler Movies)
- 1 Dr. Wheelo:
- 2 Cooler:
- 3 Meta-Cooler:
- 4 Turles:
- 5 Broly (DBZ):
- 6 Janemba:
- Iron Man (Marvel)
- Blackfire (DC Comics)
- Metallix (Super Mario Bros. Z)
- Vrak (Power Rangers)
- Shredder (TMNT)
- Galvatron (Transformers)
- Hyperion (Marvel)
- Ridley (Metroid)
- Vile (Mega Man)
- Scourge the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Lancelot (Fate)
- Juggernaut (Marvel)
- Galacta Knight (Kirby)
- Apocalypse (Marvel)
- Seethe the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Akuma (Street Fighter)
- Doomsday (DC Comics)
- Marx (Kirby)
- Infinite (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Dragon Ball Similarities (Main Universe)
- 1 Son Goku:
- 2 Vegeta:
- 3 Piccolo:
- 4 Krillin:
- 5 Yamcha:
- 6 Gohan:
- 7 Future Trunks:
- 8 Tien:
- 9 Chi-Chi:
- 10 Bulma:
- 11 Master Roshi:
- 12 Hercule Satan:
- 13 Videl:
- 14 Oolong:
- 15 Puar:
- 16 Goten:
- 17 Trunks:
- 18 Pan:
- 19 Bulla:
- 20 Marron:
- 21 Beerus:
- 22 Whis:
- 23 Demon King Piccolo:
- 24 Mercenary Tao:
- 25 Raditz:
- 26 Nappa:
- 27 Saibamen:
- 28 Captain Ginyu:
- 29 Frieza:
- 30 Dr. Gero:
- 31 Android 16:
- 32 Android 17:
- 33 Android 18:
- 34 Cell:
- 35 Majin Buu:
- 36 Broly (DBS):
- 37 Moro:
- 38 Bardock:
- 39 King Vegeta:
- 40 Cell Max:
- Superman (DC Comics)
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Godzilla
- Sailor Moon
- Pegasus Seiya (Saint Seiya)
- Mario
- Saitama (One-Punch Man)
- Optimus Prime (Transformers)
- Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
- Ruby Rose (RWBY)
- Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
- All Might (My Hero Academia)
- Medaka Kurokami (Medaka Box)
- Jin Mori (The God of High School)
- Ben 10
- Toriko
- Ryu (Street Fighter)
- Leonard…
Dragon Ball Sites
- en.dragon-ball-official.com
- gamebanana.com
- videogamemods.com
- devil-artemis-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Original_characters
- teamfourstar.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Original_Characters
- joke-battles.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Dragon_Ball
- legends.dbz.space
- dragonball-multiverse.com
- dragonballfanon.fandom.com
- dbaf.fandom.com
- dbp.fandom.com
- kanzenshuu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=35112
- dragonballrebirth.fandom.com
- dragonplanet.fandom.com
- dragonballupdates.fandom.com
- infinity-dragon-ball.fandom.com
- dragonballworld.fandom.com
- dbzcouples.fandom.com
- teambt4.wixsite.com
- bootleggames.fandom.com
- dragonballuniverse.fandom.com
- universal-dragon-ball.fandom.com
- ultradragonball.fandom.com
- dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com
- shop.masakox.com
- japeal.com/DBFG/
- twitter.com/2424kh397
- twitter.com/V…
NonUseable's Canonized version of Bojack, Fusion Reborn, and the Other-world Tournament arc
Alright so it goes like this, the Cell Saga has concluded. King Kai's planet is destroyed however something has coming off of it during Cell's resurgences as it is now causing a havoc in Hell.
King Kai realizes who it is, explains to Goku who Bojack is. I would keep it similar to the Movie original's dialogue except a change being that how Bojack got stuck in his planet is that he and him ultimately making a bet through rock, paper, scissors. Due to the constant attacks Bojack would do against the entirety of the Afterlife, King Kai decided to offer a bet that if he wins against him in this game, he could own the entirety of hell but if he wins, he would send his pirate crew to hell & lock Bojack up in his planet however King Kai was full o…
Some cool scaling stuffs
Gogeta SSJ4 GT in SDBH, and GT Gogeta being the strongest in all dimensions: https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000236543
DBZ: "Alternate Showdown" (C.2)
(It opens to the remaining Z-Fighters on the lookout tower busy beginning thinking about what to do with Gohan sitting on the edge).
