"The Sleepover" is the first segment of the second episode of Vampirina. It premiered on October 1, 2017 alongside "Portrait of a Vampire".
Vee invites her new human friends over for a sleepover.
Vampirina and Poppy are drawing things in the ground. Vampirina tells her about having a great art teacher back in Romania. She stops Poppy from saying that she was a vampire. While Bridget and Edgar are also drawing things, Poppy tells Vampirina that Bridget will be okay with her being a vampire. However, Bridget is scared about the spider she drew. She wonders what the creepy statues hanging off the roof are. Vampirina says that they are gargoyles. However, Bridget says that they are scary. She says that she likes staying up late. Poppy and Bridget decide to have a girls-only sleepover with Vampirina.
In the Scare B&B, Boris doesn't get the sleeping at night thing. Vampirina was wondering if he could put Penelope the plant away, which he does. Demi appears and tells Vampirina if they are having a sleepover. Vampirina tells him that he will stay hidden. Gregoria says that he will be hidden away like an embarrassing grape juice stain on the living room couch. After being told by Vampirina, Gregoria decides to hang out in the closet, which is where Penelope the plant is hidden. Vampirina says that she doesn't want to scare her friends, so he tells Demi to act normal. She then sings a song about tidying up the house and making it perfect for the party.
Just then, Bridget and Poppy arrive. They are scared about a shadow, but Vampirina says that it is just Wolfie. Edgar, disguised as a girl named Agnes, arrives, and is surprised by the knight's sword. Poppy tells Edgar that this is an all-girls sleepover. Edgar decides to look for werewolves for his web show, since today is a full moon. Vampirina tells Bridget and Poppy stay in a room and not move at all while she helps Oxana and Boris with the kitchen. She says that there is nothing funny about Wolfie during a full moon, as he becomes a werewolf. Oxana tells Vampirina to keep her friends in her room all night. Boris places Wolfie in a cage just as the sun begins to set, and she then becomes a werewolf.
Vampirina then meets up with Bridget and Poppy, and offers them a game of Go Barracuda. Poppy offers a game of hide and seek, and Bridget accepts, although they don't know how to play. Vampirina says that that is not a good idea. She tells Oxana about Bridget and Poppy playing hide and seek, which is fine as long as Wolfie is locked in his crate. Just then, Demi and Gregoria tell Vampirina that Wolfie chewed through his crate and is unable to be found. Vampirina feels like hide and seek is about to turn into "hide and shriek".
Meanwhile, Edgar is recording another webisode of Weekly Weirdness. He is searching for a werewolf when Ms. Cuddlecakes passes by. He then sees footprints caused by Wolfie. Bridget is scared about the plant and Boris' bats as eye covers. Vampirina tells Boris what happened, and she has an idea. Meanwhile, Edgar is still searching for the werewolf when drool from Wolfie falls on him, scaring him into his house. Vampirina then turns Wolfie back to normal with the sun lamp. She tells Boris about how she turned Wolfie back to normal. While Oxana and Boris go with Edgar to find his phone, Vampirina tells Poppy and Bridget that she is a vampire. She then turns into a bat, but she and Poppy say that it is just her, and they're Poppy and Bridget's friends. They will get used to it. Vampirina says that she is proud of who she is, and she loves her family and all of her friends. She then introduces Bridget and Poppy to Demi and Gregoria, and Bridget and Poppy say that they are cute. They decide to sleep over. Eventually, after having fun, they go to bed. Poppy tells Vampirina that her sleepover was a success. Vampirina assumes that she didn't need to be so worried about Bridget accepting her for who she is. Poppy tells her that everyone is different in some way. Vampirina and Poppy then go to sleep, with Wolfie using a sun lamp to help Vampirina fall asleep.
- Isabella Crovetti as Vampirina Hauntley
- ViviAnn Yee as Bridget
- Jordan Alexa Davis as Poppy Peepleson
- Benji Risley as Edgar Peepleson
- James Van Der Beek as Boris Hauntley
- Lauren Graham as Oxana Hauntley
- Mitchell Whitfield as Demi
- Wanda Sykes as Gregoria
- Dee Bradley Baker as Wolfie
- Bridget learns Vee's secret in this episode.
- This is one of the rare moments where Poppy and Bridget use Vampirina's full first name instead of her nickname, Vee. However, they did refer to her as Vee a few times.
- When Edgar pretends to be a girl named Agnes, Poppy asks him if she recognizes him from ballet class. The mention of ballet class foreshadows the events of the episode, "Vampirina Ballerina".
- Even though this episode marks the first time Vampirina's family went to sleep at night, it's unknown if they did the same thing in the previous episodes.
- In the Read-Along Storybook version of this episode, there's a moment where Boris helps Edgar make a video about the existence of alien spaceships. That part of the story wasn't in the actual episode.
- When Oxana watches TV, Drago the Dancer makes a cameo appearance. His name isn't mentioned, but it would later be revealed in the episode, "Vee Goes Viral".
- When Vampirina finds out that Wolfie got out of his crate, she says that Hide & Seek is about to turn into Hide & Shriek. This foreshadows the events of the episode of the same name.