Krillin: So what should we do?
Tien: Trunks & Vegeta are gonna join Goku’s fight against Cell but I am doubtful if all of us including Gohan can fight against Cell.
Yamacha: Did we even try that idea?
Piccolo: (ponders) Goku did see something in Gohan… maybe he can beat Cell, the risks of Earth getting destroyed will be higher if Goku or Vegeta & Trunks cannot win against him. (glances at Gohan) I hope he is right about Gohan…
(It cuts back to Cell vs Goku as we see Goku sweat madly as Cell tanks Goku’s attacks, Cell yawns as Goku stops and stands away from him as he goes to base).
Goku: (pants) Super Kaioken isn’t…
DBZ: "Alternate Showdown" (C.1)
(It opens with Android 16 speech, we have the Cell Jrs casually fighting the Z fighters as Gohan listens to 16's wisdom).
Android 16: Gohan…. Listen to me. There are some foes who cannot be reasoned with. You are allowed to fight on the side of justice. Seize upon your anger. Wield it like a weapon. I understand your reluctance but holding it in is pointless. I love the animals, the planets and everything about nature. Protect them. For me
(Cell yawns as he approaches 16's head, resting his foot down on his head and crushes it like a watermelon, Gohan sharply gasps as Cell wipes off 16's fluid on the ground that got under his foot).
Cell: That could've been another warrior you can save if you did lashed out against me, come on, just get angry…
vegeta has LRITRALY SURVIVED ALMOST EVERY THING he has survived the freizas attack multiple times
- Vegeta is unintentionally revived when the Dragon Balls are used to revive all of Frieza's victims.
- Sent to Earth Vegeta is sent to Earth with another wish to survive the explosion of Namek.
- Survives the destruction of his planet Vegeta and his aide, Nappa, survive when their planet is destroyed by a meteor while they are on assignment.
- Gives up on immortality After being resurrected, Vegeta gives up on immortality, even though he has access to the Dragon Balls and Bulma's Dragon Radar.
However, Vegeta does sacrifice himself in an attempt to defeat Majin Buu. Vegeta uses the Final Explosion to obliterate Buu, but Buu's regeneration allows him t…
Why Fusion Reborn (And possibly ALL movies) are in the same universe, and are connected to GT.
Original Post: https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000233992
GOGETA VS. CABBA ISN'T EVEN CLOSE: https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000234016
New thing
heres an activity.
basically all you have to do is fuse two dragon ball characters together and choose whatever form you like, then post a picture on this page.
heres mine:
to make this i fused chilled and piccolo, and did not transform, instead used their base form.
have fun!
also to make this interesting you can fuse two of the same character together.
also you dont have to show power levels like the last one, but if you want to then i cant stop you.
DragonBall jump
A fun vertical distance jump game based on the popular anime. Collect Dragon Balls and reach the heavens in Dragon Ball Z: Goku Jump
Help Goku as he jumps on top of the dragon balls and collects as many of them as he can in this wonderful retro-style game. Dragon Ball Z: Goku Jump is based on the popular anime Dragon Ball Z (DBZ). Featuring the main character Goku, your task is to collect as many Dragon Balls as you can as you jump higher and higher into the sky. Every time you collect a Dragon Ball, you will ascend higher, so be sure to keep collecting those magical balls.
play now
Tenku: https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000231041
JoJo Tenku: https://jojo.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000124776
Kaiteki Peacemaker: https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000230520
Kuon Chaosbringer (Eternity): https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000230524
Dragon Ball Ultra Warriors: The Complete Story
Dragon Ball Ultra Warriors is a series I started back in June of 2021. The protagonist, Nopal, is a Saiyan above all others. He is different from everyone else, his power not being of their world. He is my self insert, giving him the power to do whatever he wants, the power of the writer. However, it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It isn't all easy. See more by going through the story in its entirety, here for you to witness! All parts are in order.
Sno Arc
Just backed up from creating a controversial topic
I created a topic for dragon ball being racist,felt like it was too old to bring in attention. So removed it 😄
Never take me seriously,I am just a online entity who is here for fun.
Current Situation
I am in Dubai, UAE. And somehow I am so unlucky that it rained so much here, unfortunately my plans are all ruined. So guess I might have extend my holidays.. Idk why everything bad happens to me 🤷♂️
I apologize
I apologized about the recent post I made, it wasn't suppose to attacked anyone and I am in the fault here about it.
Plus I was in a bad mood from another wiki
Vegeta--Future God of Destruction
Maybe this has been confirmed somewhere else, but I am guessing--based on the reading of the latest DB Super Vol. 20--that eventually it's logical Vegeta takes over for Beerus as a future God of Destruction. Who knows?
This is How Goku will be on Lord Beerus's level: A theory
- 1 Prelude:
- 2 The Theory
- 3 Here's why: Whis identified Goku's potential
- 4 Conclusion
Goku needs to be on Lord Beerus' level, but he is yet to despite finding a gateway in Super Saiyan God, and then with Autonomous Ultra Instinct in the Tournament of Power's Universe Survival arc when he battled Jiren from Universe 11. Now, though, we might see that Goku is a liitle closer to this goal thanks to the Granolah saga.
In the beginning of the Granolah saga, Goku is advised by Whis to stop copying his teacher and find his own style if he wants to get stronger. Whis tells Goku that he needs to see Ultra Instinct not as a transformation but as a technique.
Goku uses Whis' advice as he faces off against Granolah who has become the strongest in the universe, us…
Spirit-magic is real
Hey there, I used to watch DBZ a lot years ago, I may be around here now and then sometime... But in the meantime, I just want to let you all know that Spirit-magic, and things like levitation, are completely real. Well, as real as an individual accepts them to be, at least. You can change the laws of physics to some degree around you, things can change weight or fly across the room without much kinetic energy. It just takes some getting used to, faith that it's real, time to learn and how it works... Don't stop believing! Meditation techniques are important too! You gotta keep your mind&body spiritually in tune to be mechanically in tune, and keep everything in harmony.
I'll let you all here know first if I ever manage to create a kamehameha. Lol …
Dragon Ball Identicals
Part 0 - Identicals: 0
Part 1 - World's Beyond!
Part 1.5 (Information) - The Swift Savages of the South, the Birri!
Part 2 - Lines on One's Forehead!
Part 3 - The Man With the Ocarina!
Part 3.5 (Information) - DB Identicals: Majin-demon possession!
Part 4 - Feeding the Beast!
Part 5 - Like Father, Like Son
Part 6 - Demon vs. Demon!
Part 7 - Galactic Patrol Prisoner?!
Part 8 - A Warrior's Workout!
Part 9 - Lockdown!
Page Splitting Project
- Goku
- Vegeta
- Gohan
- Frieza
- Piccolo
- Future Trunks
- Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2)
- Bulma
- Beerus
- Krillin
- Trunks
- Cell
- Yamcha
- Broly
- Android 18
- Android 17
- Mr. Satan
- Jiren
- Master Roshi
- Tien Shinhan
- Future Warrior
- Template:Goku
- Template:Vegeta
- Template:Gohan
- Template:Frieza
- Template:Piccolo
- Template:Future Trunks
- Template:Future Warrior (Xenoverse 2)
- Template:Bulma
- Template:Beerus
- Template:Krillin
- Template:Trunks
- Template:Cell
- Template:Yamcha
- Template:Broly
- Template:Android 18
- Template:Android 17
- Template:Mr. Satan
- Template:Jiren
- Template:Master Roshi
- Template:Tien Shinhan
- Template:Future Warrior
There are actually 2 Vegeta's: Anime vs Manga
It might surprise some fans, but the concept of there being two canonical representations of Vegeta is actually correct. In Toriyama's Dragon Ball realm, there exist two distinct Vegetas!
I argue that the Vegeta beloved by fans in the Dragon Ball Super anime is actually different from the Vegeta depicted in the Dragon Ball Super manga. These differences are primarily observable in terms of personality, yet they are sufficient to support the existence of these two Vegetas.
The divergence between the manga and the anime is evident in some of the more developed characters in the Dragon Ball Super story, with one of the most profound differences being found in Vegeta's personality.
The DBS manga is directly written by Akira Toriyama, while the DB…
Super Saiyan Blue Evolution: That's not Vegeta's Limit Break
Vegeta's limit break in the Tournament of Power has not been named officially by Toriyama, the main creator of the Dragon Ball series. But, fans have accepted "Super Saiyan Blue Evolution", but I think it's not a legitimate name for the Prince's new power level. Of course, names are simply names, but as an avid Vegeta fan, I really can't let this slide.
Vegeta's limit break should be aptly named "Super Vegeta Blue", because the power level alters his physique to almost his bulked form of Super Saiyan when he first fought semi-perfect Cell.
See, in Vegeta's so-called 'Super Saiyan Blue evolution' form, he's got more muscle, more power, and more speed. This is just like when he'd fought Cell: his strength was greater, and he had increased spee…
Broly's Connections to Angels
Yo, Imagine if Broly was the child of an Angel and a Saiyan Paragus but his Angel mother passed away due to a terminal illness that limited her lifespans to two weeks and taught him everything the Angels knew before she died and encouraged him to be a true hero for their entire universe? That would have became an intriguing backstory for his character especially when Broly was the Chronology of Dragon Ball as he was a main protagonist of a prequel Novel called TOBV. (Tale of Broly and Vegeta)
It would be the best plot twist if Broly was the real saviour of Dragon Ball's Universe and Anime Multiverse, That would completely make and expose Goku as the true and main villain of the Series revealing that Akira Toriyama intentionally made him tur…
Nothing special, I just keep the polls I make here. You can vote on them if you want.
Drippiest Android? (Non-Canon Editon!)-https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000219862
Most Banger Song?-https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000219863
Least Favorite Tag Unit Animation?-https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000220150
Dragon Ball Super Power Levels
- 1 Kid Buu's demise (May 9th, Age 774)
- 2 Battle of Gods (August 18th, Age 778)
- 3 Resurrection 'F' (June to October of Age 779)
- 4 Champa's Tournament (February, Age 780)
- 5 Potafeau Mini-Arc
- 6 9 Weeks of Peace Mini-Arc
Kid Buu: 30,000,000,000
- Kid Buu's maximum: 60,000,000,000
Goku: 67,000,000
- Super Saiyan: 3,210,000,000
- Super Saiyan 2: 6,700,000,000
- Super Saiyan 3: 26,800,000,000
- Spirit Bomb (tired): 45,000,000,000
- Spirit Bomb (energy restored): 100,000,000,000
Vegeta: 63,000,000
- Super Saiyan: 3,150,000,000
- Super Saiyan 2: 6,300,000,000
Mr. Satan: 8
Majin Buu (good): 6,000,000,000
Mystic/Ultimate Gohan: 24,000,000,000
Piccolo (without weighted clothes): 3,000,000,000
Trunks: 580,000
Goten: 550,000
Gotenks: 50,000,000
- Super Saiyan: 2,500,000,000
- Super Saiyan 3: 10,000,000,0…
The Problem With Gohan
This is me ranting about how Gohan's character arc is stuck in limbo; how it's just been rehashed multiple times.
- Part 1- Buu Saga: https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000219651
- Part 2- Super: https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000219756
Understanding Jiren.
This here is pretty much my summary of Jiren's character. I feel like people don't understand what his character means to Goku's journey in Super and think he is just some big, strong guy made to push Goku to his limits. Click on these links if you want read more:
https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000218827-Comparing Goku & Jiren
https://dragonball.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000218891-Goku vs. Jiren
Hypothetical Multipliers
- 1 To be honest I don’t believe that multipliers should matter (they really don’t) but this is just so people can have an idea of how powerful forms can be and how strong they can make the users of them.
- 2 According to my research:
- 3 About Super Saiyan 4:
- 4 The New Primal Forms:
- 5 Super Saiyan Rose 3 Full Power:
- 6 FYI:
As research shows, SSG may be a x20,000 multiplier alone minimum (Note: The SSG power that Goku used against Beerus in their fight in the Battle of Gods Movie was also infused with the power of the saiyans turned super that were used in the ritual including Videl/Pan, so that would be 50 x 5 equaling 250 on top of the normal SSG power which has been hinted to be over a Super Vegito level which is x20,000 making it a overall x5,000,000 mu…
What if Tyber was Canon?
It's been some time since my last big story, so I'm making another one - with the following been a gathering of links to each page of this new "What-If?" I've done.
In this case, the story is taking the character of Tyber - a Saiyan character from the game Dragon Ball Fusions who is also a Galactic Patrolman - and treating him as a canon character. In the game, he is described as having eyes and words that sound scary, but he does have a strong sense of justice and a desire to vanquish evil.
As such, I'll be giving him his own backstory; showing his birth during the Saiyan-Tuffle War before leading to him eventually leaving Planet Vegeta and how he joined the Galactic Patrol. This will be followed by showing how his presence alters the story…
Here is a challenge for dragon ball fusion generator.
link: https://japeal.com/dbfg/
1.fuse 2 characters
2.transform into ultra instinct mastered
3.activate scouter
4.take screenshot of fusion and power level and post in talk
How To Win: whoever has the highest power level wins!
heres my guy:
his power level is 7,560,000,007,938,000,000.
try to beat him.
Fan-Made Dragonball Power Level list (low-balled)
This power level list is now used to estimate the lower ends of the powerlevels of DBZ while still considering most story elements to be true (some can only be applied partialy like Goku struggling as a a SSJ God against base Kefla altough Caulifla and Kale are weaker than Goku in base and super saiyan god is stated to be above fusion entirely, same with Base Gogeta against Broly. These bases should all be significantly weaker than God because of Gokus statement in the B.o.G. Arc).
Same Scaling Powerlevels from Frieza Saga:
Goku: 3,000,000
Goku SSJ: 150,000,000
Frieza (100%): 120.000,000
Now for the multipliers:
Kaioken: xn
SSJ: x50
SSJ 2nd Grade: x60 (stronger than SSJ but weaker than SSJ2)
SSJ 3rd Grade: x66 (stronger than SSJ but weaker than SSJ…
Fan-Made Dragonball Power Level list
This Power Level list is not meant to be taken 100% seriously because I will be highballing some characters or multipliers. This list will also only pick up any powerlevels after the Goku vs Frieza encounter on Namek because all of the important Powerlevels are known up until that point.
I will use the Daizenshuu 7, the Super Exciting Guide and El Manga legendario as a guide at some points creating this list.
(for scaling i will be stating the last known Power levels here)
Goku (vs Frieza):3,000,000
Goku SSJ: 150,000,000
Frieza 100%: 120,000,000
At first I want to establish some multipliers for the transformations i will be using later:
Kaioken x n = n* base Power
Super Saiyan = 50x base (Daizenshuu 7 and Super Exctiting Guide)
Super Saiyan Grade 2…
The Branded Champion: The Shadow Of A Legend
Don't Fix Pan: Let Pan Be Pan
Been having thoughts on the subject of Pan for some time and even now, I haven’t really organized it all that well. Chances are this’ll be all over the place and go on tangents, but now’s about as good a time to let it all out, unorganized as it may be.
It’s crazy to think this character has existed since May of 1995, making her 27. Some of us Dragon Ball fans are only slightly older and others a decade or so younger. And what’s perhaps most interesting about Pan is that her, for lack of a better term, fate has been split in two:
The first being the anime-only continuation after Z, GT, where Pan, I would argue, was not just a tag-along, but a protagonist. While the initial trio of Goku, Trunks, and Pan did not last long after they returned t…
My Gamertags
My Xbox Gamer tag is EnherjarEve, And my PlayStation Gamer tag is Evera_Von_stoy
But i mostly play on my xbox
I play Cod cold war, Borderlands,jump force online
What If…
Zamasu/Goku Black created Kid Buu for the sole purpose of causing destruction and killing mortals?